Love Under Two Wildcatters (9 page)

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Authors: Cara Covington

BOOK: Love Under Two Wildcatters
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Colt didn’t waste any time. The instant he had the condom in place, he used his left hand to position himself, grabbed her hips, and plunged.

“Oh!” With her pussy so slick, he slid easily into her, and yet the sensation of being stretched, of being so completely filled, surprised her. The memories of the day before somehow hadn’t prepared her for the richness of being really well fucked.
It’s the angle
. That was the only clear thought she had, and then her mind stopped wasting its precious resources on anything as mundane as thinking and focused on relishing the sensations instead.

Susan closed her eyes, stretched one hand out to brace herself against the wall, then began to clench and release her pelvic floor muscles. The friction of his cock pistoning in and out of her, hard and fast, heated her blood and stoked the pyre of her passion. His fingertips dug into her hips, making his grip even more solid as he increased his tempo. She was so very close, she could feel the shivers, the tiny electric-like tingles that always signaled impending climax.

Daring and determined, she moved her left hand to her cunt, to the place they were joined. With practiced ease, she sought her clit and began to rub it back and forth.

“Oh, God!” The explosion of her orgasm felt huge as it erupted, spreading hot flames throughout her entire body. Her tunnel felt as if it clenched in spasmodic chaos, and Colt’s shout, his final thrust and the strength with which he held himself fast and deep inside her, conveyed his pleasure.

She could feel his cock ejaculating within the thin latex sheath, and the sensation of the hot, semen-filled sac pulsing against her cervix pushed her into a second, unexpected climax.

Thank God Colt had his hands on her, she’d have collapsed otherwise.

For long moments afterward, the sound of harsh breathing punctuated by the gentle spray of the shower echoed in the glass enclosure.

“Mother of God, woman, you’re going to kill me.”

“Me? I’ve been taken over by super cock times two.” Susan pushed away from the wall, straightened, and turned to face Colt. Just like a well-choreographed dance, he slipped an arm around her and pulled her in at the same time she wound her arms around his neck.

She felt him move, and the water stopped.

“I don’t want to run your hot water heater dry.”

“I have a really big one. We all do.”

“Who’s we?”

“My family. The one my fathers installed in the Big House actually puts us all to shame.”

“Fathers? As in more than one male parent?”

“Mmm? Oh, yeah. They’re brothers—twins, actually. Their names are Jonathan and Caleb. Retired now from ranching and law enforcement, respectively. My older brothers kind of take after them, since Steven is a rancher and Matt the deputy sheriff of Lusty. They married my best friend Kelsey a few months ago.”

“But which one of them is actually your father? You can only have one.”

Susan was used to getting questions about her family from her lovers, but usually it was the whole ménage relationship dynamic they questioned. She went up on her toes, kissed Colt squarely on the mouth, then stepped back.

She didn’t want to examine why she’d felt compelled to mention her family. Usually, that came much later, when she had a sense of her lovers and how what she had to tell them might play.

Well, she’d opened her mouth. The only thing left to do was wrap it up and change the subject. “They’re, both of them, my father. That’s the Benedict way. Come on, driller-man. Somehow, I’ve really worked up an appetite. Let’s eat.”

Chapter 7

“I usually don’t do more than coffee and toast in the morning.” Susan looked up from the steaming eggs on her plate to give the cook a smile. “But this omelet looks great, Ryder.” Sprinkled with chunks of green pepper, mushroom, onion, and tiny pieces of ham, the omelet rivaled her mother’s—or Kelsey’s—breakfast offerings.

“You’re out of hot sauce,” Ryder said, “or this would have been perfect.”

“Not for me. I’ve never acquired a taste for hot sauce on my eggs.” She forked some of the omelet into her mouth. She hadn’t noticed the cheese, and the creamy texture with the eggs was one of her favorite flavor combinations. When she opened her eyes, it was to see that both men had stilled.

They looked at her as if she’d grown two heads. “What?”

“No hot sauce on your eggs? Are you sure you’re Texan?” Colt asked.

Susan grinned. “That’s what my entire family says. Well, except for my new sister-in-law, Kelsey. She has the restaurant in town, and while she serves eggs with hot salsa, she doesn’t eat them that way.”

They sat like three points of a triangle around Susan’s breakfast table. Her face colored as she recalled the other use they’d put the sturdy piece of furniture to yesterday.

“Which brother is she married to?” Ryder asked.

“Matthew and Steven. Their wedding was just a few months ago.” She forked another mouthful of omelet and then casually looked up to see how that piece of information fared.

Ryder’s brow was creased. “She’s married to
of your brothers?”

“It’s the Benedict way,” Susan said.

“I see.”

Susan could tell that he didn’t really see at all, but that was all right. She thought Colt might say something then, since she’d used the same expression with him during their shower. That man, however, kept silent. Not that he didn’t communicate with Ryder, but the look that passed between the two men remained a mystery to her. She didn’t know if she was disappointed or not that neither men pursued the topic of “the Benedict way”.

“While we’re drilling your new well, what’s on your agenda today?” Colt asked.

“I’d only just got started with prepping the trim for new paint when you two arrived yesterday. I need to get back to that. I want to start painting by the end of the week.”

“We’ll help you with the roof trim,” Colt said. “It’s got to be a good thirty feet off the ground, and we’re used to working with heights.”

“I welcome all the help I can get.” Susan’s mind wouldn’t let her curiosity go. Why hadn’t either man asked for clarification about her family? Any time she’d mentioned her family to others, she could count on varied reactions and the inevitable questions.

Alex and Josh knew them
. Of course, that had to be it! Knowing her brothers, they also likely already knew about her family’s unusual history and lifestyle.

“More coffee?”

Susan blinked. She hadn’t even seen Colt pick up the pot. “Yes, please.” She looked down at her plate and realized she’d finished her breakfast.

“I’m going to go grab a shower.” Ryder got up from the table and dealt with his dirty dishes. “Any reason why we can’t just keep our bags in your room?”

They’d not discussed the future, and really, it was too soon for that. But they did have the next few days together, and Susan could see no reason to stop sharing everything now.

“No, that’ll be fine.” Better than fine, if yesterday was any indication. Susan took a slow, appreciative sip of her very good coffee. She was already looking forward to when they would all quit working for the day.

* * * *

It had been a long time since he and Colt had worked, just the two of them, to bring in a well. Even though their lifestyle had improved immeasurably since those first shaky years, money really wasn’t everything. He’d missed this, the sweating together to make their own way.

“Time to add another section of pipe.” Colt lifted his head from looking down at where the last section of pipe entered the bore hole.

“The report said the strata weren’t very thick in this area, and there could be water at a thousand feet, but I’m wondering if it’s as uniform here as the geologists thought.” Sometimes, Ryder knew, the science wasn’t perfect.

He held the swivel still and let his thoughts wander. His gaze followed them. Susan Benedict worked with her back to them, scraping the old paint from the trim on the house.

“Hell of a woman.” He turned his gaze to Colt.

“She is that. I’ll make breakfast tomorrow, by the way.” Colt said.

“Bet your ass you will.”

Colt laughed. “Do you remember the semi-drunken conversation we had New Year’s Day, after Melissa left?”

Ryder didn’t miss a beat. “You mean after she tossed us aside and thanked us for the ride?”

Colt finished maneuvering fresh pipe into place. In their larger rigs, every moving part was powered by hydraulics. This baby, their original portable rig, required a lot of muscle. Ryder moved the traveling block back up while Colt finished his part. They worked in silence, both of them nodding satisfaction once the new pipe had been screwed into place.

Colt looked over at Susan and then turned his attention back to Ryder and resumed their conversation. “Yeah, after that.”

“I remember we were both pissed,” Ryder said, “and disappointed because, to her, it had all just been an experiment. I don’t get that sense with Susan at all.”

“No. Even though we’re having fun and games, she’s not flippant about the three of us,” Colt agreed. “Do you recall what we both said we’d do if we ever found a woman capable of putting up with us both for the long term?”

“I do. Even though we neither of us truly believed we’d ever find a woman
enough to let us share her for the long term.” They’d never, either of them, believed they’d make suitable husband material, simply because of where they’d come from. They each carried what they considered to be bad blood. Yet somehow, the idea of sharing a wife, of making a family that would be three instead of two—in essence, sharing the role of husband as they’d shared most everything else since they’d met—
idea had felt good and righteous to them both. “I do remember that, while I was slightly inebriated, we weren’t either of us joking when we said that, between us, we’d make one pretty good husband. It’s too soon to tell if that’s where we’re headed. I know that. But I have to admit, last New Year’s is where my thoughts took me last night just before I fell asleep.”

“I think we might be here for longer than a week.” Colt steadied the pipe while Ryder turned the drill back on. This old rig—they’d nicknamed her Delilah—wasn’t near as pretty or high tech as the other rigs they owned. But damned if she wasn’t dependable and gutsy as hell.

“We’ve neither of us taken a vacation in a long time,” Ryder said. “Our timing’s off, though. We’re going to be needed in Houston in a couple of weeks, and then we’ll want to see the start of that co-op project we’ve just signed onto with Susan’s brothers.”

“Maybe we can get her to come with us…and maybe we should spend some time in that hometown of hers, too.”

“Any particular reason for that?” Colt’s suggestion came from out in left field, as far as Ryder could tell.

“It’s not just her brothers who have an alternative lifestyle. The lady has two fathers. As in, her mother has two husbands. She said it was the Benedict way. Just like she told you.”

“Huh. Then maybe we should find out just what the Benedict way is all about.” Ryder turned to look at Susan, but she was no longer in sight.
Likely working on the other side of the house
. Chuckling, he put his attention back on the job, and the conversation. “I must admit I’m a bit curious about a town named

Colt laughed. “It does conjure images.”

“So does Ms. Benedict.” And that, Ryder thought, was the bottom line.

* * * *


The sound of drilling settled into the background, a kind of music that kept the image of the men operating it front and center in Susan’s thoughts. As she gave herself over to the mindless task of scouring the house’s trim, her brain was free to dwell on the last twenty-four hours.

I’m a coward

Funny, but she’d never realized that about herself before. It was the reason she’d stopped talking about her family. In the next instant, she wanted to discard the label of cowardice. Good Lord, she’d only known Colt and Ryder not even a full twenty-four hours. A little precipitous for her to be wondering what they’d make of her family, and the Benedict way.

Not too early to let them have all kinds of freedom with your body.

Maybe if Susan hadn’t been raised with a family tradition of ménage relationships and historic cases of love at first sight, she’d be feeling guilty right about now.

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