Loving the Senator (Capitol Affairs #1) (2 page)

BOOK: Loving the Senator (Capitol Affairs #1)
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He became silent, maybe lost in the memory. After a few seconds of silence between us, he spoke.

“The little girl named after two Beatles songs and hated both of them.”

“Please, don’t remind me,” I said. He smiled at me and held me gaze.

The way he looked at me was the way I have always wanted a man to look at me or at least, the way I wanted
man to look at me.

I stared back into his dark, mysterious eyes, and I imagined how good he must be in bed. The way he watched me, and the way his body moved next to mine was a sign of what kind of lover he would be. He had the looks of a politician, but I sensed him being a naughty boy in bed.

An ache began between my legs where I needed him to be. I wanted to climb into the nearest bed or back room and show him how much I remembered him.

“Well, I’m not an insecure teenage girl anymore, Alex. I’m not living with my drugged out mother in a rundown trailer either. Thank God, Beulah got me out of there when she did. Those days are long behind me.”

“How well I’ve noticed,” he said, moving his eyes over my body. My dress showed off my best assets. I felt my breasts swell, threatening to bust out of my bra as he gazed at them.

“Your grandmother is a wonderful woman, and I’m sure she is very proud of the woman you’ve become,” he said.

“I sure hope she is.”

I certainly wasn’t the same pathetic, sixteen-year-old. I had grown up and became a confident woman. I took pride knowing I was well-educated and supported myself. I worked hard to change my life and my future.

For just a moment, we were in our own world. We looked at one another and whatever else needed saying, we said with our eyes.

“Alex, I need you over here. They want to take our picture together,” said a very pissed-off-looking Jade.

She grabbed Alex by the hand that held my waist and pulled him away from me. Cool air hit me as soon as his warm body pulled from mine. The band began playing a fast song, and the dancing kicked up a notch. As he walked away with his six-foot-tall girlfriend shaking her ass, he looked back at me and winked. I stood and watched as she led him across the crowded room.

I had put myself out there by letting Alex understand what I wanted. Now, it was up to him to take me up on it.

I became suddenly exhausted. I had been at the law office most of the day, and I just wanted to go home and relax. I threw back one more glass of champagne, said goodnight, and made my way towards the back door. Alex caught my eye and began to make his way over.

“Prudence, wait a minute,” he yelled as I pulled on my trench coat. He grabbed my coat and helped me get it on, holding up the shoulders as I slipped my arms through the sleeves.

“Thank you,” I smiled, turning to face him.

“You leaving so soon?” he asked. He looked so hot I wanted to take him home with me right then. He got close to me again, and the heat rolled off his mouthwatering body.

“It’s been a long day and a long campaign. I need a hot bath and my comfy bed,” I said, licking my lips.

“Thank you again for everything,” he said. He looked around and ran his hands through his hair. His good looks once again mesmerized me. We were alone except a few waiters, cleaning up dishes.

“I loved every minute helping you with this election, and I can’t wait to do it again,” I smiled a seductive smile at him.

“Are you all right going home? It’s crazy out there. You need to be careful. Let me call you a cab,” he said, inching closer to me.

That extra glass of champagne gave me the nerve to do what I was about to do. I reached for his tie, pulled him close, and kissed him long and hard. His lips, so luscious and warm; I wanted them all over my body. I took my other hand and let it lightly pass across his cock. He looked stunned and out of sorts. I licked my lips again and said, “Yes, I’m fine out there going home, a cab is not what I need, and you taste delicious. I want to taste the rest of you, Senator Conrad.”

Wow, I laid it out there. I even shocked myself at what I said and did. My inner vixen came out in full force, and I couldn’t control it. After a few seconds, he finally spoke.

“Christ, I’m so tempted to leave with you right now. We could sneak out of here together and be alone away from all of this, but what kind of senator would I be?” he asked, looking dark and intent with his hands in his pockets. His shirt, still unbuttoned, his jacket, off, and his hair, now wild from running his hands through it. I looked at his expensive dress pants and noticed I must have done something right. I could take him up on that offer right then and there.

“My bed is always waiting for you, now or later.”

I turned and headed towards the exit sign. I looked back, and he was focused on me. I waved and watched him. His campaign song came on, and everyone started chanting his name. Alex insisted on Barry Whites, “You’re the First, the Last, My Everything” as his campaign song. As soon as he heard it, he ran off. The crowd cheered for this captivating man and sang along. Not able to take my eyes off him, I watched as he got up on stage, putting on his baseball hat that read “CONRAD.” I couldn’t help but smile. I would’ve done anything for that man. One more glance at me and he winked again, which sent an ache in my body. My senator. God, I wanted him.

The sensation of his lips was still awake in my mind on the short ride to my condo. The outline of his cock through his pants had me hypnotized. Like my favorite candy, I hungered for more. I wanted to fuck him senseless and taste every sugarcoated inch of him. How could a man so much older than me have such an effect? There has never been a man that shook me up like Alex Conrad. Just thinking about him sent scorching currents through my body. I didn’t even know what my body would do if we had sex. I would probably transcend to a higher plane and orgasm to death.

Outside, the streets were in an uproar as the new President would soon be elected. People crowded everywhere, inside and out, partying the night away. The streets, filled with policemen directing traffic, and celebrations that carried on into the night. I had to weave and dodge my new VW bug around stop-and-go traffic as I made my way home.

It felt so wonderful to finally be home. I couldn’t help but smile as I walked in the door to my familiar surroundings and the peace and quiet of my own place. The steamy hot bath relaxed my overworked body as I lay there and let the water jet around. Working a campaign, entailed many long hours of speech writing, and many miles walked canvassing neighborhoods and organizing. My aunt Toby had started the campaign for Alex. After a while, she let me take over when he started soaring in the polls. My Aunt Toby, a congresswoman herself, was a long-time campaign manager. She taught me everything she knew, and I was so lucky to have her as a mentor. Overwhelmed at first, I caught on right away and loved the excitement.

I enjoyed the quietness of being home alone in my little sanctuary. I sat in the hot water for almost an hour as I listened to Bocelli, and fantasized about Alex.

After I got out and dried off, I found something sexy to wear in case he stopped by. I wanted to look as hot as possible. I chose a short, black lacy nightgown that pushed my ample breasts up and barely covered my butt. I chose a matching thong, put my hair up loosely, and of course sprayed my bed and myself with my perfume. I climbed in my comfy bed with a law book, and a cup of coffee, fully intending to study. I snuggled in my flannel sheets and tried to read a couple of chapters to stay awake. I looked at the clock. Eleven o’clock. The party should’ve been wrapping up. By midnight, I drifted off to sleep.

The light streaming into my bedroom window told me morning had arrived, but I needed more sleep. My head pounded from the champagne and not enough rest. Disappointment set in when I realized my bed was empty. He never came. What would he want with a young girl from the other side of the tracks? He remembered where I’d come from, and how miserable my life had been. That had to be in the back of his mind when he decided not to come over. He saw for himself the drugs, poverty, and craziness that consumed my life every day growing up with my mom. I couldn’t compete with that ex-super model, Jade, and I’m sure my age bothered him. As I do every morning, I turned the news on while I got ready, and I couldn’t believe Alex was the top story. Instantly, my stomach churned.

Chapter Two


I turned up the volume and sat on my bed to keep from passing out.

“Top news this morning: Newly elected Virginia Senator Alex Conrad, was involved in an accident late last night. The investigation is still ongoing, but it’s believed that he was downtown near the university after his victory party, where the accident occurred. We are unsure of his condition only that he is being treated at St. Theresa’s hospital. We will update further as we find out more.”

Oh my God. He was near my condo when it happened. I jumped off the bed, threw on clothes, and brushed my teeth. I put my shoulder-length red hair up in a ponytail, put on mascara and lip-gloss hurriedly, and headed out the door. I drove as fast as possible to the train station. I parked my car, purchased my ticket, and searched my phone to check for more updated news on Alex. None of the news feeds updated. After the quick twenty-minute ride, I made a quick stop at the coffee shop on the way in and grabbed a coffee for myself and a second one for my coworker, Thomas.

Thomas was already in the office when I arrived. He shopped on the Internet early in the morning pretending to work, but I caught him when I walked in. I handed him his favorite, mocha Frappuccino, and he excitedly clapped his hands, with a smile.

“Please don’t do that again today. It is way too early for your gayness,” I said. I hoped he had information on Alex.

“You love my gayness, honey.” He laughed at me turning around to face me in his cubicle.

“Thomas, did you hear about Alex this morning?” I asked.

“Honey, all I heard is he had an accident. Nobody is saying a thing on the news. This is between me and you, but I believe he was going to meet a woman,” he said. He tried to whisper like he knew a big secret. I put my purse in my desk drawer and my books on the shelf above my computer. Little did Thomas know, that woman might have been me?

“Thanks for the little piece of heaven. I’m going find out about Alex; I will be right back,” he said. He slurped his coffee through a straw loudly and headed down the hall. I got settled into my cubicle and turned on my computer.

It only took him a couple of minutes to get the scoop that I longed to hear. I counted on Thomas to get information or gossip faster than breaking news.

“So Stacy in clerical told Monica, the receptionist, that, after the party around midnight, he was in his Maserati heading downtown near the campus, and someone ran a stop sign. He is okay, but in the hospital getting checked out, and he has a black eye, cuts and bruised ribs, nothing too serious. I still say he was going to see someone. Hey, while I’m thinking of it, do you want to go out Saturday night with Bruce and me? He found out about a new club that is off the charts,” he said.

He began snapping his fingers and dancing, unconcerned about anything else.

What happened to Alex took over my thoughts and I couldn’t think beyond that. He had to be coming to see me if his accident happened downtown. I had to find out. I had his number in my cell phone from the campaign. With shaky hands and my heart beating rapidly, I typed out a message to him.

“Just heard u were in an accident. Pls tell me u r ok.”

I sent it and waited.

“Miss Romaine,” said Victoria Lyndhurst. She’s the law firm’s reigning prosecuting attorney, and I definitely hadn’t expected her to sneak up behind me.

“Yes, Victoria,” I said turning around in my seat, hoping she didn’t catch me texting. Victoria didn’t scare me, but everyone else in the office feared her. Thomas said when he hears her voice, he shrivels up everywhere. She’s one of the best prosecuting attorneys in the state and meaner than a rattlesnake. When she finished with someone, he would be missing either one or both of his balls, and she had them in her fist. I admired her.

“I want you in court with me this afternoon. I’ve got a real doozy, and I want you to watch me destroy him. I need to be there by one o’clock, so be ready. This prick is a wife abuser and his latest wife, the fifth one, is dead. I’m going to nail his ass to the wall and watch him cry like a bitch,” she said sipping the green tea that she drank obsessively.

“I’m your girl, Victoria. I love to watch you nailing asses to the wall,” I said.

I really did. What she did in court could’ve been considered a work of art. I witnessed many grown men, accused killers and one mafia hit man, cry when she finished with them. Victoria was ruthless.

“Watch and learn honey, watch and learn. You will be doing this soon, so you might as well learn from the best. One less jackass out terrorizing women is an excellent day in my book,” she said.

After that comment, she glared at Thomas. She loved that he was intimidated and afraid of her.

Victoria quickly became my idol. She showed no fear, and swore like a sailor, but had a timeless, classic style about her. Her platinum hair always worn up and I had never seen her without high heels. She was as old as my grandmother was, but didn’t look a day over fifty. She loved going to the opera, and I noticed after a huge win, she often celebrated by eating a McDonald’s Big Mac. Victoria had taken me under her wing and told me she planned on “grooming me for greatness.”

Before I asked her something concerning another case, she whirled away, back into her office and shut the door.

I leaned back in my seat and looked out the window of our high-rise. For November, the weather was perfect. The sun shone bright, with not a cloud in the sky. I took a quick glance at my phone for any text messages. Heat radiated up my cheeks when I noticed his number flashing.

Glad to hear from u. I didn’t make it to u. I tried. Sorry. I’m OK. Just banged up. Come see me.

Relieved u r ok. When?

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