Luke's Faith

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Authors: Samantha Potter

Tags: #Erotic, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Romance

BOOK: Luke's Faith
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Luke's Faith
Number I of
Craving the Forbidden
Samantha Potter
JK Publishing, Inc. (2015)
Erotic, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
Eroticttt Fantasyttt Paranormalttt Romancettt

  Warning: For Mature
Adult Audiences.  Contains language and
actions some may deem offensive. 
Sexually explicit content – MF. 
Cliffhanger ending.

  In book one of
Craving the Forbidden: Luke is the prince of the Underworld, little did he know
his father had high expectations.  Sending
him above to the human world, Luke decided it was time to take life into his
own hands—starting with a New Year's Eve party—a no-rules-in-place opportunity
for paranormals to have fun with either their own kind or others. 

  When Luke is
suddenly hit with uncontrollable lust that has his black heart beating, he
panics, everything in his life is changing—the problem—it is against the
rules.  Can he hide long enough from his
father to find what he has dreamed of having or will Satan remind him what
being the prince of the Underworld entails?


Luke’s Faith


Craving the Forbidden

Book One



by Samantha Potter


© Copyright January 2015 JK Publishing, Inc.


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Artwork by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.


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This book is dedicated to my family and loved ones. I'd also like to thank my friend, Alana, for all her support and encouragement.

Chapter One


The stores were back to life after the holidays in preparation for New Year's. Hundreds of humans roamed the stores hoping for a bargain, praying for one last special. Parents attempted to contain their children while grabbing food, alcohol, and fireworks. Luke could almost guess what they were thinking. “Bring on bedtime so we can party hard, drink way too much, and enjoy ourselves for just one night!” He couldn’t help but gain pleasure from their exhausted faces. Luke let out an exhausted sigh as he made his way through the crowds, dodging small children as they ran carelessly through the people.

Unruly little shits, if only
could show them who they just pissed off
Luke thought. A snarled smile formed on his face as he imagined the catastrophic chaos he could have caused within the confined walls of the store he was desperately trying to escape.

He reached the exit, extending his arms to push the doors wide open. Fresh air filled his lungs, Luke stood there for a moment allowing his mind and body to relax. His anger slowly dissolved making it easier for him to maintain control.

Luke’s mind began to process what New Year’s Eve actually meant, not only for him, but for all paranormal creatures living on this earth. Luke was the prince of the Underworld and it was his duty to make sure gatherings such as these were safe and secure, protecting his subjects from humans. Many years ago, the population of the Underworld was diminishing before his eyes.

Luke believed in one thing—love. Everyone deserved to have someone special in their life, and that’s why Luke decided he would allow all creatures to gather for one night each year. All paranormal creatures had their own packs, followers, or tribes gathering in many different places all over the earth. It was uncommon for two species to get along with one another, so to protect themselves and their families, they normally only associated with their own kind. No one was ever allowed to associate with Luke or any of his loyal subjects from the Underworld. It wasn’t considered appropriate and boundaries were important to Luke and his family. Failure to abide by such rules would lead to death by punishment.

Luke had announced his plans to allow a gathering each year on New Year’s Eve, and his invitation extended to all paranormal creatures. Once word had gotten out about this rare but exclusive gathering, many were titillated. They all hoped they’d be graced with the presence of the prince of the Underworld and some were intrigued to be meeting beings of the opposite sex, praying to meet their mates and unleash the untamed lust.

New Year’s Eve was the only time of year when rules were cast aside, and creatures were not restricted. Mates were chosen without obligations other than fun. On New Year’s Day, they would all gather to enjoy a feast before heading back to their homes and resuming their normal lives once again.

Luke’s thoughts were broken by his ringing cell phone.

“Luke speaking,” he said to the unknown voice on the other end.

“As the prince of the Underworld, one would think you’d come up with a more terrifying way to answer your phone,” the voice hissed through the receiver.

“Seriously, Dad, what the hell do you want?” Luke was fuming at his father always interfering in his life.

“Well that’s a bit better but I’d still work on it. You have to get home soon. You haven’t completed your mission and you’re embarrassing me, and making a mockery of what we represent. You are an embarrassment and I’m ashamed to call you my son. Come back to the Underworld and get your ass into gear. If you ever want to take over as king, you better step up!” his father replied before slamming the phone, leaving a ringing noise in Luke’s ear.

Luke thought as he shook his head trying to extinguish the loud noise still penetrating his eardrums.

He knew the relationship between him and his father was complicated but he didn’t have time to think about it at the moment, he had so much to do to prepare for the New Year's. Luke had no intention of going back home, not yet. He bought an apartment in New York City hoping he’d find what he wanted most. He had never experienced the emotion of love. Being the son of the devil and prince of the Underworld, havoc and damnation didn’t leave much time for love. His father wouldn’t be caught dead showing any emotion other than hatred and disappointment. It didn’t matter what achievements Luke had accomplished over the many, many years of his life, it was never good enough and general punishment was cursing, slaying, or killing someone who didn’t deserve it. His father just wanted to make sure he turned out like him.

Luke took a deep breath trying to push down his emotions, he had to keep on track. Without further thought he flew into full speed, the mission in his mind was to make it back to his apartment and continue the arrangements. It didn’t take him long to get back to his apartment, he placed the key in the lock turning it gently as he listened to make sure no one was inside. When Luke believed it was clear he let the door swing open as he peered inside. The apartment was dark, which is how he liked it. Nothing looked out of place so he continued forth into his home before shutting the door behind him.

What on E
arth is wrong with me today
His emotions where heightened and out of control. He could sense something wasn’t right but he couldn’t pinpoint the problem. Luke continued into his study, the walls where covered with notes, plans, and order forms, all the things he needed to ensure New Year’s Eve went off without a hitch. Luke believed it was his duty to become familiar with everyone invited. A section of the wall contained thousands of profiles, one for each being, from druids to demons. Luke had spent countless hours sifting through the information but he had to hire an investigator to search for one woman in particular. He wasn’t able to gather any information on her or her family, all he had to go on was her name—Faith.

Every time he thought this woman’s name his body shivered in response, his heart beat quickening. He was unsure why? Was she a threat to him or something completely different? He was determined to find out why this woman had such an effect on him. He had contemplated searching for himself, which was completely unheard of.

Luke sat behind his desk picking up the pile of profiles he had yet to memorize. The New Year’s get-together had tripled in numbers this year and he was running out of time. There were only three days left. He was in deep thought when his phone began to buzz. Shutting his eyes for a moment he let out a loud sigh. He was almost certain it’d be his father again and the probability of the conversation being something he wouldn't want to deal with was high. He picked up his phone and looked at the number, a smirk formed on his face as his body relaxed. He was thankful it wasn’t his father, it was Ted, the investigator.

“Ted, what have you found?” he answered in a semi-professional voice.

“Luke, I’ve found her and I’m sending you the information now. My job is done and direct payment is now due,” he replied before hanging up.

Luke was shocked at the way Ted announced his findings and demanded his money. He had known and worked with Ted for many years and never had an issue. He could only guess the information Ted had found about Faith wasn’t what he had expected or worse, someone had threatened him. He stared at his computer screen waiting impatiently for the email to arrive. His palms began to sweat with anticipation and he quickly wiped his hands on his pants as the familiar
chimed to notify him of a new email. He quickly clicked on the link, opening the most current email.




Please find attached the information you
I must warn you that this wasn’t easy to find and for a good reason
into some complications and almost lost my life over this
Please do not contact me again
I will no longer be able to work as an investigator due to
injuries I
As a friend
I warn you please only open if you must
as I have no idea what will happen if this information gets into the wrong hands.


Kind regards,



Luke hovered the curser over the document contemplating whether or not to open the file. The man he considered a friend had warned him of its contents and the possibility of danger. Without further thought he took a deep breath and clicked on the link. Pages and pages of information popped up on his screen. Taking a quick look, he noticed the woman had no family and had no affiliations. It seemed Faith liked being alone and this could be an issue for New Year’s. Could he trust someone on their own? Why was she alone? What had she done? Many questions ran through his mind about this woman and the life of loneliness she’d chosen.

As he continued to browse the file searching for answers, he noticed another attachment. He clicked it and a picture popped up on his screen mesmerizing him instantly. It was a picture of Faith, her eyes pierced through his soul, clear as water, crystal blue like no other. Her lips where full and a lushes pink, and she had long flowing blond hair. She was dressed in pure white, practically see-through clothing, the material barely covered her breasts and the bottom of her dress ended inches past her bottom with the loose ends of the material flowing freely. Delicate wings emerged from her shoulder blades. Luke found it hard to pry his eyes from the computer screen as he continued to stare at Faith’s picture. A loud moan came from deep inside, making its way slowly through his chest and finally escaping his lips, his body responded to the image in a way Luke had never experienced.

His body heated at the thought of her, his chest began to burn as his body transformed. Horns burst forth from his head and his chest burned furiously as his tattoo burned through his skin, the symbol of evil appeared on his chest. His shaft twitched as his hormones began to overload, he found himself undoing his belt as the pressure against his suit pants continued to build. His top button popped open allowing the zipper to fall. He ripped the top of his boxers allowing his enlarged throbbing erection to burst out of its confinement.

Massive claws tore through the skin on his fingertips. He dug his nails into the wooden desk trying to control himself, his hips began to thrust begging to have the woman in the image. One hand fell to his thigh, he tried to place it back on the table, but his body burned with the uncontrollable desire to touch himself. Panting furiously he tried to gather his control, but instead he moaned in desire after many years of built up lust. He looked down at himself and, for just a moment, wished he hadn’t done that. He saw his cock oozing, the first droplet slowly forming on the tip before dripping down the side of his cock, warming his shaft as the picture burned in his memory. His breathing became heavy as he grunted in response. His hips picked up the pace, and his hand made its way to his extremely large, throbbing cock. Wrapping his hand firmly around himself, he couldn’t resist any longer, giving into his devilish nature. His hand thrusting back and forth, loud moans escaped his lips with every movement. He began to chant her name to the rhythm of his hips, getting louder with each thrust. His balls lifted as his orgasm drew near, his length began to tingle, and heat seared through his body. Letting it all go, he screamed her name one last time, his orgasm spurting from his tip as he continued to thrust his hand back and forth the last few times, relieving himself of all his essence.

His breathing began to regulate, his mind taking control of his body once more. The claws and horns receded as he returned to his covert form. He looked around for a moment noticing the papers previously on his desk where now strewn all over the floor, his table had claw marks all over it and his cock was still hanging free.
What the hell just happened
he wondered.

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