Loving A Firefighter (Loving Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Loving A Firefighter (Loving Series)
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“I know, honey. 
Like you said, we have to play the cards dealt us.”

“Will you call me as soon as you find anything?”

“Of course.”

When they said goodnight, she pressed against him, wanting to get as close as possible.  Where her breasts pressed through her clothes, and his shirt,
he could feel a comforting warmth spreading through his body.  Neither said anything for some time.  Finally, he lifted her chin and kissed her lips feeling the tenderness of them now wet with her tears.  Her lips were warm and moist from his kiss and she quivered at the sweet tenderness of it.  She was surprised at the response her body had to the touch of his lips and then his tongue as it entered the depths of her mouth.  She took his hand and lifted it to rest on her breast.  The touch of his hand sent a ripple of excitement run through her body.  She hungrily demanded more from his kiss.

When they separated from the embrace, she said in a voice an octave lower than normal, “Oh wow, have you been taking lessons?  That was some kiss.”

He did not mention touching her breast.  It was probably an accident, but he liked it.

Goodnight,” she said, “and remember, you have to call me as soon as you find out anything.” 

“When she got home, she went to her mother.  “Mom, I need to talk to you about Chip.”

“Sure, what’s wrong?  Did he say or do something?”

“No, no, nothing
like that.  He went to the cardiologist today, expecting to be released from restriction.  They did an ultra sound, and a stress EKG and want him to come in tomorrow for some more tests.  Mom, I’m worried sick.  He said there was an irregularity.  The doctor showed him the EKG output and pointed out the irregularity.  He said it shouldn’t be there and they need to find out why and what’s going.  The ultra sound showed the bullet’s location and the doctor says it’s moving.”

“That would explain the irregularity and I would guess the doctor is afraid of a blockage causing a stroke or some other problem.  That
’s why he’s wants to see more tests.  Honey, he’s the best cardiologist in the city and maybe the state.  Chip’s in good hands.  The ER sees patients with this sort of thing on a regular basis.  Now that he’s healed, they will probably be able to remove the bullet.  You need to think positive and be there and be strong for him.”

Still crying, Carrie said, “Yes, Mom, I’ll try.  I thought we were past all of this.  How soon would they do surgery if necessary?”

“I would think as soon as possible.”

* * *

The next morning, Carrie went to work at the normal time, conscious of the time Chip would be undergoing tests at the hospital.  Her mother had promised to keep her posted on what was happening.  Carrie went with her cameraman on an assignment involving a flasher at one of the schools.  She interviewed a school spokesperson, a policeman and an indignant parent who wanted to know what was going on in the schools today and when were the police going to do something.  They had arrested the flasher, but she couldn’t tell the parent.  She checked her phone.  There had been no calls.

She and the cameraman returned to the studios to await another assignment and to work on what they had just taped.

She was at lunch when the phone rang.  She answered and it was Chip’s mother.  She was weeping and distraught.  “Chip asked me to call.  He is being admitted to the cardiac unit of the hospital.  They are doing the blood work for surgery tomorrow.  The bullet is in a position to cause either a heart attack or stroke and has to be removed.  Carrie, I’m so worried he might not make it after what happened the last time when his heart stopped.”

“Mrs. Reynolds, I’m going to see if I can get away from work and come be with you.  I’ll call you back.”

“Carrie, wait.  Go ahead and finish your work.  Laurie’s here.  I really would like for you to be there during the surgery tomorrow.  Now you go on and I’ll see you at the hospital tonight, OK?”

“Okay, if you’re sure.  I’ll check right now about work tomorrow.  I’ll be there no matter what.  I’ll say a prayer for Chip and for you.”

Thank you, Carrie.”

Carrie went immediately to Mrs. Tompkins.  “Chip has just been admitted to Parkland.  The bullet in his heart has moved into a position where it could cause an attack or stroke.  He’s going to have surgery in the morning.  I need to be there. 

“Of course, child.  You do what you have to.  Family comes first, always.  You’ve done a good job this week.  If you don’t mind, can you keep us up to date on his condition?  Do you need to leave this afternoon?”

“No, I’ll go to the hospital tonight.  I’ll be here the rest of the day.
Of course I’ll keep you up to date.”

At four, she and the cameraman went out to an accident scene on the LBJ Freeway.  It was eight o’clock by the time she returned to the station.  Checking her phone, a call had come in earlier.  She had
switched the phone to vibrate and didn’t even feel it when it vibrated.  She called her mother.  She told Carrie the same information Mrs. Reynolds had already relayed.  She thanked her and said, “Mom, I’m going to the hospital when I leave here in a few minutes.  I don’t know what time I’ll be home.”

Her mother was working.  “Have them page me if you learn anything.”

“Okay, Mom.  See you later.”

She drove to the hospital and was fortunate to find a space near the entrance.  She went up to the cardiac floor and Chip’s room where she found Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and Laurie.  She said “Hi” and quickly walked to the bed.  “You are scaring me to death.  Are you sure you haven’t been feeling anything since you’ve been home?
”  She turned to the others and said “Would you listen to me?  I sound like a wife. Turning back, she said, “I’m sorry honey.  I’m beside myself with worry about you.  Mom said your surgeon is the best in the city and maybe the state.  She’s downstairs and will probably up here later.”  With eyes brimming over, she brushed away the tears and said, “It seems as if I’m crying half the time now.  I’m turning into a big baby.”  She leaned over as far as she could to kiss Chip.  The flow of tears increased and cascaded down her cheeks.  “I’m sorry, honey.  I can’t help it.”

“To answer
the question you asked, just a little short of breath but that was probably just being out of shape.”

“Oh, darling, you don’t just suppose something when it involves your heart.  You get it checked.  Don’t you realize you could have died?”  The tears came again.

Laurie came over and put her arm over Carrie’s shoulder and said, “Come on and sit down.”

She pulled out a handkerchief but Carrie said, “I have one Laurie.  Thank you.  I’m so glad you guys are here.”

Carrie went back to the bedside and demanded, “Kiss me properly now.”

He complied.

“What time are you scheduled in the morning?”


“I’ll be here at six then.  I want to see you before they take you back.”

“You don’t have to do that, honey.  Mom and Laurie will be here.”

“I know I don’t have to but I’ll be here because this is where I belong.  I want to be here. 

“Yes ma’am.”

“Carrie, I saw you on TV.  You were at an accident scene.  You looked and sounded great,” said Laurie.

That was on the LBJ.  One car cut another off and then got into an adjacent lane and hit another car.  It shut down two lanes for quite a while right at the start of rush hour.  I haven’t caught a fatality yet, but it’s just a matter of time.  I don’t look forward to it.”

“Chip, Laurie and I are going home.  We’ll be here in the morning before they take you back.  They’ll probably give you something to make you rest.  Carrie, we’ll see you in the morning.  Thanks for coming tonight.”

“Okay, Mrs. Reynolds, drive carefully, and I’ll be here at six.  Good night.”

As they walked down the hall, Mrs. Reynolds said to Laurie, “I really do like Carrie.  I think Chip picked a winner.  I just hope the surgery goes well and he’s here to enjoy
his good fortune.”

“I do too.”

After they left, Chip lowered his bed so Carrie could sit on it.  She lay by him on the bed.  He put his arm out so she could snuggle close to him.  Neither said anything.  Carrie sat up.  “You do know I wasn’t really chastising you?  I grew up hearing about medical crises and am tuned in to them.  Since the shooting, I have paid attention to every feeling, I look in the mirror to see if my skin is yellowing or any little thing.  I’m not a hypochondriac but I am aware of my body.”

“I’m aware of your body too.  I think it is perfect.
  I’d like to start at the top of your head and kiss you all of the way to your toes.”

“Well, you just get through this surgery and we’ll make your wish come true.”  She looked straight into his eyes. 
I promised my dad I would not have sex until I was married.  She showed him the promise ring.   I want you to be the first, and we don’t have to wait until our wedding night.  I’m yours all the way, anytime you want me.”

He looked at the serious expression on her face and realized what she had just told him.  He pulled her to him and kissed the top of her hea
d, then the bridge of her nose.  He moved down to the warm sweetness of her mouth, her lips parted, letting him inside.  He eagerly took advantage of her open lips that tasted so sweet and soft.  He traced the outline of her lips with his tongue, then moved inside.  A shudder ran through her body. 

He moved his hand
inside her sweater and onto her cut away bra.  When his fingers touched the bare skin of the breast she could feel the electricity of his touch.  As moved his fingers slowly around the mound that was her breast, he cupped her it in his hand and began  massaging the nipple, she moaned softly.  A warm moisture spread in her core.  Breathless, she removed his  hand and sat up.  It was none too soon, because the nurse came in.  Her cheeks flushed.  She saw that Chip was blushing also.  The nurse would have been an idiot not to notice.

The nurse left the room.  Carrie said, “We need to be careful about that.  We could easily be carried away.”  She blushed again. 
“I know it’s hard to believe in this day and age but I just never enjoyed this before.  I don’t know why, I just didn’t.  I guess seeing all the girls that got pregnant in high school scared me.”

“You’re right.  I want you to have your wish too.  I’ll just have to control myself.”

“That’s going to be difficult if we continue this heavy kissing.  It really gets my engine revved up.  I’m going to go now and I’ll be here in the morning.”  She stood, and then put her hand on the bed.  “I’m so weak in the knees, I’m not sure I can walk to the car.  It’s a new feeling for me.”

Chapter 16

6:00AM The following morning

Carrie walked into Chip’s room on the cardiac floor of Parkland Hospital.  He was awake and looking at the circular swirl pattern on the ceiling.  “Hey, you,” she said and was rewarded with a big smile.  She smiled back and walked over, bent down and kissed him on the lips.
  “Are you ready for this?”

“I don’t know whether I am or not.  Frankly, I’m a bit nervous about it.  A lot
can happen in there and most of it wouldn’t be good.  The first time I wasn’t aware of what was going on.  This time I’ve had all night to think about it and it scares me.”

“It scares me too honey and I’ll be there in spirit
with you.  It scares me to death.  I’ll be praying for you the whole time.  When you go in, know that and know you have every prayer I have to offer.  She was holding his hand and rubbing her thumb across it, feeling the fine hairs atop the tanned skin.  The other hand was moving across his palm, feeling the roughness from handling charged fire hoses. 

His nose was buried in her soft hair smelling the summery scent of her shampoo.
  Her dark hair fell, shimmering in the light from the ceiling fixture. 

He lifted her chin and lightly brushed his finger tips across her lips.  She looked at him with sad
eyes that reflected her concern for him.  “
This is an unbelievable woman and she loves me.  I am one lucky man to have such a woman care for me,”
he thought. 

His mom, dad and sister walked into the room.  “Good morning son.  How do you feel this morning?” his mother asked. 

Carrie quickly stood and moved back so his family could come close to the bed.

“I feel fine Mom.  I had a restless night but I think that was nerves.  I’m okay.  Good morning, Dad, good morning Laurie.  I appreciate you guys being here.
  Carrie needs your support, as do I but I’ll be out of it.”

“Good morning, Carrie,” Laurie and went to her for a hug, followed by her mother.  Mr. Reynolds came over and took her into his strong arms.  She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders.

“I’m glad you guys are here.  Having family around helps and you are such a nice family.  I envy you that.  My family was always Mom, Jonathan and me.  Chip is so lucky to have you in his corner.”

Just then, Carrie’s mother walked in, wearing her nurse’s uniform.  “I was able to get somebody to cover for me after all.  Good morning Chip, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds.  Turning her head slightly, she said, “You must be Laurie.  Carrie told me
how pretty you were but she didn’t do you justice.”  Turning to Carrie, “How are you holding up, honey?”

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