Read #LUCKY (The Empire Series Book 2) Online
Authors: Nicole Hite
"I didn't see that one coming," Declan said, hovering over her lips.
"Your ex was a moron," she said, not realizing how harsh that might have sounded. Yes, Declan had proclaimed his hatred for her, but that didn't give her permission to beat her down. But she was a moron. Just from his kiss alone, she wanted to see what else this tattooed man had to offer.
"Thank goodness. I thought I had lost my touch," he smirked giving her a wicked grin from underneath his sexy beard.
"Sweetheart, you haven't lost a damn thing. If anything, I think the abstinence from the ex has made you a
of sorts. I think we may need to check out your other skills - make sure you haven't lost your mojo. How does that sound?"
"I couldn't think of a better way to end an already perfect night," Declan grunted while he dipped down to nip her lip again. He was incredibly sexy and she was in for an adventure.
"I need to do one thing first," she moaned with anticipation. Grabbing her phone, she swiped the screen, lighting up the last picture of Declan and her. "Here, put your number in my phone. All the numbers seem to be a little fuzzy to me."
"Call mine so I have your number as well." As soon as his ringer went off, she had to laugh. He had programmed his phone to play, "Your Body Is A Wonderland" by John Mayer. "I swear I did not program that! My ex must truly hate me."
"Likely excuse, sir," she giggled while she grabbed her things. After he entered the number, she pulled up the last text from Cory, and attached the picture of Dec kissing her cheek. Without any hesitation, she typed "I'm not going home alone tonight. Fuck off, Cory. Have a great life."
you mind if we go to you place? I haven't exactly moved out of my apartment yet. I'm pretty sure my ex is not going to like sharing a bed with another woman. Although, I could be wrong. Let’s not chance it though, unless you're into that sort of thing," he stated with raised eyebrow.
"I don't mind at all. And I could get down with a threesome. Just not the first time meeting you." She couldn't help but laugh at her courage. She would have never said that before tonight. There was something about Declan that brought out a different side of her that screamed at her to take chances. Switch things up.
"I guess that's the benefit of have a jerk for a boyfriend; I now have a bachelorette pad." Please, oh please, let her apartment be clean. Ariel was notorious for throwing her things everywhere. Her head was so foggy right now; she couldn’t remember if she had made her bed, or even done the dishes for crying out loud. And for the love of God, she hoped Cory went to pick up his shit from outside her and Ariel’s apartment.
Hitting the pavement outside O'Mallorys, Declan extended his insanely impressive bicep to hail a cab for them. As a shorter girl, hailing a cab was generally impossible. Vertically challenged folk always got the shaft.
Speaking of shaft.
She was beyond eager to check out what Declan had going on downtown. From what she felt as they cuddled up together for their photos, it already seemed like it was going to be a fascinating experience.
She hadn't heard from Cory, so hopefully he got the message to fuck off. She had spent far too much time wallowing over his sorry ass. She didn't need to worry about his feelings, either. She needed this tonight. She needed to feel attractive in the eyes of another man besides Cory. She had been a blip on Cory's radar for so long, it felt good to be wanted and needed for a change.
"What's your last name?" she asked, a little shocked that she hadn't taken the time to really get to know Declan. She was inviting him into her bed; she should at least get to know him a little more.
"Flannery, A stór," he chuckled while clutching her waist as they made their way to into the cab, and off to her apartment. "What's your last name?"
"Reddington," she whispered as she angled her legs toward Declan. She took his hand, giving him permission to rub her thigh. He seemed like a true gentleman; lucky for her, guys like him were usually animals in the bedroom. He began rubbing her thigh in circles before clutching it and giving it a squeeze. The pleasurable pain made her breath hitch, and her body tremble. She hadn't felt this way in such a long time; wanting someone so much that she couldn't stand it.
Without even thinking twice, she threw her leg over his lap and straddled him. Declan cupped her voluptuous bum, giving it a firm grope while pulling her towards him. Growling at her assertiveness, he took her pink cheeks into his hands, drawing her toward his waiting lips. She let her long blonde hair cascade across their faces as it shielded their moment of passion from outsiders. They were in their own world, and nothing else mattered.
Declan claimed her lips, darting his tongue into her willing mouth. Their tongues collided in a swirling pattern of ecstasy, while his greedy hands roamed every inch of her body. His dick was screaming against his zipper at this point. She could feel his length firmly plastered to her leg and she needed it -
"God, you taste so good, and this ass. You certainly know how to torture a fella, sweetheart. I need to bite this bum so badly." Declan's eyes were black with desire, ready to pounce. It was sexy as hell, but she was worried she was rushing this. She was bound to crash, but it was going to be fun in the meantime.
"Excuse me," she said leaning across the front seat, directing her attention toward the cab driver. "Yes, I will give you a twenty dollar bump if you floor it, please." She was impatient, yes, but anyone would be too, if they actually knew how long it had been since she last had sex.
What would normally have taken them twenty minutes to get to her apartment, only took ten minutes flat. She had to give the cabby mad props for his driving. She rewarded him with twenty bucks along with the fare, and along with a sultry wink. He did her a solid in the best way imaginable.
She grabbed Declan's hand and raced into the apartment building. Jumping into his arms, he caught her easily, and pushed her up against the "up" button. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist as he thrust her back against the wall, extending her arms above her head.
"Don't let go, A stór. Keep those legs nice and tight, just like I know this sweet pussy will be," he whispered into her neck as her inner goddess screamed to be released.
Completely incapacitated, she was helpless to his assaults. He dove into her breasts, licking from the cleavage crack, up her neck, and nipping her earlobe. She whimpered, squeezing her legs tighter to feel his huge cock against her cunt. Holding her firmly, he thrust his hips into her sex; dry humping in the middle of the lobby. There was no one there, however she doubted she would have cared if there had been.
As the elevator dinged, Declan released her arms and gripped her ass. She wrapped her arms around his neck. It was her turn to make him moan. Leaning against the elevator walls, she licked and bit up the side of his neck; marking her territory. Declan approved with his deep growls of pleasure.
She released her legs, slowly moving down Declan's body. She placed kisses all over his chest as she made her way down to his enlarged package. Standing up, she circled her arm around his waist as she began to rub his cock with her other. She didn't think it was possible to get him any harder, but sure enough, she felt his prick pulsing through is jeans.
"What have I gotten myself into with you," he said, throwing back his head, leaning his dick into her hand through his jeans.
As the elevator bell tolled letting them know they were at her floor, she snatched Declan's hand, dragging him toward her apartment. "Hurry up, fella," she joked in a mocking tone. Casting her eyes towards his cock, "I need that cock,
"Jesus, Samantha. We haven't been broken up twenty-four hours and already you're whoring yourself out like a fucking prostitute. Don't you have any dignity?"
She came to a screeching hold as she looked down to see Cory sitting outside her apartment door.
What a total cock block.
Even now, he felt he could control her, and what the hell she did with her life. Why the hell was he caring at this point? She told him to go fuck himself. Was that not good enough?
"What the hell are you doing here, Cory?" Sam felt humiliated and belittled when it came to Cory. While Declan lifted her up - literally - Cory pushed her down, crushing her with his two thousand dollar boot. He looked like a total wreck. His hair was in disarray, part of his shirt was untucked, and his eyes rimmed with redness. She only assumed he was crying, which would have shocked her, considering nothing ever drove him to tears before.
"You slept with my sister, Cory. Correction, you fucked her. If anyone is the whore, it's you," she stood, towering over him, making
feel little for once.
"Can we just go inside so we can talk about this?" he begged giving Declan a nasty look.
"I have zero to say to you. I am washing my hands of your sorry ass."
"You have no idea how upset this makes me. I swear it was only one time. She came on to me. You have to believe me," he pleaded.
"You are so pathetic. You're only upset because you got caught. This isn't the first time, Cory. You are a compulsive liar, manipulator, bully, and worst of all, an asshole to think I would ever take you back," she snarled her response, ticking off her fingers at all the ways he had let her down.
To her embarrassment, poor Declan stood there clutching his fists, watching their argument. She was mortified. She actually liked Declan, but after seeing the bitchy side of her, he probably wanted nothing to do with her. She was surprised he was still standing next to her, to be honest. The look in Dec’s eyes was dark and deadly. It kind of turned her on, but also scared her at what he might do to Cory.
"Is this the fucker you sent me a picture of? Are you kidding me? You are seriously downgrading, baby."
Declan stood well over two feet taller than Cory. His muscles were bulging, showing off his tattoos. He crossed his arms over his chest giving Cory a smirk that said, "Come at me, asshole. I'll show you how serious I can be."
"Cory. Go home. You're not needed or wanted here anymore. Save your insults for someone who gives a flying fuck," Declan chimed in.
"Bro, I don't know who you think you are, but Sam’s
girlfriend. You haven't been with her for years so I suggest you back the fuck up," Cory stood from the floor, approaching Declan.
"Listen here, fella. The lady broke up with you, and asked you to leave. Where I come from, a man walks away instead of acting like a total pussy, like yourself."
"What the hell do you know? You've only known her for a couple of hours.
know Sam.
know what she needs, and she
for you to leave," Cory started to puff his chest like he was really going to hurt Declan. She had never seen him this agitated before. It was definitely not like Declan – with him it was a turn on. Cory was actually making her feel sick.
"Darlin', do you want this douche here?" Dec asked, looking in her direction with sympathy.
"Absolutely not," she barked in Cory's face.
"Do you want to be with him anymore?" Declan looked at her with the softest eyes, begging her to say no.
"Absolutely not," she said looking into Declan's eyes with compassion and reassurance.
"See here,
, this woman right here deserves to be treated with respect. Something which sounds like you know nothing about. You don't deserve her love. Yes, I may have only met her, but she sure as hell deserves better than you. Now, the way I see it, you've got two options. Either you leave, or I make you leave. Either way you’re not staying, and you sure as hell are not going into her apartment. Got me, fella?" Declan declared as he gently moved Sam behind his back.
"Sam, are you really going to listen to this stranger?" Cory looked dumbfounded.
"Declan's treated me better in the last four hours than you have in the last four years. So, yes, I'm going to listen to a stranger."
"You just met him though. How can you throw away years?"
"That's a great question, Cory. Perhaps you should have thought about that before you fucked my little sister?"
Cory finally stood in a huff as he began to make his way toward the elevators. Just as he was about to pass Sam, he had to get in one more jab.
"Fuck you, bitch. You're sister was a better fuck anyway," he gloated, as he smirked at Sam and Declan.
Before Sam knew what was happening, Declan's fist came flying out of nowhere, making contact with Cory's nose. Blood sprayed everywhere as Cory crumpled to the floor.
"You had to go showing your arse, didn't ya?" Bending down to get into Cory's face, "She may have put up with your bullshit, but I won't. Now, I suggest ya pick up your sorry excuse for an ass, and get the fuck out of here, before I do some real damage."
Cory scurried to his feet, practically running to the elevators.
; don't call, text, email, message, drop by, whatever, again. Sam made her peace with you, so piss off."
As soon as the elevator doors closed leaving Sam and Declan alone, Sam nearly plowed Declan over. Pushing him against the wall, she devoured his lips with an animalistic attack.
Pulling away a little, "Sam, hold on a sec." Declan winced as she pushed off his body.
"What's wrong? Fuck that was hot," she groaned.
"As much as I would love to take advantage of this situation, my hand is killing me, A stór."
"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry. Come on, I need to get ice on that hand of yours."
"Much obliged,” he winced, giving her wink.
can't believe
you actually hit Cory," Sam stated as she made her way to the fridge to retrieve ice for Declan's hand.
"I couldn't just stand by and allow him to speak to you that way. No man should ever talk to a woman like that. I really didn't want it to come to knuckles, but he kept pushing," Declan grimaced as Sam placed a washcloth of ice on his injuries.
"Too cold?" she stared at Declan and his electric green eyes.
"Naw, I'm good," he beamed back at her.
"Well that kind of ruined the night. I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize for something ya didn’t do."
"I should have known he would show up here," she said, placing the bag of ice on the counter.
"I know this is none of my business, but did he really sleep with your sister?"
"I wish I could lie, but the unfortunate truth is, yes. He had just come back from training in New York, and I was only trying to do something nice for him. I wanted to surprise him by cooking him this elaborate dinner. I walked into the apartment and there they were, going at it on the kitchen table. I bought that fucking table, too."
"Yikes. What did you do?"
"I was so dumbstruck, not just because he was shagging some chick on the kitchen table, but because it was my little sister, Maggie. I dropped the groceries and just took off. I'm sure he had fun cleaning up the eggs and wine," she let out a soft chuckle.
"Has your sister said anything to you? Called? Texted?" Declan questioned.
"Nope. I don't expect it either," Sam offered.
"Why do you say that?"
"Mag-Pie hasn't exactly been the most reliable sister these days. Maggie is, well... Maggie."
"Well that's non descriptive," he winced at his hand as he gazed at Sam.
"Maggie cares about herself, and that's about it. It doesn't shock me at all that she didn't think about her actions, and how they would affect anyone but herself. She's a speeding car, just waiting for her next accident."
"Does she know she’s like that?" Declan questioned with a sense of sorrow in his eyes.
"Maggie's favorite word is denial. She thinks she’s perfect, the sky is blue, and birds are chirping. When we moved to San Francisco, she had a plan. She was going to go to school for journalism, just like me. She struggled in college and nearly dropped out. I think it was the pressure of living up to what Bridget and I had become."
"Who is Bridget?" Declan questioned as he palmed her hands in his lap.
With a giant grin, "She's my older sister. She raised my sister and I when my mother left us and my dad died in a car accident. I was only fifteen when it happened. I think that's why the three of use stuck together for so long. We needed each other, hell, we still do."
"Have you thought about calling her? Asking her why she did it?" Declan probed.
"I couldn’t stand to hear her voice right now, let alone see her. I don't know what I did to deserve this. I never did anything to hurt her."
"That you know of," Declan added. "Perhaps subconsciously you did or said something to set her off. She sounds like a loose cannon, so nothing would sound too shocking, right?"
"Maybe you're right. I'll try giving her a call. So, what's your story?"
"What do you mean?" he stared at her hand, which was stroking his battle wound.
"Well, anything I suppose."
"What do you wanna know? I'm an open book for the most part."
"Hmm, well, your accent is very strong which leads me to believe you haven't lived here very long."
"I attended university in Dublin and decided I didn't want to teach in Ireland. Plus, American women are far more attractive," he grinned, flashing his winning smile.
"Why Beckley though? Seems like an odd choice," Sami continued to stroke his battered hand.
"Let's just say that women can be very persuasive."
"So this is about a girl, huh?" She chuckled at his reasoning.
"Hey, we all make mistakes," he laughed in response to her little jab.
"What's all the noise...," Ariel rubbed the sleep from her eyes as Owen stood behind her, ready to take action if need be.
"Declan, Ariel, Ariel, Declan," Sam looked cautiously before the two.
"Lovely to meet you," he stood to kiss the back of her hand. "And you are..." He extended his palm out to Owen.
"Names, Owen, bro," their handshake was firm, yet territorial.
"That's Ariel's boy toy," Sam laughed.
"Boyfriend, Sami, not boy toy. Boy toy makes Owen sound like a male escort."
"Eh, thats debatable," she teased. "You did meet him on the Internet #Catfished.” She chuckled.
"I'm sorry, Declan, for my roommates sour behavior. Technically I did not meet him online, well I kinda did. He lives down the hall, which his how we met. He catfished me into loving him. Is that about right, sweetie?" She looked over at Owen and smiled.
"That pretty much covers it, although you make me sound like predator."
"Sometimes we don't get to pick and choose how we meet people," Declan winked at Sam.
"Hey Sam, can I speak with you in the kitchen for a second?" Ariel looked at her disturbed.
"Sure thing," she stood, springing off the couch.
Ariel pulled Sam's arm with force as she made her way into the kitchen.
"What the hell happened with Cory?" Ariel began. "He came pounding on the door about an hour ago looking for you."
"Maggie happened," Sam responded with raised eyebrow. Crossing her arms across her chest, "Cory finally gave me a key to the apartment, and I walked in on Maggie and him going at it like two wild and crazy kids." The sarcasm seeped from her lips as the hatred coursed through her body.
"Mother. Fucker."
"My sentiments exactly," Sam cringed.
"That explains why all of his stuff was in the hallway," Ariel shuck her head. "And I'm assuming the hand has something to do with Cory?"
"BINGO," Sam responded, placing a single finger on her nose.
"Ah yes, I met him at O’Mallorey’s tonight. Seems pretty remarkable, really."
"You failed to mention, hot, sexy, and hot."
"You already said he was hot," Sam leered.
"Well, it warranted a second one. God, and that accent. Yummy!"
"Easy now, you have your own Romeo. Back off," she joked.
"Just take it slow, okay? Cory sucked...a lot...but that doesn't mean you need to jump into another relationship on the same day."
"Nice to know how you really feel, and no, I have no intention of starting a relationship. Just a good time."
"I think we've let the boys suffer long enough without us."
Walking back into the living room, the boys were laughing about something.
"What's so funny?" Sam inquired, as she looked apprehensive, yet happy they were getting along.
"Declan here, thinks Pink Floyd was the highlight of the sixties, while
on the other hand happen to think Led Zeppelin dominated the sixties. You can clearly see why I would think that's hilarious. Right, babe?"
"Oh, yeah, sure," Ariel looked on confused as hell as to what they were even talking about.
"Women. Can't live with them, can't live without them," Owen offered as him and Ariel made their way out of the room.
Before clearing the door frame Ariel yelled, "Nice to meet you, Declan. Maybe we'll see you around sometime."
"You as well," Declan responded. Making sure they had exited the room, "I enjoy your roommate and her boyfriend. They seem like decent people."
"They are incredible. I mean, I've only known Owen for a couple months, but he's tolerable in my book."
"Why do we choose amazing friends, yet such lousy girlfriends and boyfriends?" Declan gazed into Sam's beautiful green eyes as he watched her take a seat next to him on the couch.
"It's a curse," she whispered as she moved in closer to his side. Climbing onto his lap, "Why don't we fix that then? Feeling lucky?"
"Aye, darlin', ya have no idea."
Declan grabbed a handful of her ass cheeks, pulling her down on to his pulsing cock. Clutching the hem of her shirt, he pulled it off with force, letting it fly across the room. For a moment, the two sat and enjoyed the intimate embrace before Declan reached up and took Sam's face into his hands. Leading her lips to his, he devoured her in a fury.
There was nothing soft or sweet about their encounter, but pure, carnal passion. The heat rising inside of her made Sam's chest felt it would combust if she didn't have Declan right there and then. Slightly pulling away, she unbuttoned his vest, and slowly unbuttoned his dress shirt. Declan's chest was smooth and defined, just like she had hoped it would be.
Strategically positioned on his chest, was an anchor tattoo. Tracing her fingers across the slightly raised black markings, she trailed them down to his rib cage where a shamrock lay.
"Do you have any other tattoos I should be made aware of?" she asked as she rolled her hips into his.
"Aye, I may have a few here and there. What about you," he examined as he slipped the lacy strap of her bra off her shoulder. Leaning in, he skillfully kissed her shoulder, across her collarbone and nibbled on her other shoulder.
"I guess you'll just have to find out for yourself," she teased while pressing her breasts into his chest.
Taking Sam in his arms, he circled his arm around her back and unfastened her bra. Declan let the delicate fabric slither through his fingers, falling to the floor with ease. Leaning back just a bit, Declan drew in a deep breath as he gazed at Sam's plentiful breasts.
"Fuck, your tits are so perfect," he howled as he ran his tongue across her pert nipples. Burring his face between her mounds, Sam laid her petite hands on his scruffy cheeks. Running her fingers through his hair, both Sam and Declan moaned in pleasure.
"We need to go to my room. I don't want to be interrupted when we have sex."
"Oh, darlin'. We aren't having sex," he groaned into her chest.
"What do you mean we aren't going to have sex?" Sam asked painstakingly confused as she slightly pulled away from his grip.
"Sex? No. Fuck your brains out? Yes," he recovered.
Lifting her from his lap, he picked up her deprived body.
"Which one is yours?" He asked eagerly.
"Third door on the right," she squealed as she clung to his body.
Pushing to door open, Declan slammed Sam's body against the closing door. Placing her legs softly to the ground, Declan pinned her against the door as he kissed his way down her breasts, and knelt before her.
He never took his eyes off hers as he wrenched at her jeans. Declan sent the clothing soaring across the room with one swift jerk. Admiring her for just a moment, he clenched and shredded the lacy intimates clean off her body.
Sighing in desire, Sam felt Declan run his tongue up her body until they were face to face.
"You're going to be trouble, aren't you?" Sam asked anxiously.
"If you mean having mind blowing sex over and over, then yes, call me Trouble if you like," Declan affirmed as he pressed his body into hers.
"I do love trouble," she reached between their bodies to undo his jeans. Sam powered through the buttons like a pro, and quickly had Declan down to his boxer briefs. Relishing the long, drawn out kisses on her neck, she swiftly felt the pulsing sensation deep within her core.
Sam began kneading Declan's package from outside his briefs before gradually slipping her fingers below the elastic band. She wrapped her tiny hand around his plentiful cock as she took long strokes of his rigid flesh. He was already rock hard for her, and she could tell he was appreciating the pulls from the way he sucked harder on her neck. His dick pulsed under her hand as it grew harder and longer right before her.
Peeling her away from the door, Declan flung her onto the bed allowing her blonde mane to bounce with her boobs. Sam had never seen a man move as quickly as Declan when he hurled his briefs, and tore into the condom wrapper. Sheathed and ready for action, he climbed on the bed with such resolve. He saw what he wanted, and he was damn well going to take it.
"What was that about you wanting to, "Fuck my brains out? Sam questioned, only to be met with Declan snatching her legs, dragging them toward him.
"Just lay there, baby, hold on tight, and enjoy the ride," he smirked.
Before Sam could respond, she was met with the powerful thrust of Declan's cock at her swollen folds. Grabbing her hips, he bounced her off his dick with ease. In and out he pounded away, sending an electrical current tingling throughout her body.
Tilting forward he took hold of her hands, previously gripping his biceps, and positioned them above her head. He rolled his hips, plunging deeper into her slickness. Declan suckled her tits, playing with the tips with his soft tongue. The sensation drove Sam senseless.
"Oh shit, Declan."
"That's it, A stór. You feel so fucking good wrapped about my cock right now."
"Oh my...fuck me harder..." Sam begged as she felt the tingling sensation rapidly building in her core.
Gripping her wrists firmly, he pounded into her hard and fast until he hit the precise spot she was looking for.
"Tell me you love fucking me, A stór," Declan craved. "Tell me how bad you want it.. That you love me fucking this sweet pussy of yours."
"FUCK, DECLAN! I want your cock so bad - I
your cock, now give it all to me," she screamed.
Sam felt the pulsing sensation of her clit rubbing against Declan's stomach and could barely take it anymore. Declan drew back out and declined into her ear, "That's what fucking your brains out feels like, angel. Get used to it." He slammed into her once last time, sending her into an earth shattering orgasm. Riding hers out, she drove a few more times before he was exhausted himself.
The two lay breathless on the bed, panting at the exertion spent screwing. Sweat dripped from their bodies as their hearts raced within their chests.