Loverboy (13 page)

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Authors: Trista Jaszczak

BOOK: Loverboy
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He smiles. “Not like we planned it.”

I shake my head.

“Would you like to finish your movie?” He asks.

“I.” I pause. “Well, I kind of want…”

He stops me mid sentence, placing his lips directly on mine again. I feel myself melt as this time I wrap my arms around him. He responds quickly by wrapping his arms snuggly around me. I feel his warmth surround my body. I am enveloped with emotions…happiness…security…peace.

It’s the sound of a clearing throat that interrupts us. We both stop and look in the direction it came from to see a young teenager in the theater’s uniform. “Just because you’re alone in here doesn’t mean you can do what you want.”

“Oh, my God,” I mumble, looking down and focusing
my eyes toward Nick’s chest as he turns to the sound of the voice.

“So sorry,” Nick says. “Won’t happen again.”

“It had better not,” the young boy warns. “We’ll be keeping an eye on you.”

I bring a hand up to my forehead. “You’ve got to be kidding me. What am I, fifteen?”

Nick laughs as he cranes his neck toward the exit. “He’s gone.”

“Could this moment have been any more embarrassing?” I ask, looking over my shoulder.

“Oh, that kid is what, fourteen?” Nick says. “Like he hasn’t done this before in his life.”

“Yeah, but he probably hasn’t been caught,” I say.

He smiles and plants one last kiss on my lips. “I’ll let you finish the movie.”

“Well, I can’t finish it now.” I laugh softly. “I’m too distracted, and besides, we’re probably being watched right now.”

“I highly doubt we’re being watched.” He laughs. “Do you want me to go arrest him? Would that make you feel better?”

I laugh. “Stop, I don’t think he’s old enough to be arrested.”

“I can arrest anyone if I want to.” He smirks in a way that makes my stomach flip.

Mhm, even some fifteen year old kid just doing his job?”

He shrugs. “Doesn’t hurt to try. Kids are always afraid of cops.”

“I never was,” I say. “Well, until I committed my little crime,” I admit.

“Just remind me to never piss you off,” he says, laughing.

“Afraid I’ll put the hay bales in your truck?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “I’m more afraid of the bologna and mustard.”

“Well, just don’t make me mad and I won’t do anything crazy,” I say, glancing up at the screen again.

He smiles. “Trust me, I won’t.”

“So,” I start, “I’m just curious. Was tonight supposed to be,” I pause. “A date?”

“Well, what do you think?” He asks.

I shrug. “My mother always told me that if a man pays for anything then it’s for sure a date.”

“How do you know I’m just not some nice guy who doesn’t mind paying for you so long as it gets you out?” He asks.

I shrug again and bite down on my lip. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t realize how you felt about me,” I say. “I guess I still really don’t know how you feel about me. I’m just assuming.” I look up at him. “I’m sorry; when I get nervous I talk too much. Am I talking too much?”

He smiles. “What have you got to be so nervous about?” He asks.

“I don’t know,” I say. “This. You. Me. Us.”

“Don’t be nervous,” he says.
“There’s no reason why you should be. Nothing will change between us. Well, except for,” he pauses to think. “Relationship status? Is that how this works?”

I nod, though I am completely unsure myself. “That’s kind of what I was thinking.”

He smiles. “As in not quite single anymore…dating?”

I nod. “Not single anymore…dating…each other.”

“So, we’re on the same page there,” he tells me. “And this whole time you’ve been comfortable with me, so why change that now?”

“You do have a good point,” I say. “I am wondering, though, is this allowed? I mean, can you get into trouble for this?”

“I’ll definitely guess it’s more than likely frowned upon,” he tells me.

“So, in other words, keep it quiet for now?” I ask.

“Well, keep it so that my boss doesn’t find out.”

“That’s easy,” I say. “Dumb question, which one is your boss?” I flush.

He smiles and tucks a random strand of hair back behind my ear. “The big guy is the Deputy Chief; he took over after you at the press conference. My direct boss is Sergeant Wilson; he came to get your computer.”

“Ah, those guys,” I say. “I guess I should have known that.” I purse my lips for a moment. “Do you think any leads came up after the press conference today?” I ask.

He shrugs. “I’m not sure; I’m sure they would call me if some had.”

“I just hope it wasn’t just a waste of time,
” I tell him.

“I don’t think it was a waste of time at all,” he tells me. “I know you did the right thing.”

I look over at him and nod. Doing the right thing has left me feeling a little ill. Everyone would know what’s happened to me. How much I endured. They would know what all the scars on my body are from. It’s enough to make me feel insecure and wonder if any of them will ever go away. How will I explain to my children one day, what happened to me? Or anyone for that matter? How do you explain why little noises make you jump? I let out a light sigh as I feel Nick move a little closer to me.

“So,” he says, softly, slowly moving his hand close to mine to lace our fingers together. “Is this okay, too?”

I nod. “Perfectly okay,” I tell him, leaning my head slightly onto his shoulder. “Perfectly okay.” For once, I stop all the horrible thoughts in my mind. I don’t think about the two
Loverboys, what they did to me, or my scars, marks, and bruises. I lean my head on Nick’s shoulder and I relax for the first time in weeks. I pay close attention to his breathing as I can somehow feel that he’s just as relaxed. We’re peaceful, and I will be the first to admit that not being on edge feels amazing.


* * * * * *


I find that when the credits begin to roll that I’m quite disappointed. Not in the movie, but in the fact that I have to move away from Nick. Neither of us has moved an inch, and I prefer it that way. Which seems like it would be a lot more unusual after what I’ve gone through. He stays still, allowing me to slowly move. I glance over at him and smile. He returns the smile and stands, reaching for my jacket.

“So, was it worth it coming out tonight?” He lets out a light chuckle as he helps me into my coat.

I blush and give him a nod.

He takes my face in his hands. “Don’t be nervous around me, Charlie, please. Nothing will change between us. You’re still safe with me. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

“We’re just trying out dating,” I say.

He gives me a nod. “Exactly.”

I smile and lean forward to wrap my arms around him.

“You’re safe,” he tells me. “It’s more personal now than ever. I won’t let them hurt you again.”

I squeeze onto him tighter. I believe him. I believed him when I first met him, and I believe him right now. Nick will never let anything happen to me.

“How much trouble can you get into?” I ask him, reluctantly pulling away.

He shrugs as he brushes some hair out of my eyes. “I don’t really know. I don’t want to find out, either.”

I lick my lips. “It’s more than just frowned upon, isn’t it?”

He leans forward and pushes his lips to my forehead briefly. “Don’t worry about that, Charlie. Getting to know you like I have in the past few weeks, I know that you are worth the risk.”

I feel my cheeks heat up, and for some reason a few tears in my eyes. “I don’t want you getting into trouble for me.”

“Well, I say you’re worth the risk,” he grins. “Don’t you worry about that, or anything else for that matter.”

I let out a little laugh. “So, how do two people date when one of them is scared to get out of her apartment?”

“Lots of movies, cooking, playing board games,” he tells me. “I told you, don’t worry; let me take care of the worry.”

I lean in and hug him again, and that sense of safety washes over me from head-to-toe and I sigh. “So, does
this count as our first date?”

“This counts as our first date,” he tells me as we’re interrupted again by the sound of a clearing throat. I bury my face in Nick’s chest out of sheer embarrassment as he throws a hand up in the direction of the voice. “No worries. We’re just leaving,” he laughs, as he and I both begin making our way for the exit.

The drive back to my apartment is quiet, but very calm and peaceful. Nick has opted to drive with one hand and hold my hand in his. It’s relaxing to feel his touch, and a sense of security surrounds it for me. I stare contently out the window and watch the lights, people, and other cars as we drive by. Such a busy city. It makes me wonder how I was taken without anyone noticing. Late or not, this is the city that never sleeps. I let out a sigh, and I feel Nick give my hand a tender squeeze. In the past few weeks he has gotten incredible at reading me; he knows just when I need him, like right now. He stops my thought process, and I look over at him and smile just as we arrive back at my apartment.

Nick meets me at the passenger door and takes my hand in his again as he leads me to the secure door,
unlocking it for me. We trail up the stairs, and when he opens the door slowly to all the lights powered on, as usual, a more than likely expensive comfort, I can’t help but to glance around and luckily see nothing out of the ordinary. I watch as Nick does the same before turning to smile at me. I slowly let out a sigh of relief. From a distance, I can hear the sound of music, soft music, my cell phone.

“Excuse me,” I say, running into my bedroom to grab the phone that I had been choosing to ignore for the past few weeks. I slide the screen to ‘answer’ and place it to my ear. “Hello?” I immediately smile; it’s Lana, my boss at the dance studio. She had called a few times earlier in the week, but I hadn’t been up for answering. I almost feel badly for ignoring her as she has been so good to me. She sounds excited to hear I am doing as well as expected and healing well. She has seen all of the press conference coverage, and had to check on me again and reassure me that my job will always be waiting. I thank her and somehow end up agreeing to a visit the very next day.

“Oh Charlie,” she says. “The girls will love that; so will your adult contemporary class.”

“I’ve really missed them,” I say, slowly wiggling out of my jacket. “I’ve really missed dancing. God knows I could use a good work out.”

“Oh stop,” she says. “You’re a stick, and you know it.”

“Lana, the girls,” I say. “They don’t know anything about what happened, do they?”

She lets out a breath. “So far, I’ve simply told them you had an accident, but would be back soon.”

“Thank you,” I say. “I just think they’re too young to know what happened.”

“So, we will all see you, tomorrow right?” She asks.

“You will, I promise. Maybe I can even work on getting myself back in gear and back to work.”

“That would be wonderful, but just remember not to push yourself too quickly. Healing, and your health, is first and foremost,” she tells me. “We all miss you.”

“I miss you too,” I say, as we end our brief phone call. I hurriedly change into a pair of yoga pants and tank top. I head out of my room and grab a small band for my hair. I
find that Nick has already changed and found his way into the lounge chair where he looks rather comfortable.

“That was my boss, at the dance studio,” I say. “She was wondering if I could go there tomorrow and see my classes. I agreed to see them tomorrow. Is that okay?”

He immediately nods. “I think that’s a great idea.”

“I know I can’t be in hiding forever,” I say, pulling my hair into a quick bun. “I have to go back to work sometime. And, right now, it’s my classes that are suffering.”

He smiles. “You’re on the right track.”

I nod, and I begin to slowly pace behind the couch. “I was wondering. Tonight, I mean, that really happened? It wasn’t just some spur of the moment, have to try it, and it’ll never happen again thing, right?” I make it to the end of the couch, and as I turn around slowly Nick has quietly made it in front of me to place his hands on my shoulders.

“You said you talk too much when you get nervous.” He grins. “Do you think too much, too?”

I laugh softly as I feel his hands slide to my waist. I
expect to feel nervous at his touch in such a private place for me right now, but I’m still rewarded with the feeling of safety. “Some people tell me I do. It’s probably true.”

He tenderly pulls my body closer to his. “I promise, it wasn’t just some act on impulse, and that as long as you’ll let me it’ll happen again and again.” He grins wide, leaning down to let his nose rub against mine. I feel my cheeks flush as he plants a soft kiss on my lips.

I smile and feel myself giggle nervously. “I’m sorry. I just never thought I would want something like this again. Especially so soon.”

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