Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge) (6 page)

BOOK: Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge)
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“Did you see
—?" Lucy began but was immediately silenced by her nanny, who was aghast that her charge would dare speak with her mouth full of asparagus.

“Lucille Huntington, little ones do not speak with food in their mouths!” Molly said and
Lucy immediately shut her mouth in embarrassment.  She knew far better than to have done so and for a brief moment wondered if being treated like a small child was causing her to truly regress.  After she swallowed, she apologized and finished her meal using proper manners.

The small group stood and Lucas
smiled as Molly removed the napkin from Lucy’s dress and dabbed his wife’s small mouth.  Lucy blushed but didn’t fuss as Molly took her hand and the two followed Lucas from the car.  As they walked through the compartments back to their own rooms, Lucy couldn’t stop thinking about the girl she had seen.  She wanted to ask her husband whether he had also seen the girl but was hesitant.  She found she didn’t have a chance as they arrived at Molly’s door.

“Lucy, why don’t you go play with Cleo for a few minutes while your nanny and I speak,” Lucas suggested.  Lucy’s face lit with pleasure and she practically bounced waiting for Molly to unlock the door.

“Be careful now,” Molly warned as she replaced the key in her apron pocket.  “Make sure Cleo doesn’t escape the room.” 

“Okay,” Lucy
agreed, her hand on the doorknob.  When she saw the look of disapproval on her husband’s face, she quickly added, “Thank you, Miss Molly.  I’ll be careful.”  Molly smiled and they watched as Lucy only opened the door wide enough to slip inside before closing it securely behind her.  Lucas heard her soft squeal of pleasure and knew she had found her precious pet.  He led Molly into his own compartment.

“You did a very fine job during luncheon, Molly,” Lucas complimented his employee as he shut the door.  Molly smiled, pleased he seemed to approve of her actions.  “It was quite sweet for you to comfort Lucy without her being aware of you doing so.” 

“Thank you, Sir,” Molly said sincerely. 

“Is there anything you wish to ask before I leave you to put our girl to bed?” Lucas
asked as he moved about the compartment to gather his reading glasses and the newspaper he had yet to read.  Molly hesitated for a moment before nodding, remembering how Mrs. Bremmer had told not to be scared to ask questions if unsure of her duties.  It was her responsibility to be absolutely clear as to what her employer wished for his special child-wife. 

“Do you wish Miss Lucy to be restrained, Sir?” she asked
, knowing that Miss Louisa was usually restrained by soft ties around her wrists and sometimes her ankles as well, tied to the rails of her crib where she napped daily.  Lucas looked at the bed and then shook his head.

“Let’s see if our little one can behave herself without restraints, Molly,” he suggested.  “I
do not like the thought of her being tied to the bed if there should be some emergency on the train.  I feel she will be quite sleepy as it has been an exciting day so far.  Her spanking was quite intense as well, and she should fall asleep easily.  Remind her that she must stay in bed until she is awakened.”  Molly nodded, not having considered that there might be any reason for the woman to need to get out of bed quickly, and shuddered slightly at the thought of some horrific accident.  Lucas saw her shudder.  “I wouldn’t worry about it, Molly,” he said reassuring her.  “I would just prefer to be prepared.” 

“Um, then, Sir, do you wish her to remain clothed for her nap?  I mean, in case there is such a need?” Molly asked. 

Lucas shook his head.  “No, I have no true concerns that anything will happen.  Put her into her gown as usual.  I wish her to grow accustomed to her daily routine as this will be the first time she has been required to nap since our marriage.  There is no need to confuse her as to what will be required each time she is put to bed.”  Molly nodded and moved to the closet to begin gathering the items she would need.  Lucas watched as she chose a simple but childish nightgown of pale pink and a ribbon from a small box that would hold the end of Lucy’s hair securely after her nanny braided it.  When she looked as if that was all she would choose, Lucas reached into the closet and added his own items to the bed. 

“She will always wear a nappy
and diaper cover to bed, Molly,” Lucas said wanting to set his rules for the young nanny as well.  “Do you know how to properly take her temperature?” he asked as he opened the small box that he had placed on the table.  Molly blushed but nodded, having seen Mrs. Bremmer often take Louisa’s temperature.

. Make sure you put a tiny bit of lubrication on the end of the thermometer,” Lucas continued.  “Just use enough to make inserting it into Lucy’s bottom-hole a bit easier.  Too much and she will be tempted to try to expel it before it has time enough to give a proper reading.  She needs to become accustomed to this routine as well.  I’ve already put some salve on her bottom and legs but you might also apply some if she behaves having her temperature taken.”

“And if she fusses, my Lord?” Molly asked as he set
a small pot of lubricating cream next to the box with the thermometer and the jar of salve on the small table by the bed.

“Then, Molly, I trust you to teach her that naughtiness will cause her bottom to burn,” Lucas said simply. 
“You are never to hesitate to demonstrate your authority, Molly.  I don’t care if her bottom is purple and welted from earlier discipline.  If our little one is naughty enough to earn another spanking, it is your duty to see that she gets one.  Never go easy on her as that is not what our little one needs.  She will learn only through consistency that the condition of her bottom depends upon her own choices.”  Molly swallowed hard but nodded, understanding that he was telling her that he would be watching her to make sure she was capable of assuming the more difficult duties her new role required.  She said a quick prayer that Lucy wouldn’t see fit to fuss but worried that the young woman would definitely not appreciate learning about her naptime regimen.

“Certainly, Sir,” Molly said.  “
I will do as you say.  Do you wish me to stay with her until she wakens?”  Lucas knew that his wife would be required to nap for at least three hours and that the compartment didn’t truly provide a place for her nanny to do anything more than sit on the bed or in the small desk chair.

“No, I don’t feel that is necessary.  Wait until she is asleep and then you may return to your own compartment or perhaps enjoy visiting with some of the other nannies in the reading car.  If Lucy decides to be disobedient and get out of bed before either you or I awaken her, then I’m afraid she will simply have to accept the consequences.”  Molly nodded
, knowing exactly what those consequences would be.  She made a note to herself to make sure her young charge understood as well. With everything being addressed, Lucas left the room.  He knocked softly on Molly’s door and then slowly opened it.  He smiled at the sight of his wife, sitting on the floor, dangling a ribbon in front of her kitten.  Cleo was sitting up on her haunches, her front paws batting at the end of the ribbon.  It was a most delightful scene.

“Is Cleo feeling better?” he asked as he squatted down beside his wife.  Lucy nodded and then giggled as the cat fell backwards having missed the ribbon.

“She is much better, Papa,” Lucy said.  “I told her that she was safe and promised to come play with her every day… is…is that all right?”  Lucas gently petted the cat and then placed a kiss on top of Lucy’s head.

“I think that is a wonderful plan, Kitten,” he said.  “As long as you are a good girl, you may play with Cleo whenever you like.”  She beamed up at him, her giggle brightening the room as the cat pounced onto her lap, pawing at the necklace that was dangling against
the front of Lucy’s dress.  Lucas reached out and ran his hand along the chain, cupping the charm in his palm.  He wondered what had caused her to bring the necklace out of her chemise where it usually laid next to her heart.

“I…I wanted to read it, Papa,” she said shyly and he understood she had needed confirmation that she was what the inscription said
: his heart, his life, his love.  He bent to kiss the charm and then kissed her lips.  Lucy felt an instant surge of arousal, her nipples pebbling inside her dress, her tummy tingling as she remembered the intense pleasure he had drawn from her earlier.  Lucas was experiencing the same arousal but forced himself to take control.

“I’m afraid pleasure must wait, little one,” he said standing once more and reaching down for her hand.  “It is time for little girls to take their naps.”  Lucy flushed both with his admission that he knew she had been feeling aroused as well as the fact that being an adult woman capable of both taking and giving pleasure did not negate his desire to put her down for a nap just as any small child would be.  “Kiss Cleo and come along,” Lucas ordered softly.  Lucy sighed but obeyed, tucking her pet back into the basket underneath the small table.  She took Lucas’ hand and soon found her hand passed to Molly.  “Obey Miss Molly, Lucille,” Lucas said taking her chin in his fingers and raising her eyes to his own.  “Her authority is only second to mine, little one.  Do as she says and have a good nap.  If you are my good girl, I believe there is a car that has lots of games and books where a pleasant afternoon can be spent.  If you are a naughty girl, you shall be spending your afternoon on your little stool on your hot spanked b
um.”  Lucy swallowed hard, her face turning crimson at the picture his words had drawn inside her head.  “Do you understand me, Kitten?”  She nodded slowly.

“Ye…yes, Papa.  I’ll be a goo…good girl,” she promised.  Lucas smiled and bent to kiss her once more before releasing her.

“Then, I shall look forward to spending an afternoon enjoying games or perhaps a story with you after your nap.  Sleep well,” he said and left the compartment. 


Chapter 4


Molly released Lucy’s hand and turned her gently around.  She untied the large bow of the white pinafore, removing it and placing it on the bed next to where the gown and nappy had been placed.  She didn’t mention the items, knowing that Lucy must see them as she was undressed.  Molly wanted to allow her to grow accustomed to the idea and accept the fact that she would be diapered.  Lucy seemed unable to look away from the items, her eyes also seeing the pair of rubber pants that would serve as a diaper cover.  She had once before worn the embarrassing nappy, but it had been only once and many days since she had even been put to bed for a nap, and she had managed to push the memory into the back of her mind.  The pacifier she knew was meant for her mouth and the heavy wooden hairbrush that seemed innocent, Lucy knew, could tear into a naughty girl’s bottom cheeks.  All too soon, Lucy felt her shoes and her stockings being removed.  She was gently guided to turn around and her arms lifted as Molly removed her chemise, baring her breasts.  Lucy blushed as her nipples instantly hardened at the exposure, her hands automatically lifting to cover them. 

“No, Lucy,” Molly admonished gently as she pressed the woman’s hands down.  “You know better than to cover your
titties.”  Lucy closed her eyes at the coarse word and shuddered as she felt her drawers being untied and drawn down her legs.  She obediently stepped from them, standing as naked as the day she was born before her new nanny, shamed knowing her bottom was probably still showing signs of her recent spanking.  Molly took a deep breath, knowing that Lucy had been good so far but being undressed was the least of the girl’s worries.  Molly removed the clothing from the bed, hanging the dress and pinafore in the closet, laying the stockings and drawers on the shelf.  Lucy simply stood, her hands aching to move but forcing herself to remain still.

Molly saw Lucy shiver and
look down at the nightgown lying across the bed, obviously seeking both its warmth and concealment.  Trying to remember how firm Mrs. Bremmer was with the young women of Wintercrest, Molly took a deep breath, said another silent prayer and made a show of moving the nightgown as she took a seat on the bed. 

I know you are a bit cold, sweetie,” Molly said as she patted her lap.  “We’ll get you into your nightgown after we are done here.  Come along, over my lap, Missy,” Molly ordered as she reached for the box Lord Huntington had placed on the table.  Lucy had frozen, obviously fearing a spanking for attempting to cover her breasts when being undressed.  Molly looked up and gave the woman a smile.  “I’m not going to spank you, Lucy,” she said seeing the relief flood Lucy’s eyes.  “I need to take your temperature and then finish getting you ready for your nap.”  Lucy was indeed relieved but shook her head.

“Molly, I don’t need to be over your lap for that,” Lucy said with her own smile
before opening her mouth as if awaiting a thermometer to be placed under her tongue.  Her mouth slowly closed as Molly opened the box and withdrew something long and made of glass with a large bulb at the end. 

“What’s that?” Lucy asked in a voice that was barely audible.  Molly shook her head as she put the box back on the table and picked up the small
pot of lubricant.

“This is your thermometer, sweetie
,” Molly answered, opening the pot and placing the lid back on the table beside the box. 

Lucy had never before seen
such a thermometer.  “Um, that’s too big for my mouth,” she stated even as her stomach began to churn. 

Molly shook the thermometer, assuring the mercury was at the lowest level
in the bottom of the bulb.  “Of course it is, you silly girl,” Molly said, patting her lap once more with her free hand.  “It goes up your bottom.  Come along, over my lap, please.”  Lucy’s hands flew back to cover her bottom, her heart hammering as understanding dawned.  Molly’s smile disappeared as she looked at her charge.  “Lucille, don’t think I didn’t hear you address me improperly,” Molly said firmly.  “I’m willing to be a little lenient as this will be the first time you undergo your naptime regimen.  However, if you do not place yourself over my knees this instant, I will not hesitate to take your hairbrush and blister your bottom before placing your thermometer into it.  Now, no more dawdling, right over please.” 

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