Loving, Living, Party Going (21 page)

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Authors: Henry Green

Tags: #Fiction, #Classics, #General

BOOK: Loving, Living, Party Going
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'You let me fetch you a nice cup of tea,' Edith was telling Miss Burch who sat bowed with her face in her hands. 'Oh dear oh dear,' Agatha moaned.

'Gawd strewth look what you done,' Raunce said once more at which Albert got to his feet, moved over to the door. He stood for a moment before he went out.

'I'm sorry Miss Burch I'm sure. I'm goin' to be a air gunner,' he said white, as though defiant.

When the door was shut Miss Burch looked up between her fingers.

'How old would he be?' she asked.

'My Albert?' Raunce replied. 'Not above sixteen I'll be bound.'

'He's eighteen,' Edith said.

'Eighteen?' Raunce cried. 'Why you've only to look at 'im. No girl, I've got it somewhere in my desk, the letter 'e come with I mean, he can't be a day more than I just said.'

'He's eighteen. That was his birthday the other week,' Edith insisted calmly.

'Oh this war,' Miss Burch wailed, then hid her face again.

'You run and carry her a cup of tea,' Edith asked Kate.

'All right I'll go,' the girl replied unwilling.

But Miss Burch would not stay. She said she had best lie down for a spell. So Edith slipped out to the kitchen to ask Kate to fetch that cup to Agatha's room. When she got back in the hall she found Raunce seated on his own there. Paddy had probably gone back to his peacocks. So she sat down alongside him although this must have seemed rather noticeable, seeing that it was nearly time to start work.

Charley barely glanced at her. 'Eighteen?' he muttered. 'Is he that much? I could've sworn he was two year younger.'

'Well dear,' she said, 'you did put your foot right in it'

'In what way?' he asked.

'I'll say you opened your mouth. That ring's not found yet even if I do fancy I know who's got it.'

'It's you honey,' he explained. 'I was worried over you. Then when I received the wire I thought to myself now everything will come right once Mrs T. gets back. It seemed to loose my tongue,' he said.

'Something loosed it dear. But there's nothing gained by speakin' of that ring until we hold it safe.'

'You never took the ring,' he said reaching over for her hand. 'You found a valuable yes but you put that back right where you came across it. And what else could you do? Tell me? You've no lock up Of course there's the strongroom back in my quarters. But we can't have that shut all day and the things which are kept in it might as well be laid out on the drive for all the safety they're in of a daytime in this barracks of a hole. So you couldn't count on the old strongroom. Then what did you do? You put it back where for all you could speak to Mrs Tennant had hid the thing in security. In the finish someone or other pinched it from there. That's all.'

'What's on your mind then Charley?'

'Nothing,' he answered not looking at her.

'Oh yes there is. I can tell,' she returned. 'Besides you said just now you was worried over me.'

'Oh honey,' he broke out sudden, 'I do love you so.'

'Of course,' she replied bright.

'Give us a kiss dear please.'

'What here?' she asked. 'Where someone will come in any minute?'

'I didn't realize I could love anyone the way I love you. I thought I'd lived too long.'

'You thought you'd lived too long?' and she laughed in her throat.

'I can't properly see myself these days,' Raunce went on looking sideways past her at the red eye of a deer's stuffed head. 'Why I'm altogether changed,' he said. 'But look love, no man's younger than his age. There's more'n twenty years between us.'

'I like a man that's a man and not a lad,' she murmured.

'Yes but the years fly fast,' he answered. 'To think of Albert old enough to enlist.'

'He's upset you your lad has isn't that right?'

'Yes Edie,' Raunce said wondering. 'It did give me a turn I must confess.'

'Why?' she asked grim.

'Well it looks like we're out of it over in Eire as we are or whatever they call this country of savages. D'you get me? I can't seem able to express myself but there you are. Away from it somehow.'

'That's what we want to be surely?'

'Yes dear.'

'I mean you're too old. They'd never take you could they?'

'They'd never take me over here. Not if de Valera keeps 'em out'

'Well we're not crossin' over to the other side are we?' She looked sharp at him. He seemed dreamy.

'No,' he answered, 'we're not. Not so long as we can find that ring,' he said. 'And keep the house from bein' burned down over our heads. Or Mrs Jack from running off with the Captain so Mrs Tennant goes over for good to England.'

'Why Charley,' she objected soft, 'there's other places.'

'Not without we find that ring,' he said.

'But I thought you was bringing your mother across,' she said and seemed bitter. She was about to go on when Kate stuck her head in at the door.

'Ho,' this girl announced, 'so you're still 'ere. An' what about the work?' she asked Edith. 'I'm not carryin' on alone let me tell you.'

'I won't be a minute,' Edith answered.

'I know your minutes. I've 'ad some,' Kate remarked.

'And there's the children,' Edith said remembering. 'They'll want their walk.'

'Then I fancy I'll lay me down on my bed. I feel faint,' Kate suggested in Agatha's voice.

'What?' Raunce asked as though confused. 'And with Mrs Tennant
returning the day after to-morrow?'

'Oh go drown yourself,' Kate said and slammed the door.

'Holy smoke look what we're coming to,' Raunce muttered under his breath.

But Edith laughed. 'Come on slow coach,' she invited giving him a light kiss on his forehead as she got up. 'Here wait a tick,' he cried as if waking. 'Come to father beautiful,' he called. Only by the time he was on his feet she was gone.

He began to clear away the dinner things for his lad Albert. He surprised himself doing it.

When later that afternoon Edith came into Raunce's room to find him unconscious with his feet on the other chair, he awoke with a start. 'Why me love here I am,' he remarked as if to say you see I don't come out of a good sleep bad-tempered.

'It's me that's worried now all right,' she announced.

'How's that?' he asked.

'They won't tell where they've hid the ring.'

He was wide awake at once.

'You're certain they've got it?'

'I know that for sure,' she answered, 'Miss Moira wouldn't lie to me.'

'You give me just five minutes alone with young Albert'

'No dear,' she said, 'we don't want more trouble with Mrs Welch.'

'Just five minutes. That's all I need.'

'It won't do dear. If only I had more time. But she'll be back Monday.'

'Mrs Tennant you mean?' he asked. 'Well all I can say is if 'er own grandchildren have took it the little thieves I don't see what she can say to us.'

'Then what were you on about when you came out at dinnertime that if we couldn't discover the ring we'd never get another place in Ireland?'

'Did I say that?'

'You did dear,' she told him. 'An' you went on that they'd clap
you in the Army soon as ever you stepped off the boat over in Britain.'

'Look,' he said, 'don't you worry your head. We'll think of a way. Of course it would be best if we found where they've 'id it particularly after the visit we've been paid. That's what I must've intended. It has made things more awkward that man turning up. And then Albert sayin' what 'e did. And now he wants to go and be killed just to get his own back for speaking out of turn I shouldn't wonder.'

'No Charley you don't understand.'

'I don't. That's a fact. I never will I shouldn't be surprised. But I'll say this. You'll live to regret having a kid like that fallen in love over you.'

'He's not,' she lied, it may have been to protect the lad.

'And they say nothing gets past a woman,' Raunce said heavy. 'Why it stands out a mile he is.'

'You're imaginin' Charley,' she said soft.

'Imagining my eye,' he replied. 'But if 'e just wanted to fight for the old country I could agree with the lad.'

She sat up.

'You mean to say you're even considerin' such a step?' she asked.

He answered in a low voice. 'I'm bewitched and bewildered I am really,' he said. 'I don't know what I'm after.'

'Thanks I'm sure,' was her bitter comment.

'Here wait a minute, not so fast,' he exclaimed and leaning forward he got hold of one of her hands on the arm of the other chair. 'Don't get me wrong,' he said. 'That's dam all to do with you an' me.'

'And your old mother you were so keen to get over?' Edith wanted to know.

'Oh her,' Raunce answered.

There was a miserable pause. Then Edith began again,

'Then what did you intend a week or two back when you made out our place was where we are now and Miss Burch said that about blocking the roads? The time Paddy got the wrong side of you?'

'I expect I had in mind what they told us in the newspapers about stayin' put where you happen to be in an invasion.'

'You don't sound very sure,' she said.

'It's Albert,' he explained. 'My Albert to want to do a thing like that. Why it's almost as if 'e was me own son.'

'I wish he could hear you now after the way you bawl him out'

'Me?' Raunce said, 'Why I just give him the rough side of my tongue on occasion so that he'll learn a trade,' he said. 'Here give us a kiss,' he added smiling at last.

This time she actually got up in haste and did no less than sit on his knee.

'You don't love me,' she murmured. When he kissed her she kissed him back with such passion, all of her hard as a board, that he flopped back flabbergasted, having caught a glimpse of what was in her waiting for him.

When the other Albert came to the kitchen for his tea that same afternoon he found Mrs Welch asleep with her head on the massive table. Labouring she lifted heavy bloodshot eyes in his direction.

'Well?' she asked.

'I been out,' he answered sly.

'Out where?'

'We was round the back,' he said.

'And who's we?' she wanted to know as she scratched a vast soft thigh. She gave a wide yawn.

'The young leddies,' he replied. He passed a hand over his forehead as if he could tidy his hair with that one gesture and came to sit quiet opposite auntie.

'Not with that Edith?' she enquired sharp.

'Oh no'm.'

'You're positive?' and Mrs Welch leant across. 'For you know what I told you?'


'What was that then?'

'That I weren't to have nothing more to do with 'er ever,' the boy repeated.

'That's right,' Mrs Welch rejoined. She leant back again and left her arms straight out from her bosom resting on closed fists upon the kitchen table. Her dark hair straggled across her face. 'You wouldn't lie to me?' she asked.

'Oh no'm.'

'Because I daren't abandon this kitchen day or night, not till I go to me bed when day is done that is and then I double lock the door. On guard I am,' she announced in a loud voice. 'Because that Edith's no more'n a thief I tell you an' my girls are hand in glove
with 'er, I don't need to be told.' She came to a stop and although glaring at him she seemed rather at a loss.

'Yes'm,' he said respectful.

'An' they're in league with the tradesmen, the I.R A. merchants, the whole lot are,' she went on a bit wild. 'You mark my words,' she finished and closed anguished eyes.

There was a pause. Then he asked a question with such a glance of malice as must have frightened her if she had caught it.

'What's a I.R.A. man auntie?' he enquired.

'Thieves and murderers,' she said half under her breath as though her thoughts were elsewhere.

'Blimey,' he said. If she had looked she would have seen he mocked.

'Makin' out she's too good to have anything to do with us,' Mrs Welch began again. She opened her eyes. 'Sayin' she won't take you along of Miss Moira and Miss Evelyn.' Mrs Welch heaved herself back to the table, propping her head on the palms of her hands. 'The lousy bitch,' she said soft, 'runnin' in double 'arness with that Raunce into the bargain. Oh,' she suddenly yelled, 'if I catch you I'll tan the 'ide right off of you d'you understand?'

Out in the scullery Jane and Mary nodded at one another, at the rise and fall of this thick voice.

'Tan the 'ide off me what for?' the lad asked.

'What for you bastard imp?' she shouted and lumbering while still on her seat she made a slow grab which he easily dodged.

'I ain't done nothing,' he pretended to whine.

'Ah they're in a society with them tradesmen,' she cried out. 'Don't I know it. Why only the other day Jane was got be'ind the monument by one. I made out I never noticed when she told me,' Mrs Welch explained lowering her voice, 'but I marked it well. And I shan't forget,' she added although she seemed short of breath, 'I weren't born yesterday,' she said.

'Can I 'ave my tea'm?' he requested.

'Can you 'ave your tea?' she replied with scorn and made no move. 'Yes,' she went on dark, 'I've watched their thievin'. Raunce an' that Edith. Not to mention Kate with what she gets up to.... As I've witnessed times without number from me larder windows. So don't you never 'ave nothin' to do with any one of 'em see. 'Ave you got that straight?' she asked hoarse, glaring right through him.
Without waiting for an answer she called out, 'Jane, Master Albert's tea.' She was perfectly serious.


'And may your ladyship's heart be asy on her to get back to the Castle,' Michael said from the driver's seat as obviously excited, grinning in his idiot way, he at once drove off to the stables leaving Mrs Tennant dumped down in front of her own front door surrounded by the luggage.

'Michael,' she called after him to a wisp of blue smoke.

Then she reached for the latch which was a bullock's horn bound in bronze. But these great portals were barred. She gave the ordinary bell a vicious jab.

'What's this Arthur I mean Raunce?' she asked when Charley opened.

'I am very sorry I'm sure Madam. I had no idea the boat would be punctual. I was just putting on my coat to come to look out for you Madam.'

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