Read Lucky Star: A Hollywood Love Story Online

Authors: Rebecca Norinne Caudill

Lucky Star: A Hollywood Love Story (33 page)

BOOK: Lucky Star: A Hollywood Love Story
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Entering me in one stroke, he filled my body with the length of his thick, hard cock and on his next thrust, I was coming like I never had before. “Cameron!” I shouted his name on a blinding, wild climax that shattered my body as I convulsed around him, sobbing his name, drunk on him. As the glorious waves of passion crested and then plummeted me over the edge, the only thought I had in my head was his name, a litany for the pleasure he’d given me, ultimate joy only he could provide.

He slid his fingers from my ass and held onto my hips, dug his fingers into my flesh, as I met and matched each of his thrusts, arched my back wild abandon, welcomed him into my body with each measured push. I bucked in time but it wasn’t enough. Behind me, Cameron panted and grunted out his own need and desire and still I wanted more of him.

“My ass,” I whispered. “Fuck me there Cameron.”

He thrust into me one last time and held himself there as my pussy clenched around him with mini-spasms, and then, on a feral groan, pulled out and flipped onto his back and dragged me on top of him.

Pouring a healthy measure of lube over cock, he worked it with his hand to spread the satiny liquid from root to tip, “Ride me baby,” he growled. “You’re in charge.”

I scooted back and wrapped my arm behind me to guide him to my entrance. It was tender from his fingers, but not so much that I didn’t covet him filling me up there. I leaned forward rubbed the head of his cock against me, letting the feel of him there tantalize, tempt, and tease. While Cameron played with my clit, I pressed his cock against my bud, exhaled, and opened to him. When his engorged head slipped inside I inhaled deeply and bit back a moan. With just the thick head stretching me there, it felt like I might break apart. There was pleasure, but the pain was more intense than it had been with just his fingers. Remembering to breathe, I rocked forward to shift my position and better accommodate his size. Almost immediately, he slipped past the tight barrier and sank home. The painful sting was gone, replaced by a feeling of such exquisite fullness that I felt near to bursting with him. I moaned, this time in pleasure, and Cameron gently pushed up into me as I rocked my body along the length of his cock. 

He delved deeper with each rhythmic push, my ass moving over and against him. We continued like that as my orgasm built, oblivious of time, unconscious of where he ended and I began, our bodies made for one another. He altered his tempo, moving in me in slow and provocative thrusts, his breath coming in hot, punctuated gasps. After seconds or hours, I couldn’t tell, he increased the rhythm and my body quaked, primed for release, as I undulated over him, taking all of him into me again and again. His strokes increased on labored breaths and then he surged upward hard and fast, and I took all that he gave, reveled in it. With one final thrust, he shuddered and his cock convulsed inside of me before he emptied himself where I’d never been touched. He sat up and captured my frenzied shout of rapture with his lips, swallowed it down as the abrupt change in position triggered something deep inside of me. I shattered, joined him in a final, life-altering climax, as my mewls of ecstasy mingled with groans of delight.








Holy fuck. Holy amazing fuck. Every guy, no matter what he tells you, dreams about what just happened. No, they
about it. They stare at an ass and think to themselves, “God, I want that.” But until you’ve actually had it you just can’t know how amazing it will be. And it was amazing. More than amazing. It was … out of this fucking world. I’ve never come so hard or as long as I did just now.

Sarah and I have terrific sex and every time I’m with her, I think it can’t possibly get any better. But each and every time it does. She holds nothing back and always tells me what she wants, how she needs me to touch her to make her come. I love how responsive she is and how she can lose herself completely to the moment, but this right here was on a whole other level. When she straddled me and guided my cock to that fucking lovely ass of hers, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. And then when she rocked along the length of my shaft and my cockhead slipped inside that tight fucking channel? Yeah, I did die. Pure fucking heaven. I can’t even explain how it. Perfection. That’s what it was.

I know what you’re thinking, and yeah, that’s probably part of it. What man in his right mind doesn’t want to claim an ass like Sarah’s? I admit I’ve thought about it a lot, but I never dreamed I’d actually get my chance to fuck that sweet little hole. But those fantasies didn’t even come close to the reality of what it felt like when she guided me into herself, a place no one before me had ever touched. Does it make me a dick that I got off on knowing she was giving me something she’d never shared with another man? Yeah, it does, but those are some primitive thoughts I just can’t control.

But that’s also part of what made tonight so special. She gave herself to me, fully and without reservation. She trusted me with her body. Not to hurt her, something that is a major obstacle to what we’d just done, but to make her feel good. When she came, sobbing my name? That was even better than my own orgasm because
did that to her. I gave her pleasure unlike anything she’d ever known.

I did that

Does it make me a dick that when she collapsed on my chest, her body covered with goose pimples, all I could think was “mine”? If so, fine.

She’s mine and no one else’s. No other man will ever know what I know about Sarah. How her face looks when she is so lost to pleasure that she feels like breaking apart from it. What her voice sounds like when she’s so far gone with lust that she can’t even think straight. What her body feels like when she loses control and comes harder than she ever has before.

That knowledge was all mine and I love it.








“What would you say is the craziest thing I’ve ever done?” I asked when Mike answered his phone. I heard the sounds of the gym fade in the distance as he made his way from the main floor to his private office at the back of the warehouse.

“You mean aside from the time we moved from Ohio to New York, convinced you were going to become the next Marcus Schenkenberg, or when we moved from Ohio to Los Angeles, convinced you were going to become the next Mark Wahlberg?”

I could practically see the smirk on his face coming through the phone line. “Yes, aside from those things,” I answered, not at all offended. I didn’t think he’d ever quit giving me shit about coming to Hollywood even though he could have left L.A. a long time ago but had chosen to stay. Until a couple of months ago, the move had actually worked out better for him than it had for me. “Although let me point out the Wahlberg thing isn’t completely off the table,” I added because there was a good chance I was about to catapult into that stratosphere.

“You keep telling yourself that,” he teased, closing the door behind him and cutting off the lingering background noise.

No matter how big
The Ties That Bind
became, I could count on Mike to remind me where I’d come from. Not that I anticipated letting stardom get the better of me, but it was good having people you trusted to keep you grounded.

“Let’s see,” he mused, “there was the time you took ballet because you thought it would make you more agile which would help get you cast in a superhero movie.”

I groaned at the memory of those six weeks of torture. Say what you will about dancing as a sport, but I’d never been as sore or as worn out as I had been when I got home from those lessons, and that included all the years I’d played baseball and football in school.

“That was misguided, not crazy,” I pointed out, wondering how many of my follies he was going to bring up before answering the question seriously.

“And I suppose the time you filled in for your friend at that drag queen bar doesn’t count either?”

crazy,” I said laughing, “But no, not the
thing I’ve ever done.”

“You’re an ugly fucking woman, my friend.”

“Fuck you,” I snickered. “I was majestic.”

“You were something all right.”

“Since it’s not moving across the country to pursue a career most people fail at, learning ballet in the hopes of improving said career, or taking to the stage dressed as Nicole Kidman in
Moulin Rouge
, I’m going to guess you’re actually talking about the time you asked Sarah to marry you approximately 72 hours after first telling her you’ve been in love with her for three goddamn years.”

“Ding, ding, ding. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. Took you long enough.”

“We’ve done a lot of crazy shit together over the years. How was I supposed to know which particular crazy thing you were talking about?”

I heard him down several swallows of water and I wondered if I’d inadvertently interrupted his workout.

“Look, not that I haven’t enjoyed this trip down memory lane, but I’ve got a couple of guys sparring out there and one of them has terrible form. I should probably get back and make sure he doesn’t hurt himself.”

“Alright, I’ll cut to the chase. I’ve got one more thing to add to the list of crazy shit I’ve done over the years and I need your help making sure I don’t fuck it up.”

“Sounds ominous.”

“I’m going to ask Sarah to marry me.”

“I thought we’d established you already have.”

“Right,” I said, realizing my mistake. “I mean like now,” I added as a point of clarification.

He sputtered on his water. “What?! Like, walk down to the justice of the peace tomorrow and get hitched that way?”

“Not exactly,” I answered and then filled him in on my plan. When I finished, I asked if I could count on his help.

“I should punch you in the nuts the next time I see you for even asking,” he responded, completely on board with yet another one of my crazy ideas.  

“You’ve been threatening to punch me in the nuts since we were fourteen and you haven’t landed a blow yet,” I reminded him.

“There’s always tomorrow,” he muttered with hope in his voice. Changing topics, he asked, “You sure you want to do this?”


“It’s just that where Sarah’s concerned, you have a habit of acting illogically. You made me promise I’d act as your gut check the next time you decided to do something that could jeopardize your relationship. You guys
put things to rights after the past couple of shitty months and I don’t want you springing something like this on her. I know running is typically your thing, but if you don’t do this right, she might take a page out of your book and head for the hills.”

I wasn’t going to admit it to Mike – or anyone else, for that matter – I had the same fear. And maybe that’s why I was rushing things but when I looked out over the coming weeks, months, and years, I didn’t realistic see a wedding fitting in to my schedule. Between initial shoots, promotion, re-shoots, publicity, the premier, and then going directly into shooting for the second movie, I couldn’t see how we’d find the time to actually
married. Sure, we could march our asses down to the courthouse and get hitched that way as Mike had noted, but I didn’t want to do anything that resembled trying to marry her on the sly. After what the movie had already put Sarah through, I wanted to stand proudly in front of our friends and family and commit myself to her. Running off to the courthouse in between my scenes felt a bit too much like trying to hide for my tastes.

“I’m not stupid. I know when I tell her what I’m planning she’s going to be shocked, but I think it’ll be the good kind of surprise. She was leery when I first proposed to her, but once she knew I wasn’t fucking around, she was fully on board. I expect the same will happen with this.”

“And you really think you can pull it off?”

“You get the gang up here and I promise it’ll be a wedding you’ll never forget.”

He went quiet for a few beats and I heard him flipping through his calendar. “New Year’s Eve?” he asked, clarifying my timeline.


“Hmm,” he mused. “Yeah, I’ll make it happen on this end. I have to move some things around but I’ll definitely be there. I’m pretty sure I can get a few others on board immediately, but there might be some difficult with Charlie and James since they’re heading to Las Vegas.”

“Whoever you can wrangle, I appreciate. And if this messes up some hot date you had lined up for New Year’s Eve, feel free to bring her along as well.”

“Is Carly coming?”

“A herd of wild elephants couldn’t keep her away.”

After a brief pause, he added, “I think I’ll come solo then. Hannah will be pissed but she’ll find someone else easily enough.”

I didn’t comment on how him bringing a date seemed to hinge on whether Sarah’s best friend Carly was attending or not. Sarah and I were pretty sure the two had hooked up at least once, maybe twice, and were waiting for them to come clean about it. So far Carly had adamantly denied she’d had sex with Mike, and for his part, my best friend had had remained completely mum on the topic. That alone told me something was up between them.

Carly was exactly the type of woman he secretly desired – so far removed from the silicone-enhanced blondes he normally dated, Hannah included – but not once had he asked me to put in a good word with her or made a joke about how he’d like to tap that ass. I didn’t want to jinx anything, but it was almost like he respected her and that was pretty fucking major because Mike, as much as I loved him, was a dog when it came to women. Except for how he treated Sarah and my sisters, I wasn’t sure he knew what respect was.

“Thanks man. I knew I could count on you.”

“Don’t you forget it.”

Even if I had wanted, I couldn’t. Mike kept a running tally of all the times he’d saved my ass over the years and vice versa. It was a weird quirk of his that had started when we were just kids and he’d wanted to make it clear he wasn’t a charity case. Not that my family was rich or anything, but Mike’s was downright poor and he’d carried a chip on his shoulder his entire life about my family and I doing things for him without him being able to repay us. He’d started his list in seventh grade when he’d distracted the teacher while I snuck into class after having missed the bell because I’d been kissing Susie Winters behind the backstop. “That’s for last night’s dinner,” he’d whispered as he slid into his seat next to me a few minutes later. And so it had gone for the rest of our lives.

If he managed to help me pull this off, I’d make sure he never felt like he owed me anything else the rest of our lives.  

BOOK: Lucky Star: A Hollywood Love Story
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