Read Lovers' Dance Online

Authors: K Carr

Lovers' Dance (14 page)

BOOK: Lovers' Dance
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“Mwboots,” I warbled, trying not to drown as Matt explored the inside of my mouth with his tongue.

“Mmm,” he responded, unbuttoning my shorts and slowing starting to ease them and my panties down.

I pulled away gasping. “My boots are still on.”

Matt glanced down. His own shoes were soaked. He went to his knees and started taking off my boots. I rested my hand on his shoulders for balance as he manhandled them off. I dug my fingers into his shoulders, then bent over to press kisses across his nape. Matt groaned loudly and ran his hands up my legs. I was tingling all over, aching all over. Matt slid his hands over my shorts and pulled everything down. He made a sound at the back of his throat, almost feral-like, then started pressing kisses over my stomach, venturing lower. I gripped his hair and tugged until his upturned face stared at me.

“A proper shower first,” I said firmly.

Exasperation clouded his face as he narrowed his eyes at me in sexual frustration. I grinned at him, naked in front a kneeling man and not caring in the least. I was going to have sex with him today. After today, I would not be a twenty-six year-old freak of a virgin. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow.

Matt’s exasperation melted away at my smile and he got to his feet. He kicked off his shoes, peeled off his socks, then made short work of his belt before finally removing the rest of his clothes.

I ended up in the corner of the shower, eyes wide with shock and apprehension. Matt was big all over. Big and clearly aroused.

“Don’t come near me with that…that thing,” I warned. I had seen penises before. Fleeting glimpses if accidentally walking in on our male dancers at the studio whenever they changed. But Matt was big enough to make me pause; hell, I was frozen in the corner of his fancy, double-shower enclosure.

“Poppet.” He took a step towards me.

I grabbed the back scrub brush hanging from a hook, waving it at him like a weapon. “No, Matt. I changed my mind. It won’t fit. Stay back, goddamn it.”

He laughed, a deep, sexy, predatory laugh that sent shivers down my spine and took another step towards me.

“It will fit, don’t worry.”

I waved the brush menacingly. “It’s—your thing is as big as me. Stay back.”

He laughed and took another step. “That’s an outrageous exaggeration, poppet. Come here and let me soap your back.”

“It will hurt. I’ve changed my mind,” I said terrified. What if I ended up with internal injuries? I was small in comparison to his frame. It seemed impossible that he could actually fit inside me. Oh God. What was I doing?

Matt realized I was nervous, and he held a hand out instead of advancing like a wet, sexual nightmare preparing to ravish me. He swiped his water-logged hair off his face and smiled at me.

“Madi, I’ll be as gentle as physically possible. Come here.”

Bit by bit I edged away from the corner, avoiding any form of eye contact with his lower body. I took his hand and he raised it to his lips, pressing wet kisses over my hand while holding my gaze with his. His tongue flicked over my wrist, causing my eyes to close for a moment as my fingers tightened around his. I dropped the brush.

“Promise?” I asked in a small voice.

Matt pulled me against his naked body and kissed my temple softly. “I promise, poppet.”

It was the quickest shower known to man. Matt’s hands gliding intimately over my body with the help of soap was slowly driving me insane. I think he was losing his mind, too, as I ran my slippery hands over his upper torso. The courage to dare lower evaded me.

“We’re clean enough,” he said huskily, while the water rinsed the soap suds away. Ten seconds later the shower squeaked off and Matt lifted me into his arms. He took me into the bedroom. We were dripping wet as he laid me on top the pristine white sheets. Matt kissed me, claiming my mouth like a man possessed, while I dug my fingers into his broad shoulders. How could he do that? How could he turn my body into an inferno with a kiss? The feel of his nakedness pressing against mine was exhilarating. I squirmed under him, instinctively opening my legs as he tortured my lips with his own. When I felt his hardness pressing against me I stiffened, but his hands were caressing my sides, my hips, slipping under me, stroking my ass. His hands were everywhere. I was busy touching him, too, wildly running my fingers up and down his back, feather light touches across his unbelievably tight ass that turned into desperate gripping as he cupped one of my breasts.

“Please, Matt,” I begged. “Just do it. I can’t wait. Do it.”

Matt groaned, conflicted over my request. “Let me get you ready,”

“I am ready.” I moaned. There was a wetness between my legs that had nothing to do with the water from our shower. I arched myself against him, entwining my legs with his. Matt stilled for a second, then slowly rubbed himself against my moist opening with a movement of his hips. I gasped at the sensation. He did it again, eyes locked on my face as he watched my reaction to his movements.

“It will hurt a little,” he said in a voice hoarse with tightly reined passion.

I gulped and nodded. I knew it would hurt. “A little, just a little.”

Matt’s expression softened as he lowered his mouth to press a tender kiss to my lips. “More than a little, poppet. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will. It’s impossible not to.”

I nodded, understanding what he was trying to say. It would hurt, he would cause me pain, but it was inevitable.

Matt rubbed his throbbing thickness over me again and again, then slipped in a little. He was keeping the majority of his weight on his elbows, but his large hands framed my face.

“Please, Matt,” I whispered.

He pushed in a bit more and I tensed up at the strange new feeling of him stretching me. It felt good. My flesh was aching, tingling bursts of pleasure shooting through every nerve in my body. Matt kept peering intently at me. I couldn’t look away from his gaze.

“Matt, please.”

“God, poppet, I don’t want to hurt you.” His eyes had darkened to silver, flooded with desire, and only for me. I arched my hips upwards. Matt let out a loud groan and pushed his way deep inside my body in one smooth determined motion that ripped a shout of anguished torment from my lips.

“Breathe. Breathe. Breathe through it,” he kept murmuring, while pressing soft kisses over my face. It burned, it hurt. The intrusion of his body deep inside the recess of my body was alien. I was biting down on my lower lip hard, trying not to cry out in discomfort as I inhaled raggedly.

“It hurts,” I rasped, hands digging into his sides.

“I know. I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Matt rubbed his nose against mine, nuzzling my cheeks as he stayed motionless inside me, giving me a chance to get used to it. “It will get better. I promise. Breathe, poppet.”

I don’t know how long we laid there, him murmuring words of comfort while I tried to get used to the sensation of being joined intimately with someone.

“Better?” he finally asked when my breaths had stopped coming in ragged puffs. I nodded slowly and he smiled at me, before slowly withdrawing until only the tip of him remained inside my opening. Matt slanted his lips over mine as he moved his hips, sliding back inside me. The pain wasn’t as bad the second time around, and I wrapped my arms tight around him, rubbing my body into his. Matt gasped, nibbling my lips as he pulled out gently, then pushed back in with a tad more force. I moaned, partly in pain, partly in confusion at the strangeness of it. He was touching part of me that had known no touch before. It continued to burn, but the heat seemed to be emanating not just from myself, but from him, too.

“Madi, baby,” he said hoarsely. “I can’t—forgive me, but I have to—” He was holding himself rigidly on top me, fighting not to lose control. I wanted to see him lose control. I wanted to see that air of aloofness he wore fall away into nothing. I wanted this.

“Please, Matt,” I whispered, letting my hands glide up his back to tangle in his wet hair.

He groaned, began to move inside me, gentle thrusts of his hips that soon became more forceful. We were kissing each other, frantically kissing as he began to move with wild abandon and I writhed beneath him. His thrusts became more erratic, until he groaned deeply and shuddered violently as his flesh filled every bit of me. I felt his spasms inside me. The pulsating jerk of his climax as a burst of liquid heat flooded me, wave after wave. Matt trembled on top of me, his elbows looked like they were going to give way, and he turned over quickly so I lay atop him. He stroked my back, slow up and down motions that brushed over my ass ever so often.

“Oh, poppet,” he breathed, raising his head. “Did I hurt you badly?”

I shook my head, resting my chin on his chest. “Not much.”

“Liar,” he contradicted with a contrite expression. “Next time it will be easier.”

I pressed a kiss on his impressive chest, then another and another. “I think I might be too sore for that anytime soon.”

A rueful chuckle fell from his lips and he hugged me in the warmth of his arms. “I’ll run us a hot bath in a moment. Let’s stay like this for a while.”

I laid my head on his chest, listening to the dull beating of his heart. It was comforting, the constant sound putting me at ease. We must have lain there for fifteen minutes before he moved.

“How do you feel?” he queried, running a finger down my nose.

I thought about it for a second. “Um, not like a virgin anymore.”

Matt chuckled, raising us up into a sitting position. He slipped out of me. The remnants of his climax slowly trickling out my body.

“I’ll go start the bath.” He kissed me, jumped off the bed and walked into the ensuite. Soon after the sound of running water came through the open door. I looked at the bed and almost passed out from embarrassment. There it was, that splotch of blood, the evidence of my virginal state now gone. The cherry had been popped. The maiden deflowered. The…oh, shit, the cum seeping out of me was pooling on the bed. I jumped off the mattress, wincing a bit, then began pulling at the damp sheets.

“What are you doing?”

A tiny shriek left my mouth as I spun around like a thief caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “The sheets are wet.”

“Let me help.” He sauntered over, at ease with his nudity.

“It’s okay.” I declined his offer of assistance, trying to bundle the sheets up as fast as possible. “I’m almost done.”

The stupid pillows were hampering me, and it seemed the edge of the sheet was caught on the far end of the bed. It was a huge bed.

Matt ran a hand over my butt as he passed. “I’ll get the other end.”

“No.” My voice was sharper than I had intended, and he flashed me a frown. “Really, Matt, it’s okay.”

“What’s wrong, poppet?”

I sighed and let the sheets fall from my hands. “That. That’s what’s wrong.”

Matt glanced to where I pointed, the tiniest of smiles quivered over his lips.

“There’s nothing wrong with that. It was expected,” he consoled when seeing the embarrassment on my face. “In fact, there is reference in the Bible and other religious cultures to grooms checking the marital sheets to ensure their new brides had been pure—”

“Deuteronomy,” I mumbled. Aunt Cleo was real big on knowing the Good Word.

Matt raised his eyebrows in surprise as I began gathering up the sheets. “Unjust double standards if you ask me. Move your ass, baby, lemme check no other man has been dipping in my pool even though I was boinking the lady two villages over and no one knows. What? No blood? Oh, we’re gonna stone you. Never mind it wasn’t the best indicator of a woman’s purity.”

Matt was grinning at me. He came back over and tugged the sheets from my hands. “You are the cutest little thing, and I’m going to save these sheets. Maybe hang them above the bed, perhaps with a golden frame—”

“Shut up. You wouldn’t dare.”

“—have a dinner party and use it as a tablecloth,”


He laughed and gathered up the sheets, tossing them aside in the corner. “The maid will sort it when she comes on Monday.”

“Um, can’t you put them in the wash now?” The thought of someone seeing these sheets was embarrassing. Matt looked shocked at the suggestion. So shocked I had to say, “You don’t know how to work a washing machine, do you?”

“I am perfectly capable of figuring out the workings of a washing machine, young lady.” He slipped a hand around my waist. “And, frankly, quite insulted over your inference I can’t.”

My hands traced a pattern over his chest. “You don’t know how, I can tell. You’ve probably never used a dishwasher, either.”

Matt gripped me tighter. “Let’s go soak in the tub.” He led me into the ensuite and we kissed like horny teenagers while waiting for the bathtub to fill.

“Mmm.” I sighed in relief when we finally immersed ourselves in the warm water. “This is nice.”

“Yes, it is,” he murmured. Matt’s hands were stroking me under the bubbles, smoothing over my skin lightly in some parts before his touch became insistent and a hardness started growing behind me. “I want you again, poppet.”

“I can tell.” I felt boneless. My body relaxed against his as the water rippled with our movements.

“Are you very sore?” he asked, making no effort to hide the concern in his voice.

BOOK: Lovers' Dance
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