Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories (20 page)

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Authors: L.C. Giroux

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories
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"What's my little bird thinking?" He was fully ready to bail on this if she didn't want to. He got the feeling that she'd already shared more with him than she had most other people. If she didn't want to do this he didn't have to. Then she looked up at him with the biggest grin he'd seen on her all day. "Um, what are you thinking about?"

"Mmm, just my favorite high school fantasy. You are going to be seriously disappointed though. It isn't even PG rated."

"Am I in it?" she shook her head yes. "Then I don't think I'll be disappointed at all. As long as you're willing to tell me what it is."

When the elevator stopped on the next floor she held his hand and pulled him out. He took a second to look around and was pleasantly surprised. Her bedroom was almost the same size as the first floor. Across from the elevator was the bathroom, looking in the door he could see a cast iron tub definitely big enough for two with an old fashioned handheld shower. He pushed aside the vision of the two of them soaking in the tub together, it would have to wait for a different day.

Her bed was a king size right in the middle of the room. It was old fashioned too, in that it had big wrought iron head and footboards, more possibilities to play. The placement seemed odd at first till he realized there was an old industrial pyramid sky light in the center of the ceiling. Even on winter nights you would be able to lay in bed and look up at the stars. In the corner near where he assumed her closet was, stood a huge mirror in a fancy gold frame leaning against the wall.

It had to be at least eight feet high and six feet across. In front of it was a thick fluffy rug in white with a love seat off to the side. Hanging from the ceiling in that corner was a crystal chandelier. Did she realize how sensual all of this was? The whole room had a warm feminine feel but not so girly that he felt uncomfortable in it. It perfectly suited everything he knew about her, off beat, creative, soft, a little old-fashioned.



"Your room, its perfectly you."

"Is that a good thing?"

"I sure think so. So where does this fantasy of yours start?"

"Ugh, you're serious?"


Evie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "It starts at basketball practice."

She opened one eye to see if he was laughing at her yet but his expression just said he was paying attention to her not that he was going to make fun of her. She closed her eyes again. "I sneak in to watch you play but I hide under the bleachers so you can't see me. When practice ends you stick around to shoot three-pointers."

"Hey, I actually used to do that all the time."

"I know."

"You naughty girl, you were spying on me. So what part of this is fantasy then?"

"This part, in my fantasy, you know I'm there and start showing off for me. Shooting from farther and farther away from the basket and closer and closer to me."

Cam started laughing. "Oh, God. That sounds so like me, even now unfortunately. Some other time I'll tell you how I ended up in the auction. Go on."

"When you finish up you tell me you'll drive me home."

"Tell you or ask you if you want me to?"

"Tell me I suppose, does it make a difference?"

"Yeah, if I'm telling you instead of asking you, I would guess you kind of like a guy comfortable with being in charge."

"Oh." Her voice sounded very small, like she hadn't ever thought that and didn't know what to think now.

"Relax, I'm not going to be pulling any whips and chains out of my pocket. Just lets me know that you won't mind me being, well, me."

"Okay." though she said it like it was still under consideration.

"So I tell you I am going to drive you home and..."

"When we get to my house, you come in and we end up in my bedroom."

"Okay, we're in your bedroom now."

Her breathing was starting to get shallower and she was flushed. He could feel the waves of arousal coming off of her.

"We're sitting on my bed."

Cam moved toward the bed, and looked back at her when she didn't follow him.

"PG rated, remember." and he held his hand out. She walked over to him and held on to it for a second then climbed on the bed. He maneuvered his chair so he could get on it too and then followed her.

"So we're on the bed..."

"Then I start... I start taking your sweatshirt and T-shirt off." She blushed dark pink.

"Well, that sounds promising." and he held his arms out for her to undress him.


"You want me to do it? but then it messes with your fantasy."

She reached out and put her hand in the center of his chest and then followed it with her other one. She sat like that for a second or two feeling his heart pounding. Cam barely breathed he was so afraid of spooking her. Finally she gathered a handful of his sweater and pulled it up over his head. She hung it over the top of the head board. The she started on his T-shirt. She was moving in slow motion and the effect was mesmerizing. Cam desperately wanted to reach out to her, rip his shirt off, or both but again he didn't move a muscle. Finally she got the shirt off and laid it on the bed. Cam could see her eyes had a far away look to them. She was barely breathing herself, her breaths were so shallow. Finally she put one of her hands on his bare chest where she had started. Cam reached for the other one and placed it next to her other hand and left it there. After staring at them for a minute, she smoothed them over his chest. When he didn't flinch she moved them more freely, stretching her fingers in the sprinkling of curly dark hair there.

"Now what?" Cam heard his voice turn to gravel with the effort to speak. She looked up like she was surprised he was still there. Evidently in her fantasy he was the strong silent type. She came back to reality a little before she answered.

"Um, I, take off my clothes and put on your T-shirt." She didn't look him in the eye when she was saying it.

"In front of me, or do you go somewhere else to change?"

She looked relieved. "Somewhere else I guess, I just know I end up in your T-shirt."

"Do you want to do it in the bathroom?" She just shook her head yes and then grabbed the shirt and darted for the bathroom door. Before she went in she looked up at him and her eyes were shining like diamonds and she had a goofy grin on her face, which made him smile too. While she was in there he slid out of his jeans and got under the covers. When she came back out she was wearing only his shirt and her panties. Cam's eyes almost rolled back in his head suppressing the urge to growl. He took as deep a breath as he could manage to avoid choking on the desire that washed over him. He swallowed hard before he spoke.

"Are those white cotton bikinis, miss?"

She grinned back at him and shook her head yes.

"Have mercy on me!" he said looking at the ceiling. "Come here." His voice had gone gravelly again with the effort to control himself. When she stood beside him, he took one of her hands and placed it over his pounding heart. He wanted her to feel what she was doing to him. While she stood there his other hand slid over her hip till it met the elastic on the leg of her panties. He slid his thumb under the edge and caressed the silky skin there. Her breath hitched in her chest.

"Do I get a kiss at some point?" Her hands slid around his neck as she bent to kiss him. As she did his hand slid around to the back of her thigh and stayed there. He felt her breath shudder as she kissed him, sweet, chaste little kisses at first then finally just the tip of her tongue touching his lips. Without moving his hand, Cam gently pushed her down to him and deepened the kiss. After a minute, he knew if he didn't pull back this was not going to be a PG rated fantasy much longer.

"What next?" His voice came out as a croak, the muscles in his chest were so tight.

"Not much, um, I curl up with my head on your chest and go to sleep?" Her voice sounded as raspy as his. Cam fought the urge to groan.

"Hmm, as wonderful as that sounds, can I embellish a little?"

"What do you want to do?" She sounded scared again.

"Nothing scary, only what I would have done if this situation presented itself to me when I was in high school. Actually a lot less than I would have tried then. Now I understand the appeal of taking things a little slower."

"I guess." She still sounded so wary he knew he'd need to go slow with her.

"Thank God. I need you closer." and he dragged her across his body as she still clung to his shoulders. "Come on, under the covers too." When he had tucked her in, her eyes got wide.

"Where are your jeans?"

"I took them off, I can't exactly sleep in my jeans. I did keep my shorts on. I'm as covered as I would be at the beach."

"I guess, its just that, I can feel ALL of you."

"Mmm Hmm, and I'm gonna feel all of you too." Now he was grinning like the wolf he felt like.

"Oh." She burrowed in closer to him, pulling herself into a ball next to him.

"Oh no you don't. I want to feel those gorgeous legs of yours tangled up in mine." and he turned towards her. She looked up at him with her eyes round from wonder. He pulled her into him and placed a gentle kiss on her nose. It must have reassured her because she relaxed and wrapped her legs around his. He shifted his hips so that one of his legs was between hers.

"You can move your legs!"

"A little. I wasn't trying to hide it from you. I need the wheelchair because there isn't enough strength to stay standing for any real length of time but I can move them some and even better I can feel your soft silky skin against them. What, you thought I was safe because I couldn't move?" Cam started laughing at the look on her face. "Its okay, I probably should have warned you. As spinal cord injuries go I got off pretty damn lucky. Um, as you have no doubt noticed, I, ugh, have no trouble with, arousal."

She grinned up at him. "I noticed. You promised..."

"I'm just saying, in case you want to make any future plans for something maybe R rated next time. But this is all about your favorite high school fantasy. Evie, I want to touch you. I'm not going to undress you if you don't want. I'm only going to use my hands but I want to touch you. Are you okay with that?"

"If I want you to stop you will?"

"Absolutely, this is all about you, but have you considered that you may not want me to stop?"



"You talk too much. Kiss me."

Being a nice guy he did what she asked, being a man while he was kissing her he pulled her top leg up over his hip so he could touch her through her now very damp panties. At first she stiffened up but after a couple of minutes of just running his fingers up and down the wet cotton she relaxed and he pulled her in closer. His cock wanted to burn a hole in her belly but he meant what he told her. Maybe later he could run an ice cold bath. As he continued teasing her through the cloth she started to squirm and it was becoming obvious to him at least that she wanted release. He pushed harder against the cotton and found her clit. She gasped against his mouth but for once she didn't try to bolt. God, she was soaked. He'd give anything to be inside her right now but he'd have to wait. He wanted her to think of this the next time she thought about her schoolgirl fantasy.

"Evie, I want to make you come honey. Do you want to take these off? I can do it with them on. Either way, its your call."

"On, God, don't stop Joseph." it came out as a whisper as she clung to him. Cam pulled her closer as she tucked her head under his chin and he kissed her forehead. With a feather light touch he caressed her through the cotton. The texture of the fabric magnified the movement and soon she was whimpering. Cam tucked his head down and whispered in her ear.

"I've got you my little bird, fly apart for me, I've got you, its okay."

He felt her start to stiffen in his arms and then she started to shake.

"Oh! Joseph! Oh! God!"

"Look at me. Keep your eyes open when you come for me baby, I want you to know this isn't a dream. I'm real and I'm here." She stared up at him, fighting to keep her eyes open but finally losing the battle when the orgasm got stronger. She threw her head back, he felt her fingernails claw at his back and neck. Her legs clamped around his as she thrust against his hand. Finally, she muffled her scream by biting into his chest, thank God she didn't break the skin. He kept stroking her till she finally stilled then she looked up at him with those huge lost looking eyes.

"That was so much better than my fantasy."

"Maybe you could edit that part in before you curl up against my chest and fall asleep."

"I'm not sleepy now, besides what about you?"

"I promised you it was all about your fantasy."

"You did say I could edit it."

"What did you have in mind?"

She just smiled at him and then he felt her hand graze his shaft. He sucked in a breath.

"Well, schoolgirls are so curious. I... want to see you. And touch you, like you touched me. No wait, not through cloth, skin to skin.

"Woman, you're gonna kill me." He might have protested more but she started running her fingernail in tiny circles on the underside of the head of his penis and he suddenly became incapable of thought. He felt her trying to tug his boxer-briefs down and finally came back to reality enough to help her. Once he was naked, she really did act like the curious schoolgirl. Touching him all over and looking at the reaction she got. She had pulled the covers off of him and it was starting to get chilly so he pulled her down onto his chest and kissed her while she kept exploring with one hand. God, he was close.

Evie, honey, I'm not gonna last much longer if you keep doing that."

"I thought that was the point."

"Naughty girl." She made each motion faster and harder.

"Oh Hell! Evie!" and he was lost, adrift in the most intense orgasm of his life. When he came back to reality again. Evie was kneeling next to him with a delighted smile on her face.

"What?" It was almost too soon to talk.

"I've never done that before."

"Hmm?" Sleep was calling to him.

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