Love Unfortunate (3 page)

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Authors: Claudia D. Christian

Tags: #dark erotic fiction, #dark erotica, #dark fiction, #dark love, #dark love story, #dark romance, #paranormal romance, #vampire romance

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She dug her fingers into her thigh. The combined stench of blood and vomit did nothing to distract her mind.

"I killed them, little bird. I killed my worthless sire, his bitch wife, and two pathetic brothers. I left nothing of their dignified line intact. Now, I’m ruler of all that you see."

Pitiless venom coated each triumphant word. Their cruelty provoked her body to life. Liana launched herself against his chest. "Damn you! You didn’t! You would never cause harm to another! Why are you lying?!"

Laurent let Liana beat him for several moments before catching her arms easily. "I’ve elevated you from woodcutter’s wife to lady of the realm in one night. I thought you’d be pleased."

"How can I ever be happy with what you did, Laurent?! How?!" Without giving him an opportunity to answer, she demanded, "Who did this to you?"

Laurent tightened his grip. He smiled viciously when she winced in pain. "If you think really hard I’m sure it’ll come to you. As I said before—I met a man. A man you know."

Liana’s face blanched. Betrayal seeped into every pore.

Cristophe? He promised! How could he…

Cold disgust lightened Laurent’s silver gaze. A mean smile tweaked his thin lips. "Come now, little bird. I want to show you your new home. You’ll like it. I know you will."

The full implication of the night’s evil settled on Liana’s shoulders. "This wasn’t supposed to happen," she mumbled in despair.

Laurent ignored her. Instead, he picked his bride up. Walking away from the clearing, he sang an innocent tune as he strode towards their irrevocable damnation.

* * * *

Quick fingers made short work of domestic duty. Soon the small room was clean, bed made, and chamber pot emptied.

"Now, little bird, my service is yours." Laurent sank to his knees besides the tub. He smiled at her, pausing until Liana returned his simple affection. "Where would you like me to wash first?"

His question never faltered. It was always the same. So was her answer. "My body. Then my face and hair."

Laurent’s strong hands obeyed Liana’s request. Gentle, yet thorough, they followed the silken planes of her naked form faithfully. Delving beneath the water, two fingers petted and probed Liana’s core. "Still hurts?"

"Mmm. I could hardly move from the pain. I don’t think it’s ever hurt this much."

Sympathy lightened his exquisite eyes. "I’m so sorry, little bird." Laurent adjusted his touch, causing his wife to groan with an emotion other than discomfort.

Liana’s head fell forward. Delight danced along her spine, chasing Laurent’s touch with sycophantic devotion.

Pain doesn’t matter when he bathes me because his hands feel so good.

Laurent took special care with her legs, clucking over the numerous scrapes. "Little bird, look at what we’ve done to your beautiful skin."

Liana whimpered in nameless zeal. "Make them better."

"But I’m washing them," Laurent protested as his fingers drew to a lazy halt. "Just like you ordered."

"No…not like that."

"Then how?" Sly torment masked itself in innocence.

"Mouth. Use your mouth, Laurent. Please."

Wicked victory glowed like a living curse within his ageless gaze. "I exist solely for you, little bird. Do you believe me?"

She grabbed the back of the small tub. Laurent’s passionate declarations burned her soul, making Liana remember things she didn’t want to. "Yes. I believe you. Always."

Laurent abandoned the washcloth. Lifting her leg, he waited until she looked at him. "Only for you." He lowered his mouth. Crimson flowed into the basin with staccato harmony and Liana’s beautiful voice burst into an exquisite solo.


She was dying, breaking, falling apart, only to come to fiery life. She begged, pleaded, and screamed. Her free limb thrashed until Laurent captured it as well.

"Please don’t! Ah! Please…don’t…stop! Please!"

Laurent treated both legs with violent adoration. Jagged bruises dotted Liana’s tender thighs and still she sang for more. When he snaked an arm under her hips, she eagerly presented herself for his consumption.

"Liana," he hissed while parting her swollen lips with his fingers. "No matter how much I taste you, it’s never enough."

Frenzied ecstasy courted Liana’s feral nature. Her legs fell open on either side of Laurent’s shoulders. When his lips brushed hers, Liana found the edge of sanity and turned away.

Laurent’s cool tongue bathed her battered flesh with quick strokes. Benediction rained down on Liana with every wet caress. "It feels so good, Laurent!" she babbled. "Don’t ever stop!"

"You taste so sweet. Give me more."

Liana stared at the ceiling while winding her legs around his neck. The world’s colorless tint deepened in tandem with Laurent’s decadent avarice. She pressed her mound closer to his mouth and sobbed her joy.

* * * *

"Tell me about your mother." Liana’s fingers scratched his scalp, mindful to keep her touch gentle.

Laurent smiled with pleasant affection. "My mother was wonderful. Protective, kind, loving…she was my world. I would’ve done anything to make her happy."

Liana’s gaze grew hard and distant. "I felt that way once too."

"About your mother?"

"Mmm." She continued stroking his head, finding comfort in the action. Her silent rage dissipated. "When did she die?"

"A year ago."

"You still miss her."

"Very much so." He turned on his back. "Many thanks for lending me your lap."

The innocence in his face tempted Liana. She leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on his forehead. "Many thanks for making me forget."

Puzzlement darkened his eyes. "Forget what?"

Liana shook her head and smiled. "It doesn’t matter."

* * * *

Liana’s heady scent intoxicated Laurent. He became a beast, devouring her without mercy. Liana’s sharp cries spurred Laurent to slide his fingers into her wet core. Their erotic rhythm demanded release as they plunged in and out, twisting, turning, and beckoning her body to obey.

Even after Liana screamed in fulfillment, Laurent pursued her pleasure to the grave. His lips pursed Liana’s tender jewel before scraping it with strong teeth.

She choked on his name.

"I love you, Liana," Laurent swore while pressing his mouth against her sweet folds. "I love you. Always."

Liana wept her love for him in return. Madness blackened her sight. Tremors possessed her body, driving into Liana with intoxicating violence. Desperate to touch Laurent, she wound her fingers in his silky hair. Her legs shook uncontrollably.

"Do it! NOW!"

Laurent understood as only a longtime lover would. He widened her thighs. Keeping his fingers deep within her warm body, he turned his head to the side. Laurent kissed her thigh once, twice, and then gave Liana what she craved.

She shattered. Liana’s beautiful screams rang throughout the tower and into the night.

"I love you, little bird." Laurent moved up her body, raining sharp kisses along the way. "Never forget it."

Liana tasted herself on his lips. Bloody trails spilled into the water, making it as ruby as her swollen lips. Abandoned by his mouth, Liana collapsed into a boneless heap.

Laurent wiped the remaining traces of her passion very carefully. He smiled down into her insensible face. "The water is glorious now, little bird. How about I finish cleaning you, hmm?"

Liana nodded. Giving over to his clever hands, she became pliant to Laurent’s every wish. "I love you. You know that, don’t you?"

He merely glanced at her once before resuming his task.

Liana sank into the tub and whispered, "You have to know that I do, Laurent. I do."

Laurent’s eyes darkened. However, his voice remained soft as he commanded her silence.

An enigmatic smile touched her lips while depression cloaked her heart. Liana’s declarations meant nothing in face of her misguided sins.

I do love you. Maybe tonight I’ll finally be able to prove it. If not, then I’ll wait. One day you’ll believe in my love, even if you can’t believe in me.

The water lost its languorous heat by the time Laurent was done bathing her. Liana wobbled as he crouched at her feet, tenderly drying her flushed skin. Giving into temptation, she tunneled her fingers through his inky strands.

"Stop. I don’t want your kindness or your pity."

Messy circles rouged her cheeks. "I thought we were better." She inhaled quickly. "I thought we were more like lovers."

"We’re not."

Her hand fell by her side. "Then what just happened?"

His eyes narrowed. "It was for you. Not for me. You know what I want. Until I get it, none of this means anything to me."

Anger overtook his aura. He carried Liana the short distance between tub and bed. Promptly occupying the room’s lone stool, Laurent set about finishing her absolutions in stony silence.

Eyes watchful, senses alert, Liana mimicked the undead with her stillness. She took great pains to appear remote, but beneath the meticulous surface she reveled in his attention, even if still hurt by his rejection. Weakness her downfall, Liana adored how Laurent courted her with gentleness, much like he did so long ago.

Primordial memories stalked by, ripping adoration apart.

Oh, Laurent. You made me feel like I was an angel. Pure, untouchable…safe.

Liana knew exactly where this was headed. However, knowing brought a different brand of desolation.

You should’ve left me on that riverbank. Better yet, you should’ve pushed me back in.

Laurent’s mood shifted from unforgiving spite to frantic normalcy. His graceful hands parted her soaked locks. He toweled each section patiently, all the while humming a melancholy tune. "Do you remember this song, little bird?"

"I do. It’s what you were singing that day." Emotion flushed her cheeks. "The day you found me half-dead by the river."

"I was so scared to touch you." His hands stilled in remembrance. "You were the most beautiful creature I ever saw."

That’s what I made you think.

"And I thought you were an angel come to take me to heaven."

"An angel? As ugly as I was?"

"You weren’t ugly! I never thought you were ugly!"

"Hmm…but I’m much prettier now, aren’t I, little bird?"

Laurent’s seductive purr pricked her skin. "You are." Their gazes caught, leaving Liana to tremble in perfect dread.

* * * *

She could hardly remember his face anymore.

His real one.

Gone were the silvery lines crossing his skin, remnants of a woodcutter’s life. Gone were the few pockmarks, proof of adolescence. Gone were the tiny wrinkles bracketing his mouth and eyes.

Laurent’s perfection sickened her. There was no flaw in his face or form.

Liana shifted, bringing the coverlet over her naked shoulder. His sleeping face haunted her, a false reminder of another.

* * * *

He leaned forward, abandoning the damp linen in favor of placing his hands on the bed. Laurent brushed his lips against her neck. "Don’t you like me this way better?"

"I liked you the way you were. You never had to change for me."

"Oh, but you know that’s not true." He kissed her scabbed wounds. "So that’s the dirtiest lie you’ve ever uttered."

Liana’s conscience recoiled. No matter her resolve, no matter her strength of will, Liana always unraveled. Her need to justify only equaled his need to torment. Anger warred with guilt, ensuring Liana’s personal demon Blame would find its insatiable appetite whetted.

"You’ll never forgive me, will you?"

Mirth lightened his eyes to frightening proportions. "You don’t want me to forgive you. If I did, I’d have to let you out." His low laughter elicited shivers. "And you don’t want that, do you?"

Liana bit her lip, gaze heavy with honest lust. "No. I don’t want you to ever let me go."

"Good girl." Laurent allowed his words to trail off as his tongue flicked across the small punctures. "Does this feel nice?"

She turned into his body. Shivers racked them both. "Very nice." Her strained voice elicited a throaty chuckle. Liana wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered, "Please do it again."

"Again?" Laurent nipped the underside of her chin. When Liana shuddered in pained delight, he blew softly in her ear. "Do you love it, little bird?"

"Oh, yes."

"Very good." He rested his smooth chin on her shoulder. "But if you want to play, we need to talk first."

"Talk? What about, my lord?"

Not again. Every single time it’s the same. It doesn’t change no matter what I do.

"I want to talk about lies." Laurent turned his head and smiled into her hair. "Let’s talk about how your last lie is filthier than the first one you told me."

"What lie, Laurent?"

He ignored her question with chilling precision. "You remember the first lie you ever told me."

* * * *

"Why are you running?"

Liana glanced at the awkward man-child sharply. Her melodic voice held the ferocity of a wolf. "Why do you ask?"

He ducked his head in apology. "I meant no disrespect, my lady. Forgive me."

She felt something hot slither about the bowels of her suspicion. It was guilt. Looking away from him, Liana murmured stiffly, "I’m your equal. There’s no need to give me an honorific."

"My equal?"

She heard the hope spring forth from his well of loneliness. "Yes."

"Then may I ask…"

His voice trailed off when she met his clouded gaze squarely.

Liana expected him to fall beneath his discomfort and cowardice. Instead he surprised her.

He cleared his throat and finished his query. "May I ask your name?"

"Liana." She raised her chin in perfect challenge. "My name is Liana and I mean nothing to no one and that’s why I ran away."

* * * *

Liana swayed towards him and whispered, "Laurent, I never foresaw it would come to this."

"Really? The thought never occurred in that selfish, careless mind of yours? No, don’t answer." Laurent brushed her hair back with poignant tenderness. "You’ll just lie to me again."

"Please don’t say that."

He yanked her head back. "I will say what I wish!"

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