Loverboy (26 page)

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Authors: Trista Jaszczak

BOOK: Loverboy
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I wake that morning with a ray of sunlight directly in my eyes and to the sounds of rustling in the room. The nurse from the night before is checking Charlie completely over. She tosses out the empty IV bags and replaces them with new ones. She gingerly checks her blood pressure and other vitals. All the while, Charlie is still resting comfortably in the bed, wrapped up in the blankets with her head snuggled into the pillows.

The nurse turns and smiles. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It’s okay,” I tell her, stretching a moment.

“Are you her husband?” She asks, gathering up a few old bandages for the trash.

“Oh,” I pause. “No; her boyfriend.” I smile.

“Well, she’s doing beautifully,” she tells me. “For what her body has been through, I have no doubt this one will make a full recovery.”

“She’ll really be okay?” I ask.

She nods. “She’s battered and bruised, but that core of hers, she’s made of steel.” She grins and places a few more odds and ends into the trash.

I smile and glance at Charlie before looking back at the nurse. “How are the others?” I ask.

“Doing as well as expected,” she says. “They were all in such bad shape. It’s just a waiting game.”

I nod. I figured as much.

“You let us know if either of you need anything,” she tells me as she makes her way toward the door.

I nod and thank her as I hear a slight sighing noise coming from Charlie. I glance over as she stretches slowly to not cause any pain. She glances around slowly and licks her lips as she sleepily looks over at me. “It wasn’t a dream?”

I shake my head. “It really wasn’t a dream,” I tell her.

“They’re,” she pauses. “They’re really…”

I nod. “They’re gone.”

“You killed them,” she says, softly.

I nod and look down a moment.

“You saved my life,” she tells me as she tucks a tuft of messy hair behind her ear.

“I still didn’t get to you fast enough,” I admit.

“But, you got to me,” she says. “I’m here right now, because of you.” She smiles and gives the free space on her bed a light pat.

I get up slowly as I stretch out the aches and pains of an uncomfortable, but needed, sleep and make my way to have a seat next to her. Her eyes move to the tattered hole
that the bullet permanently marked on my shirt. She reaches her unsteady hand to trace her fingers along the brown, burnt mess, and slowly slides her finger just inside, feeling the hard material of the flak vest.

“I could have lost you.”

“I could have lost you,” I say, moving her hand slowly.

“That morning,” she says, “all I saw you put on was the tee shirt. You didn’t.”

I stop her. “I put it on when I got to the department.”

“Nick, that shot could have killed you,” she says. “It was by your heart.” She points out.

I nod. “But, it didn’t. He didn’t.”

She looks down. “I just don’t know what I would have done if I would have lost you,” she admits.

I lift her face in my hands. “But, you won’t. I’m not going anywhere,” I say, running my thumbs over her smooth cheeks. I stare into her eyes, as deep as I had before, past all her pain, past all the cuts and bruises, and past the entire trauma she just had to relive. I look down
to see that a smaller white bandage on her arm was slowly beginning to let blood seep through. I move my hands to her arms, tenderly brushing over the bandages. “God, why did they have to pick you, Charlie?” I look back up at her and see now that a few tears are dribbling down her cheeks. “I don’t know how to fix this,” I tell her, letting my finger graze over one of the bandages. “I want to. I just don’t know how.”

She leans forward slowly and wraps her arms around me. “You’ll fix everything. You did before, and you’ll do it again.”

I rest my chin comfortably on the top of her head. “I’ll try.”

“You know,” she says, “It’s going to be different. Not having you around the apartment.” She pulls away slowly and eases herself back into the nest of pillows.

“Oh,” I say. I hadn’t really given it much thought that when the case was over, so was my time at Charlie’s. “I guess I wasn’t thinking.”

“I’m really hoping that the other night wasn’t just some game.”

I shake my head. “I was actually kind of hoping that,” I pause. “I know it’s crazy but people do crazier things. But, maybe we could be...”

“Exclusive?” She asks.

I nod. “Yeah. And, I certainly wouldn’t object to coming to your apartment, or even you coming to mine.”

“So, we would be a couple,” she says.

I nod. “As long as it’s not too soon. Especially after all this.”

“Well, your sister met her boyfriend soon after her attack,” she says. “Maybe some things are just meant to be.”

I smile. “So that would make you my girlfriend?”

She grins and nods. “I do believe that would be my title.”

I smile and push her hair from her face.

She smiles, and I can see the exhaustion wash over her face as she reaches out for my hand. “Can you just promise me one thing?” She asks.

I nod. “Of course.”

“Please, help me make a better memory of Central Park.”

I smile. “I will do everything in my power to give you a better memory there.”

She smiles as she nestles herself back into her pillow to let herself drift to more much needed sleep.




6 Months Later






I begin digging for my keys as I sling the heavy bags back onto my shoulder. The heavy messenger and duffel bags begin to weigh me down as I make my way to my car. I finally give in setting them both on the ground as I place the key into the lock.

“Why Miss Murphy,” I hear the voice behind me.

I turn to see Nick pulling into the studio parking lot in his police cruiser. I smile as he pulls his car into park.

“Did someone miss my phone call?” He asks.

“Sorry, I didn’t have time to check my phone,” I tell him. “Adult contemporary class was today, and the girls were nuts this afternoon.”

“Well, I called to tell you that I was meeting you here.” He smiles as he gets out of his car.

“Oh, God,” I say. “Please tell me it’s not about my apartment? Those people agreed to the sublet costs,” I grumble.

He laughs and shakes his head. “Everything with your apartment is great. And, the couple doesn’t want to bargain anymore.”

I make a face. “You didn’t blow anything up at your apartment, did you? Because, Nick, we have to live there, and I am not replacing another microwave.”

He shakes his head again, and this time laughs even harder. “I swore to you that I would only cook under your supervision,” he tells me as he lifts my large bags up and onto his shoulder.

“Then what?” I ask.

“Well, if someone would check her messages,” he
says, extending his hand for my keys.

I laugh. “Oh yes, because I can take a break in the middle of dancing to check a message.”

He unlocks my trunk, popping both bags inside with ease. “We just have something important to do.”

“It’s not the new furniture is it?” I ask, as he leads me around to his car.

“No, they’re delivering it on time,” he reassures me.

“And, this time in one piece?”

He stops and places a hand carefully on my hip and one on my cheek. “Just relax. For once. Everything is perfect. Our apartment is coming together. Your apartment has been subletted. The new furniture will be here in one piece.”

I let out a deep breath that I realize I was holding. “I’m sorry, I’m just on edge. You do realize your mom, dad, and your sisters will be here in a week.”

He nods. “And your family the week after.”

“And, the girls have their big spring dance recital,” I
say, finally draping my arms around his neck.

“It’s time to relax,” he tells me. “Everything is falling perfectly into place.”

I smile, and finally have a light go off in my head. I glance over his shoulder at the police car and back to him. He’s still in full uniform. “I thought we both got off work at the same time today.”

He nods. “We did. I figured I would meet you here first.”

“You can do that?” I ask.

He shrugs. “We have something important to take care of first. So, like it or not, I’ll be heading back in a little late.”

“Well,” I say, “if it’s that important let’s get this show on the road.”

He leads me to the passenger side of the police car and opens the door. I take a seat and reach for my seat belt. He soon joins me on the other side of the car as he slides in and clicks his seat belt on.

“So, where are we going?” I ask.

“You’ll see,” he says, pulling the car into drive.

I nod and watch as he pulls out into the street. But, make no mistake, I know where he’s going after a few turns. I glare over at him for a moment.


He nods. “Yeah?”

“Where are we really going?” I ask, now feeling my heart begin to pound.

He reaches for my hand for a brief moment and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

I shake my head. “Oh Nick, I don’t think I can do this. Not today. Please.” I watch as he takes a few more turns that I am familiar with.

“It’s been long enough,” he tells me. “You know you can do this. Stop putting it off. Look at you. Look how fast you’ve recovered.”

“Yeah, physically.”

“And, mentally.” He glances over at me. “Charlie, you’re ready.”

“Shouldn’t I be the one to tell you if I’m ready or not?” I grumble.

“You remember that night in the hospital?” He asks.

“I was so high on that pain medication,” I say. “Barely.”

“You told me that you wanted to go there and make a new, better memory there,” he says. “We’re moving in together. You finished up with counseling. You’re back to work, and you’re even back to school.”

I close my eyes. “But, I don’t know if I’m ready for

“Baby,” I feel him squeeze my hand again, “you’re ready. You’ve been ready. It’s time, Charlie. ”


* * * * * *


I really haven’t been near Central Park in months. Not to walk by it, drive by it, or even see it from a distance. I actually avoid it at all costs. I wouldn’t be here right now if Nick wasn’t making me. But, here we are, walking inside, hand in hand. I take a long deep breath and look around. The spring air was fresh, and the leaves on the trees were finding that perfect shade of green. I feel a few tears prickle at my eyes as I look over at Nick.

“Nick,” I say, “I think I’m going to have a panic attack.”

“You’re not going to have a panic attack,” he tells me. “I’m right here with you.”

I nod as we continue down the path. The park is filled with people, kids, and pets. It’s loud and busy. It’s nice, and how I used to love it. We round a path, and I pause to glance around. I take a few long breaths to relax myself and close my eyes for a brief moment. I feel Nick give my hand a slight squeeze, and I glance over to see he’s no longer standing next to me. I look down and find him on one knee, looking up at me.

“I promised you that we would make a better memory
in here together,” he says. “I never want you to think about what happened before. I just want you to think of us and this moment right now.”

I smile as he eases every fear I’d grown to have of the park.

“Which is why I knew I had to make this memory a really good one,” he continues, as he reaches into his pocket.

“Oh my God.” My heart jumps high into my throat as I swallow hard.

He smiles and pulls out a rather shocking display of a diamond ring. “Charlie.” He grins again. “I think you know what this is for.”

I cover my mouth as I feel my knees begin to grow unsteady.

“Charlie,” he smiles, “will you marry me?”

I can feel a few tears slide down my cheeks as I open my mouth to speak. After a long breath, I’m able to speak. “Yes.”

“Think I can put this on your finger?” He asks, adjusting my left hand to slide it on my finger.

My mouth drops. “Oh my God.”

He smiles. “Like it?”

“Oh my God.” I can feel my legs wobble as he stands up to wrap his arms around me. It’s now I realize the small crowd of strangers are beginning to clap and cheer. “Oh my God, Nick.”

He wipes the tears off my cheeks and smiles. “I told you that I would make a better memory here for you.”

“Nick.” I glance down at the large diamond ring that now covers my ring finger. “How long have you been planning this?”

He smiles. “A while, now. You needed a better memory here, and I wanted to propose. I figured what better memory is there to replace the other one that occurred in this park.”

I lean on my tip toes for a very public display of kissing that would have surely turned the average grandmother red.

He pulls away slowly and smiles. “Oh,” he says softly. “It is from Tiffany’s. That’s every woman’s dream, right?”

I laugh and lean up and kiss him again. “You definitely just made a much better memory.”

It’s taken me a while to figure it out, but now I finally understand I’ve risen from hell, twice. Good things can come from bad. There is always hope. And, it may take time, but healing is possible. As I lean in and kiss Nick again, I hear the words in my head…good things can come from bad…and, they have.


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