Love (The Allure Chronicles Book 4) (18 page)

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“I’m going after him. Maybe he survived.” Hailey was on her knees at the edge.

“No.” Wyatt shook his head. “I’m doing it. You are going to have to trust me on this.” Wyatt dove into the fire and disappeared under the flames.

“Did he just?” Jared tried to make sense of what had happened. We waited, watching the flames dance below. My entire body ached. I could barely breathe. I knew there was nothing Wyatt could do, but some part of me needed to believe Owen had miraculously survived.

My hopes faded away as Wyatt returned holding a large gray oval like rock boulder.

“What is that?” Hailey snapped. “You said you’d save him.” Hailey fell to her knees again. “You said you’d get my brother.”

“Only time is going to tell now. Let’s hope my hunch is right.” Wyatt walked off with the boulder.

“What hunch?” Hailey hurried after.

I was still in a heap on the ground. Jared bent down and picked me up.

“No. I’m staying here.” I kicked.

“No. You’re coming.” Jared started to walk.

“You can’t believe that rock is him.” I fought against Jared. I wanted to stay near him. I wanted to stay near the last place I saw Owen. “We have to stay here. We have to stay with him.”

“I’ve seen so many weird things since meeting you that I’ll believe anything. I love him too, Daisy, and I’m not giving up yet. And you can’t either. You owe him that much.”

“I owe him everything.” Tears flooded my eyes again. I knew I needed to stop, but I couldn’t. Just because I could feel emotion didn’t mean I was allowed to wallow in them. “I owe everything to him.”

“Then keep some hope.” Jared set me down, and we walked behind the others silently.

We reached the mountain range, and Wyatt released his wings. He flew up until he disappeared into the clouds.

Hailey took off right after him. Jared released his wings and wordlessly wrapped his arms around me.

“We’ll wait for you here.” Taylor averted her eyes.

I couldn’t even manage a nod. My insides were in a knot. I felt like every inch of me had been torn apart. Jared took off, and I held myself together the best I could as he flew us up to land on a cliff. He walked into a deep cave, and I followed.

Wyatt and Hailey were kneeling in front of the grey rock that looked strangely like an egg.

“Is that really him?” I kneeled down beside Hailey.

“It is, but I can’t make any promises that aren’t mine to give.” Wyatt touched the rock and stood up.

“I know you lost a lot today too.” I forced the words out even though I knew they were hollow. The loss of Owen was so deep—so personal, that having sympathy for others was hard.

“Their deaths will be avenged.” He clenched his jaw. “I will rally my remaining men. I am thankful the rest of the brotherhood did not attack on the first round.”

“I will do all I can do.” That I could promise. The Elders had stolen far too much from the world. They had to be stopped.

“I will kill them all with my bare hands.” Hailey’s eyes were completely black as she sat beside me. “The Elders will suffer for all the pain they have caused.”

“We’ll do it together.” Wyatt touched her arm gently before leaving the cave.

Hailey and I sat there for hours. Neither of us speaking. Both of us lost in our grief, and unable to say a word to the other.

Until Hailey broke it. “Whatever happens now, I am glad he found love.”

“Love is what destroyed him.”

“No.” Hailey looked at me. “Love is what saved him. It’s a gift we don’t all get to have.” She looked back at the rock.

“Do you think?” I touched the gray rock wishing it felt anything but cold and hard.

“That he’s in there?” Hailey finished my thought.

“Yes.” I wanted to believe it was true, but it seemed impossible. I’d seen the flames. How could anyone survive?

“I need to believe it.” Hailey ran her hand over the rock. “Otherwise the anger will destroy me. I need to let it simmer so I can strike when I have the upper hand.”

We fell back into silence. Hours passed.

Taylor, Sol, Andrew and Glendale came into the cave at some point while we waited.

“I’m sorry, Daisy.” Sol kneeled beside me.

“You didn’t do this to him.” I kept my eyes on the rock. I couldn’t handle looking at anyone.

“We’ll get the Elders back.” Taylor patted my arm. “I can promise you that.”

I made myself look at her. Her eyes were gleaming and she pet Glendale’s fur. I nodded in response.

“We’ll be stronger next time you see us.” Glendale rubbed against my arm. “And I’ll have a new form.”

“Good luck.” I gave him a sidelong glance.

“I’m always here if you need to talk.” Andrew spoke from somewhere behind me.

“Thanks.” I forced myself to be polite.

“You too, Hailey.” Andrew called from further away.

I glanced over my shoulder and watched as they disappeared through the entrance.

More hours past. Another storm rolled in, bringing with it hail nearly the size of tennis balls, and winds strong enough that we felt them inside the cave.

Days past. We lost all sense of time. Wyatt kept telling us to wait, so we did. Neither of us were willing to give up the hope. Wyatt offered us food and a place to sleep, but we both sat unmoving. Jared came to sit with us a few times, but never for long. One time, Hailey pointed to the cave entrance. “Go home to Vera. Tell Levi. But don’t tell my parents yet. That has to be me.”

Jared nodded. “Are you sure? Vera will understand—“

Hailey nodded. “Please. We don’t all have to be here.”

“Daisy, do you want me to stay?” Jared asked to my back.

I reluctantly pulled my eyes from the rock. “Go home. We will send for you if anything changes.”

Jared nodded. “I’ll make sure Andrew gets home too.” He turned and walked out of the cave.

It was just Hailey and me waiting at the rock.

“This is a fantasy, Daisy. He’s not coming back.” Hailey spoke for the first time since Jared left.

“But what if he’s in there?” I gently caressed the rock. “I can’t leave if there is even the smallest chance.”

“I don’t want to leave, but I don’t want to hold on to a delusion. I need to plan.”

“There’s plenty of time to plan.” Wyatt came to sit beside us. “If he’s going to make it, we’ll know soon.”

“And what if he doesn’t?” Hailey asked.

“You already believe you lost him. You’ve grieved. What more do you have to lose right now?”

“Nothing.” I spoke the truth. “I have nothing more to lose.”

“You’ll be here?” Hailey asked. “I can’t do this. I need to fly. I need to move.”

“I won’t leave his side until we know for sure. I can’t.” I fought back a fresh round of tears.

Hailey nodded. “He’s lucky to have you.”

For all of her talk, Hailey hadn’t given up. She wasn’t talking in past tense.

I waited for hours, trying to ignore the coldness seeping through me. Without Hailey the vigil felt harder, and the outcome I wanted seemed even less possible.

I rested my head on the rock, willing something to happen, searching for a sign. I heard a cracking sound, and the rock shook and vibrated as it started to heat up. I let go as it turned bright red and the rock burst apart with a bright flash of light. A searing heat knocked me backwards.

“Hailey!” I called her name, as I crawled back toward the rock and waited to see what the future held.


,” Daisy’s sweet voice roused me from a deep sleep. I struggled to open my eyes, and I couldn’t speak, but I needed her to know I heard her.

“Owen, I’m here. I love you.” She was crying. I could hear it in her voice even though she was trying to hide it.

I struggled with my eyes again, and this time they opened. I blinked a few times, trying to get my vision in focus. The first thing I saw was the most beautiful face in the world.

“You’re okay.” Tears spilled down her face. “You’re really okay.”

“What happened?” I finally managed to speak. “Everything is a blur.”

“You gave your life for me—but then Wyatt saved you somehow.” She wiped away tears with the side of her hand.

I fought against a throbbing pain throughout my body and sat up. I was sitting in a pile of rubble. “I jumped into the volcano.”

“You did. I still can’t believe it.” She took my hands in hers.

“But I’m not dead?” I searched her eyes for proof. I needed to know she hadn’t followed me to some sort of afterlife.

“No. You’re very much alive.”

“Daisy.” I crashed my lips into hers. Dipping into strength I didn’t even know I had, I wrapped her up in my arms, holding her tightly against my body. Her heartbeat accelerated as she responded, welcoming me into her mouth. I lost myself in the kiss, as her hands ran up and down my chest. Her gentle touch sent sparks through me and my body ached for more of her. I was positive she could feel just how much I wanted her, and she moaned into my mouth. I slipped my hand under her t-shirt and bra, cupping her breast and squeezing it gently as I deepened the kiss.

She pushed my hand away. “Wow. Glad you’re happy to see me, but that has to wait.”

I smiled sheepishly. “It does?”

“Yes. Let’s wait until we’re somewhere a little more private.” She glanced toward the entrance of the cave. “ But I guess this means you’re feeling all right?” She searched my eyes for something.

“I’m feeling great. Amazing.”

She smiled. “But how do you feel about that?” She ran her hand over my chest.

I looked down. My abdomen was covered in what appeared to be tattoos. I also had one on my arm. “Those look like the ones the Dragos have. Did Wyatt do this? How am I just noticing this now?”

“I think you were distracted when you first woke up.” She smiled coyly. “But you had them when you uh, hatched.”

“Hatched?” I looked around at the rubble again. “What are you talking about?”

“Let’s find Wyatt. I think he’d be better at explaining it.” Daisy took my hand and led me out into the bright sunlight.

I could see the ocean. My vision was crisper, clearer, I’d always been able to see great distances, but now I could see fish swimming miles away. I watched the waves move out for a few moments, reflecting on the impossibility that I’d been given another chance at life. The warmth of the sun gave me renewed energy, as if it was charging my soul.

“Owen!” Hailey landed a few feet away and ran into my arms. “You’re okay.”

“Yeah, glad you missed me.” I played on one of her favorite lines as I held my baby sister in my arms.

She punched my shoulder. “I thought you were dead.”

“I should be.” I looked at Wyatt. “Would you care to explain?” I was unnaturally calm about the markings all over my body. I guess compared to a fiery death they seemed like nothing. I was alive, and I had Daisy at my side.

“Pterons descended from the first Dragos whether your people will admit it or not. You always had some Drago in your bloodline. It’s what allowed you to live in the fire before I reached you. But you had to be reborn as a Drago to survive.”

“I can’t be a Drago.” I scoffed. “I’m a Pteron.”

“Transform.” Wyatt released his own black, leathery wings. “But walk away from the girls. You don’t know how you’ll react the first time.”

“Wait… are you serious?” I searched his face for evidence that this was a joke.

“Completely.” Wyatt took a simple step toward me. “You need to try it.”

I followed Wyatt’s advice and moved away from Daisy and Hailey. I reached for my Pteron, ready to transform, but it wasn’t there. Instead there was a fire so strong I could feel the heat. The intensity was so powerful it was impossible to ignore, so I embraced it and felt my body relax.

“Oh my God.” Hailey stared at me with her mouth hanging open.

I looked over my shoulder and nearly jumped when I saw the huge leathery wings that did not resemble the feathered wings I’d had my entire life.

“You’re a Drago.” Hailey still stared at me

“I am.” The realization should have been stranger, but it wasn’t. It filled me with a mix of comfort and strength.

“There’s a lot to teach you, but I think you have other things on your mind right now. There’s no rush—you have one heck of a long life ahead of you.” Wyatt cracked a smile.

“I hadn’t thought of that.” Daisy took both of my hands in hers. “You’ll live longer too.”

“Which has its pluses and minuses.” Wyatt put a hand on my shoulder. “Welcome to the brotherhood. We’re small in numbers now, and we can use anyone we have.”

Hailey pulled me into a hug. “I’ll give you two some space, but I’m glad you’re not dead.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“I know this a lot to take in.” She kissed me on the cheek, released her wings, and followed Wyatt as he jumped off the edge of the cliff. I watched the two fly off over the ocean.

I turned to Daisy. “Are you ready for this?”

“For what?” Daisy looked into my eyes.

“For the rest of our lives together?”

“I’ve been ready for it since before I even really knew you.”

“I love you, Daisy.” I pulled her into my arms.

“I love you too.” She rested her head on my chest, and I knew we were both exactly where we belonged.


ant more Chronicles
? Check out the other series set in the Chronicles world.

The Crescent Chronicles
The Empire Chronicles
The Dire Wolves Chronicles, The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles, and The Forged Chronicles. Also keep an eye out for the Pteron Chronicles, coming soon!

lease keep reading
for a preview of
Hunt (The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles #1)
a New Adult Paranormal Romance by Alyssa Rose Ivy

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