Lover Betrayed (Betrayed #2) (7 page)

BOOK: Lover Betrayed (Betrayed #2)
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I unwrapped my legs from around him and slid down his body until my feet touched the ground. Just to distract him more I reached behind me and unclasped my bra letting it fall to the
ground. Nic starred at my breasts licking his lips. Just as I planned he was finally fully distracted. He latched onto my breast like a starving babe while massaging the other one with his hand. I reached down and undid his pants. He let go of my breast long enough to help me get them unbuckled and pulled off. Damn the man is commando. Damn that’s hot. “Okay Jessi focus.” I told myself repeatedly in my head.

I flipped him around and pressed him up against the tree
. He bent down to kiss me and I pulled away. He gave me a questioning look. “Not yet lover, my turn,” I purred and dropped to my knees. I kissed him down his stomach and along his hipbones. I licked every inch of him that I could reach, everything but his dick. I grabbed his shaft firmly in my small hands and squeezed with enough pressure to make him moan. I’ve never done this before but he doesn’t know that. So I had to improvise. I started moving my hand slowly up and down keeping the pressure nice and firm. Nic reached down and put his hand over mine to encourage me to move faster. He moved his hips back and forth fucking my hand and moaning.

Since he was
good and distracted I figured if I was going to do it, now would be the time. I reached around for the handcuffs that was hooked to the chain around the tree. I couldn’t quite reached it and I realized I would need both hands because when he felt the cuffs he would know instantly what I was doing.

I let go of his dick and leaned back on my heels. I starred at it trying to figure ou
t the proper way to give a blowjob. Well, it can’t be much different than sucking on a lollipop. Fuck it. I leaned forward and grabbed his dick again. I licked the tip tasting it.

Nic groaned, “god Jessi if you keep this up I’m going to come.”

“Shh,” I told him.

Looking up at him,
his head was rested back against the tree, eyes closed and lips slightly parted. He really is a vision to look at especially like this. I leaned back into him, opened my mouth and slid his dick slowly into my mouth. I sucked him in as far as I could go without choking. Nic was moaning loudly and it spurred me on to continue. I sucked harder and dropped my hand pleasuring him with just my mouth. After a few seconds, Nic started pumping his hips fucking my mouth causing me to swallow him further down my throat.

I reached around both sides of him and felt for the cuffs. Once I had them in
my hands I moved into a better position while keeping Nics dick in my mouth and snapped them onto his wrists. I jumped backwards, stood up and smirked.

“What the fuck?
” Nic said looking at me like I lost my mind. I guess I had him more distracted than I thought because he didn’t even realize I snapped cuffs on him until he started toward me and came to a screeching halt. He looked down, tugged on the chain, then looked back up at me furiously.

“These better be you’re way of kinky for
e play Jessica,” he warned.

I reached down and put my bra and shirt back on.
I stood up straight and looked a now furious Nic in the eyes. “Next time you pull what you did yesterday it’ll be your balls hanging from this tree,” I said warningly and gathered up his clothes before I turned to walk away.

As I was w
alking away I decided to look over my shoulder one last time. “Oh and Nic, those cuffs are titanium. Have fun,” I said laughing.

damnit Jessica let me go right fucking now!” roared Nic as he tugged on the chains.

“You think titanium can hold me! You better fucking run
! So help me god when I get free your ass is mine!”

At his words I took off at a
dead run. I didn’t think about his age when I used those cuffs. Actually, I’m not even sure how old he is. Well shit. If he’s old enough those chains and cuffs won’t hold but for a few minutes. I pushed my legs as fast as I could manage.

Breathing hard and panting from the adrenaline
, I made it back to the house in record time. Alasdair was waiting for me by my bike. I threw Nics clothes at him and he tossed my jacket and helmet at me. I pulled it on as fast as I could, hollered thanks and hauled ass out of there laughing like a lunatic.






I waited at the house all day for Nic to come storming in but he never showed up. I was surprised to say the least. I was relieved he didn’t, but I was kind of disappointed at the same time. For some unknown reason I really like to rile that man up. I guess it keeps me entertained. When I got home, Sam bombarded me with a million questions. I sat her down over coffee and told her everything that happened. I swear she laughed for like an hour straight without stopping. Every time she laid eyes on me after that the laughter would start all over again.

What I failed to mention was
the reason I took Nic to that specific tree. You see I had it all planned out perfectly. I sent the guys to the Northeast side of the property to fix some nonexistent broken fence. I timed how long it would take them to take the trail passing the oak tree where I planned to tie Nic up to get to the fence and how long it would take them to get back. Unfortunately, I didn’t expect Nic to keep me occupied in his room for so long. If we had stayed a minute later the boys would have caught me on my knees. Just as I grabbed his clothes and took off running, I heard them coming through the woods. Perfect timing I might add.

Sam and I sat in the living room watching movies all day. Ever since I told her what happen
ed, even though she is still laughing about it, her shotgun hasn’t left her side.

“So, what happens next,” Sam asked lounging back on the couch.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean when Nic finally shows up here. What’s the plan?”

“Don’t have one.”

‘What do you mean you don’t
have one?” she asked surprised.

“I mean I didn’t
think that far ahead.”

“You always have a plan. Well a plan A, B, and C.”

“Apparently not this time,” I said.

“Oh no,” she says excitedly jumping up off the couch clapping her hands.

“What’s gotten into you?” I asked startled by her outburst.

came over to me, sits right next to me and turns to face me. I looked at her weird, not sure what in the hell she was doing.

“You fe
ll for him didn’t you?” she asked accusingly.

Pfft. What? No! Why on god’s green earth would you think that?” I asked

“Because he
picks fights you as much as you pick them with him.”

“He’s a distraction alright,” I grunted out
rolling my eyes.

“Come on Jess. For one
, you would never do the things you did with Nic with any other guy.”

“It was revenge!” I screeched
trying poorly to defend my actions.

“Revenge my ass! You
’re in love with him!” she yells back pointing an accusing finger at me.

“Oh my god! No I’m not!”

“You can lie to yourself all you want missy but you can’t lie to me,” she says tapping the side of her head. “Empath remember?” she says in a duh tone.

I was
about to defend myself further when Mathew came into the living room with Nic following behind him.

“Oh fuck,” I mutter.

“Yeah no shit,” retorts Sam.

scrambles off the couch, snatches Mathew up and practically runs from the room.

“Are you here to get revenge, yell at me, string me up, beat me?” I asked nonchalantly.

“No,” he answers quickly. Almost too quickly. I turn fully around on the couch to look at him directly. I’m not sure what he’s got up his sleeve but I damn sure want to see it coming.

“So, then why are you here?”

“To talk,” he replies simply.

“Wow a man with few words,” I say being sarcastic.

Nic walked around the couch and sat down next to me. “Look,” he says turning to face me. “We got off on the wrong foot and I just want to start over.”

“Start over?” I asked.

“Yes. Start over. I would actually like to take you out on a date.”

“A date?” I as
ked carefully. At this point, I was extremely confused.

“Yes a date. What do you say? Will you go on a date with me?” he asked hopefully.

“No.” I answer.


“Yes, no.”

“Why the hell not?” he growls standing to his feet.

“Now there’s the man I know and love. I knew you were hiding in there somewhere.” I said teasingly.

Nic stopped
dead in his tracks. “Love?” he questioned.

I realized what I just said and started scrambling over my words. “love,
pfft, no, no love, pfft, me love you, ha, that’s rich.”

“I heard what you said Jessica
,” he said and started stalking towards me.

I he
ld my hands up in front of me. “Slow down lover boy. You heard what you wanted to hear.”

I kept backing away from him trying desperately to put some distance between us.

“Nic I’m not going on a date with you so forget it. Not gonna happen.” I said not sure who I was trying to convince more him or myself.

“It’s inevitable Jessica and the sooner you get that through your
thick head the sooner we can stop playing games,” he said getting aggravated, which just pissed me off more.

“Damnit Nic I’m not going out with you and there is nothing between us. So just give it up already!” I yell

Nic slammed
his hands down on the table causing it to break in two. I squeaked in shock and jumped back. “Nothing between us! Nothing between us!” he roared. “You know what Jessica, believe your own fucking lies. I’m over it,” he said and stormed out slamming the door shut.

I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding
and plopped down on the couch. Sam walked in and sat down beside me.

“Why didn’t you go out with him?” she asked softly.

I let out a loud sigh, “Because he’ll do what everyone else in my life does, leave.”

“Yeah but me, Mathew, Alasdair
and all the boys are still here,” Sam pointed out.

“Sam we all live here, he doesn’t. Am I
supposed to sit around and wait on him to come back? Before this, you said he’d been gone for three years. With my situation I can’t travel with him and I’ll be damned if I sit and wait around for him to finally show up,” I said, trying desperately to get her to see my point.

“Well I guess in times like this there’s only one thing to do.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

“Get drunk. What else?” she says in a duh tone.
We both laugh and give each other a hug.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you Sam.”

“Neither do I,” she says standing up and pulling me to my feet. “Now let’s go get ready and I’ll call the sitter.”

It took about
five minutes for me to get ready, which pissed Sam off to no end. She started hollering something about girls should not wear jeans and t-shirts twenty-four seven and started fusing over me. After an hour of arguing I just rolled my eyes at her, tried to ignore her the best I could and let her have at it. There was no point in arguing with this girl when it comes to fashion.

By the time Sam
finished getting me changed to her liking, my hair was curled in loose ringlets that hung to my waist and I was in a white sundress. She tried to get me in a black dress and that’s where I drew the line. No way in hell was I going to some honky tonk wearing a damn black dress. That just screams look at me. No thanks, I’m not that kind of girl. I looked pretty and pretty I could handle.

Sam circled
me a few times checking me over, “Yep you’re finally ready.” She pinched my cheeks and I swatted her hand.

“Get off of me,
you psycho,” I said playfully.

Sam pointed
at herself in mock surprise, “Mwah? Are you calling mwah psycho?”

“Yes you.”

“Hey I’m not the one that cuffed a guy to a tree and left him there naked for all my hired hands to see.”

We both stared at each other not muttering a word
. After a minute, we both smiled and burst out laughing.

“Oh you know that shit was great,” I said through fits of giggles.

Sam high fived me and bumped me with her hip, “damn straight it was. Now let’s go party,” said Sam enthusiastically jumping up and down clapping her hands.

With the way we were acting
, you would swear we were teenagers. Believe me when I tell you, tonight is a very exciting night. Yes, I know we are only going to a bar, but we don’t ever get to go out. So tonight, we get to act as childish and crazy as we want to. We ran out of the house and jumped in my truck. We sped off down the highway with the windows rolled down, the music blaring and singing at the tops of out lungs.

We pulled up to the bar, parked and walked up to the door.
The bouncer knows us from the ranch and he went to school with Sam so we didn’t have to stand in line and wait. Inside, the place was packed from wall to wall. The DJ was in a tall booth in front of the dance floor by the stage. The dance floor was quite big with two bars on each side. We squeezed our way in between people and made our way to the bar. We ended up with two Tequila shots and a couple of beers.

We walked around seeing who all was here and looking for a place to sit. We found a table to the side of the stage by the dance floor.

“This place is crazy tonight,” said Sam.

“Yeah it is. This is nuts. I didn’t even know Boulder had so many damn people.
Where’d they all come from?” I asked.

Sam shrugged her shoulders, “don’t know.”

After sitting for a while we decided to get up and dance away all our stress. I tried to warn Sam two years ago that I didn’t dance, but of course she saw it as a new challenge. She decided that day, I was her new project. Change Jessi’s clothes, check. Make Jessi wear makeup, check. Teach Jessi to dance. I would say check but no matter how much she tried I still have two left feet. I did at least get better. I just dance better with a partner. When I dance by myself I tend to look everything around me instead of paying attention to what I’m doing and end up tripping over myself.

Like I just did. Before I could catch myself
, a hand reached out to help steady me. I looked up to see a cute guy with blonde hair and blues eyes smiling at me.

“You okay little lady,” he asked.

“Yeah I’m good. Thanks for the save by the way. I seem to have never grown out of my awkward stage.” I said.

“Don’t worry she dances better with a partner,” said Sam shoving us together and running of
f straight into the arms of Travis.

I rolled my eye
s and shook my head. “That girl really does have issues,” I muttered.

“I’m sorry did you say something?” asked the stranger holding me.

“No just talking to myself. Sorry she can be a little pushy sometimes,” I said sounding as apologetic as possible. I’m actually glad Sam didn’t shove me any harder otherwise I would have taken the guy out.

since your friend already shoved us together would you like to dance,” he asked holding his hand out to me.

I took it happily and agreed. “By the way my names Jessi,” I said trying to make conversation.

“Austin. Nice to meet you,” he said stepping back just enough to shake my hand.

“So, I haven’t seen you around before, are you new in town?”
Austin asked.

“Nope, been here two years. I just don’t get out much.”

We danced to a few songs, laughing and having a good time. For a human he really was entertaining. He’d stay quiet then all of a sudden bust out with one of those one liners that had me bent over laughing my ass off. Sam stayed wrapped around Travis all night. I’m glad she finally said yes to that poor man. He was about to drive us all straight to the looney bin with his winning over her.

Wanna get a drink,” Austin asked breaking into my train of thought.

I said.

He grabbed my hand and led me through the crowed. No matter where you went you couldn’t help but bump into people.
We passed by the front door headed to the bar where Sam and Travis was sitting when I caught just a hint of vanilla. My tattooed scar on my shoulder started to tingle. I whipped my head around to see if I could spot Nic but I didn’t see him anywhere. I shrugged my shoulders and figured I was just imagining it. As we got closer to Sam my scar started to burn and I scanned the crowed again looking for any signs that he was here. Again, I came up with nothing.

“Jessi!” yelled Sam.

“Huh, what?” I said scrunching up my eyebrows. “Why are you yelling?” I asked.

“Because I kept calling your name and you didn’t respond. You completely zoned out on us. Are you okay?”

I scanned the crowd again and still nothing.

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