Love Without End (21 page)

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Authors: Robin Lee Hatcher

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Religious & Inspirational Fiction, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christian Fiction, #ebook

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Kimberly rolled onto her back again. “I’m awake, honey. Come on in.”

Tara entered the room, carrying a large mug of steaming coffee.

“Bless you.” Kimberly pushed herself upright and leaned against the pillows and headboard, her arms outstretched to take the mug from her daughter.

Still in her pj’s, Tara joined her mother on the bed, sitting cross-legged near the footboard. “How was it?”

“How was what?”

“Mom, you know what I mean.” Tara rolled her eyes. “How was last night?”

Kimberly smiled, sipped her coffee, then answered. “If you’d stayed up, I could have told you when I got home. Are you sure you’re interested?”

Tara reached out and lightly slapped her mother’s shin beneath the covers.

“I had a very nice time, thank you very much. We both did. The concert was terrific.”

“So did he kiss you?”

Kimberly cocked an eyebrow. “Not sure that is something you need to know, Miss Snoopy.”

“Which means he
kiss you.” Tara grinned, a look full of self-satisfaction. “I
he would.”

“Didn’t you hear me, young lady? I don’t want to have this conversation with my daughter.”

“Oh, come on, Mom. I’m not some dumb kid. And you’re not so old you don’t like getting kissed by a handsome guy like Mr. Leonard.”

old? Well, thanks for that.”
And yes, Chet is definitely a handsome guy.

“Pete kissed me on my birthday.”

” Kimberly nearly spilled her coffee as she straightened. She set the mug on the nightstand.

Tara nodded.

“But you never said a thing last week.”

“When you were sixteen, did you tell
mom everything?”

Kimberly opened her mouth to reply, then pressed her lips together.

Tara grinned again. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

Kimberly grabbed a pillow and threw it. Tara dropped sideways onto the bed, laughing. Feeling young and silly—and happy—Kimberly pounced forward, wrestling with her daughter.



Lost in a fog of pleasant thoughts—which was nice, for a change—Chet tried to blink his way back to full attention. “Sorry, Anna. Do you mind starting over? My thoughts were wandering.”

“Oh, my dear boy.” She smiled, understanding in her eyes. “I can see that. I’ll bet I even know where your thoughts have gone.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know what.”

He shook his head, trying to deny the truth—that he’d been thinking about Kimberly and their evening together.

Anna laughed softly. “Have it your way. I said I want you to give some serious thought to this notion of glamping. I’ve looked at the Internet, and I believe Tara’s idea has real merit. I have a little nest egg put away that I could contribute to getting things off the ground. It isn’t a lot, but it could get us started on the right foot.”

“I couldn’t risk your savings, Anna.”

“Why not? You’ve given me a home and family. Who else do I have to spend my money on if not you and your boys?”

Chet rose from the table and went to pour himself another cup of coffee. He should be outside, helping Sam and Pete with the morning chores, but he couldn’t seem to get himself into gear.

Anna intruded before his thoughts could wander too far a second time. “If I can get some sort of business plan drawn up, will you look it over and see if it doesn’t convince you to try? If we act quickly, we could be open for business by mid-July.”

“Nana Anna, you’re the limit.” He leaned down and kissed the crown of the old woman’s head. “I promise to look it over.” He set his mug back on the counter, coffee untouched. “But right now I need to get to work. We can talk more at lunch.”

A short while later, as he strode across the barnyard, he whistled a tune he’d heard the previous night. Which immediately made him think of Kimberly again. During the
concert, he’d found himself looking at her instead of at the performers on the stage, her face bathed in the soft glow of colored lights. If not for the stage lighting, they would have been in complete darkness, lending a sense of intimacy to the evening. He’d had to stop himself more than once from putting his arm around her shoulders.

And, of course, there’d been that goodnight kiss at the door. He didn’t know how he’d even dared to do it. Brief as it had been, the kiss had sealed something in his heart. He tried to deny it, still wanting to protect himself from hurt, but the attempt was pointless. He was a goner.

It surprised him, the depth of his feelings. He’d expected falling in love at forty-seven to feel different from falling in love in his twenties. Apparently he’d been wrong about that. The real difference now was that he had two teenage sons whose mother had abandoned them. She had a teenage daughter who had lost her father and home and everything familiar. He owned a ranch with cash flow issues. She had come to Kings Meadow out of desperation rather than out of choice. He was an Idaho cowboy, through and through. She was a city girl.

Lots of good reasons for him not to feel the way he felt.

Good reasons that didn’t seem to matter at all.



Anna McKenna felt God reach into her heart and take away the pain of losing Miles, felt Him remove the regret for the life they would never share and the longing for the children they would never create. And into the place where the pain, regret, and longing had resided, God planted a new peace, a new understanding that she belonged to Him. She could trust Him with her future, in the valleys as well as on the mountaintops. He had been faithful thus far. He would be faithful from then on.

She rested her forearms atop a fence post and stared across the pasture. Princess, a two-year-old filly—Shiloh’s Star’s first offspring—grazed on the short grass that blanketed the paddock. Beyond her was Lucky, a yearling colt who favored his dam, and a five-year-old mare they called Snowball, Abe’s purchase last spring. In the neighboring paddock, Golden Girl stood quietly while her four-month-old foal nursed.

Looking at the horses, Anna smiled. Four years ago, she’d been an orphan with nothing but the memory of her father’s dream and the need to escape a cruel relative while holding onto her prized horse. But since then, she’d been made a member of the Leonard family, and Shiloh’s Star had already sired three foals out of Golden Girl. This wasn’t a notable Quarter Horse ranch yet—the sale of cattle still provided the main income for the Leonards—but it was a good start. Abe had caught Anna’s vision. One day, horses would be everywhere on this land. She believed it with her whole heart.

“That is enough for now,” she whispered.


meet Anna’s anxious gaze. “Did you put this together?” He tapped the last page of the business plan with his index finger. “It’s impressive.”

“No.” Her face broke into a smile. “Kimberly did most of it, with a little assistance from Janet and Tara.”

“How’d she manage to gather all of this information so fast?”

Anna chuckled. “I told her it was urgent.” Her head tipped to one side. “I may have led Kimberly to believe it was critical to the survival of the ranch that we get this new enterprise off the ground.”

Chet felt his eyes widen. “You didn’t?”

“Well . . . maybe. If I did, it wasn’t on purpose.”

Not good. He didn’t want Kimberly believing he had major money problems. Her deceased husband had left her in a financial mess. The last thing she would want was to
become serious about a guy who might do the same to her. And there was no denying he wanted her to become serious about him. Which was why he’d waited to ask her out on a second date. He wanted it to be perfect when the time came.

“Chet, have you asked Kimberly out again?”

He blinked. “Are you a mind reader?”

“Old age has some advantages. It can make a body more perceptive.”

“No, I haven’t asked her out again. Not yet. To tell you the truth, I don’t know where to take her. It isn’t like Kings Meadow has an abundance of choices.”

“Take her up to McCall for a nice dinner. Or rent a movie and bring her here for dinner. The boys and I could make ourselves scarce.”

Chet raked the fingers of both hands through his hair as he leaned back in his chair. “Are you playing matchmaker?”

“Do you need one?”

He pondered the question. “I think I can manage on my own.”

“Good! Glad to hear it.” She waggled her finger at the papers on his desk. “Now what about this. If you hire Kimberly, like Tara suggested, she’d have reason to spend a lot more time at the ranch.”

He grinned. Of all the reasons he might want to try this glamping thing, spending more time with Kimberly was the best reason he’d heard yet. He’d like more time to woo and win the lovely widow. More time for her to fall in love. Not just in love with him—which he didn’t think would be
enough on its own—but also with Kings Meadow and the Leonard Quarter Horse Ranch.

That might take a miracle, Lord. Do You have one in mind?

His grin faded. “Do you think she’d want to take on another job? She’s already working for the mayor.”

“You leave Ollie Abbott to me.” There was a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. “I’m sure the mayor can adjust Kimberly’s hours to accommodate what will be needed out here.”

“I can’t offer her much in the way of compensation. Not at first.”

“You leave that to me too.”

“Anna . . .” He drew out her name in a warning tone.

She rose from her chair and folded her arms in front of her chest. “I mean to be an active partner in the Leonard ranch glamping enterprise. That means I will shoulder some of the cost as well as reap some of the reward. No arguments. Right now, I’m appointing myself the partner in charge of hiring personnel.”

Chet was helpless before the whirlwind that was Anna McKenna. He knew it, and he was certain she knew it too.

Anna turned toward his office door. “I’m going into town. No point letting grass grow under my feet.”

“As if that could happen,” he called after her as laughter rose in his chest.

opposite side of the mayor’s office. Two o’clock. The day
was dragging by. In her first two weeks of employment with the city, she’d kept busy learning the ropes. But once she’d managed to get everything organized the way she liked it, it became obvious there wasn’t enough work to keep her occupied for thirty-six hours a week. Especially not with Bonnie Clark answering the phones and doing research Tuesdays through Thursdays.

On her lunch hours the last couple of days and in the evenings, with Janet and Tara’s help, Kimberly had worked on the business plan Anna asked her to research and write. It was hard to stop thinking about it now, especially when the hours crept by. The possibilities were both challenging and exciting. She wondered what Chet would think when he read the plan. Would he get excited too?

Thinking about Chet caused conflicting emotions to stir in her chest. The memory of their evening together, their conversation, the concert, the brief kiss . . . It was all surrounded by a warm glow. On the other hand, he still hadn’t called to ask her out again, five days later. They’d spoken briefly at church last Sunday but had been interrupted by a neighbor who was having trouble with a horse. She hadn’t seen him since. Had he had second thoughts? Maybe the kiss had meant nothing.

She wished . . .

Oh, she didn’t know what she wished anymore.

A soft beep sounded as the glass door from the street swung open. A heartbeat later, Anna McKenna strolled into the office. She waved at Bonnie, then made a beeline to Kimberly’s desk.

“Anna, what brings you here?”

“A proposition, my dear girl. Is Ollie in?”

Kimberly glanced toward the closed door to the mayor’s inner office. “He’s on the phone. Do you need to speak with him?”

“I do. But not yet. I want to talk to you first.” She sank into the chair at the side of Kimberly’s desk. “You did a wonderful job with that business plan. Why ever didn’t you study business in college instead of the theater? You could’ve been a CFO of some corporation by now.”

Kimberly didn’t know how to respond to the generous praise, but it felt good to hear it.

“Chet was impressed with the plan and is willing to move forward. Only he is hoping you can help, as Tara suggested.” Excitement made Anna’s words come in a rush. “You have an eye for details and an eye for antiques and decoration. You obviously have a head for business and know how to use the Internet. You would be the perfect person for the position.”

“Anna, I—”

“Chet can handle the physical labor and anything to do with the ranch and horses, but we need your help to get it off the ground this summer. Will you do it?”

It was difficult to keep from being swept away by the elderly woman’s enthusiasm. But she had to say no. “Anna, I have a job.”

“Oh, I know that.” Anna waved away the response as if it were a pesky fly. “If you could work fewer hours here in the mayor’s office, and if we could make up the difference in your salary, would you be willing to join us?”

“I suppose I—”

“Wonderful.” Anna patted her chest with her fingertips. “I’m a partner, you know.” Her grin caused the creases in her face to deepen and her eyes to twinkle. “Although I can’t say a partner in what exactly. We are in desperate need of a name worthy of a page on a website. Something other than
Leonard Ranch Glamping

It was useless to resist. Anna’s excitement was contagious. “I agree. That name doesn’t work. I’ll give it some thought.”

“Good. Is Ollie off the phone?”

Kimberly glanced down. “He must be. The light went out.”

“Don’t get up.” Anna stood. “I’ll knock on his door myself.” She did so, going into the mayor’s office when he called for her to enter. The door closed behind her.

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