Read Love Tap Online

Authors: M.N. Forgy

Tags: #Romance

Love Tap (19 page)

BOOK: Love Tap
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Wow, this is embarrassing.

“I should go,” I mutter.

This time instead of taking the window, I head for the door not needing anymore wardrobe malfunctions. Striding out of his room, the hallway and living room are littered with unpacked boxes.

Stepping over them, I all but race out of his house.

What just happened was so intense and hot, but I can’t help but feel like an idiot. I just dry humped Camden fucking Steel.

He has tons of women at his side, experienced women, and I just humped his goddamn leg like a rabbit.

Kill me now.

Chapter Fourteen


18 years old



Pulling Tate close, I breathe her in. She leaves tomorrow and it’s literally ripping me apart. I want to kill her father for making her do this. He’s sending her off to college. He is making her believe it’s what her mother wanted, but I know it’s because she looks just like her mom.

Tate won’t let me come with her either. I caught the interest of a coach at my last match, and if I can deliver in the next fight he has set up, it could mean big things for me. Because of this, Tate is refusing I follow her to LA.

She says it would be good for us, to develop individually, to find ourselves without depending on the other. But how can I do anything without her? We’ve been inseparable since we were kids. I won’t be able to do anything without seeing her face, hearing her laugh, or smelling her sweet perfume.

I’d throw away my future to be with her, because none of it matters without her.

She stirs in her sleep, and my hands tighten on her naked breast, pulling her closer. They fit my hands so well. I’ll never love anyone other than her.

Our parents say we don’t know what love is, but I call bullshit. When all you do is think of the other person when they’re away, and think of how you could possibly be closer to them when they’re with you. What is that?

Rolling over, I glance at the clock. 5:14am. Gently I pull my arm out from under her and climb off the bed. Heading over to my dresser I open it, finding the little blue box. I flip the lid, the moon hitting the white gold necklace of two boxing gloves perfectly and reflecting off the ceiling. I’m giving it to her tomorrow when she leaves.

Thumbing the necklace, I close the lid and put it back in the drawer.

“Camden?” she croaks half asleep.

“I’m here.” Climbing back on the bed I pull her into me, and close my eyes.

“I love you, Tatum Davis.”

“I love you, Camden Steel.”




Waking up, I roll over and grab for Tate. Needing to feel her, wanting to program having her in bed next to me to memory. My hand slides over an empty spot. Panic strikes my chest and I sit up straight.


The window is open, the curtain blowing with the wind. I throw the blanket off and nearly trip climbing out of the bed. Quickly I dart out of the room finding my dad at the breakfast table looking at me with distaste.

“What the hell is your problem?” he growls. I ignore the red lipstick staining his collar from clothes he wore yesterday. It’s nothing new sadly, I’ve called him out on it many times. Soon enough Mom will have had enough and leave his ass.

“Is Tate in here?”

He shakes his head, his fingers rubbing his temples, indicating he’s had another night of binge drinking. I scoff at how pathetic he’s become and throw my hand at him dismissively. My feet stomp on the hardwood floor as I run out the front door, finding Tate’s car gone.
Sprinting across the lawn, the wet grass sticking to my feet, I jump onto her stoop and open the front door without knocking. Her dad is reading the paper in his chair, his eyes looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Tate, where is she?”

Lowering his paper, he shakes his head.

“She’s left. Let her be Camden, this is best for the both of you.”

Turning, I stumble outside, walking back to my room in a trance.

She left, without saying goodbye. Why?

Sitting on my bed I slide my phone off the dresser and call her.

No answer. So I text her.

Standing I pace, trying to calm myself, trying to find a pillar of hope and my phone alerts me of a text.

Do what you’re meant to do Camden. I can’t be the one to hold you back. I will always love you. –T

Using my finger I wipe at the single tear trying to fall, and try to text back, but it fails. She’s disconnected her phone. Like that, she’s gone.

Grabbing the blue box from my dresser, I throw it across the room. A roar ripping up my throat so angry I taste blood.

Fuck love. Fuck Tate.

Chapter Fifteen




Walking into the gym, I find Camden sitting on the edge of the ring taping his hands in white tape. Butterflies swarm in my stomach as I try to sneak to the locker room without being seen. I’m still embarrassed about what went down between us last time we saw each other.

Not being able to help myself, I risk a glance, and he looks up at the same time. Doing a double take, his eyes set on mine. My heart flutters, and I swallow hard. A flashback of last night flashes in my mind and my panties dampen from my sudden arousal. Quickly I avert my gaze and rush inside the locker room.

I slam the door shut and press my back up against it. My head leaning back, I close my eyes. I shouldn’t have come in today. I should have waited a few days, or months. I bang my head against the door. This. Is. So. Embarrassing.

The door is shoved open, and I move. Nervous Debs or someone is trying to come in and I’ve blocked it.

It’s Camden.

His blond hair falls around his face, and he’s not wearing a shirt again. His toned chest screaming for me to rake my nails down it.

He turns, shutting the door behind him. I swallow as he just shut us both in. Alone.
“What are you doing in here?” I mutter. He looks over his shoulder, hooded eyes making me hold my breath. He struts toward me, the smell of him filling the locker room. He doesn’t answer me as he corners me. Placing his hand on the wall behind me his face inches from mine he smirks.

“Why are you hiding in here?” his voice echoes through the room.

“I was just—” he lowers his head and my train of thought is gone.

“Is it because you came on my leg?” he whispers in my ear, and my whole body blushes in embarrassment.

My chest rises and falls quickly as my body whips up into a sexual storm willing this man to just plow me against a locker and hate fuck me already.

“If I remember right, you came on me too,” I say softly.

His smirks. “Who says I came? That was all you.” His lips form into a smirk as he searches my eyes for a reaction. My face pales, and my mouth parts in disbelief. That couldn’t have all been me. Could it?

I want this wall to suck me in and eat me whole. Right now.

He chuckles. “Don’t worry, I don’t blame you for being so wet.” He leans down, his teeth nipping my bottom lip. The sting of his sharp teeth penetrating right to my core.

“Now get back out there and fight like shit. Like you normally do.” He winks and walks out. Raising my fingers I caress my bottom lip where his teeth nipped me. The skin tingles, warming in want for more.

These games, I can’t make out if he’s mad at me or wants me.

This cat and mouse game is fucking stupid…. Because I’m clearly the mouse, the one he has by the tail and is toying with.

Taping my hands up I head into the gym, finding Debs standing in the ring chewing gum loudly. Her eyes find mine, she waves me on.

Climbing into the ring, I look around curious what drill we are running today.

“Today I want you to spar with Chase.”

My eyes widen. “Chase?” My eyes sweep around the gym. I haven’t seen him since the night at the bar. “Is he even here?”

“Yeah, just saw him head into the locker room. He’ll be thrilled getting into the ring.” She waggles her brows, but I’m hardly excited. There is something about Chase that hits me wrong.

I rub at the back of my neck nervously, my eyes finding Camden lifting weights. I can’t think about his sexiness and stupid games right now.

“Chase, get in the ring!” Debs points to the floor, demanding he get his ass in here.

I swallow, jumping on the balls of my feet. I can’t back out, I’ll look weak.

“What’s up?” Chase asks stepping into the ring.

“I want you to spar with, Tate. Give her taste of what goes on in the ring, yeah?” Debs gives a crooked smile.

Chase’s brows narrow as a devilish grin crosses his face. An unsettling chill runs up my spine.

“No,” Camden barks from the side of the ring. I glance down, and find a fuming Camden pointing at Debs.

“Excuse me, but this is my drill. Get back to your side of the gym towel boy.”

“Fuck you. Don’t get in the ring with him, Tate.” Camden’s face is grave. “Pinky will spar with you.”

My eyes flick between Debs and Camden. Curious what has Camden so spooked at me sparring with Chase. It’s just some harmless combos and grappling. Right?

“Why don’t you want me to spar with Chase?”

His nostrils flare, his chest rising. “Trust me, don’t do it.”

“Come on, Tate. I’ll be gentle, baby,” Chase patronizes, pacing his side of the ring.

My head whips in his direction, pissed he called me baby.

“Don’t call me that.” I point at him.

“Why, you’re acting like one. You want to be in a man’s gym but you want to act like a pussy.” He shrugs. I grit my teeth as I lose my temper.

“Don’t feed into it, Tate!” Camden bellows, knowing how easy it is to anger me. “You’re not ready,” he continues.

Before I can reply a fist slams into my head, my vision doubling. Chase jumped the gun and started this intense sparring session before I could have a final say.

Instantly my body goes into fight mode, and I swing back. My fist connects with Chase’s head. My adrenaline rushes through me so hard I lose my breath instantly.

“Fucking stop it!” Camden’s voice echoes through the gym.

“Leave it, Camden!” Debs instructs, backing out of the way.

Chase does an inside kick, and I jump out of the way. I strike him in the head, and his face reddens with anger from the powerful hit. What does he expect? He’s taking this way too far. This isn’t sparring this is fighting.

He rushes at me, knocking me to the floor. My head collides with the mat so hard my teeth clatter against each other.

Chase tries to climb on top of me and I stop him short with a kick to the chest, throwing him back on his ass.

“Fucking bitch!” he fumes.

“Enough!” Thomas steps in between us, his hands out-stretched.

I cough and roll over. My body aching from the harsh workout, I was not expecting that for sparring. Had I known it would have been so vigorous I would have put my mouth guard in.

My hands on the ring floor, I push myself up, I come face to face with Camden.

“Are you okay?” His brows pinch together in concern, and my heart beats faster.

I swallow, tasting blood.

“Not really.” I wipe at my mouth, trying to get the taste out.

“What the fuck was that?” Camden questions Debs, his hands out stretched.

“What? How was I supposed to know he’d take it that far?” Debs quips.

“It’s fucking Chase!” Camden looks as if what happened was inevitable being in the ring with Chase. There is something wrong with Chase, he’s more violent than any typical fighter.

“Tate, go home for the day,” Debs demands angry.

I don’t argue. I need some Advil, my teeth are practically vibrating from the harsh impact they took. I feel the skin under my upper lip positive I bit it.

Pulling my aching body from the ring, I head to the locker room. Hands on my hips, embarrassment and anger torpedo through me.

I looked like a fucking chump out there. Why didn’t Debs listen to Camden? Why didn’t I? Pissed, I slam my fist into a locker.

Chapter Sixteen




Sitting on the porch steps of my house I rub at my aching hands. Angry.

What happened in the ring could have been avoided. If I had known Chase was going to act like that I would have been more alert, and could have had a better chance at standing my ground.

My head falls in my hands and my phone beeps.

I just fucked Jacki’s boyfriend. Miss you. –Keegan.

I laugh, and give a thumbs up before tucking the phone back in my pocket.

I needed that laugh.

Camden’s car pulls into his drive, and he climbs out with ease. He’s like a smooth panther. Graceful, but strong.

His eyes spot mine, and I look down. Pretending not to be watching him. I hate that he had to stop the fight today. Seems he’s always rescuing me.

BOOK: Love Tap
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