Lovers' Dance (71 page)

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Authors: K Carr

BOOK: Lovers' Dance
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“Poppet,” he began, but I held a hand up, silencing him.

“Matt.” I took a deep breath. “Have you realized that bar Nathan and Bella, none of your friends truly have any interest in getting to know me?”

He opened his mouth to dispute my statement and my hand went up for the second time. Surprisingly, he kept quiet. Wow. Twice in a row? I was on a lucky roll here.

“I mean, when you’re with me, they are welcoming but, once I’m on my own, they turn away after a while, move off to other groups.” I sighed. “I know they’re not deliberately trying to be awkward, at least I hope not. It’s just…I know they believe they have nothing in common with me, and I don’t blame them because it’s painfully true. I’m nowhere near the financial bracket of the people you introduce me to. I didn’t attend the same schools, I’m not a member of the private clubs you all frequent, I don’t work in the same field as the majority of your friends and associates, I don’t indulge in the same leisure activities you do…I’m…they see me as your current girlfriend who probably won’t be around in a year’s time. Why would they want to get to know me? It would be a waste of their time.” I peered at him with a brave smile on my face. “Dougie’s not like that. He’s fun to talk to. I don’t feel as if I have to put on airs and graces with him—”

“I’ve never expected you to be anything but yourself,” Matt said.

“I know, Matt, I know.” My smile wavered. “But the expectation is there.”

Matt picked up the tray, half turning his body so he could place it on the floor. When he faced me, it was with a conflicted face as he admitted, “I’m jealous. Bloody hell. I’m jealous of any man who holds your attention other than myself. I can’t help it, and I won’t apologize for it. You’re mine and mine alone; no other man will touch you like I do.” Those intense grey eyes of his were filled with staunch determination as he spoke, stating his fervent claim to my person. “And I know McGregor wants to get in your knickers.”

I smacked him on the arm, hard. He winced, but gave me defiant eyes.

“Gee, thanks,” I said scornfully. “Thanks for reducing me to nothing more than a piece of ass. It couldn’t possibly be that Dougie likes me as a person. Oh, no, the only possible reason has to be him wanting to get a leg over.” At Matt’s raised eyebrows, I added, “Liam taught me that British slang.”

The man I loved ran a hand through his hair and sighed loudly. “Poppet, the night you met him, I saw the way he looked at you. I’m a man and I know exactly what he was thinking. You’re inexperienced in these things. You’re my sweet virgin, my woman,” His gaze hardened. “And I’ll be damned if I stand by and watch another man try to weasel his way into your life.”

I tried not to get upset over his words, but the inexperienced comment made me want to smack him. He popped my cherry. He was my first boyfriend, but I wasn’t some sheltered princess who had no concept of male/female interactions.

“And what does it matter the way he looked me?” I asked curtly. Matt gave me an unhappy frown. I forged on. “What matters is the way I look at him.” I slipped my hand over his and squeezed. “I can never look at another man the way I look at you, Matt. You assume he wants to get in my panties. I don’t, but that isn’t the point. I don’t give a shit which man wants me. The only man getting these panties is you. Only you.”

The frown on his face lessened, not gone completely, but not as unhappy.

I squeezed his hand again, wanting him to understand, needing him to understand. “Sometimes I feel lonely in your crowd. I get that you can’t be with me for every second, but I’m trying my hardest to establish some form of common ground with the people you socialize with and, so far, I keep drawing a blank. Don’t get me wrong, I’m quite capable of fending for myself in a social setting. It’s just that…” I let go of his hand and bit my lower lip before saying out loud something I hated thinking about, but we both had to face it if we were to move forward. “I’m not one of you, and sometimes it’s difficult knowing that I don’t belong.”

Matt grabbed my hand and it was now him giving the squeeze of support. “You belong with me. Wherever we are, you’ll always belong with me. Do you see this?” He held our entwined hands up. His white skin contrasting with my dark brown, his large hand almost swallowing my dainty one. “We have to hold on to each other, poppet.”

I nodded, drowning in the heady pull of his eyes. “Okay, Matt.” I brought our entwined hands to my lips and kissed his knuckles.

Matt jerked me into his arms. “I’m going to prove to you once more that you are mine, Madison, and you do belong.” He lowered his mouth to mine, a hair’s breadth between us. “You belong to me, never forget that.”

I could feel the warmth of his breath like a sweet caress over my lips. “And you belong to me, Matt.”

He slanted his lips over mine, pushing me down to the mattress and I knew I was going to be late for work. Really late… 




Matt smiled at his elder sister and brother-in-law. Hannah was recounting the latest battle with Trouble. Natalia was truly trying her mother’s patience. Matt remembered the time when she was as sweet as her twin sister. It felt like yesterday those two would toddle behind him, arms eagerly outstretched as they demanded to be picked up. He absent-mindedly patted his pocket, checking the keys to his sister’s Central Park West condo were there. The engagement party was in full swing. The Walthamstow family home in Berkshire was overflowing with guests and the staff hired to serve looked harassed. Matt let his attention drift as his eyes searched for Madi. Soon enough he spotted her, frowning up at Adam, who was obviously teasing her, if the devious amusement on his face was anything to go off. Matt’s gaze slowly travelled her delectable body. The soft yellow and black cashmere dress she wore was clinging in all the right places, and he was entranced with the contrast of the colour against her chocolate skin. He inhaled raggedly, needing the influx of air to appease the sudden feeling of light-headedness he always got when observing her. He watched as she playfully smacked Adam on his arm and he shook his head slightly, finding their behaviour comical. She had the strangest effect on people. Adam was not one for playfulness, yet there he stood, allowing Madi to ruffle his dark brown hair into a state of disarray.

Matt sipped his drink, partially listening to Stuart drone on about the difficulties of being a surgeon. His parents were somewhere about, their reserved greeting towards Madi had irked him. A tired sigh whispered past his lips as he saw Adam being drawn away by a couple, leaving Madi with a quick wave. Instead of going to her side, Matt remained with Hannah and Stuart. He’d been watching her interaction with the guests for the past couple of hours, and it pained him to see that she had been absolutely right in her assessment of their attitude towards her. The conversation they’d had on his return from the Netherlands replayed itself in his mind. She was trying to fit in, desperately trying he noted as she turned to a new group of people and, with a warm smile on her face, began to converse with the person closest to her.

Seven minutes. That was how long she managed to hold up the conversation before the group broke up and the others meandered away from her. A flicker of disappointment danced across her features before she forced a bright smile to her face and twirled the barely drunk flute of champagne between her slender fingers. Matt glanced at his watch. It was getting late and they were due to fly out in the early hours of Sunday morning. He turned to his sister and her husband.

“I’m going to grab Madi, say our goodbyes to the happy couple and head home,” he murmured, handing his glass over to one of the waiters moving past them. “Thanks for the keys, Hannah, and give the twins my love.”

“Matty.” She stopped him with a hand on his arm.

Matt hid his wince at her use of his nickname. “Yes?”   

“Is there something going on between yourself and Grumps?” she queried curiously. Matt’s eyes narrowed instinctively and Hannah didn’t miss the action. “He’s been complaining about your lack of contact the past month and a half, maybe longer than that.”

Matt’s face hardened as he responded in a smooth but dark voice. “Has he now?”

Hannah’s mouth parted slightly in surprise at his tone. She shared a quick glance with her husband before patting Matt’s arm. “Yes, he has. You know you’re his favourite. He misses you terribly and you should call—”

“Has he explained the reason behind my lack of contact, Hannah?” Matt drawled, feeling his annoyance rise as he thought about the last time he’d seen his grandfather. Hannah shook her head slowly, her expression becoming perplexed. Matt scoffed derisively. “No, he hasn’t. When next you speak to Grumps, tell him I meant everything I said.” Matt leaned forward to press a kiss to her cheek. “You must excuse me. It’s late and Madi and I are flying out tomorrow morning.”

Hannah frowned at him, then said in her no-nonsense voice, “Don’t forget we’re having you both over for dinner when you get back. The girls have been pestering me to have her come to the house.” She glanced in Madi’s direction and sighed softly. “Poor thing. Our parents are being beastly in their treatment of her. Mum especially.”

Matt nodded in agreement, mouth compressed in a tight line. “That’s their problem, not ours.” He held a hand out to his brother-in-law. “Stuart, I’ll see you soon.”

After a handshake that morphed into a polite brotherly half hug, Matt strolled through the many guests until he stood quietly behind her. She had gotten rid of her drink and was unaware of his presence, engrossed in studiously peering at the painting on the wall. Her scent, delicate on the air around her, wafted up his nostrils. Wild flowers. He had decided since the early days of their relationship that scent was intrinsically her. He had as of yet to find any lotion or soap that she used with this particular scent. She was his wild flower.

“Would you like one, poppet?” he murmured, startling a tiny gasp from her lips. His hand landed on the small of her back and Matt had to forcibly stifle the surge of desire that threatened to overwhelm him.

Madi twisted around, a disbelieving smirk on her luscious mouth. “Who wouldn’t want a Monet?” She rested her hand across his chest, and Matt had to battle his body’s urges at her light touch. She smiled sweetly at him. “But because you want something doesn’t mean you can have it.”

Matt pulled her closer into his body. “If you want it, I’ll ensure you get it. Anything you want, I’ll move heaven and earth to get it for you.”

Madi leaned back, in the circle of his arms, and a pensive look cascaded over her face. “Matt, don’t you dare. It’s bad enough your mom thinks I’m trying to fleece you—”

“Pardon?” Matt frowned deeply. “Why would you say that? Did she say something to you, poppet? I swear if she’s said—”

“Calm down, you silly man.” She leaned forward to kiss the corner of his mouth. “I know your family are a bit worried about the nature of our relationship. I don’t want them thinking it’s something that it’s not.”

Matt pulled her closer, the contour of her body seamless against his, generating a hungry heat in him that could only be sated with their clothes off. Bloody hell. He needed to get her home and in bed before he lost his calm demeanour.

“I’ve told you,” he murmured into her hair. “My parents will eventually come around. Besides, my siblings adore you.”

“Ha,” she muttered. “Adam takes the piss, as you like to say, and Hannah is polite. Even if she hated my guts, I would never know. English people are like that, no outward show of emotion. Unflappable reserve. Cool as freaking cucumbers. It’s infuriating. For once, I would like someone to say exactly what they feel.”

Matt held her gaze as he drawled, “Like my grandfather for example?”

There was a second of pure alarm on her face before she schooled her features into one of nonchalance. Matt bent his lips to her ear. “I know what he said to you. I’ve known for some time now. You should’ve confided in me.”

She pulled away from him and Matt let her. It was with unhappy eyes she peered at him. “Can we discuss it later, Matt?”

Matt nodded, holding a hand out for her. “We can if you choose, but I’ve already made my feelings quite clear on that distasteful incident. Rest assured, poppet, the next time you see my grandfather, he’ll be apologizing and asking your forgiveness.”

Her face went blank for a moment, right before she burst into laughter. More than a few heads turned in their direction. Some curious, others with reproach. Matt ignored them, too entranced by the way her face lit up with humour. He couldn’t stop the wide grin from splitting his face.

“You don’t believe me?” he asked, feigning hurt.

She shook her head laughing, albeit not as loud. “It will be a cold day in hell before your grandfather apologizes to me. And ask forgiveness? Oh, Matt. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

Matt shook his head, hand slipping possessively to her waist. “Come on, poppet. Let’s go say our goodbyes to Nathan and Bella. We’ve shagged a grand total of three times this week since you broke me on my return, and I’m not happy about that. If I don’t get my minimum twice a day dose, I start getting grouchy. You don’t want that, do you?”

She batted her eyelashes at him in an attempt of seduction. She looked as if she was trying to blink an irritating fleck out of her eyes. Totally ridiculous and completely endearing.

“You’re always grouchy,” she retorted, clutching her purse in one hand.

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