Love vs. Payne (6 page)

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Authors: Z. Stefani

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Love vs. Payne
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"I dare you to let me kiss you, here." he slid his fingers over her pulsing flesh again. She looked at him almost confused for a second, but before she knew it, he had laid her back on the bed. Her thighs were spread wide as he settled between them, his face so close to her exposed sex she felt her face flame red. She tried to pull back a little but his grip on her thighs had her locked in place. He looked at her sex for a minute, it was smooth and her smell was driving him mad, he dipped his head, his tongue tracing her lips at first, making her jump. He slipped his tongue deep between her moist lips, careful to avoid the firm numb, he ran his tongue around her tiny opening then back up.


She cried out, her back arching deeply as his tongue found that spot, he held her tight as she was trying to squirm away, the pleasure so intense her body could barely handle it. She was clutching handfuls of his hair trying to pull his head back as the pressure intensified. The unbelievable feeling was building inside of her and she could hardly catch her breath, a tear rolled down her face as she held back the scream that would alert the party to what they were doing. It built so hard and so fast, her entire body began shaking, as he devoured her flesh. She cried out as it burst inside of her, she could not stop it, hot shards popped all through her body then melted down and out through her erratically pulsing pussy. He loved the taste of her and her strong reaction to him, he licked every inch of her. Still needing more, he slid his tongue inside of her and she jerked backwards. He pulled his tongue out, looking at how tiny she was, then he slid the tip of his thick finger inside of her.


"Ouch, take it out!" she squealed. He looked up at her from between her legs.


"You're a virgin!" he exclaimed in shock, moving his finger around to feel the tight hymen.


"That's none of your business, stop it!" she snapped, trying to pull away, but he had her locked down, his finger still deep inside her. He knew from her reaction that she was, and he swelled with pride, he was going to be her first. He slid up her body, pinning her under his muscular frame as he lightly kissed her. For the very first time in his life, he actually wanted to go slow and take his time. He wanted to enjoy every bit of her.




Of course, Marko saw him go to the guest bedroom, he was not drinking tonight, but keeping track of everyone at the party. He refused to let them tear up his momma's beautiful house! He trusted Maddox, he was his closest friend, so he could care less where he went in his house, and he did not need to keep track of him.


He also knew all about the feud between him and Gia Love. His father worked for Maddox's father, so he was a little shocked to see him whisking Gia from the party and heading towards the guest room. He knew something was going on, but he had no idea it was serious enough to risk getting in trouble with their families.


What he did not know was that Axton, Maddox's older brother would be attending tonight's party, so when he saw Axton walk in, he went straight to the guest room and knocked on the door.


"Go away!" Maddox growled only breaking the kiss for a second.


"Mad-, your brother just got here." he said through the door. Maddox and Gia froze, both knew what this meant and how very bad this situation could go if they were caught. They jumped up and away from each other like two kids caught red-handed in the cookie jar, scrambling to get there clothes.




“Yes.” Marko answered.


"Stall him, tell him I went to the liquor store." he said shoving his legs into his jeans.


"Cool." Marko answered.


"What have we done?” she asked as reality kicked in, the warm hazy fog of lust was gone and had been replaced by the bitter sting of fear Maddox wanted to protect her, to take away her fears, he wanted to run away from the feuds, the war, her family and his family. He wanted out and he wanted her, but he knew it could never be. The sacrifice was too great.


They both froze, looking at each other in silence for a minute, their minds running wild with the possibilities.


"How can someone made for me, be born my enemy?" he asked, a sadness in his voice. He walked over to her and held her close to him.


"How can I possibly go back to hating you?" she said, a tear running down her cheek.


"You just have to." he said hating the words. He broke the embrace, if he held her any longer, he would refuse to let her go. "Get dressed." he said, the words stinging his mouth, all he wanted to do was look at her, admire her, and hold her. He stepped back and watched her as she finished getting dressed. The way she moved and the way the thin material slid down her curves was driving him crazy. He wanted Gia to stay more then he wanted anything in his life, and for the first time, he questioned the war his family was invested so deeply in. When she was dressed she turned to him, she did not have to say it, he already knew, he felt the same. He picked up the bow then tossed it to her and she caught it.


"I'll see you in class tomorrow." she said, then leaving quickly before she changed her mind and did something, she might regret. He nodded, watching her slip through the door. He hated to watch her leave. How could he possible sit next to her in class tomorrow and act as if she was his enemy?


She knew it was wrong, she had voluntarily betrayed her family. And deny as much as she could, she had just fallen in love with her enemy.

Temptation’s Mocking Grin


The next morning brought with it all of the anxieties of the night before and an impressive rainstorm. Gia sat on her windowsill, wishing the rain would flood the streets and they would have to close the school for the day. She was not prepared to face Maddox, she had no idea what she felt, besides the obvious fact that it was wrong, regardless of how good it made her feel.


At school, Gia was filled with confusion as well as repentance. She had spent a long sleepless night overwhelmed with guilt for what she had done. She had spent her life trying to please her father, but she ended up doing the stupidest thing she could think of, something he would undoubtedly hate her for. She could not let their game go on in the same fashion, but neither could she let it end. She had to figure out a way to keep the game going, but obliterate the sexual tactics without forfeiting.


When Gia saw that Maddox was not in their first period class, she felt relief coursing through her troubled mind. She sat there, her teacher’s voice muted by her obsessive thoughts and the red bow in her pocket felt like a three hundred pound ball of fire.




Gia tried not to make eye contact with Maddox as she entered the cafeteria, instead walking straight to her usual table.


“What took you so long?” Gwen asked handing her a bottle of apple juice.


“Mr. Clive.” Gia frowned.


“Pompous prick,” Alice shook her head, “I can’t stand that man.”


“Tell me about it.” Gia said before taking a drink of her juice.


“Oh shit, here comes Marko.” Gwen said as she snatched her compact from her fringed purse and quickly checked her makeup.


“Well hello ladies.” Marko said as he sat down next to Gwen.


“Hi Marko.” Gwen purred as Chase sat next to Gia.


“Hey Gia.” Chase said with a big smile.


“Hello.” Gia said curtly.


“I heard you won the archery contest last week.” Chase’s words managed to gain Gia’s attention.


“I did.” she answered.


“I fiddle around with the bow and arrow a little myself.” Chase smiled in his attempt to soften her with his charm.


“Do you?” she asked.


“I do.” Chase lied with a convincing smile as Marko looked at him as if he was crazy, “We should get together and shoot some arrows soon.” his attempt at allure was making her queasy.


Maddox sat very still, watching the exchange between Gia and Chase, fighting the urge to go over to their table. He felt his jealousy begin to deconstruct his better judgment and quietly left the cafeteria.


Chase continued to talk Gia’s ear off while Alice snickered at him. Not many people liked Chase, he was an egotistical, know it all, who loved himself to much too ever be able to love anyone else.


“Gia Love to the principal’s office, please, Gia Love to the principal’s office.” the electronic voice announced over the loudspeaker and everyone at the table looked towards the overhead speaker.


“What is that about?” Gwen asked with a frown.


“I have no idea.”


“Maybe it was that little water stunt you pulled in class last week.” Alice looked at her.


“Yeah,” Gia shrugged her shoulders thinking of the clever dare Maddox had given her last week, “maybe.”


Gia was thankful for the distraction, she quickly rose from the table and headed towards the principal’s office. As she walked down the hallway, she heard a strange noise and stopped in her tracks. She looked around and saw nothing, then as she took another step, the door to the janitors’ closet flew open and Gia was yanked inside.


The hand over her mouth prevented her from screaming and she felt fear wash over her. Without thinking, she bit down into the hand across her mouth then heard a familiar chuckle.


“It’s me.” she heard the all too recognizable voice whisper in her ear, as his strong arms released her. She turned to see Maddox standing there with a cocky grin on his handsome face.


“That’s not funny, you could have given me a heart attack!” she snapped at him, swinging her backpack, but he dodged it as he continued to laugh. “How did you even know it was me? Mr. Kruger was just a few feet ahead of me.”


“I know, I had the door cracked so I could watch for you.”

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