Love You Moore

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Authors: Melissa Carter

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #young adult

BOOK: Love You Moore
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Love You Moore



Melissa M. Carter






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Melissa M. Carter on Smashwords


Love You Moore

Copyright © 2010 by Melissa M. Carter


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This project is dedicated to all the people
that inspired and encouraged me. My husband Andy, for without his
encouragement and support this book would not have come to
fruition. My best friend, Noleta who said listening to my ideas and
story lines was better than books on tape. My mother Launa, who
convinced me to put my ideas down on paper. My dad, Doug, who has
always been there when I needed him. My sons, Jordan and Kobie, who
thought that their Mom was “very cool” for writing a book. Michelle
for helping me with the editing and finally, my friends, Heidi and
Brian, for putting up with the constant conversations around
writing the book.

Thank you all.



Love You Moore


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Chapter 1


Abby Moore was average. Not a raving beauty
but not troll like either. Just an average 17 year old girl, living
an average life. She had Chestnut brown hair and eyes to match. She
was an only child and lived with her stay at home Mom and her
banker Dad. She was about 15 pounds overweight but not humongous as
some girls in the school sometimes made her feel. She was a junior
in high school going to school with kids that she had known all her
life. She had friends that span out across all the cliques but the
one true friend she had was Holly.

If there were one person in life that Abby
would give up her life for and know that the feeling was mutual it
was Holly. They met when Holly moved to the small town of Thomaston
Maine when they both were seven years old, the only other notable
thing about the town was that it was also home to the Maine State
Prison which Abby took no concern over, she had never, up to that
point, had a reason to be concerned with living in a town with a
State prison in it. Her first memory of Holly was on a warm day in
October when Mr. James was going over the correct way to make a
cursive T when the door opened and in walks the Principle, Mrs.
Beam and a sassy little girl in a pink frilly dress, white bobby
socks and black patent leather shoes. She had a head full of blonde
ringlet curls tied up with a pink bow.

Attention class” stated Mr. James
after Mrs. Beam spoke silently with him.

This is Holly Applebee and she has
just moved here with her parents from Portland. Let’s all be proper
ladies and gentlemen and give Holly a nice warm welcome”

Welcome Holly” the class yelled out in

Hello” she said in a confident

Holly,” said Mr. James “there is a
seat next to Abby Moore why don’t you go sit over

Holly came down the aisle curls bouncing as
she half walked and half skipped passing Carmen Monroe, who

Nice dress, who are you trying to be
Shirley Temple. Are you looking for the Good Ship Lollipop?” and
let out a loud laugh.

Holly turned to Carmen who by the way
perpetually looked like she was smelling dog poo and looked her
right in the eye and said,

I like the way I dress…I like my hair,
seems that you are the one who has a problem with it. That to me,
seems very sad if that is the only thing you have to focus on. So
if you do not want to be my friend because of the way I look it is
only going to be your loss.” And she continued to bounce down the

She took a seat next to Abby and Abby looked
at her and said

I like your dress, you look very
pretty” Holly smiled at Abby and said

Thank you, you seem nice, what is up
with the girl that looks like she smells something very

From that moment on Abby knew she and Holly
were going to be best friends.

Abby also had a boyfriend, Billy Towers. He
was a nice looking guy, athletic, star pitcher on the Varsity
Baseball team and looked much older than his 17 years. Abby and
Billy had a tumultuous relationship they broke up and made up more
than anyone else in the school. She had met Billy when they were
freshman in high school at Georges Valley in Thomaston. He had
caught her eye junior year. She was actually trying to fix him up
with her friend Krissy. Krissy had tomboy looks and a mouth to
match. She didn't care what she said and to whom. Abby and Krissy
went to a Friday night basketball game at the school and Billy was
there with his friend Danny, who had graduated years ago but had
grown up with Billy in the harbor. They were lifelong friends.

Oh My God, Billy is here” Krissy
panted….”go say hi to him for me and ask him if he likes

Oh ok, did we just time travel to
grade? You want me to have
him check yes or no on the note? Really?” answered Abby who by her
own right was very quick witted,

No you don’t have to be obvious about
it just bring it up in conversation.” Krissy said as she nudged
Abby towards where they were sitting.

Billy had seen them walking in and was no
stranger to the way Krissy felt about him, swooning school girls
were never subtle. Abby walked over and took a seat on the
bleachers in the row below Billy, during one of the time outs Abby
turn around and looked at Billy and said

Ok, um, hi my friend is over there and
she wants to know if you would like to go out sometime, maybe go to
a movie or something?”

I don’t really do the movies” replied

Well ok then, maybe grab a burger?”
Abby said.

Will you be there?” asked

I am thinking I was probably not part
of her equation” laughed Abby.

Well how about we come up with a new
math problem” he quipped, “you plus me, minus her.”

Ohhhh” said Abby with a shocked look
on her face, no boy had ever shown her any interest and she wasn’t
sure that this was the person that she should go out with….after
all her friend wanted to date him.

I am guessing this is not going to go
over well with Krissy, are you sure you don’t want to go out with
her and see how things go?”

I am sure she is not the one I want to
go out with.” He said with a sly smirk on his face, he was cute she
would give him that, bright blue eyes and chocolate brown

Ah let me go talk to Krissy and I
will…” she trailed “ok bye” she stated and walked away back to
where Krissy was standing waiting for Abby to come back.

Well….does he want to go out” Krissy

Oh he wants to go out alright.” Abby
said with a hint of annoyance. She was a little miffed that he
could deny her friend so quickly before even getting to know

YES” stated Krissy with excitement in
her voice, “when does he want to go…where does he want to go,
should I go over there now and start up a conversation and let him
ask me?”

No you shouldn’t do that, calm down
for a sec” Abby said and tried to be as careful with her words as
she could so not to hurt Krissy any more than she thought she would

He wants to go out…but….”

"But, but what?” stared Krissy,

He wants to go out with, me” Abby said
as apologetic as she could.

But I won't, he is very cocky and if
he won’t even go out with you to get to know you before he decides
he wants someone else then I don’t want him either” Abby stated at
convincingly as she could.

Jerk” she threw in just for good

No, No it’s ok, if you want to go out
with him that is fine with me…not like there aren’t other boys in
the school that are on my radar.” Krissy said with a shallow

Abby knew her feelings were hurt,

Come on, let’s get out of here….go
back to my house and pick apart Billy and all his faults and go
through the yearbook to find your next object of obsession” Abby
teased, Krissy sighed,

Ok but really there are so many boys
that would love to go out with me whom will I chose?” Krissy joked
and they headed to Abby’s car.

That next Monday morning at school Billy came
up to Abby at her locker and said

So…when are we going out?” and smiled
that beautiful smile,

Who said we were going out?” Abby
asked and acted as if she couldn’t be bothered.

Well I figured you spoke to your
friend, told her I wanted to go out with you and it was a done

Oh my word…well you figured wrong and
this arrogant air you have going on…is not working for you, so yeah
bye” and Abby closed her locker door and walked away irritated at
him that he would just assume that she would be dying to go out
with him and irritated with herself knowing that he was right.
However, by 2:30 that afternoon she had given in to going out with
him after he relentlessly pursued her all day. After first period
she found a note on her locker,

Please go out with me, you know you
want too.” It said,

Ugh” she groaned and rolled her eyes
crumpling up the note and throwing it in the trash can.

During third period English when Karl, a boy
on the Jr. Varsity baseball team said to her

Billy would like the honor of your
presence by his locker at the end of this class.”

You can tell Billy” she said, “that he
is going to have to do better than that and I will not be summoned

Karl looked like he was going to be
sick and walked back to his seat, she had a feeling Billy was not
going to be happy with Karl a kind of “kill the messenger” type of
reaction. After class she saw Karl talking to Billy near his locker
and Billy looked at Abby and she smiled and laughed a little out
loud, .this is a fun game she thought to herself and by
period when he finally
came up to her and said,

Hello, my name is Billy Towers, would
you like to go out with me? We could go get a burger or

Ok, sounds good” stated

Really?” asked Billy, “Just like
that?” he said kind of amazed,

Just like that” said Abby “just being
a gentleman and being sincere will get you far Billy

They set up a time to go out that following
Friday night and after that they were pretty much together every
day and after four weeks of pleading and heavy petting she gave
into him again and gave him her virginity. It wasn’t on a rose
petal covered bed with a fire place and violins like she had always
dreamed it would be it was on his living room floor one night while
his parents were out and they were supposed to be studying for
mid-terms. Of course after that Billy had only one thing on his
mind, well two things during baseball season. Billy could be the
nicest guy in the world but other times could be a complete
controlling jerk, he would tell Abby where she could go and when,
who she could be friends with and who she couldn’t, which included
Krissy. Holly was always there the good times with Billy and the
bad times, on more than one occasion she told Billy what she
thought of him. He never made her chose between him and Holly
because he knew that would be a no brainer and Billy would no
longer be in the picture. If Abby argued with him at all he would
break up with her and ask for his class ring back. The first time
this happened, six months into the relationship Abby cried for a
week. She and Holly didn’t come out of her room when she was home,
Holly actually stayed with her that entire week. By the second and
third and fourth times, she was hurt, but was getting tired of his
controlling her and so were her parents. The October of her senior
year after Billy had said, once again, he no longer wanted to be
with her, her dad said,

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