Love Unbound (2 page)

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Authors: Angela Castle

BOOK: Love Unbound
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She had a dusting of
adorable little freckles along the bridge of her nose and over her cheeks,
which were rounded and blushing beautifully.

“I know Ryan would
have taught you what to say, but I want the truth from you. Can you do that,


“Good, look at me.”

She raised her gaze to
meet his. “Good girl.”

“It’s not that I’m
unhappy to have you here, as my gift, but I want to make certain of a few
things. Have you ever submitted to anyone before?”

Brendon liked the fact she was fresh. He
could teach her and train her how he wanted.

“Do you know what to


Brendon chuckled
again. “Good, I do like giving
as much as
enjoy receiving them.

“Ryan knows I’m not a
player, or into casual sex. How long does your gift of submission extend, Jay?”
Brendon knew once he started playing with her, he wasn’t going to want to stop
at one session. It had been so long since he touched the lush curves of a

She studied his face,
watching her contemplate her answer. “Speak
I’m a Dom not a tyrant.”

“Brendon was hoping
you would like me enough to want to keep me, sir, and I … I want what Ryan

“Just how close
friends are you?”

“Very close, sir. I
thought you knew that.”

“Have you two ever

Her eyes widened,
obviously horrified at the thought. She shook her head, and her dark tresses
fell over her lovely, oval face. “No, sir, we have the same taste in men, but
that’s as far as it goes.”

Brendon smiled at her
comment. He loosened his tie, slipped off his jacket and started to unbutton
his shirt.

“If the idea is for me
to keep you, would you be comfortable about being naked in front of him,
watching me play with and fuck him?”

“We have talked about
it. Nudity with each other doesn’t bother us. We’d just prefer it if, we, um…”

He loved the way her cheeks reddened, as
if already in the throws of passion. “But have you ever watched two men fuck?
How do you feel about that?”

“Ryan made me watch
some gay porn and it … it turned me on.”

Brendon chuckled. “It
is nothing to be ashamed of.”

She met his gaze head
on. “Oh, no, I’m not ashamed and I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t want to.”

Good, it was all he
needed to know. The assurance in her eyes and words gave him a green light.

“Understood, sweet, little
blue jay.
You are giving me my fantasy and who am I to say no? Be sure
you want this, right now, Jay. This is your last chance to say no, because,
once I start, I will fuck you.” He watched her breath quicken at his words; she
was clearly turned on.

She swallowed and
nodded. “I want this.”

Brendon didn’t waste
any more time with talk. He leaned forward, catching her chin between thumb and
forefinger, tilting her head back as his mouth sealed over hers in a deep,
probing kiss. Her lips were soft under his. She tasted sweet and minty, and he
felt along the side of her neck, her pulse thrumming under his fingers. She was
a gift for the taking.





Instantly, her panties
dampened and her heart raced. She didn’t even realize he’d undone the straps,
which bound her to the chair. He pulled his lips away; Jay whimpered softly at
the loss.

“There’s nothing like
unwrapping a present. Go stand there.” Brendon pointed to the middle of the

Jay got up from the
chair, not realizing how weak her legs felt, after sitting bound to the chair
by Ryan, for a half hour before Brendon arrived to find her. Her muscles had
been tense with nerves, her stomach knotting with fear of rejection. But he had
not rejected her.

Jay complied, silently
moving, except for the click of her six-inch, black heels on the cement floor.
Whatever happened next, she desperately hoped she could go through with it.
Because standing still, knowing that Brendon watched her every
was more nerve-wracking than Ryan leading her down to
the dungeon and strapping her into the chair.

She breathed slowly in
through her nose and out through her mouth, as Ryan had taught her, to help
calm her nerves. It somehow didn’t seem as effective in practice, as it had in

“Since Ryan has trained
you and I have heard your agreement, I’m not going to ask again if you’re sure.
You’ll simply follow the instructions I give you,” Brendon stated firmly.


“Relax. Don’t tense
up. I am not going to hurt you.”

She thought she knew
exactly how things would go, but now she wasn’t so sure.

“Remove the skirt and

Jay reached behind her
and grasped the hook at the waistband of her skirt. Her hands trembled.

“Allow me.” Brendon
breathed into her ear. He’d silently moved in behind her and brushed her hand
aside. Skillful fingers finessed the hook open and slid the zipper down. His
warm hands caressed her bare waist, sweeping the fabric down her hips and
thighs. Suddenly, cool air rushed across her lace-covered sex, causing Jay to
gasp from the sudden sensation.

She stepped gingerly
from her skirt, so as not to lose her balance. She hated heels, yet Ryan had
assured her, Brendon would love the six-inch, “fuck me” heels, she had bought
for tonight.

Automatically, her
hands went to the tiny buttons of her blouse.

As Brendon moved
around her, she kept her gaze lowered. She was not permitted to raise her gaze,
unless given permission to do so. He grabbed her wrist and stopped her. “I will
do it.” The hardened tone of his voice sent shivers racing up and down her
spine. He cupped her chin and brought her gaze to his. “I want you to look at

Oh Lord, he was

With eyes the color of
deep, dark chocolate staring into her, it was all Jay could do not to moan in
ecstasy. The heated look he gave her melted her insides as he unhooked one
button at a time, until her shirt lay open—his fingers brushed the roundness of
her stomach.

She was not slim, like
Ryan, she’d always been on the rounder side, and constantly reminded of her
obese state by her perfect, thin sisters.

“Beautiful, so
beautiful, Ryan certainly knows what I like in a woman.” His words soothed,
like a balm on a wound, her fears of her body being found lacking.

She desperately wanted
to squeeze her eyes shut and hide from the momentary embarrassment of the most
gorgeous man she’d ever laid eyes on, touching her. She understood Ryan’s
unwavering love for him, how easy it would be to…

He pushed the
offending shirt from her shoulders. Breaking her chain of thought, heat
enveloped her, warmed her through. It took every ounce of willpower not to
reach for him, melt into his arms.

Goodness, she never
imagined he smelled so good. A little like musk, sex and a lot like wild man.
Maybe it was the persona she’d built around him. Ever since Ryan had suggested the idea of
becoming Brendon’s submissive, her sex-starved dreams included him.

Suddenly, the heat was
gone as he stepped back from her.

“Why are you here,

“I want to make you
and Ryan happy, sir,” she blurted out.

Brendon’s eyes narrowed.
“Don’t lie to me, little blue jay, it will only earn you a punishment. Ryan
should have taught you I will not stand for lying.”

Jay blinked. “It’s
true.” She dug her teeth into her bottom lip for a second, waiting for him to
say something else. Instead he just stared her down, and she had a sudden need
to crawl out of her own skin. “What? What more do you want from me?”

A rough laugh rumbled
from his chest. “I want you to tell me everything. By the time we’re through, I
will know all of your secrets. Are you ready for that?”

She nodded. Half sick
with worry she would not be able to keep Ryan’s secret.

“What’s your biggest

Jay sighed. That was
easy. “To be tied up and ravished.” She had to look away.

“But it’s not that
simple, is it?” He obviously wasn’t going to back down. Figuring out what to
say, while standing half-naked under his intent stare, wasn’t easy. Why hadn’t
Ryan told her about this part?

“Let’s try another
question. When was the last time you had sex?”

over a year ago.”
She peeked up from under
her lashes. Seeing his frown, her mind raced as to why this would cause him to


“I, men don’t find me
attractive. I tend to keep to myself.” It was half true.

He cupped her chin,
forcing her head back to look him directly in his eyes. “Punishment or truth, I
will not warn you again.”

He took a step back,
as if knowing she needed space to breath. “I’ve only had one boyfriend and I
caught him cheating with a thinner woman. All my life my family told me no man
wanted me because of my weight. So, I never bothered. Ryan is the only one who
ever believed in me and cared for me for who I am.”

She expected pity in
Brendon’s gaze, but his smile confused her even more.

“Did you think I would
find this body repulsive, too?” He
circled around her, running the tips of his fingers over her exposed skin. She
bit down on her lip to hold in the moan.

“I thought you would, but
Ryan said you wouldn’t. Still it’s hard to—”

“Let go of your self-doubt.
Ryan was right, and every man who thinks thinner women
better than this are fools not worth knowing—do you know how hard you have me,
blue jay?” To prove his point, he pressed into her from behind. She felt the
hard length of his cock against lower back. She shuddered.

“You are what I say
you are
do you understand me? I say you are
beautiful, sexy and right now, mine to do with as I wish.”

Jay swallowed, her
heart quivering in pleasure at his words. She wanted to believe it and here she
could. Let go, give up control, just as Ryan had told her to do. Only now was
she beginning to understand his lessons.


“Good girl.”

Brendon moved behind
her and caressed her arms with feather-light brushes. It was nearly impossible
to think beyond his warm caress. Jay shivered as tremors raced down her spine.


this untouched, innocent beauty is mine.
have to remember to give Ryan a lovely reward.
The image of
them both kneeling at his feet made him smile.
He’d have to take care,
if they were both to serve him. They were close friends, even before he and
Ryan. He could not upset the balance.

It was a fine line he
walked, even if Ryan had organized it all. The three of them would need to sit
down for a long talk. But first, the excitement of her beauty before him, so
many layers to reveal, so many new depths to explore.

The thought of peeling
away all her layers, watching Ryan’s reaction as he stripped his friend down to
a basic level, rebuilding her anew gave him a new challenge to look forward to,
not to mention how great the sex would be, having both Ryan and Jay at his

It was crazy to
entertain the thought of keeping her, along with Ryan, but still, it was an
idea he couldn’t get out of his mind. He filed it away for later thought. Right
now, Jay needed his focused attention.

He unclasped the
hooks, which held her bra in place and allowed it to drop to the floor. The
sexy hitch in her breathing pleased him immensely, even more so, when she
didn’t object. Pale, smooth skin beckoned him. Her ample breasts would more
than fill his hands, but it was the taut, jutting nipples that informed him of
how much more she needed.

His hands spanned a
good portion of her waist—soft, delicate skin he longed to see abraded by rope.

Silky hair floated
down her back, a mix of browns and streaks of dark red, scented with a hint of
roses and some spice he couldn’t name. Long hair had always been a requirement
in his female subs. A Dom could do wonderful things with his fingers speared
deeply into her locks, as he took her from behind. So many possibilities
swirled through his mind.

He took a step back to
glance about the room. Everything he needed was already laid out. He snatched
the black rope from the side table.

“Hold out your arms,
wrists together.”

Her hands, which had
been pressed against her sides, rose in an automatic display of obedience. He
carefully wound the length around them, adding a loop before tying it off. He
lifted her bound wrists, attaching them to a hook.

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