Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 (88 page)

Read Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 Online

Authors: Michelle Mankin

Tags: #The Brutal Strength Shakespeare Inspired Series

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MARCUS KISSED HER until she was completely breathless. Then he began to undress her with trembling eager hands. At the same time, she started with his, desperate to touch his body again, to remove all the barriers between them.

“Wait.” Her fingers paused on the middle button of his shirt.

“What is it?” he asked the blaze of passion barely banked in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“Before we do this, I need you to know something. I
slept with Bryan. I just led you to believe that. I’m sorry.”

“Thank God,” he said in a soft voice. “I have to admit just the thought of you with him made me nearly insane.” He brushed her hair aside, rubbed his roughened chin on the soft sensitive skin between her neck and shoulder and gave it a restrained nip.

Breath choppy, she took a small step back and resumed removing his clothes with renewed haste. “Marcus,” she whispered in a long sigh as he pulled their bodies together and her fevered skin came into contact with his. She’d missed him, missed this so much, each touch feeling like a caress to her soul.

“Don’t Ace.” His hands tightened on her shoulder blades, his face drawn with need. “You know what that does to me.”

She did and she wanted him that way.

Quick and hard and now.

Her breasts pressed against his chest, tightening to sensitized points, every part of her primed and ready. “Marcus, please,” she begged.

“Warned you,” he said in a low voice, turning her around. “Lean over.”

She rested her hands on the piano, feeling his wet tongue and warm lips trailing a path up the center of her spine. Her mouth dropped open, air seeming suddenly in short supply. She turned her head and his hot mouth captured hers at the same time that he grabbed her by the hips and pulled her back flush with him. It was too much, a sensory overload: his tongue in her mouth, his fingers digging into her hips, and the hard length of him pressing urgently against her.

She moaned.

“You’re mine,” he whispered breath warm in her ear.

She shivered.

“Bedroom’s too far.” He turned her around. “I want to look into your eyes.” Hands on her bottom, he lifted her. She twined her arms around his neck, and folded her legs around his waist. In a couple of strides, tangled together, he lowered her to the sofa. “You feel so good,” he groaned above her.

Every part of her body thrummed, the tension building higher and higher as they began moving together.

“Not gonna last long,” he gasped.

“Marcus.” This time her voice broke on his name.

Feeling his gaze hot and fiercely possessive on her, she unraveled, totally and completely his.



THE AFTERSHOCKS MADE him pulse and quiver, and it was several moments before he was even able to speak. “I love you,” he told her, breath ragged, eyes searching hers for visual confirmation that she had no regrets.

“I love you, too,” she whispered. Her eyes glittering with tender emotion gave him what he sought.

He feathered light kisses of adoration across her forehead, her cheeks, and her chin. Making a pleased humming sound, she closed her eyes, and he dropped kisses on her eyelids, too. “Taking you to the shower,” he murmured, lifting her in his arms. He frowned, realizing how much lighter she was than she had been.

In the black and white marble bathroom, he set her down, twisting to the side to get the water started. Turning back to her, he bent to kiss her again, taking her full lower lip between his teeth before soothing it with his tongue.

She moaned, eyelids fluttering closed, long auburn lashes lying against the pale purplish skin under her eyes.

He spent several blissful moments tracing her mouth with the tip of his tongue before he was able to make himself stop. Feeling the water again, finding it warm, he told her to get in.

Her eyes heavy lidded, she asked, “Aren’t you coming in with me?”


“Why not?” Her lower lip jutted out.

“Ace, if I go in there with you, I’m gonna take you again, and you need rest. You look really tired. You’ve got circles under your eyes and I don’t think you’ve been eating right. Your ribs are sticking out.”

Her gaze fell to the floor.

. He knew immediately that she’d taken his comments the wrong way. He tilted up her chin. “You are so damn desirable to me.” He ran the back of his hand down her soft cheek and then tapped the tip of her nose. He raised a brow. “Remember, even when I thought you were a guy, I was drawn to you. I’m a sure thing every time.” He slapped her lightly on the ass. “Get in the shower. Then you’re sleeping beside me.”

Soon he brought a robe and they switched places. When he finished showering and walked into the bedroom, she was already asleep, curled on her side, hand resting underneath her chin. He climbed in behind her, propped up on an elbow, and stared down at her, his heart expanding in his chest. He loved her so much and wanted so badly to put his ring back on her finger. It could wait, though. She was here with him, back where she belonged. That was what mattered most.

He lay back down beside her, cradling her body with his.

She sighed, and he wrapping his hand around hers, tucking it into the center of her chest. She unconsciously scooted back enticingly against him and murmured his name in her sleep.

He moaned, silently cursing his good intentions.




SITTING UP, HER back resting against the headboard, Avery stroked a hand through his thick hair. Mesmerized, she drank in the sight of his hard masculine frame spread out across the white hotel sheets. The early morning sun filtered in through a crack in the heavy curtains and fell like an arrow across his broad muscular shoulders.

“Mmm,” he mumbled, turning over, lips curving up in that dangerously sexy way of his. “How long have you been up?”

“A while.” She returned his lazy smile, eyes twinkling. “Totally lickable.”

“I knew you
remembered.” He laughed, sitting up and pulling her into his side.

“Um, yeah.” She lowered her head and ran her tongue lightly across the tight tan coin of his nipple.

“I was a little afraid you might not be here when I woke up.”

“This is not a onetime deal for me.” Her expression serious, she tilted her head back and looked into his eyes. “You ever try to shut me out again or look at another woman, even for pretend, and I’ll kick you in the shin.”

He winced.

“And then I’ll sic Ray on you.” She traced her fingers over his tattoo. “I know we still have issues to work out, but I also know that we can’t work through them if we’re not together.”

“I’m never letting you go again,” he promised, stretched out his free arm, and reached for something on the nightstand. His expression intense, he turned back to her, his arm tightening around her shoulder. “Words aren’t a strong point for me, but I’ll tell you again and again, every single day and never ever get tired of saying it. I love you. I want you in my life. I want to see you smiling at me every morning, calling me out on my BS every day, and I want you tucked into my arms every night.”

He took in a deep breath and opened his hand.

When she saw what he held her eyes misted. The square cut diamond and white gold ring looked so small and delicate in the palm of his masculine hand.

“I wanted to give this back to you last night.” He seemed nervous as he plowed ahead. “I know you’re probably worried I’ll screw up again. With good reason. You don’t need me half as much as I need you, but I was hoping…”

you.” She put a finger over his lips. “What I said before, well, it wasn’t true. And for the record I’ve done my fair share of messing up on this tour.”

“Yeah.” He moved aside her bangs, touching a finger gently to the healing wound on her forehead. “But your screw-ups didn’t end up with someone getting almost killed.” He shifted, his hands moving to frame her face, his eyes searching hers. “Ace, I believe in you and me for the long haul, and whether we take the easy or the hard way, the short road or the long, together like this is the way we belong. Who I am with you is who I always want to be. And however messy life gets, whatever crap gets blown our way, I know we can handle it if we have each other. You are the words, Avery Jones, to the music in me.”

“Not good with words, huh?” She beamed a radiant smile. “I’ll wear your ring.” She held out her hand and he slid it on her finger, and then he kissed her, a long, possessive celebratory kiss during which he managed to shift her so she was on top of him.

And then there was no talking anymore for a long, long time.



MURMURING VOICES FROM the other room woke him up for the second time that morning. He scooped his watch off the nightstand and checked the time.
They were supposed to be at the airport in forty-five minutes and it could easily take at least twice that long to get there.

He got out of bed, pulling on the terry cloth robe Avery must have laid there. He walked down the short hall and smiled recognizing the voices before he saw them. Arms folded, he leaned back against the wall and watched.

In her usual jeans and t-shirt combo, Avery had a piece of toast between her lips, and was dragging a suitcase to the door where Ray was waiting.

“You need to go ahead and wake him up.”

“No, Ray.” She straightened, her hands going to her hips. “Not yet. I want to give him a few more minutes. We were up late and…” She trailed off, spinning around as they became aware of his presence.

“She’s a bossy thing, isn’t she?” Marcus grinned, crossing over and pulling Avery into him.

“Not as bad as some,” Ray quipped, bending over to grab the handles of both bags. “You two better hurry. Everyone else already left. There’s a winter storm headed for New York City and the pilot is saying we have a very narrow window to get in.”

Avery turned in Marcus’ arms. “I’ve got something I want to show you first.” She took his hand and led him to the piano. Her journal was lying open on the bench. She picked it up, sat down and gestured for him to sit beside her. “Could you play ‘Shelter’?”

“Ace, I need to get dressed.” He glanced at his watch. “I have a digital copy of the song. You can listen to on my laptop.”

“Please.” She batted her lashes at him. “It’s still my birthday.”

“I realize that, you minx. You’re planning to play that card for all it’s worth today, aren’t you?” He took a seat, flexed his fingers, and began to play.

She shifted in beside him and sang.


We set sail with so much promise

Seeking treasures on some shore

But soon the whirlwind was upon us

I couldn’t reach you anymore.


Drowning in a sea of silence

Lost in the depths of my despair

Way past time I paid my penance

Harder still cause you’re not there.


Let your arms be my safe harbor

In them I’ll be free from harm

And my kiss will be your shelter

When life is cold to keep you warm.


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