Loving Cara (18 page)

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Authors: Kristen Proby

Tags: #Western, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Loving Cara
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“Say it again.”

I feel tears fill my eyes; tears of frustration and embarrassment and love as I shake my head no.

He catches a tear with his thumb, and his eyes soften as he continues to watch me.

“Say it again, Carolina.”

Oh, how I love the sound of my name on his tongue. That alone almost makes me cave, but I resolutely shake my head no.

He glides his hand down my face, down my neck to a breast, where he brushes his thumb across my already-puckered nipple, making me gasp. His lips twitch as his hand moves farther south, over my stomach to my center. But instead of sinking his fingers inside me or worrying my clit with his thumb, he just cups me in his hand and leans in to kiss my cheek in that soft way he does that makes me sigh.

“Cara,” he whispers, and moves over me, his cock already hard once more, and slowly slips inside me. “Say it again.”

“You say it,” I whisper so softly I’m not even sure if he’s heard me.

With his body filling mine, covering mine, his eyes holding mine, he leans on one elbow and grips my hand with the other, holding it between us.

“I love you, Carolina Donovan, more than I ever thought was possible.” He nudges his nose against mine and then rests his forehead on my forehead, sighing deeply. “I don’t remember what my life was like before you.”

“I love you,” I murmur, with more conviction this time, and sigh as he begins to make long, slow movements with his hips, building us both back up slowly.

“You’re so beautiful.” He kisses one cheek and then the other. “So damn smart.” Kisses my jawline and down my neck, then over to the other side and back up again.

“Josh,” I whisper, the sensations running through me making it hard for me to form coherent thought.

“Yes, love?”

“I need you.”

“You have me, baby.” His pace doesn’t change, but the intensity of the thrusts do, and before I know it, I’m on the precipice of another amazing, teeth-numbing orgasm.

“Oh, God!” He plunges inside me and holds himself there, watching me as I shatter beneath him.

“I fucking love it when you massage my dick like that.” And with that he comes again, loudly, shuddering over me.

I run my fingertips up and down his back, absorbing his weight as I kiss his neck and shoulder softly.

He pulls back, his dark hair falling over his forehead, and I brush it back with my fingers. “You’re so handsome.”

“You destroy me, Cara.”

Just like that, I’m thrown. I can only stare up at him as he tries to pull his thoughts together.

“You. Destroy. Me.” He swallows hard and cups my face gently in his hands. “I love you and respect you so much.”

“Josh”—I lift my head and kiss him softly—“I love you too.”




She loves me.

I unconsciously rub my stomach, as if that will clear out the butterflies, while I lean on the doorframe of my large master bathroom and watch Cara dress for our night out with our friends. Since Jill’s in town, we’re all going downtown to play pool and dance.

Well, the guys will play pool and the girls will dance.

Cara pulls a sexy tank dress over her head and down her amazing, curvy body. It’s black and hugs her breasts and hips, the hemline hitting her midthigh. Her honey-blond hair is down, falling in gentle waves down her back and around her sweet face. She’s worked some magic with a few pieces of makeup, and her lips are pink and pouty.

Just like her pussy.

I was inside her an hour ago and damn if I don’t want to boost her up onto that countertop and take her again. I don’t know what the hell she’s doing to me, but I hope she never stops.

“Hoops or studs?” She holds one of each earring up to her ears, asking my opinion. I move up behind her, wrap my arms around her middle, and bend down to bury my face in her neck, breathing her in. She is everything soft and gentle and

She’s everything.

“They both look great,” I murmur into her neck, and let my hands glide down her hips to her naked, smooth thighs and up under her dress.

“We don’t have time for this,” she mutters with a giggle.

“I love that sound.”

“What sound?” She tilts her head farther to the side, giving me better access to her throat.

“Your giggle.” Her dress is up around her waist now and my hands are roaming over her hips and ass, glorying in the warmth of her soft skin.

“Josh, we have to—” She can’t complete the thought as she bites her lip and leans into my chest, widening her stance as my hand moves between her legs to fondle her pussy.

I fucking love her pussy.

“We have to what?” I ask, and chuckle when she swallows hard and opens those gorgeous green eyes to watch me in the mirror.


“We will.” I smile softly at her in the mirror and hold her gaze in mine as my hands drive her wild.

No one else is as responsive as Carolina is.

“When I touch you”—I kiss her shoulder and her neck—“you always give yourself to me so easily.”

“Did you want me to put up a fight?” she asks dryly.

“No, it’s fucking sexy as hell.” I push her hair away from the back of her neck and kiss her there, push on her clit with my thumb and wrap my arm around her to pinch a nipple through her dress. “Come for me, Cara.”

And she does, bending at the waist, holding on to the countertop and pushing her sexy ass back against me.

I pull my hands away, smooth her dress back into place, and grin at her.

“I like the hoop earrings.”

She’s panting as she grins back at me, her eyes glassy with lust. “Okay.”

*  *  *

The bar is crowded, which is expected on a holiday weekend in the heart of summer. A mixture of tourists and locals are mingling in various stages of drunkenness. The band has been playing in this bar for the past twenty years. They play a mixture of classic rock and country, and they are badass.

Right now they’re playing “Brown Eyed Girl.”

The stage and the dance floor are adjacent to the pool room, with tall, round tables and stools scattered about. Ty secured one of the four pool tables before we got here.

“Good shot, man,” Ty calls to Zack, who just sank his red ball in a corner pocket.

“I figured you’d have forgotten how to play over there in the sandbox.” I take a pull on my beer and watch my brother circle the table, looking for his next shot.

“Fuck you,” he retorts with a grin, and sinks his yellow ball in the side pocket.

“Nope, nothing’s changed.” Ty laughs and sips his gin and tonic.

“How can you drink that shit?” I ask him with a grimace. “It tastes like toilet water.”

“How do you know what toilet water tastes like?” he asks with a raise of a brow.

Fucker. “You’re an ass.” I laugh and shake my head, looking out to the dance floor to watch my girl and her friends dancing and moving about.

“They’re having fun,” Zack comments without looking over to them, and sinks another ball.

“Are any of us going to get to play, Z?” I ask.

He shrugs and chalks his cue.

Cara rushes to me and grabs my hand. “Come dance with me. I love this song!”

How can I resist her?

I grin and pass my cue to Ty. “Take my turn, if we ever get a turn. I’ll be back.”

Cara pulls me out into the middle of the dance floor where the band is playing “Just a Kiss” by Lady Antebellum. When she’s happy with our spot, she turns and presses her body against mine, loops her arms around my neck, and smiles up at me.

“You’re too tall.”

“You’ve had a few too many drinks,” I respond with a laugh.

She’s adorable.

“Here.” She pulls her arms down around my waist and snuggles up against my chest. Her cheek rests perfectly against my heart.

Isn’t that fucking appropriate?

I wrap my arms around her shoulders and we sway about the dance floor. Her hair smells of her usual strawberries and it’s soft against my lips.

The lyrics of the song pull me in and I’m lost in the music and the feel of my girl in my arms.

When it’s over, she pulls her head back and grins up at me happily. Leaning down, I kiss her lips hard and fast, then laugh when she pulls away and screams at the first few notes of the next song.

She’s a Daughtry fan.

Jill joins her and they begin shaking their asses and singing along, and I make my way back to the pool tables.

“The girls are having fun.” Ty sips his disgusting drink, his eyes on the dance floor.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was checking out Cara, and I know he’s not looking at Jill. I glance back and see that Lauren Cunningham has joined the girls, dancing and swaying with the music, laughing and enjoying herself.

Ty’s eyes are glued to her.

“Dude, you know Lo’s married.”

He doesn’t even spare me a glance, just takes another sip of his drink.

“Been separated for two years,” he reminds me, and leans his elbow on the table, still watching her.

Lauren is beautiful. She’s tall, almost as tall as Ty in her heels, with straight auburn hair and big blue eyes. She has an athlete’s body, is lean, and when she raises her arms over her head, the short halter top she’s wearing rides up to show off her abs, which are spectacularly defined.

The girl works out.

“Being separated doesn’t mean she’s any less married,” I murmur, and take a pull on my beer.

Ty turns his attention to me, his face sober. “Hasn’t stopped her soon-to-be-ex from fucking anything with two legs.”

“True.” I grimace as I think of that asshole, Jack. “Just watch yourself.”

Ty’s jaw tightens and I follow his gaze to see that Misty has joined Lauren on the floor, dancing and glaring at Cara and Jill.

“Why does Lo hang out with that bitch?” I ask aloud. “I don’t get it.”

“I don’t either,” Ty agrees softly.

At the end of the song, the band takes a break and the jukebox starts up. Cara and Jill join us, smiling and panting and not a little sweaty.

“Hey!” Cara greets me, and kisses me soundly.

“Hey yourself, baby.”

Zack takes his shot and then stands, leaning on his cue, and shoots Jill a grin.

She was watching his ass.

“You have a nice ass, King,” Jill remarks with a smirk, and picks up her beer bottle, then frowns when she discovers it’s empty. “Well, shit.”

“I’ll go get more!” Cara offers, and kisses my cheek before sauntering happily to the bar. I watch her move across the room and climb onto a barstool, cross those spectacular legs, showing off her thighs in that short dress, and pull her debit card out of her bra.

“I love her storage system,” Ty remarks, making me laugh.

“So do I.”

“There you are!” Misty is suddenly at my side, and Ty quickly moves away from us, joining Zack and Jill on the other side of the pool table.


“Here I am,” I confirm, and continue to watch Cara. A tourist sits down next to her and smiles at her brightly. My eyes immediately narrow.

The fucker better not touch her.

“I was just saying to Lauren the other day, I haven’t seen you around much lately,” Misty babbles.

“Been busy,” I respond absently, my fists clenching when the asshole tourist drops his arm behind Cara’s back. From this angle I can’t tell if he’s touching her back or just resting his arm on the back of the stool, but it’s too close for comfort.

Cara smiles politely at him and shakes her head no to whatever he’s said.

Good girl.

She places her order and gestures over to me, talking to the stranger, whose smile slips for a second before he winks down at her.

That’s right, asshole, she has a boyfriend.

“And then she said, ‘Well, that’s just silly!’ ” Misty gives me her fake laugh and lays her hand on my forearm, pulling my attention away from Cara.

I quickly grip her wrist in my hand and pull it away from me, dropping it at her side.

“I’m only going to say this one time, Misty.” Her eyes go wide at the hard edge in my voice. “I am not available, and even if I was, I’m not interested. Don’t ever touch me again.”

I dismiss her, not caring that she’s glaring at me as the crowd around us laughs, and seek out Cara once again. She’s still sitting at the bar, the tourist is grinning down at her, and they’re holding shot glasses in the air, toasting.

Cara pounds her shot back and slams the glass on the bar, and I’ve seen enough.

I stomp across the bar and move up beside Cara, glaring at the short, slender man to her left, who is laughing and trying to order them another shot. When he sees me, his face sobers and he grabs his beer and joins his friends.

Cara turns to me, a smile spreading over her face when she sees me. “Hi, babe!”

I cage her in, one hand on the bar and my other arm draped across the back of her stool. I’m not touching her as I lean in and press my lips to her ear so she’s sure to hear every word coming out of my goddamn mouth.

“Let’s get something straight, Carolina. You. Are. Mine. I’m the only man who will be buying you drinks.”

I hear her gasp and see the pulse in her neck speed up.

“Josh, you’re being ridiculous. He was just a nice guy, and it was just one shot.”

“I’m sorry, do I have this wrong?” I back slightly away so she can see my eyes. “Would you rather flirt with and get hit on by other men? Am I wrong to stake a claim? Because just a few hours ago you claimed to love me while I was buried deep inside you.”

She frowns and swallows again, and I know I should feel like a dick for that, but I can’t bring myself to. I need to know the score now.

“You’re not wrong,” she replies softly, and covers my hand with her own. “It felt innocent, Josh. It was just a shot.”

“It was innocent on your part, but not on his, sweetheart. He wants in your pants. Not that I blame him.”

“Just because he wants in my pants doesn’t mean I’d let him go there. Besides”—she smiles up at me and bites her lip, and I know she’s about to be a smart-ass—“I’m not wearing any pants.”

I laugh and shake my head, pull her small hand up to my lips, and kiss her knuckles.

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