Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (20 page)

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Tilting her chin up to meet his gaze with two fingers, Storm whispered, “I’m sorry, darlin’. I wasn’t thinking about the setup down here.”

Austin, now behind her, ran his arms around her waist and held her back to him. “We promised we would never hurt you and we won’t. This is just our fun room, but we haven’t brought a woman down here in several years. We’ve had to do some cleaning.”

Lyndee noticed Trey hung back, disappointment etched in his face, and she knew he thought she would bolt if they gave her a chance. Standing tall, or at least as tall as she could with her stature, she smiled softly and opened her arms to her man with the emerald green eyes, and he practically flew into them, her arms closing around him. Austin sighed behind her while Storm’s eyes lit up, a smile hidden in their blue depths, though it didn’t reach his mouth. Trey’s strong arms held her around her shoulders as his cousin pulled back slightly but kept his arms wrapped around her.

Storm took a step backward and cleared his throat. Austin and Trey both let go of her as she whimpered at the loss of their arms. With authority riding in his voice, Storm commanded, “Lyndee, strip!”

Watching the three men as they stood side by side, she swallowed the lump that had returned to her throat. This time she saw lust in the three sets of eyes and lightning seemed to run from her nipples to her ever-moistening pussy. Not wanting to keep these men waiting any longer, she crossed her arms in front of her, grabbed the hem of her tank top, pulled it up over her head, and tossed it aside. Groans emanated from each of them at the sight before them.

Dainty fingers slid beneath the elastic waistband of the skirt and began to push downwards, the material sliding down her shapely hips. Once it was past her womanly curves, she let it tumble to pool around her ankles. Eyes downcast in shyness, she had to fight the urge to cover the nudity of her pussy, as sighs, groans, and growls came from the trio of manliness before her.

Not sure what to do at this point, she kept her eyes downcast, her hands in fists at her sides, waiting. At times she had heard the girls discussing being handled by a dominant man and having to act the submissive with them or even with their pimp, Philip, so she acted the way the girls did. Embarrassment flooded her on how much knowledge she had learned from her friends and here she was a virgin the whole time. Waiting for one of them to speak was downright nerve-racking for her as her nipples hardened even more at their scrutiny, and her pussy lips seemed to flutter in anticipation, a streak of fluid trickling down her inner thighs.

She saw Storm breathe in deeply as if he could smell her arousal. “Get on the bed,” he said in an octave above a whisper.

Turning, she slowly made her way to the bed, which she actually had to climb up into as the height of the mattress fit their frames, not her own. She felt exposed as she did so, her ass, and she was certain her drenched pussy lips, on display for their smoldering eyes, as she came to the middle of the large California king-sized bed. Again, unsure of what to do next, she sat down facing them, her hands in her lap, head tilted down submissively.

With pussy clinching in anticipation, she took a chance to glance up and saw the three men huddled together, speaking in hushed whispers. As if football players breaking the huddle for the next play, all three nodded in agreement before turning back toward her. She lowered her gaze again, hoping she hadn’t been caught peeking.


* * * *


Moving slowly, the trio began removing their clothing as they walked to the bed. They knew they needed to squelch her fears about what this room represented and make her understand what they wanted to give her. Unconditional love along with pleasure was her future with them and they were more than ready to provide that. They knew she loved them by her actions, and hopefully soon they would hear her say the words, but for now, they needed to show her they were in essence, her men.

Storm was the first to reach the bed. Sitting upon it, he reached out and cupped her chin with one hand, turning her head up and toward him. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met,” he said, lowering his lips to hers, laying a chaste kiss to them. “I know you are frightened, but you don’t have to be. This is all done in the name of love and pleasure. It’s not anything like what Philip wanted to do to you. I hope you can open yourself to the experience, to open your mind to what we want to show you.”

Watching her iris eyes he saw the fear replaced with longing, with desire as she slowly nodded her head. Her pink tongue slipped out briefly, wetting her lips in anticipation, and he lowered his head. At first his lips touched hers gently, just barely drinking in her essence, but when he heard her moan, he opened his mouth and his tongue thrust itself against the seam of flesh. He felt her open for him, letting him devour her mouth with his own. He swiped at the insides of her cheeks, the roof of her mouth, over her tongue, dragging it into his own. When she began to back away from his mouth, he moved his hand up, cupping it behind the back of her head and holding her to him.

Moaning against him, she began pushing against his chest but he didn’t want to separate from her. “Storm,” Trey said gently. “Let her breathe. You’re crushing her.”

Letting up some, giving her some breathing room, he still drank from her lips. His other hand moved up to grasp a breast, kneading at it. Jeez, he needed to hold her, to breathe her, to be a part of her so much, but he didn’t want to frighten her any more than she already was. Remembering that the other two wanted her as much as he did, he let up on her. As his mouth pulled away from hers, a moan of disappointment emanated from her.

His hand remained behind her head while he moved the other hand up toward her chest and gently pushed her backward to lay her down. She kept her eyes on his as she took deep breaths as if she was trying to keep herself calm. Her eyes never wavered as Austin joined them on the bed as if she was looking for guidance from him.

“We won’t tie you up tonight, darlin’, though I promise you it will come soon enough and you will enjoy giving your body over to us. Do you understand that?” Nodding, she smiled tentatively, but that disappeared quickly when he continued. “You need to answer us verbally. There has to be communication between the four of us in all aspects of our lives, but especially in here and while we are making love to you. You have to let us know what you like and what you don’t like, if we are hurting you or if you want more of something. We have to hear you say it. We will always be vocal with you on most things. If there is danger and we want to protect you that will usually be the only instance when we may not communicate openly with you. Understood?”

Beginning to nod, she remembered what he had just said. “Yes. I have a question.”

“Ask anything you want, little one,” Austin drawled beside her.

She glanced around as if looking for Trey. When she spotted him standing at the foot of the bed with his massive arms crossing his chest and his cock standing up at attention against his abs, she licked her lips. Storm was pleased that she found pleasure in looking at a man’s naked form.

“I know this room seems to be special, and I don’t know what I am supposed to do, what I’m supposed to say. The girls said that when they played these games with their johns that they would call them sir or master. Am I supposed to do that?”

Smiling down at her, Storm shook his head. “We don’t require that of you. We are here to please you, not for you to bow down to us or be our total slave. Despite what you see of the devices in this room, these are here to pleasure you, not to totally dominate you, though by the tone of our voice it may sound that way. If we sound harsh, it is for your protection or for your enjoyment. You will have to learn the difference between the two, but down here, it will most likely be for your pleasure.”

To her side, Austin began running his hand up and down her arm. “Never hesitate to ask a question of us if you need to, and never, ever hesitate to let us know that we are hurting you beyond the boundaries you are comfortable with. That is why you have to communicate verbally, so we don’t go beyond those boundaries. Now, you need to lay back and let us get to know what you like and don’t like.”


* * * *


Both Austin and Storm lay next to her, rubbing up and down her arms with one hand. Taking in the moment, Lyndee closed her eyes and reveled in the feeling. The bed dipped at the end between her feet and she knew that Trey had joined them. His hands began to caress and rub one foot, slowly making his way up to her ankle. Reveling in the feeling of three men’s hands on her body exhilarated her as she had never imagined this feeling even with one man.

Austin leaned over, slashing his mouth over hers, his tongue demanding entry. When she didn’t open quickly enough as she wasn’t sure what was expected of her, a hand plucked at a nipple harshly. She opened her mouth to protest and he thrust his tongue into her warm, moist mouth. The hand on her breast disappeared and she moaned at the loss. His mouth was brutal on hers, the flesh of her lips smashed against her teeth, his tongue relentless while moving within her depths. She wanted to hold onto him, to run her hands through his luscious black hair, but she gave in to the need to let them run the show.

A tongue began to run up her leg, sending a shocking chill up to her pussy. It began at her ankle and moved slowly upward. The hands on her arms moved up to her shoulders, kneading her muscles there. Moans began to sound from her at the ministrations, her hips beginning to seek out relief from someone or something. Even after listening to the girls, she never imagined feeling this good. Why hadn’t she sought out something like this before? But she knew the answer deep within her soul. It wasn’t meant to be and she knew that. She was a believer in “things happen for a reason” and she knew deep in her heart that she was meant to fall in love with these three wonderful men and that was why she knew it was all right to be with them so quickly after meeting them.

A hot mouth covered her nipple, drawing it in and up against the roof of the mouth. Storm had a wonderful mouth and he knew how to use it. Actually, she thought with a mental chuckle, they were all talented with their mouths. The pull on the tight bud sent shockwaves down to her pussy. It seemed that everything these men were doing centered at her pussy as if it were the heart of her sexuality.

The mouth on her leg had passed her knee and was moving up her inner thigh. Teeth nipped the tender flesh and her hips rose off the bed. There would be a nip and then Trey’s tongue would savor the spot, soothing the slight pain. She felt his hand raise her leg as he got closer to her core. She heard him breathe in deeply before his tongue began the onslaught.

Austin continued his ministrations on her mouth, their tongues dueling together as her lips bruised under his. It seemed as if he couldn’t get enough of her, of her taste. His hand made its way down to her other breast and squeezed it. Working the nipple between his forefinger and thumb, he rolled it around, pinched and even pulled at it, spiking her arousal at the onslaught.

Lyndee felt Trey settle between her legs, lifting them up to rest on his shoulders. Her pussy lips seemed to open and close several times in anticipation, knowing he was looking at her open cunt. In her mind’s eye she could see the feral look upon his face as he gazed upon her most private area. His hands fanned out to the sides of her lower lips, spreading her open even more as one of his thumbs slid upward through the moist slit. When his digit rubbed across her rock-hard nub she bucked her hips up as she moaned loudly into Austin’s mouth. Trey used his thumb to circle her clit slowly at first and then gained speed as he thrust two fingers into her waiting pussy.

The tingling that had been growing between her legs as these men made love to her with their mouths and hands was beginning to spark deep within her core. Shockwaves shot out from her breasts and core both, her breath coming in pants as she felt her body beginning to spiral upward as the pulses in her pussy became electrified. As if a transformer blew out within her, the sparks flew out to every nerve ending in her body as her climax hit. With leverage of her hips on Trey’s shoulders, her body arched upward, leaving her shoulders and head on the bed, Trey taking the brunt of her weight. Ripping her mouth from under Austin’s, Lyndee let her scream loose as she rode the ecstatic wave.

Trey never stopped pumping his fingers deep into her cunt or stopped stimulating her clit. Storm continued to suck her nipple and Austin continued to pluck her other nipple. The waves of pure ecstasy continued to roll through her, one after another until she felt she was going to die, her screams turning to a heart-wrenching wail.

As the sensations began to wane, her wail began to turn into whimpers as she felt her body relax. Austin gazed down at her. “Okay?”

Nodding, though embarrassed by making such a spectacle of herself, she nodded as she looked up at him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so loud.”

Austin chuckled. “You can be as loud as you want to be, little one. That way we know we are pleasuring you correctly, that you are enjoying what we are doing to you. Did you enjoy that?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly as Storm and Trey continued to play with her body. Her hand caressed his bicep, feeling the strength of it, and marveled at how gentle he was with her.

“Good,” he said as he lowered his mouth to her nipple. “‘Cause we are going to make you crazy as we make you come over and over again tonight. Tomorrow, we’ll start on your pleasurable punishment.”

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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