Lunangelique (The Lunangelique Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Lunangelique (The Lunangelique Series)
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“Yes?” I ask him calmly. There is worry or concern on his face and it makes me fear what he is about to say, like it’s something bad.

He hesitates. I can see inner battle written all over his face and then he asks, “Can I see you again, tomorrow?”




Chapter 3


I dreamt of Cole’s kisses, the sweet taste of his lips, his breath mingling with mine, the soft push of his lips against mine, the stubble of his chin rubbing against mine. I couldn’t stop my own private giggles while I got ready for bed as I thought about the ridiculousness of how the kiss came about. The night felt electrified by magic and I know I’ll never forget it.

I had pulled my laptop out from underneath my bed, where I store it, to look up the stories he had shared with us. When I read through some of them I could picture Cole at the moment he told them, staring into the sky, the moon’s reflected light shining onto his face, his long legs stretched out across the lounge chair or pulled up with his knees pointing into the sky. I can’t stop thinking about him.

Then I compare him to Ollie. Ollie who I never gave a second thought about after we left the movies. Ollie is gorgeous, he was easy to talk to and I felt comfortable around him but he didn’t give me the good nervous butterflies in my stomach. I did feel a connection to him but it was the ‘he’ll make a good friend’ connection.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t confide in Alex with what happened. He wouldn’t like me moving so fast, especially with someone we just met. Plus he had been set on setting me up with Ollie yesterday. He will take it as a slap in the face if he knew my attraction was more to another guy. And I couldn’t tell Kaitlyn because she would probably spill the beans to Alex, so I kept what happened to myself.

So, now I have to figure out a way to go over there without Alex. I’m pacing my room trying to formulate a plan when my phone rings. I see that it’s Kaitlyn.

“Hey, girl. What’s up?” I answer the phone.

“Want to go down to the beach?”

“Umm… actually… you know, you and Alex should go. While I was talking to Ollie yesterday I came to the realization that I am
with you guys.”

“Honey, I know what you are thinking and I’m going to tell you right now that you are never in the way. We are a trio,” she responds quickly.

“I know that, but Alex
a guy and I think he would be more intimate, you know, if I wasn’t there. I mean, he can’t openly ogle at you when his sister is right there. I think he’s afraid I might tease him about it later. Which I might,” I’m quick to say, hoping she’ll take the bait.

And she does. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. You guys need a day to yourselves. Please, take advantage of it because I might not be so nice next time.” We laugh at the comment.

“I’ll tell Alex you are coming to sweep him away on a romantic beach adventure,” I tell her and then hang up the phone.

Yes! A plan presented itself on its own!

“Alex,” I scream as I rush to his room, knock once and then enter. He’s still in bed. Great. “Alex, get up! Kaitlyn is on her way over to come get you.” I poke at his shoulder.

“What?” he asks groggily.

“Kaitlyn wants to take you to the beach sans me. Romance. A day to yourselves. It’s a gift from me! Now get up and appreciate it.”

“What time is it?” he asks more alert now.

“Ten o’clock. You sleepy head. Get up!” I start bouncing on his bed to irritate him awake.

“Dammit, Lexi. I’m awake. Get out so I can shower and dress.”

“Okay, but I’m coming back in here in ten minutes and you better be ready,” I warn him. I walk slowly towards the door, not wanting to leave his room until he is vertical.

I excitedly hurry back to my room to refresh my makeup and make sure my clothes look okay. I’m wearing the new Josey dress I bought yesterday. It’s a strapless, white tiered dress with a blue and white striped bow in the front. I have a matching short sleeved, blue and white striped sweater over it. Nothing too different from what I normally wear but its brand new and makes me feel so pretty and confident. And confidence is what I need around Cole, especially today, without Alex.

The doorbell rings and I run to get it, knowing its Kaitlyn. I open the door and give Kaitlyn a full on hug and then shush her and hurry her up the stairs.

“He’s in the shower,” I whisper to her. “You should surprise him by waiting in his room.”

“Won’t your parents get mad,” she whispers back.

“Are you kidding me,” I exclaim to her. “My parents practically threw condoms at my brother and wanted to drag me to have an IUD put in.” I settled for birth control pills but haven’t ever needed to start using them. “They trust us to make the right decisions. Seriously, they are afraid to come into Alex’s room because they never know when you might be in there. Besides, they’re at work right now. Now go!” I giggle at her embarrassed look and push her towards Alex’s door.

I head back into my room to gather some of my music sheets to bring to Cole’s house on the premise my parents ask why I was over there. I’m really just biding the time for when Alex and Kaitlyn leave. I really don’t want Alex to know I’m going over there because he knows me better than anyone.

It’s the twin telepathy. Not really but that’s what our parents call it. Ever since we were babies, we just always knew when the other one was sick or hurt. If I was sick, Alex would cry and likewise. If Alex didn’t like something, I would be the one to vocalize it. We don’t have to say anything to the other to know how we feel or what we think. That’s why I need to act busy, if he sees me looking a little too excited; he’ll know something is up.

Twenty minutes later, I hear them in the hall laughing. They are so perfect together. “Bye, Lexi,” Alex calls at the same time Kaitlyn asks, “Are you sure you don’t want to go?”

I open my door to address them and see Alex pinching her butt, something he
does not do while I’m around. “See, I told you so,” I tell Kaitlyn and then laugh closing my door again. I never knew until yesterday how much I interfere in the progression of their relationship. I would feel more horrible about that right now but I’m too excited in their happiness and mine.


As soon as they leave I casually walk across the street to Cole’s house. I really want to run but don’t want to look to eager. I want to look cool and composed. Normally with guys, I make them come to me. However, this situation seems kind of forbidden and I don’t know how my parents will react to this sort of relationship. He’s only two years older so that isn’t the problem; the problem is the teacher, student relationship. I’ll have to talk to them about it soon.

Soon? Relationship? What am I talking about? Is it a relationship? I mean we kissed so that has to count as the start of one, right? I shake my head to get the questions out of my head and tell myself that we’ll see what happens and worry about it later.

I knock on the door and listen for his footsteps or something from inside the house. After ten seconds he doesn’t answer so I ring the doorbell. I hear him rushing down the stairs and can’t help but smile. He opens the door wide and I am confronted with a full view of his tanned broad chest and sculpted abs; his lower half is only wearing a towel that is riding low.

I’m staring at his near nakedness for several moments before realizing I’m ogling him. I quickly look down at my feet and stammer out something that’s supposed to sound like, “I’m sorry. You didn’t tell me when to come over.”

“Come in. Come in,” he says grabbing my free arm that’s not holding the music sheets and ushering me inside. We walk over to the left side of the house, where the living room and music room are. I know there was a purpose I wanted to move in this direction but I have forgotten, distracted by him.

              “Sorry, I’m not dressed. I slept in late,” he explains his attire, or lack thereof. I have to admit to myself that I’m really not that sorry but I am sorry that he’s sorry.

              “Yeah, so did Alex,” I realize I’m staring at his chest again and he grins.

“Do you prefer me this way?” he teases.

“I don’t know what is wrong with me. I think I’m tired. You know how you stare a lot when you’re sleepy?” I ask, biting my lower lip so I don’t start biting him. Oh my God! What is wrong with me? I cannot control my hormones around this guy.

I move away from him, quickly, as his smile grows into amusement, feeling totally embarrassed with myself. I head toward the piano to set the music sheets down.
That’s what I was supposed to be doing when I originally headed in this direction!
I need something to occupy myself with so I stop staring at him. “Did you have in mind doing me today?”
Oh, my God, did I just say what I think I said.
“I mean... ugh. Stupid. Idiot.” I slam the papers into my head a few times before they are ripped from my hands and thrown, spreading out all over the floor.

Cole traps me against the piano, his arms braced against it on either side of me, creating a cage. He leans into me and stares into my eyes for several moments before leaning in more and running his lips against my jaw line.

I melt into him as he whispers in my ear, “You look really, really, beautiful today.” He continues his kisses down to my shoulders and collarbone, removing the sweater I had on. I feel paralyzed. I’ve never been kissed by a guy this way and if I move I will melt into the ground and the only thing holding me up right now is him and the piano.

“I think you should get dressed, because I do not feel in control of myself around you and I really don’t want to make a mistake,” my voice squeaks in panic at the end.

“Do you really think I would take it that far?” He looks at me seriously.

“How should I know? I just met you last night and look at you right now.” I gesture at his near nakedness. “Answering the door in just a towel. Locking me in against a piano. You already took my sweater off.” I tap my foot impatiently, waiting for him to have a proper come back but when he doesn’t say anything I decide to ask, “What if I took it that far? Would you honestly stop?” I’m getting a little angry the more I think about the situation and how it appears I could be taken advantage of.

“Yes, I would,” he answers honestly.

“You’re a guy. It’s typical for your sex to want to conquer every eligible girl you see,” I throw at him.

He grabs my hand and starts pulling me toward the front door. “Are you making me leave because I made a very valid point that might not apply to

“Nope,” he says, turning left toward the stairs instead of right towards the door. “I’m taking you upstairs to show you that I will
advantage of you on the first date.”

I feel blood rush to my head fast, making me blush.
What have I just got myself into?
Cole continues to lead me up the stairs and to a door that I assume leads into his bedroom. He pushes the door open and lets go of my hand, leaving me to walk in at my own risk. I walk in slower than he does, taking it all in.

His bedroom is massive; it must take up the whole front of the house. He has the bed of my dreams: wrought iron canopy bed with gold curtains draped around. There is a chaise near one of the windows, a small writing desk in front of the other window. Scattered along the walls of the room are two dressers, an antique standing mirror, and a bureau. There are a few Persian rugs strategically placed along the floors and the walls are painted wine red and gold, just like the downstairs. It leaves the room with a dreamy, sleep-like quality that is actually comforting and warm.

Cole walks to the bed, grabs the clothes lying there and then heads into the bathroom without saying a word to me. I notice he has two deep scars lining the sides of his back. They extend from the top of his shoulder blades down to his waist in brutal jagged lines. 

I don’t know if I should sit on the bed and wait for him or sit on the chaise? “You can sit wherever you want. I’ll just be a second,” Cole answers my unspoken question. I look towards the bathroom door as he comes out of it wearing khaki shorts but no shirt. “I thought you preferred me better this way?” he asks when I roll my eyes at his bare chest.

“Your bare chest is why I wanted you to get dressed,” I inform him as I slowly walk up to him slipping off my heels. But before I can reach him he has me up in his arms and is springing to the bed to show me just how far he will allow me to go.


True to his word he did not get carried away. I tried, but he stopped me from being reckless. So we just kissed, a lot, my lips are swollen and my chin is raw from his perpetual five o’clock shadow, which I have christened ‘gruffiness’.

My dress is totally disheveled and my hair can only be considered bed head. Despite appearance, he was a total gentleman, keeping his hands from travelling where they don’t belong. And mine too. If I tried, my hands were pinned above my head. It was by far the best make out session I have ever had!

“I don’t know what has come over me,” I told him between kisses. “I have never,
acted this way.”

He moved down to my neck while I talked. “Me neither. After last night I couldn’t stop thinking about you. And then you show up today looking so beautiful and irresistible. I couldn’t help myself. You’re sinful.” I laughed at him because that’s exactly what I think about him.

I can’t believe how tousled I look when I see myself in the mirror. My face is all red and blotchy; I have to add some face makeup to lighten it up. I use his brush to straighten out my hair and then I add some lip gloss and smooth out my dress before grabbing my shoes and heading downstairs.

Cole is in the kitchen making sandwiches! I’m in love! He looks up from his work and gives me a heartbreaking smile.

“Did you know that sandwiches are my favorite thing in the whole world?” I ask him.

“I might have heard that somewhere,” he responds with a sly smile.

I grab one of the plates and sink my teeth into a sandwich half, groaning because it tastes so good. “Mm…,” I say with a mouthful of food. “Did you put horseradish in this?” He nods, watching me eat, grinning widely. “Oh, my God. This is…the…best…ever.”

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