Lovers' Dance (50 page)

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Authors: K Carr

BOOK: Lovers' Dance
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“You didn’t kiss me hello, poppet,” he murmured quietly but with an expectant look on his striking features.

“Because you were being bossy and didn’t give me a chance to,” I retorted before sticking my tongue out at him. How could I consider giving him up? Should I confide what Grumps had said? Would he be upset or would he brush it off? Grumps was the patriarch of Matt’s family. Would he care how his grandfather had made me feel in the back of his fancy car? Or would he be furious and cause a major drama in their ranks? I didn’t want Matt fighting with his family. That was the last thing I wanted. Best to keep my big mouth shut. I would figure something out. I needed time…and a bit of distance.

There would be no distance tonight, though.

“It’s been days since we last saw each other,” he griped.

“We’ve both been busy,” I said, jerking my head away so he’d stop twirling my hair. “And I don’t kiss on the first date. Or is this technically our second date?” I waved my musing away and hurried to the dresser to grab a comb and start sorting out my hair.

Matt followed me, hand reaching up to snag a curl that he promptly began to twirl around his finger.

“If I recall correctly, I said no sex from now on,” he informed me. “We can snog all we want.”

I tapped his hand with the comb and he dropped the curl. “You left Nathan and Bella alone downstairs, Matt. Crap. I forgot about the clothes hamper in the kitchen. Can you bring it up, hon? And make sure you hide my underwear.”

Matt gave me a look. An exasperated look. Then he asked arrogantly, “Have I not loaded your dishwasher for you? Are you asking me to do chores? I have staff to do these things for me, Madi. If you need help around your house, I can employ someone to do so.”

It was moments like these I remembered exactly who I was talking with. A normal person would think nothing of going downstairs to get a hamper full of clothes and bring it back upstairs. A normal person might offer to fold and put away the clothes of their main squeeze.

Matt wasn’t normal, and it wasn’t his fault. He came from a privileged background of house staff and chefs to do his bidding. It wasn’t his fault, but it was ridiculous as hell he’d gotten insulted over my little request.

“Forget it, Matt,” I said, tugging through a knot, probably from him messing about with the strands. “Sorry for asking. Why don’t you go keep your friends company? I’ll try not to be too long.”

I gave him a tight smile, then turned away so he wouldn’t see my expression. Matt stood there for a moment as I focused on combing my hair. Without a word, he exited the bedroom leaving my damned door ajar. Five minutes later, he re-entered holding my full hamper of clothes. Not one peek of a panty on the top. He went over to the wardrobe and set it down carefully. I watched it with wide eyes.

“Happy?” he asked, still a bit peeved.

I tried not to grin, tried to keep my face blank, but he was so cute with that mad look on his face.

“Um, thanks.”

His grey eyes narrowed slightly at the way I kept trying to fight my smile. You would think I’d asked him to clean the whole house with nothing more than a toothbrush.

“Humph.” He snorted, then closed the distance between us. “Can I have my kiss now? You’ve worked me almost to death tonight.”

I giggled at his silly behaviour and went on tippy toes to offer up his reward for bringing the hamper. Matt kissed me hungrily, hands slipping over my ass as he pulled me up tight against his body. His tongue was insistent in my mouth, so much so I was going lightheaded from the lack of air. Or it could simply be due to the fact he was an expert kisser? When he finally stopped dining on my lips and stepped back, his gaze dropped to my boobs. My hardened nipples were prominent against the fabric. Maybe I had boob tape somewhere about. That would deal with my misbehaving flesh.

Matt ran a finger lightly over one nipple and I shuddered, responding immediately to his touch. “This is going to be hard, poppet.” he murmured.

I couldn’t stop the glance to his lower anatomy. Something else was hard, for sure. Matt saw where my eyes had rested, and he chuckled under his breath.

“But I promised myself to resist your charms until we’ve dated for at least a month.”

“Say what?” I dropped the comb, arms folding. “A month?”

“At least a month,” Matt confirmed with a nod. “Your hair looks fine, let’s go. Get your shoes.”

Still protesting over his words, I went to retrieve the pair of shoes from its box, lovingly slipping them on, then wincing as my sore toes felt the pinch. Matt led me out of my bedroom. I stopped complaining when we hit the landing. I didn’t want Nathan and Bella knowing our private business. Wait.
Was she wearing a ring on her left hand?
I pushed past Matt and ran down the stairs, ignoring his surprised yelp at my actions. I hadn’t had time to pay attention, what with Matt ordering me upstairs like a drill sergeant, but I was certain something big and sparkly was on her left hand. Could it be?

I jumped the last two steps, risking a snapped heel, or worse, a snapped ankle, but I was excited. Nathan and Bella both regarded me with alarm as they stood up.

“Oh my God,” I squeaked, striding up to the brunette and grabbing at her hand like a freak. She shot Nathan a nervous glance, then beamed when she saw my intent.

I squealed. Yes, it was a squeal. Embarrassing, but couldn’t be helped.

“Are you guys engaged? Of course, you are. There’s a ring on your finger.” I was manhandling her hand, trying to get a good look at the rock. “Look at your ring. Oh my gosh. When did this happen? How did he propose? Did he go down on one knee? Matt. They’re engaged.”

I pulled Bella into a hug. We barely knew each other, but she’d been nice at the charity ball and I was excited.

“I know they are, poppet,” Matt drawled as he came down the stairs at a more sedate pace.

“Congratulations,” I said, stepping away from Bella, then reaching out to hug Nathan, too.

It was awkward. I shouldn’t have done it but sometimes I was over exuberant. Nathan stood stiffly, arms at his side as I thumped his shoulders. He uneasily patted me lightly on the lower back, to which Matt jokingly warned him to unhand his woman. Yeah, it was awkward.

“Thank you,” he said when I stepped back.

I turned my attention back to Bella. She held her hand out so I could fully appreciate the magnificent ring Nathan had shackled her with. I loved the thought of marriage, just didn’t see it happening with me. Come on, I was a tad neurotic. A man would need to have his own level of crazy to deal with my brand of madness. Matt definitely wasn’t that kind of crazy. Grumps’s words echoed in my head.

“Shall we go now?” Nathan asked Matt, with a questioning eyebrow raised as Bella advised me of the colour and clarity of her ring. The carat—Nathan must be as rich as Matt. It seemed he’d gone all out on Bella’s engagement ring.

Matt came over to ease me away from Bella. “Get your bag, poppet. We’re leaving.”

Grinning at Bella, I went over to grab my everyday bag and take out my cell, wallet and Oyster card. Once I’d transferred the necessities into a black clutch that had been lying unused on my desk for weeks, I was ready.

“What did you do with my keys?” I asked Matt, who was ushering Nathan and Bella to the front door.

“They’re in the kitchen. I’ve got mine. Let’s go.”

Biting back a retort, I went to get my keys. Couldn’t risk not being able to get in again.

Matt was impatiently tapping his foot as I hurried to the front door. “You have no real sense of urgency, do you?” he asked dryly.

I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Bearing in mind, I wasn’t planning on going out tonight and I don’t know where we’re going, I don’t think you should be complaining about my sense of urgency, Matt.”

He watched me for a second, then sent me a boyish grin. “God, I love you, woman. You’re bloody cheeky and, for the life of me, I can’t understand why I absolutely enjoy that trait of yours. Something I wouldn’t tolerate with anyone else, mind you.”

“Is it because I’m cute and chocolaty?” I teased as he locked up. I could start back being distant with him tomorrow. Tonight, I wanted to hold my boyfriend’s hand, maybe get to second base. He seemed serious about this dating thing again.
A month?

Matt checked the door was secure, then slipped a hand around my waist as we walked towards his car where Bella and Nathan stood waiting.

“You’re not cute,” Matt said firmly. “You’re exquisite, and the chocolaty comment makes me a bit uncomfortable, but it’s true nonetheless.”

“You enjoy mixing your milk with my coffee, Mr Bradley?” I whispered as we drew nearer to the car.

“Stop,” Matt said sharply. “I dislike you joking about this topic, Madison.”

I stiffened next to him, suddenly feeling like a reprimanded school child. It was a joke. Maybe tasteless, but a simple joke.

“Sorry,” I mumbled under my breath. He was like the wind. One moment playful, the next turbulent and cold. Might as well buy him panties and a box of tampons. Was he experiencing male PMS?

His hand constricted on my waist as he felt my stiffness. We were almost at the car.

Matt leaned down to whisper in my ear. “Forgive me, poppet. I’m being an arse again. Joke all you want—”

“No, you’re right,” I interrupted quietly as he pulled his car keys out. I gave him a small smile, then stepped away. We never talked about our differences in race. Not really. I’d make a joke and he would frown and tell me to stop showing my racist tendencies. Then I would laugh, and he would smile at me before changing the subject. It obviously made Matt uncomfortable. I made him uncomfortable. Grumps was right in a way: Matt was in a situation he’d never been in before. Grumps had said, once the novelty wore off, Matt would no doubt resume his old life with his old companions. Grumps was well aware of Matt’s prolific love life. He’d sounded—dare I say—impressed when advising me someone as experienced as Matt would eventually yearn for more than I could give him. It had grossed me out, having Matt’s granddad talking about sex with me. Eurgh.

Watching me like a hawk, Matt opened his car and we filed in, the exaggerated clearing of his throat reminding me to buckle up. Nathan and Bella were cosy in the backseat. I was stressing over Matt’s reaction to my teasing comment. We’d been on the road for about ten minutes before hitting red lights. Matt reached across to grab my hand and bring it to his lips. He winked at me as he pressed a soft kiss on my palm, willing me with his eyes to smile.

I did. My mood improved considerably by his tender action. Nathan made a comment from the back about Matt needing both hands to drive and we all laughed.

“Where are we going?” I asked Matt as he rested my hand over his firm leg and resumed driving.

“A private auction, poppet,” Matt advised, malevolently cutting off a car that was trying to undercut him. He was as aggressive as me behind the wheel.

“What? Now?” I asked in surprise, glancing at the dashboard. “It’s gone ten pm. What sort of auction starts this late? I hope it’s not anything illegal, Matt. I will turn you into the cops if you’re involved in anything shady.” I yanked my hand from his thigh and twisted in my seat to peer at Bella and Nathan who were chuckling in amusement. “You guys, too. What is it you Brits say? Ah, yes,—I’ll shop you.”

Nathan’s chuckles turned into a loud uncivilized bray of laughter before he said to Matt, “Some girlfriend, mate. Whatever happened to loyalty between couples?”

Observing Nathan and Bella, I snorted in derision. “Loyalty, my ass. I’m not doing time for anyone, not even a cutie like Matt.”

It was Bella’s turn to let out a loud exclamation of amusement. Nathan shook his head as he corrected my pronunciation. “The word is arse, not ass, Madi. How long have you been living over here?”

“I’ve tried to tell her, mate.” Matt said lightly. “But her Americanisms are entrenched. You should hear the way she pronounces ‘Salisbury.’”

“Don’t you guys read the Bible?” I jumped to my own defence. “King James version. Check the spelling.”

Nathan regarded me with trepidation. “You’re not one of those Christian fundamentalists, are you?”

Matt choked on his breath before sending me a mischievous sidelong glance with the corner of his mouth curling up. “If, by fundamentalist, you’re alluding to someone who has no qualms about—”

“Shut up,” I squeaked, certain he was going to say something completely embarrassing and smutty. He twisted his head to grin at me. The gleam in his eyes confirmed my suspicions.

“Let’s just say Madi makes me feel close to heaven.” The lewd way Matt wagged his eyebrows at me had my cheeks blazing.

“Matt,” Bella chastised, herself looking a bit embarrassed. “Behave.”

Both men laughed at us while Bella and I huffed with righteous, ladylike indignation.

“Are we heading into Central London, Matt?” I asked to staunch his sexy chuckles.

“It’s a secret location, poppet,” was all he would say. When I asked Bella and Nathan, they, too, repeated his answer. Crazy ass. I hoped tonight wasn’t going to be some weird—

“You’re not going to auction me off, are you?” I could hear how ridiculous the words sounded as they left my mouth. Matt turned his head to give me an intense look. We had hit a red light. His grey eyes observed me clinically for a moment, and I tried my best not to freak. Why was he looking at me like that? Shit. He wouldn’t dare take me to some illegal flesh trade, would he?
Would I fetch a good price?
What the hell was I thinking?

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