Loving Deviant (Cyborg Seduction Book 9) (14 page)

BOOK: Loving Deviant (Cyborg Seduction Book 9)
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Chapter Eleven


The council sat behind their long curved bench across the room and watched Deviant with emotionless expressions. His father sat next to him. No one else had shown up for the meeting. He’d expected Stag to be there.

One of the members finally leaned forward. “Let’s begin. Deviant, you took a human woman onto Stag’s ship without permission from him or us. I think I’ll spare listing the violation codes you’ve broken. Explain to us why you did it.”

A woman to the councilmember’s right stiffened. “Covel, this session was brought forth to be a formal reprimand. Stag has filed insubordination charges and Deviant has disobeyed us. Your casual demeanor isn’t appropriate. This is a serious matter.”

Covel turned his head. “You don’t like Stag. You find him as tiring as the rest of us do, with his strong stance on leadership without compassion.”

“I don’t even know why we’re here.” Blackie drew everyone’s attention. “It’s a simple matter. Deviant found a woman willing to sleep with him. She’s inspired our medical teams with her updated prosthetics, contributing to our race, so at the end of the day, he did us a favor by choosing her. We’ve been given a gift. Especially when we apply what they’ve learned on our people who are in need of limbs. She’s not a spy for Earth Government or a security risk.

“Stag can be an ass. He’s rigid too with the rules. Not necessarily a bad thing, and he was required to file charges. It wasn’t an option for him not to. But I dismissed them as soon as I learned why Deviant had brought the woman onboard.”

“A willing sexual partner is not an acceptable reason for the actions Deviant took.” The blonde woman frowned.

“You can’t be that obtuse, Lizza. All females have their choice of males. You will never be lonely or lack sexual partners. It’s different for our males. Especially ones who have been viewed as imperfect in any way.” Zorus leveled Deviant with a cool stare. “How many times have you been offered to join a family unit?”

“None.” Deviant understood the point Zorus was trying to make.

“That still doesn’t excuse his actions.” Lizza shook her head. “He took risks that were not in his authority to take.”

Zorus leaned forward and rested his hands on the table in front of him. “Deviant, tell Lizza how many times your sperm has been requested. I looked it up. You’re not sterile.”

It embarrassed him but he was required to answer. “Never.”

Zorus lifted his hands, opening them wide in a “need I say more?” gesture, and dropped them back down. “Deviant was given the opportunity to gain access to a female who willingly agreed to be his. I don’t see any male turning that offer down under the circumstances.” Zorus met his gaze. “Are you two engaging in sex?”

Deviant hesitated to answer, not willing to discuss the more personal aspects of his relationship with Venice with the council.

“They are,” his father answered instead.

“I’m content with his actions.” Covel shrugged. “I see no reason to punish him.”

“Nor do I,” Rais agreed.

“I agree,” Blackie added. “Which brings me back to my original statement. I don’t know why we’re here.”

Other council members nodded.

Lizza was the only one who didn’t seem satisfied. “That’s what we take from this meeting? That our males can ignore orders and rules if they are motivated by having sex with a willing female?”

ask Deviant to join your family unit?” Blackie asked.

The councilwoman suddenly couldn’t meet any man’s gaze—and remained silent.

Zorus cleared his throat. “You’re outnumbered in this vote. He was lonely and found someone to be with. That wasn’t going to happen on Garden. Every woman has refused him. All’s well that ends well. I vote this matter is settled. Deviant is cleared of the charges and found not guilty by reason of…” Zorus paused. “Our flawed laws. Raise your hand if you oppose my decision.”

Only Lizza lifted her hand.

“It’s been decided.” Zorus stood and looked at Deviant. “My female would love to meet your Venice. Please forward the request. Perhaps we could have dinner together one evening soon.”

Deviant let out a deep breath and relaxed. “Thank you. I would consider that an honor, Councilman Zorus.”

“Session adjourned.”

Deviant’s father smiled. “I knew it would be fine.”

“Thank you.” Deviant stood, him and Mavo both leaving the council chambers fast, before Lizza could speak to them if she was displeased.

They stopped outside of the building and Deviant faced his father. “That is a relief.”

“Go home to your Venice.”

“I will.”

But he had one more meeting to attend first…

Deviant wasn’t in a mood to deal with his mother, but her assistant had been waiting for him in the lobby when he’d reached his home building, there to personally escort him to her office. He entered the room, the assistant disappearing into another part of the office. His mother waited by her desk, her body tense where she stood.

Bazelle stared at Deviant intently, a look he knew too well. His mother had piercing blue eyes that never missed much. His childhood had been full of moments where she studied him in that exact manner, sizing him up.

“What is it, Bazelle? I missed breakfast and had planned to eat.” She hated to be called mother.

“I was told your duty aboard the
wasn’t ideal.”

That was her polite way to she had a spy that worked closely with the council. Stag had indeed filed a complaint against him. Deviant said nothing, waiting for her to reveal whatever she’d learned.

“Something is different about you.”

It irritated him more when she changed the subject. She was trying to catch him off guard. He hated the mental games she seemed to enjoy playing. “My hair has grown nearly an inch.”

“That’s not it.” She strode closer and paused, examining his features. “I would tell you to cut it shorter but we’ve had this discussion. You refuse to hear me.”

“I always listen to you.” He did, but he didn’t always agree with her advice.

She rounded him. He held still, allowing her the close inspection. She paused in front of him again. “You have changed. There’s a confidence about you that wasn’t there before.”

“Thank you.”

“It wasn’t a compliment.” She twisted her mouth into a frown. “I heard about your Earther female. It’s appalling but understandable.”

His spine stiffened. Pleasantries were over and the verbal attack had begun. “What do you mean by that?”

“You’re lonely enough that even one of
would seem a welcome addition into your household. It just makes my job more difficult. You will give her to someone else.”

“No.” He refused to even consider it. Venice belonged to him.

“You picked her up off one of those Earth stations as if she were a stray animal in need of rescue. You must realize none of my friends considering making you an addition to their family unit will allow you to keep her? It would be offensive, and that Earther’s existence in your life lowers their opinion of you. Give her to one of your friends.”

Anger surged. “Don’t speak of Venice that way,
.” He stressed the last word. “I believe it lowers
opinion of me, so you should just state that clearly.”

A muscle in her cheek twitched. “She’s beneath you. I didn’t realize you were that desperate for companionship. I’ll make you an appointment to test your compatibility with Dorania this evening.”

“Don’t.” He had no interest in his mother’s longtime friend, or becoming the fourth male to join her family unit.

“I realize she might not be an ideal match but she owes me a few favors.”

“No.” Deviant tired of her game.

Her eyes widened. “Don’t tell me you’ve become attached to that Earther? I was told it’s only been a matter of days that you’ve been subjected to her.”

He gauged how his mother would react to hearing the truth but decided he didn’t care. Warmth spread through his chest at just the thought of Venice, and he decided to be blunt. “She isn’t what you’d expect.”

“She’s from Earth. Nothing good could come of it. I know some of the males you associate with have created family units with them, but it’s an outrage! You may carry genetic flaws but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for a substandard female to share your time with.”

The insult infuriated him. “She’s

His mother advanced until she had to tilt her head to keep meeting his gaze. “You aren’t considering breeding
with this Earther, are you? It would be irresponsible and incomprehensible to burden your children with not only
flaws, but hers as well!”

He identified the familiar stabbing sensation inside his chest as bitterness. “Do you regret birthing me? Would you have terminated the pregnancy if you’d known the drug you took to help you conceive would affect my appearance?”

The seconds she took to answer were revealing to Deviant. He clenched his teeth, the pain an old wound.

“Those are your words,” she stated calmly, backing away.

“That doesn’t make them any less true. I apologize for being a disappointment.” He didn’t bother hiding the snide tone. “It must be so difficult for

She spun and crossed the room to her desk, taking a seat. “I don’t have time for your insolence. Get rid of the Earther and be at Dorania’s residence at six this evening. She’ll be expecting you. I’ll transmit the address.”

“Don’t bother. I won’t go.”

Her blue gaze lifted to shoot him an infuriated look. “You will make that meeting and be on your best behavior to complement our family name! Don’t disgrace me, Deviant.”

“You mean more than I already have by not appearing more to your liking?”

She rose up. “Don’t speak to me in that tone again. My patience with you wears thin!”

“We have something in common. Don’t order me to give Venice away or ask me to pretend interest in one of your friends when none is present.”

“You should be appreciative Dorania would even consider you for her fourth. And stop mentioning that Earther! I am trying to forget her existence altogether. It was an embarrassment being told my son burdened our society with another one of them.”

“Venice isn’t a burden.”

“Dorania will expect you at six sharp. Don’t be late.”

“Why should I have to pretend I’m grateful for joining a family unit with one of your friends when that isn’t what I want? Dorania is contracted with three males already. The only gratitude I feel is because the female who shares my bed only wants

Bazelle sat down hard. “You
having intercourse with her. I suspected as much.”

“It’s more than that. Your term implies a lack of intimacy or feeling.”

“I’m contacting Mavo.”

“Leave my father out of this.”

She ignored his demand and touched the pad on her desk. She glared at him during the silent transmission, until whatever she’d relayed ended and she shifted her hand away from the device. “He’s on his way.”

“Why bother? He can’t talk me into making that meeting either.”

“You’ll do as you’re ordered, Deviant! You need to assimilate into proper cyborg society at some point. That’s fitting for your station in life as

“Perhaps you shouldn’t have labeled me with my name if that’s what you expected.”

Her expression revealed her growing anger. “I’m going to request you no longer leave Garden on those space missions. I believe the males you associate with are compromising your integrity. And I’ll demand the Earther be immediately removed from your household. She is a bad influence. I’m contacting security to go there. They’ll find a use for her. Perhaps she could work with the cleaning staff.”

“I’m no longer a child. Don’t interfere with my life.” He advanced, curling his hands into fists. “I won’t abide your threats. Venice stays where she is, and I’ll be assigned to any duties I wish.” He halted on the other side of her desk. “I would not recommend you placing your palm on that communications device and speaking her name in any context. Do you understand? Venice belongs to
, and neither you nor anyone else has the right to take her from my household. It would be a grave mistake for anyone who attempted it. I’d fight them with deadly force.”

Her mouth parted and her eyes widened. “Deviant, do you hear your words?”

“I mean every one of them. Venice stays with me, and I don’t give a fuck if you are embarrassed by that or not. You’ll learn the
definition of shame by my actions if you continue to make your threats. I spoke to the council this morning. She belongs to me. They were fine with our verbal contract. You have no right to interfere.”

“The council has already spoken to you?” She paled.

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