LoveThineEnemy (11 page)

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Authors: Virginia Cavanaugh

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: LoveThineEnemy
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“How bad?” she huffed as they made it to the tree line.

“My lower leg. Keep going.”

“Bullet or dart?” Was there really a better answer to this question?


Well, at least he wouldn’t be passing out, but he could sure as hell lose a lot of blood. A bullet whizzed by and lodged in the tree trunk to her right. Misha and Chandra were farther ahead.

Jasmine leapt over a log and felt the jar against her shoulders as Javin’s legs collided with it. She winced. His legs were going to be a little damaged, but a tree trunk was a lot better than a bullet. She could only pray he hadn’t caught one of those, because they sure as hell didn’t have time to stop and look.

Misha halted ahead and Chandra took the weight of the woman as he pointed his gun in their direction. “Shit!” Jasmine said and veered to the left.

Gun shots rang out, but he wasn’t firing at them, thank God. He fired at their pursuers. As they gained on Chandra and Misha he yelled out, “Go. I’ll cover you.”

Shadeau cast her another look, but what choice did they have? He was wounded. Their pace had already begun to slow. She met his gaze. “Let’s go.”

They blew past Chandra and Misha. Fewer bullets were flying their way so Misha must have done some good with his shooting. Jasmine risked a peek behind them. Chandra and Misha were once again gaining on them.

Her gaze snapped back to where she was going as she hurdled another large limb. They still had at least another half mile to go. Shadeau stumbled again and let loose a sound of frustration as he slowed.

Even in the dark Jasmine could see the entire bottom of his pants leg soaked with blood. She let go of Javin and tore off her shirt.

“What are you doing?” Shadeau asked between clenched teeth.

She knelt down and found the entry wound. Quickly she tied her shirt around it as tightly as she could. “We have to slow this bleeding.”

Misha and Chandra stopped beside them.

“Y’all need to go. Don’t wait for us,” Shadeau told them.

“Bullshit,” Misha said. “We need to trade loads.”

Jasmine looked up at Chandra who was holding her side, breaths sawing in and out of her lungs. “She can’t bear Javin’s weight.”

“Give him to me,” Misha said.

Jasmine watched as Misha pulled Javin over his shoulders in a fireman’s carry.

“Damn, he’s a heavy bastard.”

Jasmine and Chandra took up the woman and they all started running. Shots were fired again. Their little stop allowed the assholes who were chasing them to catch up.

Misha’s pace slowed, but Shadeau was able to exchange fire with those behind them. It was only a little farther. Jasmine dug deep into her energy stores and pumped her legs harder. Chandra was slowing.


The poor girl wasn’t used to this much physical activity. “Come on, Chandra. Just a little more. We’re almost there.”

The bushes rattled in front of them and they had to brake. Friend or foe? Jason broke out if the underbrush and Jasmine sighed in relief.

“Hurry up,” Jason whispered loudly then turned and ran back the way he’d come. Jasmine followed his lead, and within a few steps they pushed through the shrubs and were on the road. That big-ass van with a bed and the ugly purple-and-orange paint job never looked better.

The back doors were open and hands reached out to accept Jasmine and Chandra’s burden then helped them in. Jasmine watched as Shadeau limped up to the van and let Misha hand over Javin and get in before he followed, pulling the door closed after him.

Whoever was behind the wheel floored it and the tires squealed as they took off down the road. Labored breaths filled the interior and mingled with tears and sobs. Jasmine looked around at the motley crew surrounding her. They’d managed to save them.

Chapter Thirteen


Jasmine rolled down the window and spoke to the wolf patrolling this section of the den. It had been a long day. They had taken turns driving so they wouldn’t have to stop. As soon as the wolf recognized her he let loose a howl. Others picked up the cadence announcing their arrival.

They were being welcomed home. Tears made her vision swim for a moment as she drove farther into the camp. She glanced at Shadeau sitting in the seat next to her and he smiled. Hopefully their efforts would go a long way in helping the pack accept him.

She parked the van and everyone began to exit the vehicle. Javin and the unconscious woman from the cell were both still sacked out. She wondered just how much sedative was in his system. Misha picked up Javin and Jason carried the woman. As a group, they strode forward toward the main part of the den. Those new to the area looked around with wide eyes, their steps more timid as they ambled along.

Shadeau came up beside her and laced his fingers with hers, raising her hand to place a kiss on the back of it. Her chest tightened as she met his gaze. She stopped and he took her into his arms.

Damn it felt so good to be in his embrace. Shouts and cries of joy from loved ones had them pulling apart. Wolves from all four packs came running into the woods with them.

“Selena!” Brock called out.

The girl’s head snapped to attention as she searched the crowd for him. He was already running to her when she spotted him. Jasmine couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks as the alpha swooped the sobbing girl into his arms for a fierce hug. A woman with the same dark looks as Selena began pounding Brock’s shoulder, wanting her turn to embrace the child. He lifted his arm and scooped the woman into the fold. His soft side amazed Jasmine. He was always such a hardass.

Jasmine rested her head against Shadeau’s side and watched the reunions. All the newbies hung back with Shadeau and her. Luken and Tyson marched forward from the crowd.

“Well done,” Tyson said as he extended his hand to Shadeau.

Shadeau accepted the handshake.

Luken pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. Shadeau growled. When he released her, she elbowed Shadeau in the side as Luken offered his hand. He accepted it. Luken gave a stiff nod and then took Javin from Misha and walked away.

Jasmine sighed. It was a start. It would take more time for him and she could respect that.

“So who are our new recruits?” Tyson asked.

“So you’re willing to take them on?” Shadeau asked.

Tyson rolled his eyes. “What else am I gonna do, stick them with your sorry ass?”

Shadeau laughed. “Good point.”

Jasmine’s heart was full. For the first time she really believed that this was going to work. There was still a lot to do, but they’d taken some of the biggest steps.

“This is Misha. He is a new turn. Good news is, he knows our enemy.”

Misha accepted Tyson’s offered hand.

“Thanks for assisting them,” Tyson told him.

“It was the right thing to do,” Misha replied.

“And this is Jason. He and I have been together for a while. He approached me after we got to Arik’s camp and wanted in on freeing the prisoners.”

Tyson shook his hand. “Welcome aboard.”

Jason indicated the four males at his side. “This is Zane, Douglas, Quantel and Remi.”

Jasmine moved her arm to gesture the women forward. “And this is Chandra, Piper and Cindy. I don’t know the unconscious woman’s name.”

“We don’t know either,” Piper said.

“I’ve seen her before,” Misha spoke up. “She’s newly turned. I saw her around Arik’s haunts before we were changed. But I don’t know her name.”

“But Javin has some sort of attachment to her,” Jasmine said. “And we also need to get rid of that van, it’s stolen, and with that obnoxious paint job it’s kind of a calling card.”

Tyson nodded. “I’ll get somebody on it. Y’all come with me and we will get you settled. My name is Tyson by the way and I will be your new alpha, unless that is a problem, and if so then you can leave.” He flashed a toothy grin. “No problems? Good. This way then.”

The new recruits started off with Tyson, but Chandra paused and ran up to Jasmine, enfolding her in a quick hug before turning and running to catch up with the others. Jasmine had a feeling the two of them would become good friends.

The sun had begun to set, painting the horizon in glowing oranges and pinks. Shadeau pulled her back in to his arms and she smiled up at him. “We need to get your leg looked at.”

“Not yet we don’t.”

“I disagree.”

His hands slid down to cup her ass and pull her into his body more firmly. “I have other plans for you at the moment.”

She laughed. “I’d ask if you’re sure you’re up for it, but I can already tell you are.”

His mouth crashed down on hers and she opened to him on a moan. Their tongues danced against each other in a slow, sensual rhythm. She loved this man. Had no clue when it happened but she’d fallen hard as hell. Yes, her wolf wanted the wolf in him, but the woman in her now craved the man.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him. She didn’t care where he was taking her as long as they were going to be naked soon. Her lower lips grew wet with want. She pressed her aching breasts against his chest and loved the vibration of the growl he released from low in his chest. With every step, her pelvis bounced against his, teasing her clit with a taste of what was to come.

He sank to his knees and laid her back on the grass. “Clothes. Off.”

She stripped quickly, shimmying her pants over her hips and down her legs. He grabbed them and tore them free of her feet and tossed them behind him. She stripped off her shirt and bra and watched as he took off his jeans.

His cock stood thick and hard. She wanted a taste of it. Before he could cover her body with his she rose up in her knees and gripped his cock. There was no teasing. She slipped her lips over the head and went down the shaft.


She smiled as she worked her lips up and down his length. Pre-cum coated her tongue and she moaned.

His hands gripped her shoulders and he pulled her up.

“Wait, I wasn’t done—”

He kissed her hard, ravaging her mouth as his hand slid down her tummy. Shadeau dipped a finger inside her pussy and she moaned as she kissed him harder. She bucked her hips against his finger, wanting more.

Suddenly two fingers filled her cunt and she released his mouth on a cry of pleasure.

“I love how wet you get for me.”

His words were low and husky. She shivered as desire danced over her nerve endings. His lips captured her nipple and she arched her back. She whimpered as he nipped the sensitive peak and then sucked it back into his hot mouth again.

Wetness dripped from her pussy as he finger-fucked her hard. Pleasure built inside her and her core and clit tingled as she rode the edge of glorious release. Each withdrawal from her cunt had his fingers gliding across her clit, giving her the stimulation she needed.

A few more pumps of his hand had her screaming with her orgasm. Her pussy squeezed his fingers as her body quaked against him. He withdrew his fingers and licked them clean.

He claimed her lips in a slow, sensual kiss. The taste of her on his tongue heightened her arousal. Once again her back met the cold earth. It felt good against her heated skin. The tip of his cock brushed against the opening of her pussy and she lifted her hips.

“This,” he whispered, then slammed his cock in deep. “This is home. I want for nothing when I’m with you.”

Emotion welled up inside her as he began to move in and out of her body. “Yes, Shadeau. Yes.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips and felt the familiar tightening in her gums. Him. She wanted him always. Her mouth partially shifted and she sank her teeth into the tender flesh where his shoulder and neck met.

He released a roar of satisfaction as she marked him as her mate.

When she released him he withdrew his cock from her body and she whimpered. Strong hands dug into her hips as he flipped her over and pulled her to her knees before him.

“Mine,” he growled as he sank back into her welcoming body.

His hips pistoned against her ass, and she couldn’t stop the cries of pleasure ripping from her throat. He filled her, stretched her. Fucked her until that precious feeling of pain and pleasure blended. The sound of their skin slapping, mixed with his growls and snarls of pleasure, blended perfectly with her own moans.

The smell of their sex filled her nose, and had her writhing wildly beneath him. She rocked her hips, meeting his thrusts. Her pussy creamed and the low spasms of orgasm had her inner muscles fisting around his dick.

She clawed at the earth in front of her as she screamed his name, coming so hard around him he couldn’t move as easily.

“My Jasmine. My beautiful Jasmine.”

He leaned forward, thrusting hard against her ass as he sank his teeth into her skin.

“Yes!” She was his. The warm flood of his seed filled her and they collapsed to the ground as their bodies shuddered with the last waves of their orgasms.

Their labored breaths mingled. She didn’t mind his weight on top of her. In fact, it was a comfort and provided a closeness she didn’t want to be without. Tears gathered in her eyes again as she realized the beauty of finally being with her other half. She was whole.

“I love you, Shadeau,” she whispered. She didn’t care if saying it made her vulnerable. It was how she felt and she wanted him to know.

He rolled to his side, taking her with him as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. “I love you too, Jasmine. I love you so damn much it hurts.”

She let loose the tears. It really was possible to love thine enemy.

“I love you so much that I am never going to allow you to talk me into taking you on a dangerous mission again.”

She stiffened in his arms and tried to turn. He held on tighter and laughed.

“You know, just because I bared my soul to you does not mean you get to play the pigheaded macho man again.”

He laughed harder. “Pigheaded? Me? You have a harder head than anyone I’ve ever met.”

“Oh, shower me with compliments why don’t you?”

He nibbled the back of her neck and she sucked in a breath.

“Would it help if I said that hard head was attached to the sexiest body I’ve ever seen?”

She smiled. “Maybe.”

He nipped her nape again. “A sexy body that I can’t get enough of.”

She sighed as he palmed her breast and ground his hard cock against her ass. Damn if she didn’t already want him again. But the wetness on her leg had her looking down her body. Red streaked across her pale bare skin and she knew he’d managed to rip his leg open again.

“First we go get your leg looked at.”

He tweaked her nipple. “This would be a lot more fun.”

She laughed. “Undoubtedly. But your leg gets taken care of first.” Jasmine pulled away from him and sat up.

“Are you really shutting me down?”

“Yep. You don’t get any more until your leg is looked at and you feed me.” Her tummy rumbled as if it wanted to back up her words. “Come on.” She shifted and waited for him to do likewise.

Are you always going to be this needy?

Jasmine growled and nipped at his heels. His laughter filled her head.

Keep it up, smartass.

They strolled along side by side, rubbing up against each other.

So after we fix my leg I bet I could find you a couple cans of Beanee Weenees.

Jasmine laughed.
Oh Lord. Did I really sign on to put up with you forever?

Yep. And I got the bite mark to prove it.


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