Lucas: The Hunter Brothers Series (28 page)

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have to go to Geneva for a few days,” he said eventually, pulling me from my strange,
fuzzy state as I tried to swallow back my disappointment. I should be grateful
that I saw him as often as I did, but three days felt like an age and I knew
already how much I’d miss him.

you taking your P.A?” I asked, trying to avoid any intimate conversations which
might completely tip me over the edge. He shook his head.

a business trip and I’ll be there with Roberta,” he replied, closely assessing
my reaction that was impossible to disguise.

have no cause for concern, Jessica,” he said, pulling me closer and stroking my
hair as I blew out a huge sigh. It wasn’t true. I had five feet nine inches of
concern; feminine perfection that I could never match, with an Oxford education
and a ring indent still evident on her finger that he had put there.

are you thinking?” he asked as I stared up at him, vulnerable and frightened
and trying to hold my nerve.

thinking what the hell am I doing here?” I said, still stroking his abdomen as
his frown deepened, darkness washing across his handsome features as I told
myself to just enjoy it while it lasted.

should think that’s fairly obvious,” he laughed gently. It was. I was his sub.
I was there for sex. Lucas’s unique and heavenly brand of fornication and
domination that was fucking my head as much as the naked body that was pressing
close against him.

didn’t want to share my thoughts or burst this bubble. I had a lot to lose and
the last thing I needed was to be swept away on a tide of tears as he waltzed
off into the sunset with the glorious Roberta.

he said seriously, still waiting for answers as I sat up, looking him straight
in the eye. “Look at this from where I’m sitting,” I said as he hit me with a
sexy smirk that hit me right between the thighs.

rather look at you from where I’m sitting.”

glared at him shaking my head. He’d told me we were exclusive, but she was my
weak spot, my Achilles heel and it wasn’t funny. My stomach was in knots
already, just at the thought of that trip and I needed to spell it out.

“Roberta’s more you, Lucas.
You are beautiful, successful and incredibly intelligent. You’re cultured, well
versed in sex, a millionaire if not a billionaire, and the most magnetic man I
have ever met,” I said as a small smile crept across his mouth. “Take the
compliment and add it to your extensive collection, because it’s all true and
that’s the problem. I’m none of those things and I don’t have the freedom that
you do. You’re going away with the woman you were planning to marry. How do you
expect me to feel?”

smile faded and he stared at me for a second before shaking his head.
“Finished?” he asked coolly as I nodded. “Good. Firstly, I have never met
anyone more
, as you put it, than
. There is nothing I can do about her
presence in my business dealings, but let me make myself clear because I do not
want to have to say this again,” he said firmly.

a flash I was pinned underneath him as I blinked rapidly, wondering how the
hell he’d just managed that. I gazed up at him, swallowing hard at the stern
look on his face as he slid his knee between my legs, forcing them apart and
opening me to his hips as he rocked them gently against me, splitting my

butterfly kisses landed against my neck, distracting me entirely. “I have the
urge to take you to the brink before telling you this so I’m certain you’ll
remember it, but I don’t trust myself to stop, so listen hard,” he said as I
felt his solid cock rubbing against my swollen pussy, teasing my entrance as I
held his gaze.

have nothing to worry about as far as my ex goes. She is not the one for me
despite what you seem to think. I can assure you that if she were laid where
you are now, with my cock as hard as steel and twitching for the feel of hot,
wet flesh, I would walk away. Physically, sexually and emotionally, you are
more ‘me’ than she will ever be, and I will do whatever it takes to convince
you of that.”

eased his hot, naked cock just inside me, his face etched with self control. He
pulled out as I moaned out loud, trying to draw him deeper inside me and feel
every inch of him.

want you, Jess, but with that comes trust,” he said, easing in further as he
hissed through clenched teeth and I groaned at the exquisite torture. “Do you
trust me?” he asked, sliding in a little further before pulling out completely
and it was all I could do not to scream.

reached beside the bed, pulling a condom from its wrapper as I watched it cover
every delicious inch. “Do you trust me?” he growled, opening me up with the
thick wide head.

Lucas,” I breathed as he closed his eyes, tipping his head back before searing
me with a piercing, intense gaze, burying himself inside me with one violent
thrust of that incredible cock.

me.” It was almost a demand and I responded with force, wrapping my legs around
him and pulling him deeper still. He was slow, deliberate, teasing and
tantalising, commanding the pace of this measured pleasure and exquisitely
controlled as I felt every movement of his length inside me.

this,” he breathed against my ear, kissing me delicately against my neck,
moving down to my chest before he moved back up, his lips hovering deliciously
over mine. “This is real, Jessica,” he said firmly, claiming my mouth with a
sudden fierce passion, urgent thrusts that matched my need as I grabbed at his
body. I pulled him closer still, running my hands through that glorious thick,
black hair as his tongue fervently explored my mouth.

was no space left between us as his body forced mine further against the soft
mattress and closer towards the explosive abyss as I shattered beneath him,
crying his name as he filled me with cum. “Trust me,” he said, pulling out
gently, kissing me softly and stroking my face in the most tender gesture as I
melted into his eyes.

waste your time worrying about things that are never going to happen,” he
smiled as I nodded, finally forcing myself out of bed, dressing and following
him to his waiting car. He held my hand for almost the entire journey. “I’ll
see you when I get back from Geneva,” he smiled, kissing me softly as I climbed
out of the car, already counting down the hours.


Chapter 22

time dragged and I missed him so much, trying to find some leads for the
business to distract myself. I stared endlessly at the clock, realising it was
only minutes since I’d looked last, wishing the days away. He’d reassured me,
and every time those seeds of doubt surfaced I tried to push them away. I
wasn’t sure why my own brain seemed intent on delivering this intense brand of
torture. It was as though there were two people residing there and one was
downright fucking evil.

wasn’t sure if it was my sub-conscious trying to warn me of the dangers I faced
and protect me from falling too hard, but I was internally at war. I couldn’t
wait until he landed and I could be in his arms, safe and secure. Everything
felt right when I was wrapped in his warm embrace. Even when he was flogging me
or blindfolding me, I was where I wanted to be. But on my own, the questions
and endless possibilities were haunting me, flooding me with negativity and
intent on reinforcing the worst outcome.

made my way up to his office. There were a few things in my old desk that I
needed, but it was more than that. I wanted to be near where he worked and sat,
drink in the pervading smell of Lucas that seemed to hang in the air of that
room. He hadn’t called and part of me was grateful. Hearing his voice would
only reinforce his absence and it was taking me all my effort just to hold it
together. I’d have to get used to it. He went away a lot and she was in his
life. I couldn’t change the past; all I could do was look to the future.

was on the phone as I entered, scowling at me as I walked across to my old
desk, pulling open the drawers and searching through the contents.

where he proposed though, Roberta. If he’s taken you there, it must be a sign.
There are a thousand restaurants where you could hold business meetings. He is
a meticulous planner. Nothing Lucas does is ever by chance,” I heard as my
heart caught in my throat.

glanced up, but she was looking towards the door as I continued to rummage
through the drawers, telling myself I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but it wasn’t an
option. I had to hear every word and I’d stay until the end of that call, no
matter how much it hurt me.

come on, everyone knows he’ll come to his senses eventually. You and
were made for each other. Silus says that every time I
see him,” she laughed as my gut clenched and bile rose in my throat. “You’re
the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You just need to vamp it up a bit and
give him a reminder,” she laughed, listening for the next few moments as
sickening images of Roberta seducing Lucas burst into my brain and this time I
couldn’t shut them down.

made a mistake, but you’re a perfect fit. Lucas doesn’t even date, never mind
propose marriage. I’m his PA. I know everything that man gets up to. Believe
me, a bit of smutty fluff on the side won’t hold his attention, it never does.
If you knew the number of bouquets of flowers he asks me to send, or trinkets
he asks me to buy, you’d understand. He doesn’t even write the cards himself.
No one lasts more than a couple of weeks. It’s just sex, Roberta. He doesn’t
even take them out. When was the last time you saw him in the papers with a
woman on his arm?” she laughed as tears pricked at my eyes and I tried
desperately to force them back.

didn’t know about our arrangement, I was certain of it. As far as she was
concerned we were business partners and that was it. I knelt down, shielding
myself from view in the guise of emptying the bottom drawers as she glanced
across curiously.

last woman Lucas Hunter dated was you, and you will be the next. Go get him,”
she smiled down the line as I grabbed my armful of files and disappeared back
to my office without another glance.

dropped them onto the chair, turning to my desk and staring at the huge bunch
of roses that had arrived in my absence. I pulled out the card.

‘Thinking about you.

I’d received these an hour ago I’d have been elated. Now I just felt sick,
hurling them face down in the bin, tearing the card in half and wondering
whether he’d got Melody to send them. It crossed my mind that maybe she knew
and she’d said those things on purpose, but I was out of her hair now, not
threatening her job and I couldn’t imagine even Melody hated me that much.
Besides, she was already on the phone and in the middle of that conversation
when I walked in.

was swirling through my brain. I wanted to trust him and I had no other choice.
He’d be back tomorrow and I’d know for certain as I made my way home, idling
away the hours playing knights and castles with Dex and trying to push those
hurtful words from my mind.

had been three days of hell. He’d assured me it was business, but the evil
green monster was set deep inside me and it felt like he was chewing away at my

been told I had nothing to worry about, so why the hell did I feel so uneasy about
her? Probably because she was everything I wasn’t. I felt certain she’d be a
damn sight more together than I was right now. As I entered the revolving doors
of Hunter Industries, I froze dead in my tracks at the sight that greeted me.

were standing in the middle of reception, the beautiful brunette with her hand
on his arm and he was laughing whole heartedly in a way he had rarely done with
me. He was relaxed and natural and my heart clenched in my chest. She looked
utterly beautiful; she looked like she belonged with him.

was glued to the spot, unable to move or tear my eyes away as they locked with
his and he was smiling. Even from this distance the electrical current that ran
between our gaze was palpable, my heart exploding across my chest as my stomach
knotted in nauseating agony.

tried to remember those words, the promises he’d made before he left, but they
carried no weight at this moment. A picture spoke a thousand words and my eyes
were not deceiving me. I couldn’t smile back, gripped with an anger that I’d
never felt before, as every insecurity in my head came spilling to the fore.

smile suddenly faded as the red mist descended and I ran across the reception,
straight past Lucas and launched myself at Roberta. I pulled those glossy chestnut
locks with all my might, ripping out her hair extensions in chunks as I slapped
her face and raked my nails through her skin, leaving deep bloody grooves that
left me glowing with satisfaction, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to cover
those up.

pale blue suit was dripping with angry red stains as I felt her nose crunch and
break against the knuckles of my fist, kicking, hitting and lashing out as
Lucas and the security guards stood there and smiled, egging me on.

smashed my fist into her stomach as she doubled over in agony, kicking her legs
from beneath her as she writhed on the hard, shiny floor, staring up at me in
shocked confusion, the contents of her Chanel purse littered across the floor.
“Vamp that up, bitch,” I snapped as she flew upright, finding her feet and
bearing her fangs and I knew the real fun would begin now.

had claws, but she couldn’t reach me, I was too fast, ducking and weaving
taking a blow to the ribs as Lucas gasped. I was like an animal, raw and
raging, hitting out and determined to finish her off. She was fighting back and
hitting hard, but I felt nothing, spurred on by the hate in my gut. One final
blow to her head and she went down as I stood victorious, staring at her
through the predatory, satisfied eyes of a victor, turning my wild glare on

stared at me sternly, his face contorted in shock and bewilderment .That
piercing gaze was chastising and very real, yanking me from my demonic daydream.
I turned a jealous stare once more on the woman standing before him with not a
scratch on her, looking like she’d stepped straight from the pages of a glossy magazine
and it was her who was expressing a victorious smile.

was still staring at me curiously as I snapped my face away angrily, ignoring
him as he shouted to me, sprinting towards the stairwell and the safe haven of
my office.

tried to push the rage back, trust what he’d told me and listen to logic and
reason, but the pull of that evil green fucker was way more powerful, his
appetite fed by the words of Melody and I couldn’t control this. Emotions
weren’t logical or rational. They didn’t listen to reason and right now mine were
all over the place.

was furious, fuelled by jealousy and I couldn’t see straight. I’d lost my
temper and it wasn’t pretty, the ferocity of my thoughts ramming home just how
consumed with rage I’d been. Not since Pippa Plant had I felt such an
animalistic urge to destroy, only this time I’d held back.

wasn’t sure if that was maturity, social conditioning or neither. There was no
doubt that if she’d have had my sister on the floor, she’d have got everything
that was coming to her. I hated her and at that moment I had hated him –
loathed him for ever being engaged to her. Why her? Why did it have to be her?

was pacing my office as angry tears stabbed at my eyes. If I’d thought that day
in the restaurant was bad, this was a million times worse. He had me on the
back foot, stirring up emotions I hadn’t felt before and it was as unsettling
as it was incredible. It was only seconds before the door burst open and Lucas

the matter?” he asked, his curt tone laced with irritation as I looked up at
him and something inside me just snapped. This time I couldn’t swallow it back.

wasn’t born to a billionaire father with an Oxford education and a silver
fucking spoon in my mouth. I’m glad for you, I really am, but if you think I’ll
come running because you throw me a sexy smile or wiggle your dick in my face, you’ve
got another think coming.
leave you alone, but make her stop, Lucas, because it hurts like hell. Just go
back to her, or find someone else to crawl on their knees for you. I’m sure
there are hundreds, if not thousands of willing replacements, but don’t drag me
into it,” I screamed.

the fuck?” he said, staring at me momentarily in stunned, wide eyed horror
before assuming that familiar mask of calm.

ever speak to me like that, Jess,” he said so seriously that I suddenly felt
sick. It was that voice, the same one that issued the orders and commands that
so often had me begging for more, or willing and waiting to take my punishment.
It was the same tone that made my body
with the
most delirious passion, and the very desire that stirred my soul and my senses.
It was also exactly what I had to avoid if this ‘compartmentalisation’ wasn’t
going to come crashing in on me, crushing me under the weight of its intensity.

can’t do this, Lucas.
My desire to
please you sexually, to submit to you, to be owned by you is overwhelming my
life. All the time you were away with her I couldn’t concentrate or focus. I’m
losing myself. Look at me now. I’m so angry, I wanted to kill her, but part of
me just wants to get on my knees until you’re happy with me again. Everything
is seeping together and I can’t deal with it. I’m consumed with jealousy,
however irrational you think that is. I can’t be that beholden to you for my
emotional and physical wellbeing. I can’t compartmentalise, I’m too invested,”
I said, swallowing hard as he walked towards me, standing in front of me, eyes
burning into mine.

not the only one who is fucking invested here,” he said firmly as I shook my

“I’m not talking about money, Lucas,” I spat
in anger as he cast me a ferocious glare as though I’d just slapped him.

“Be careful,” he growled as a wave of remorse
crashed over me, rendering me immobile and knowing my emotional outburst had
been unfounded and undeserved. This was my fault, not his.

were the last two words you heard me say when I was buried deep inside you,
Jess?” he asked as I swallowed hard, reeling at the anger that was burning in
his eyes.

me.” My choking voice cracked as I said it, trying to pull myself together and
explain my erratic behaviour. “I do trust you, Lucas, it’s just...” I started,
stopping immediately as he fixed me with a truly menacing stare.

eyes glanced across to the bin, where his flowers were crushed and broken and I
wished I’d let the cleaners in last night. I hadn’t wanted the company. His
gaze met mine, blazing with pure rage.

Miss Evangelista, you do not,” he snapped, striding out of the office as I
stared after him, utterly dumbfounded and crippled with guilt. I’d hurt him and
I knew it. I was brimming with anger, awash with confusion, pulling out my
phone and dialling his number even though I knew I shouldn’t.
All I wanted now was to put this sorry
situation behind us and get back to how we were. He didn’t answer.

why couldn’t he just understand how much I’d missed him? Probably because it
was an irrational, unwarranted and truly volatile display of my fear and
insecurity and absolutely the last thing he deserved or expected this morning.

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