Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories (51 page)

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Authors: L.C. Giroux

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories
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    "Attends... I want to look at you. Allain, tu es si belle." She reached out and laid her fingers on his hip. She thought he was beautiful, aroused like this. He was shivering but not from the cold. She raised the quilt for him to get underneath and his breath caught in his chest.

    In the half light of the storm she looked like a Manet painting. Her hair slipped over one shoulder to curve around her breast. Her bright inquisitive eyes staring directly at him. Her lush body so at ease. The glittering silver bracelets giving her an exotic, even regal air.

    "Tu es belle, mon amour." and he placed a kiss on her cheek. She pulled him toward her with her hand still on his hip. She shivered when he lay next to her under the covers.

    "Sorry, I'm still cold." he said and she giggled softly.

    "Parts of you are very warm." and she trailed her fingers over his length. He held his breath till she moved her hand up to his chest. He captured it there and looked in to her eyes again. Yes, he saw desire but more, he saw her love. It left him humbled and grateful. He bent his head and gently brushed his lips over hers. His arms wrapped around her melding her body tight to his. When he stopped kissing her and opened his eyes he found her staring back at him. She smiled shyly this time then nipped at his chin.

    Her hands ranged over his body and every where she touched felt warm and alive. He kissed his way down her neck, stopping to sip at the hollow of her throat. He slid further down and lost himself in the delight of her breasts again. Soon she was getting impatient and slid out from under him. He followed her turning over, now she was on top of him.

    She scooted down his legs so that she now had him pinned.

    "I 'ave wanted to do this for a very long time. I 'ave loved you since I was a child but this, I did not discover till I was a woman." She trailed her fingers over him. God help him she was enjoying torturing him.

    "Marie," He swallowed hard "If you have any fears..."


    "Yes, my love." She smiled at him and tore open a condom wrapper.

    "No more talking." Then she rolled the condom down his penis, stealing his breath and any possible thoughts. "I am tired of waiting for you. Chivalry, c'est bon sure, but you, you think too much. I need to show you 'ow to enjoy, maybe?" She moved over him teasing him with her lips against his then she nipped and kissed down his throat. She had his penis trapped beneath her, grinding her bare mons against him. He fought closing his eyes at the sensations. When she stopped he held his breath as he watched her lift and then cant her hips to capture him at her entrance. Achingly slow she took him into her body, inch by inch.

    "Oh, mon Dieux, I knew you were... Oh, Oui! She stopped and caught her breath and then settled herself laying on his chest. He was afraid to move for fear of hurting her but his body burned to take hers. He knew if he gave her a little time this would be better for both of them. He waited what felt like an eternity before asking if she wanted to continue.

    She rose like a siren from slumber and began to move on him. She was in complete control and she was glorious. His hands came up and captured her breasts and his thumbs stroked over her nipples teasing them into even harder peaks. She moaned in obvious pleasure. Allyn let his knees fall open and then sat up some allowing him to move too. She had her arms around his shoulders while he wrapped one arm around her waist supporting her. He didn't know how much longer he could last and he wanted this to be good for her. With his free hand he reached down and strummed his fingers across her mons. She gasped and threw her head back. At their next thrust he found her clitoris and she let out a moan. He willed himself to hold out till she had climaxed. She held still for a moment, her throat working as she stared deep into his eyes and then she shattered, screaming his name. He lost himself in her tidal wave when she did. They clung to each other panting till they both collapsed.

    When he could move again he cleaned up and got back in to the bunk. With the two of them,  it was a tight fit so he laced his arms and legs around her body tucking her tight against him. She slept with her cheek against his chest. Outside, the worst of the storm had passed. He wondered how long they could stay like this, in their own little world. He buried himself in her hair and drifted off to sleep himself. They made love in the middle of the night and again in the morning. He would never get enough of her.

    Marie snuggled against Allain's chest, the coarse hairs tickling her back. Ouf, she was sore but happy. He was an exquisite lover, it was more than she could have hoped for. She lay half awake feeling as much as hearing his steady strong heartbeat. There would be no more hiding between the two of them. Finally, he was hers and she, his, no matter what else happened. She felt his warm hand cup her bottom. Just that little touch made her muscles clench and she wanted him again. Merde, he was going to think she was insatiable, quel dommage. He obviously wanted her again if his body was any indication.

    "Allain, I can not sleep with this thing poking my back." She heard him gulp.

    "I'm sorry Marie, I -just ignore it.

    "Bouf, it would be like ignoring a," She couldn't think of a word, "mmm, a 'ot poker." and then she giggled. "I think the only thing I can do is to make it go away, non?" She turned over and faced him with a big grin on her face. "Hmm, any ideas to make it less, insistent?" She ran her fingers up and down his shaft and then very lightly stroked her fingernails over his sac. He closed his eyes and concentrated on merely breathing.

    "If you keep doing that, you are going to be even more sore before this morning is over."

    "Sore from good sex with a generous lover is the best kind. All day you walk around smiling." as she said it she ran one fingernail up to the crown.

    "Marie, Oh, God. You are torturing me."

    "It is no more than you deserve for making me wait so long." and then she kissed him. She couldn't help smiling, she liked teasing him a little. "If I 'ad known you were such a skilled lover I would 'ave not given you a choice in the matter."

    "While I am thrilled you appreciate my prowess in bed dear, I don't think attacking me would have helped." He was smiling and had rolled her on to her back. He looked so strong, so male staring down at her with such desire in his eyes.

    "Allain, I am French. I would not 'ave done anything as gauche as attack you, mais, I would 'ave seduced you in such a way you would 'ave thought you were seducing me."

    "I see. And what would you be doing now, My pretty little hedonist? Is this how you would have seduced me?" He slid his cock over her bare mons and she gasped and fought her eyes rolling back in her head.

    "Non, this is taking what is mine. You 'ave always been mine, you just did not know it."

    "And are you mine?" His voice was soft and rough from their teasing.

    "Allain, I was always yours." She reached up and twirled her fingers in his silky hair. "Now, make love to me again and then we need to find some food. J'ai faim!"

    "As you wish my lady." He bent his head and began teasing her nipple with his teeth. She gave herself up to him completely as they made love again.

    Later on deck, she could hardly bear to be separated from him, curling around him like a cat in heat. It was completely undignified but she didn't care. She let him deal with the sails but if he was sitting at the rudder she couldn't help herself and ended up in his lap or draped around him. He seemed to crave the contact as much as she did.


    "Yes, love?" She smiled in all the years she had known him, he had used little endearments for her but never that one before this trip.

    "What are you going to tell Violet?"

He groaned. "Do we have to?" He had a wicked grin on his face. "Let’s just keep this to ourselves for a little bit. Can we?"

    "Allain, I think you like this game." She liked seeing him playful. If he wanted to keep this a secret for a little longer it was fine with her. "But then you are going to 'ave to sneak me into your bed." She grinned back at him and watched his eyes flash with desire.

    "I do like a challenge." and he pulled her onto his lap and started undressing her, kissing each bit he uncovered.

    "Allain, you are not worried someone will see us."

    "Right now, I couldn't care less." There was so much they needed to talk about but right now she needed him as much as he needed her. There would be lots of time to talk, later.


Chapter 8


     Allyn couldn't remember a time feeling this happy. He'd told Marie on the boat that he wanted to keep their relationship a secret, the truth was that he wanted to have everything ready and ask her to marry him. He had dropped her off from the boat club and then raced to the bank to get his mother's ring from the safe deposit. It had been in the family forever and the different stones each had a special significance.

     When he was coming back in he heard Marie talking to Violet. He should have known she wouldn't be able to keep the secret.

     "Violet, you know I 'ave loved your brother forever." Allyn grinned to himself, Violet was never going to let him forget that she had been right and he was wrong. "But this Smith, O la la. 'e is exciting and daring. 'e is a bold lover where Allain is more sweet. I could not choose one only." Allyn backed away from the door quickly. He felt sick. She still wanted Smith. She wouldn't settle for just him. As always, he'd given his heart and lost. He clenched his fists in anger and frustration. The harder he clenched, the deeper the ring cut into his palm. He could only hope it left a scar so that he wouldn't forget how this felt.   He needed to get out of here. He wasn't sure which was worse Marie coming to his bed or her not showing up.  He'd use the hotel suite, except that would only serve to remind him of the night he spent there with her. Just a room would be better, regardless, he needed to get out of here before he did something rash.

    "Allain? Où es tu? Ah, there you are. Where did you go last night? You missed dinner and... I waited for you to come to bed."

    "Something came up, I had to go into town and ended up staying there."

    "Is everything alright? You seem strange."

    "I'm fine. Tired is all. I have a note for you from Smith." She couldn't help grinning from ear to ear. She had been telling Violet last night how she had fallen in love with both parts of Allain. One part was sweet, serious, and almost shy and the other was daring, sensuous, and playful. She could have been happy with just part of him but to have the sweetness and the surprise was much more fun. She opened the note, though it felt a little odd to read it in front of him.

    "'e wants to see me tonight." She grinned at Allain. "I am to go to the 'otel near here. 'e said 'e would leave a key for me at the desk." She felt flushed and knew she was bright pink. Her belly was summersaulting wondering what he would do this time. The note said she should blindfold herself again. Would he finally reveal himself. After the weekend on the boat it seemed silly not to but they had never talked about it either.

    "So you are going?" He looked so stern. He was taking this all too seriously. She was enjoying their game.

    "Bien sûr! What do you think I should wear?" She leaned over to kiss him and he pushed away from her. She was surprised at his abruptness. "Sorry, I forgot you wanted to keep it a secret."

    "Um, yes. I don't know what you should wear, something that will make you both happy I suppose." She winked at him.

    "I know just what I can wear to surprise him. Are we going to lunch today?"

    "No, I can't." Hmm, he must be grumpy from lack of sleep, maybe tonight she could convince him to take a nice warm bath while she scrubbed his back. The tub in the suite was big enough for both of them. "Actually I will be gone the rest of the day." She frowned, he was being difficult and distant, eh, he must just be tired or worried about something at work. The poor man took the whole world on his shoulders, he needed her to distract him just a little. Tonight she would make sure his worries were the last thing on his mind.

    Allyn sat in his car in shock. She didn't even try to hide her delight that Smith was still chasing after her. She flaunted her meeting with him tonight. He wanted to be sick. How had he so misjudged her? She had always been imperious, even mischievous, but never cruel. How, after the weekend they had spent in each others arms, could she take such delight in torturing him? He felt as if his heart had been torn out of him. He was insane with the pain, this was much worse than losing her physically. She was still there, taunting him. His only thought was to stop the hurt by removing the cause. He'd meet her tonight as Smith and cauterize the wound, burn it, so it couldn't hurt anymore.

    Marie couldn't stop smiling on the way up in the elevator. Last time she had been here Allain had carried her the entire way because she was blindfolded. It was silly, daring, and romantic, the perfect blend of the man she loved. It had felt odd having the feeling of having been here but no idea of where to go. The minute she set foot in the suite all the memories of that wonderful night came flooding back. The tenderness of his touch, the way he held her, the heights of passion that he brought her to -she felt herself break out in a sweat and her knees go weak just from remembering. They were going to be very good for each other.

    She looked at her watch. She had left work a little early so she could settle her nerves some before he got here. She wanted to be a more active participant in this game he had set up. She smiled to herself as she looked around taking in the placement of the furniture. She wanted to surprise him but not be sitting there when he opened the door. She ruled out just waiting in the bedroom as too needy. He had to know she desired him but she wanted to tease him just a little first. She unpacked the champagne and put it in the ice bucket. Next came some cheeses, paté, and fruit. Would he let her feed him like they did the first night? All of the food she put on the coffee table in front of the couch. She turned one of the big club chairs so that it's back was to the door.

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