Lunamae (21 page)

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Authors: April Sadowski

Tags: #romance, #teen, #royalty, #life and love

BOOK: Lunamae
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“She just finished them. I have them here if
you would like to see them,” my mother said, stretching out her
arms and opening her hands, each holding one of the bands.

“Exquisite workmanship. Or should I say
workwomanship?” Queen Eirene giggled.

“I wouldn’t mind having some made for my
husband and I,” Mother said. “Perhaps she could also engrave
something into it for me. It would be nice to have something to
remember him while he’s off shoeing the horses and I’m keeping
house. By the way Muirenn, Brynna and Logan have given your father
and me the fosterage of their child. They thought it would be
appropriate as I have the time to assist now.”

I looked at the bands. They were well
crafted. Not only did the male band look flawless, but I noticed
the smith had carved vines into it that interlocked. There wasn’t
enough room on my band but I didn’t care. It was still beautiful
and more than most women here would get. Silver was intended to
last through the ages.

“What about the veil?” I inquired. “I hadn’t
thought to make one. I know Brynna had one.”

“It is not necessary my dear,” Eirene told
me. “I have something better planned for you. I will be back in a
few moments.” The queen left the room and I assumed she went to her

“His mother seems very nice,” Mother noticed.
“Her husband seems a bit more quiet and complacent. He reminds me
of Chieftain Bothildr in that.”

“He’s quite talkative actually. You haven’t
heard him around much. Just wait till Theron gets together with
them. It’s non-stop,” I laughed. “They get on quite well. It’s no
surprise he calls himself the king’s favorite.”

“Would you like me to do a test run on your
hair for tomorrow? I did not know if you had someone already
planned to do it for you.” asked my mother.

“I would love for you to do it. It is yet
another thing I’ve forgotten to think of,” I said to her.

“It is quite all right. Did you have anything
specific in mind Muirenn?” she inquired. I shook my head. I hadn’t
been to enough weddings to know what the standard practice was, so
I let my mother do as she would. The queen of Fanarion came in as
my back was to her and I could hear my mother ogle whatever it was
she had. My mother told me not to turn around yet so I waited until
she was done. It was quite relaxing to have my hair combed out and
stroked and toyed with. I felt weight being added and then some of
my hair was put up on top of my head, and some let loose down my

“Oh my dear, you look wonderful,” Mother said
with happiness in her voice. “I think I need to get something for

“Get me what?” I asked, turning to face

She answered me. “The mirror in the chief
dame’s chamber. Of course, I need to ask her if I can borrow it but
I know she would not mind. You just
see how you

She left the room and closed the door and I
was left with Theron’s mother. I could sense Eirene was glad for
the marriage. The whole air about the keep was lighter than normal.
The wedding arrangements also increased the amount of trade. There
were a few people from Fanarion in the royal caravan that would buy
from our vendors and in return, give something of theirs that could
be sold later. Some of those people were friends with merchants and
decided to try their luck at larger purchases in coin. We didn’t
have much to offer them. We did have plenty of unique herbs only
native to our region but there were also rock quarries nearby and
salt mines. Kyrie had a salt trade as well but they were too far
away for any serious trading.

Queen Eirene was fairly quiet. She tried with
small talk but it was awkward. I didn’t notice it so much when we
were working on the dress together because we had talked about our
projects. I still was working on the tapestry. It was in the sewing
room, but I told her I would show it to her before the wedding. I
was glad when my mother returned with the mirror. It was of a
decent size and I hadn’t ever noticed it in there before. Perhaps
she had hidden it from the maidens. I knew Tegan would be bound to
it, looking into it for hours on end if she could. I was surprised
my mother could carry it as it looked clunky. At least the chief
dame’s room wasn’t too far away.

“Here, Muirenn. Have a look at yourself,”
Mother told me. She sat the mirror down against the wooden table in
the room. I backed up so I could get my body in it as much as I

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had a waist, a
chest, a
! Where had all this been hiding, or had I
not ever noticed? My hair wasn’t as frizzy as I remembered. My skin
wasn’t blotchy—probably due to all my encounters with Theron. I
noticed that my lips were still thin and my nose hadn’t changed but
I had grown since I last saw myself and they looked like they were
meant for my face. My head was adorned with a crown of
Fanarion—beautiful golden leaves touching each other in a complete
circle. That must be what Queen Eirene had given my mother to
replace my veil. She must have planned to give it to me anyway. It
was beautiful.
was beautiful. I saw for the first time
what Theron must have seen the first time he met me. I couldn’t
help but tear up and bring a hand to stop them from dripping all
over my beautiful gown.

“My son will be in awe of you tomorrow,”
Eirene said with a smile across her face. “You will truly be a gem
to all of Fanarion.”

she will. There would be
time for that later. You did intend to travel to Aelisonia
afterwards?” my mother added.

“Yes we did,” I sputtered, still trying to
get over the look of myself.

“Are you ready to get out of the dress? I
know you. If we do not remove it now, there is a good chance it
will get blemished,” Mother asked. I nodded and she helped me out
of the gown. I changed into my maiden gown. Then the queen helped
remove the crown from my head.

“Once you are married to my son you will
formally be a daughter of Fanarion,” Eirene stated. “I did not know
if you were aware. In Fanarion we do not go by titles other than
king and queen so you will not be uncomfortable there but you may
encounter the usage of ‘Princess’ in Aelisonia. I did not want you
to be startled.”

Truthfully I had wondered what came with
marrying another royal (even though I typically never considered
myself one). Clan rule is a bit different than a monarchy. The
children aren’t always heirs and the family members have village
people status for the most part. Of course, it wasn’t as though I
had much choice. It was still, technically, an arranged marriage. I
could only think of the prayer I had offered up to the Creator on
Talfrin’s deathbed. What of Lunamae? What about her marriage? I
wondered if she had even heard from Marcus. It’s been quite a while
now. We still haven’t had any word from Kyrie on who would marry
her. Every time I thought about it I was drawn back to my own
wedding. Tomorrow was speeding ever faster. I didn’t know if I
could wait for it.

“Do you, Theron, son of Fanarion, take
Muirenn of Clan Frys of the village Feyris as your wedded wife, to
love and cherish, to protect and defend, to hold dear in sickness
and in health, from now until the end of ages?” Barri asked Theron
in the chapel. There was a crowd of spectators in the chapel. All
were joyously watching our wedding. The whole ceremony seemed like
a blur. We had already exchanged our rings which shone brilliantly
on both our fingers.

“I do,” Theron said, looking at me with
loving eyes. He was holding my hand as well. Barri repeated the
question to me, only switching the names to address me.

“I do,” I answered, gazing up into Theron’s
brown pools.

“Then by the powers invested to me by the
Creator and the ministry of Bexweth Abbey and the Chapel of Feyris,
I now pronounce you husband and wife. Theron, you may kiss your
bride,” Barri announced and Theron took me into his arms and
brushed his hand over my face. He held my waist and kissed me
firmly. Applause rang out from the chapel, almost deafening. The
king and queen of Fanarion stood and clapped and the rest of the
audience followed as well.

“I am pleased to introduce His Grace, Theron,
son of Fanarion, and Her Grace, daughter of Fanarion, Muirenn.”
Barri finished and showed us off. We walked down the aisle and
headed towards the keep which was prepared for us in a similar
fashion to the winter feast. Instead of pinecones and cinnamon it
was white lace, bells, red berries, and the smell of lavender. The
tables were all covered with white linens and large silver
candlesticks (once again, courtesy of our new silversmith). We took
our spot at the head of the table where there were two large
goblets waiting for us.

“How does it feel to be called ‘my wife’
now?” Theron asked me. I giggled.

“What about husband?” I asked him. He smiled
and kissed me again, energy rushing down my spine. We sat at the
table in each other’s arms. The rest of the day was absolutely
glorious. There was what seemed like an unending stream of
entertainment. The traveling troupe we hired did an excellent job.
Every person had multiple talents. Most played two or more
instruments as well as having some sort of acrobatic talent. There
were jugglers, contortionists, and dancers and all would perform to
the songs by the other people in the group. Brynna had outdone
herself in planning the food. The tables were practically
overflowing with victuals. The servants had brought in several
soups and stews to start us off. Then they had a large pig on a
silver spit they put in the center of the room while the
entertainers continued their performance around it. We also had
stuffed partridge, a variety of cheeses, stewed cabbage and spinach
tart, sallat, dates and nuts, ale bread, as well as several
beverages. The monks of Bexweth donated some of their fall brews
and honey meads and we also had wine from Theron’s parents. I never
had wine before and I quite liked the taste. I didn’t like the
bubbliness of ale and other brews the monks made. Wine didn’t have
that, although some of the blends I had tasted were dry. The
children of the village were given warm cow milk sweetened with

After the food was all devoured, the tables
were cleared off and moved into a corner so the village could join
in dancing. The acrobats all got their instruments and played for
us. Theron took me in his arms and swirled me about the floor. When
it was all over we had some cake and then got ready to leave for
our journey to Midonia and then Aelisonia. The caravan was all set
up outside the keep. It was smaller than the one when I first went
to Fanarion, but still large enough for adequate protection from
bandits for when we went to Aelisonia and had to travel up through
the mountains where they can easily hide and overtake a

Theron went up to his apartment and let me
gather my things from mine. I was taking my clothes which were
really all of my belongings. I did have my herb chest but with
Theron with me it was kind of pointless. If anyone was injured he
could heal them. Then I remembered he hadn’t told anyone so I took
it with me to sit outside the door, just in case. King Cyrus had an
apothecary sent up to take over for Theron until he returned and
could properly train an apprentice. We had decided it would be
better that way than have Cyrus’ apothecary train the apprentice.
Theron was already on good terms with the village and the
transition would be easier since he knew where everything was. Even
though it is a seven year process, he was willing to stay and do it
unless something happened to his father.

Eclipse padded happily towards me. He noticed
what I was doing and looked at me intently.

“It’s okay baby,” I told him. “You are coming
with us. I’m not leaving you here.” He came towards me and rubbed
his face against my skirts, his black fur sticking to my white
satin dress. “I should get out of this thing, shouldn’t I?” The cat
meowed in agreement.

Lunamae entered my room just then, clapping
her hands in celebration.

“Getting ready?” she asked me.

“Trying to,” I said to her. “Can you help me
out of this dress? I should change into traveling clothes. I don’t
think I’ll need help with my hair, except to remove the crown. I
think I’m supposed to wear it in Fanarion, I don’t know about in
Aelisonia. Maybe I am?”

“You are a ‘daughter of Fanarion’ now, it’s a
higher rank than me … I think. I wouldn’t have a clue,” Lunamae
stated. “I’ll help you though.” Lunamae assisted in helping me
remove the golden crown and I put it in my clothes trunk for
traveling. She helped me get out of the dress by lifting it over my
head and offered to see to the cleaning of it for me so I could
store it later when I got back. I got dressed in a chemise with a
warm wool overdress. I was a little hesitant to do so for fear of
it being stolen but I didn’t want to carry it. I made sure
everything was tied and my belt and pouch were on before picking up
Eclipse to head out.

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