Loving Charley (2 page)

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Authors: Casey Peeler

Tags: #romance, #dating, #college life, #new adult, #southern literatrure, #mature young adult, #teen and young adult, #pretty little liars, #teen romantic fiction, #teen 16 plus

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I hear a strong, yet sweet,
voice behind me. “No one needs to check on Tessa because I’m not
going home.” I turn around, and we meet each other in the middle.
“Char, I wasn’t there when it happened, but I’m sure as hell not
gonna let you do this without me.”

“What about the Kluft
girls? Did they just drop you off?” Then, I see them, sitting in
the distance near Tori’s Explorer. “Any word from

“I know they are on their
way to Trent’s. I’m pretty sure Dylan doesn’t want to go to the
hospital, but I bet he’s gonna have to. Cash whooped his ass, and
it’s about damn time!”

“Yeah, he did, but I gotta
take care of this before Dylan gets admitted or Cash could get in
big trouble.”

I turn from Tessa, but do a
one-eighty. I pull her in for a hug and tell her thank you before
grabbing the hand of the man I love and walking into the police

Chapter 3

Opening the glass doors to
the Grassy Pond police station is kind of surreal. As I walk inside
these doors, it feels as if it is a dream. I’m going to wake up
from this nightmare, and everything will be how it should have been
before Dylan. Once the glass closes behind us and a middle-aged
woman with glasses asks how she can help us, I’m brought back to
reality. No, this isn’t a dream. I’m awake and in the

“I need to file a report.”

Adjusting her glasses, she punches a
few keys on the computer. “Name?”

“Charley Anne Rice.” She pauses and
looks at me.

“As in the Rice

“Yes, ma’am.” Cash places
his hand on my lower back. I glance and smile at him.

“I went to school with your daddy.
What type of report are we looking into filing?”

“Rape.” She stops mid-type
and gives a
deer in the headlights
look. Undoubtedly, this isn’t something they hear
a lot of in Grassy Pond.

“Miss Rice, are you sure?”

“Yes, ma’am.” She asks me
basic information, and then we sit and wait. The lobby area is cold
and musty smelling. After what feels like an eternity, an officer
appears from behind a wooden door.

“Miss Rice, this way,

Cash and I stand. Hand in
hand, we make our way to the officer. He takes us back to his
office and offers me a seat. Taking a deep breath, I explain
everything that occurred eighteen months ago. Cash’s hand never
leaves mine, and the officer listens while taking notes.

Once I finish reliving my real life
nightmare, the officer folds his hands and places them on his

“Miss Rice, you understand
that once this charge is filed, there is no going back. I’m not
sure exactly what will come of this, due to the time frame and his
word against yours, but you need to be prepared. This town isn’t
going to take lightly to these types of accusations, especially
against Dylan Sloan. I’ve seen him swim, and he’s got a fan club in
this town.

Yes, sir. I know I should
have come forward a long time ago, but who’s gonna believe ‘Mr.
Can’t-Do-Anything-Wrong’ raped me? Cash tried to get me to, but I
wouldn’t. The rape was awful, but his control and presence is the
real problem. I just want him to leave me and everyone else

“I understand. I haven’t
been in your situation, but the allegations are serious. Once I
submit this report, things might get ugly. I’m not sayin’ you
shouldn’t; just be prepared.” Turning, he looks at Cash. “Mr.
Montgomery, do you understand that if Dylan Sloan comes to press
charges against you, you will have consequences to

“Yes, sir.”

“Officer, I have a question? What if I
file my report based off the stalker like conduct? I have

“As in what type of

“Sir, I have a box with photos that he
had taken of me, phone records, and Facebook messages. The list is
a mile long.”

“Miss Rice, it is totally up to you,
but if you want him to stay away, you need to file a restraining
order. We will need the evidence, but I wouldn’t let the other
charge go. You never know what the court will decide, and you just
might save another girl's life. As for you, Mr. Montgomery, I need
a statement from you about tonight’s events.”

Cash gives his statement to the
officer, and once he is finished, we are dismissed except for
bringing the evidence back to the station as soon as

As we walk out into the
lobby, Piper, Tessa, and Joe stand. About that time, the
receptionist informs the officer that charges are planning to be
filed from the Grassy Pond Medical Center. We all look at each
other and realize this is about to get dirty.

“Cash, let’s get that box

“You got it.”

As we walk back to the
truck, the Kluft girls are waiting. I tell them to follow us to the
farm, but we have a lot to do in a short amount of time. I snuggle
up to Cash as close as possible. I have no idea what is about to
happen, but I know that it is going to involve the devil in human
form, my knight in an F250, my parents, my friends, and half of
this town if I’m not careful.

As if Cash is reading my mind, he
kisses the top of my head. “It’s gonna be fine, Char-coal. I

“I know, but it’s what we
have to get through until the ‘fine’ part that I’m worried

We remain quiet for the
remainder of the ride to the farm. Once we turn onto the gravel
road, I know I have to make a decision—talk to my parents, get the
box of evidence, or act like this didn’t happen.

Cash puts the truck in park. “You
ready?” I nod.

“Cash Money, I love you
more than life itself.” I crash my lips into his because it could
be our last kiss for an extremely long time.

Cash pulls away from me.
“Don’t do this, Char-coal. This isn’t the end; it’s the beginning.
Remember, we’re in this forever. Now, let’s go get that

As I open the door, I’m
greeted by the Kluft girls, Joe, Piper, and Tessa.

“Hey, y’all. We’ve gotta
get something from the club. I need y’all to keep my parents
occupied until we get back. Then, I got some explainin’ to

“I’ve got ya covered, Sis,”
Tessa says, but not before Hayden puts in her two cents.

“Tessa, we’ve got this!
We’ve got Mama and Papa Rice under control. Let’s just say we can
get her talking, and she’s not gonna stop. Your dad will be stuck

We have a quick group hug;
the girls walk toward the house while Tessa, Piper, and Joe follow
us to the club. We make our way to the barn before grabbing a
shovel and getting on the Gator, and then we put the pedal to the

Once we get to the club,
Cash turns off the Gator, but leaves on the lights. He takes my
hand in his while I grab the shovel.

“Um, we’ll just wait here,”
Tessa informs us.

“It’s okay if y’all wanna get a little

“Char, this isn’t a time to be funny!”
Piper says smartly.

Ignoring Piper, I turn to Cash. “We’ve
gotta get something on that hand when we get back.”

“I know,” he says, looking
at his swollen hand.

They stay at the Gator, and
we walk to the club. There is no need for a flashlight because the
headlights shine directly onto the spot below the club. Cash tries
to take the shovel from me, but I shake him off. He knows this is
about me. Yes, his hand is near broken, but this is what I have to

Within four digs, I strike
gold… I’d guess you’d say. Bending down to my knees, I scrape the
excess dirt from the top of the box and remove it from the earth.
The fact that it hasn’t been buried too long has helped from
ruining the evidence. I stand and begin to walk toward the

“Char-coal, aren’t you going to open

“Hell no. I know what’s in

Cash has a pleading stare
in his eyes.

“Please look, Char-coal.
Who knows, he could have been damn Houdini and made it

“Seriously?” I ask Cash as he nods.

Once we get to the Gator and are
seated, I open the box.

“See… it’s all here.”
Everything is within the box, but as Joe looks at the contents, his
face loses color.

“Hey Joe, you aight?" I

“Um, yeah. I’m just kinda
worried. I mean, what do you think will happen to me since I knew
about it all? Dammit! I can’t get arrested. I’ll lose everything
Gran and I worked for.”

“Look, I’ll do my best to
make sure nothing happens to you, Joe. Just like Cash, I’m not
letting you take the blame for what that asshole did. Damn, I wish
someone had gotten that shit on video. You’d think that with
technology these days somebody would have gotten it, but noooo,
they were too busy staring.”

“Thank you, Squirrel. Gran is gonna
kill me no matter what.”

“Can we get going? Just
lookin’ at that box is freakin’ me out,” Piper says.

In unison we agree and make
our way back to the house. As we approach, I’m unsure if I can do
this. Walking into that station was one thing, but delivering this
box to them will start a ball rolling that can create an

As if being mind readers,
Cash puts his hand on my knee while Tessa places her hand on my
shoulder. Their love and support are amazing.

“Tess, have you heard from Dustin? Is
Dylan going to survive?”

“Yeah, he said that he had
a few broken ribs, but was going to make it. He might have to stay
a few days, though. Cash fucked him up, and he’s a damn puss. Mr.
Big-and-Bad, but whimpers like a damn baby. Cash, I’m glad you beat
the shit outta him because if I had to go along with this plan much
longer, it might have been me.” I roll my eyes as she continues. “I
see that, Char! Dustin’s okay, too, but he said his parents were
pissed. I don’t know what all this will do to us,” Tessa

I whip my head around.
“What do you mean? I mean, I know things will be weird, but you and
Dustin are perfect for each other.”

“I agree, but it’s going to be hard. I
just don’t know if we will survive. We’re not as strong as Cash and

I don’t know what to say, so I say
nothing. Once we are at the front porch, I start to fidget with the
top of the box. Cash stops me as the others go inside. He takes my
arm and turns me around while trying to move my hair from my face
with his swollen hand.

“Hey, are you okay? I mean…
really okay?” I bite my lip and shake my head yes. “You know that
I’m not leaving. I’ll tell as much as you want me to or keep it
quiet if you want.” Leaning in, he kisses my forehead and lets his
lips linger for a few extra seconds.

We don’t separate each
other’s hands as we walk to the house. Feeling like I’m in slow
motion, I count the steps going up the porch, one…two… three…four.
Cash pulls on the screen door, and it squeaks as he opens it. It’s
time to tell everything.

Chapter 4

Walking into my house has a different feeling at
this point. I can hear Hayden talking above the others, and I think
they might be playing cards. There is absolutely no

Cash glances in my
direction. “I love you, Char-coal.”

“I love you more, Cash
Money,” I say as he wraps his arm around my waist.

We head into the kitchen
where everyone is sitting with a few cards, but Dad is stuck with
about one hundred. Bless him. They aren’t going to let him

“Charley, glad y’all made
it in. Whatcha got there?” Mama asks while peering at the

“Um… well… I think we need
to talk, but first I need to get Cash some ice.”

Everyone’s eyes fall on
Cash’s hand as he removes it from behind me.

“Boy, what the hell
happened? Hope whoever you got in a fight with looks worse than you
do,” Dad states.

Setting the box onto the
counter, I go to the freezer, and grab an icepack for Cash. Once
I’ve placed the icepack on his hand, I pick the box back up, and we
make our way to the table.

Mama looks at Dad, and the
Kluft girls look around, unsure if they should stay or go. Tori
begins to stand, but I shake my head no. I want them here. Everyone
needs to know the entire truth.

“Char, I think it would be
better if you talked to your parents alone first,” Tori

“I understand that, but I only want to
tell this once.”

“Well, if you want us to
leave at any time, just say the word.”

My mama’s face is white as a ghost.
She has known deep in her heart for a long time that something was
going on, but I’ve never been brave enough to tell the

As we approach the table,
everyone scoots in, and we take our seat with Cash by my side, as
usual. Gradually, I move the box onto the table.

All eyes are on me, but
before I open the box, I speak to my parents. “Mama and Dad, there
are some things you don’t know about me, Dylan, Cash, and pretty
much everyone at this table. I’ve kept a secret, but it’s time to
tell. Please let me say everything I need to before you jump to
conclusions, and once I say what I have to, things will change… but
how I want them to. Okay?”

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