Lyndsey Cole - Lily Bloom 01 - Begonia Means Beware

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Authors: Lyndsey Cole

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Flower Shop

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Lyndsey Cole - Lily Bloom 01 - Begonia Means Beware
Lily Bloom [1]
Lyndsey Cole
Lyndsey Cole Books (2014)
Mystery: Cozy - Flower Shop
Misty Valley has a new flower shop in town, and as soon as Lily Bloom hangs the open sign, she lands the biggest wedding in town. Plus, a handsome new guy moves in right next door to Lily. She’s well on her way to a successful and exciting season.
Then the groom is found dead in her kitchen just days before he’s supposed to be walking down the aisle, and Lily has to arrange the trail of flowers to try to solve the mystery. With the help of her scooter-riding, pot-smoking mother, Iris, her sister, Daisy, and her dog, Rosie, Lily races from one disaster to another, all the while keeping herself out of the killer’s sight.
Will she solve the cascade of events in time or get caught by the criminals running illegal gambling and selling drugs in Misty Valley? Will romance blossom between Lily and her new neighbor?


Begonia Means Beware


Lily Bloom Cozy Mystery Series





by Lyndsey Cole


Copyright © 2014 Lyndsey Cole


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author and/or publisher. No part of this publication may be sold or hired, without written permission from the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of
the writer’s imagination and/or have been used fictitiously in such a fashion it is not meant to serve the reader as actual fact and should not be considered as actual fact. Any resemblance to actual events, or persons, living or dead, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


Chapter 1


After Lily signed the papers, she did a little dance.
Finally, it’s mine. It’s not much. Yet. But it’s mine
. She called Iris. “Mom. Pick up Daisy and meet me at 25 Lupine Lane.”

“Whatever for
? That place is a deserted dump,” her mother said with condescension.

“Just meet me. I’ve got a surprise.”
Lily was going to be persistently optimistic.

Lily stood on the sidewalk and looked at her new purchase. It was going to need a lot of work. Did she say a lot? Probably more like an enormously lot of work. But in her head, she could see the front window displayed with colorful flowers in beautiful b
askets and vases. She would hang a simple wooden country sign once she decided on a name. She already had a bell to hang so it would jingle when customers came in. Misty Valley would finally have a flower shop. And it was hers.

Iris roared up
in her convertible VW bug with Daisy hanging onto her hat. “Okay. What’s your surprise? Is this place finally getting torn down?”

A small panic attack started in Lily’s head.
What have I done?
She shook that thought away. “Mom. I bought the old medical supply building. I just signed the papers. It’s mine.” She’d hoped to sound more excited and confident, but her words came out flat.

Iris looked at the dilapidated building then at Lily. “You what? Are you out of your mind? Why on earth would you do that?”

“It’s going to be a flower shop. Use your imagination.”

“Please don’t tell me you used the money your father left you.”

Lily looked at her building.

“You did, didn’t you?” her mother asked.

Lily stood firm and faced Iris. “It’s my money. Dad would have wanted me to be happy.
” She turned to her sister. “Daisy, help me out here. Support your big sister. It could be a job for you when it’s open for business.”

Daisy smiled. “Yeah, I can see it. Great idea.”

Iris ignored Lily and Daisy’s attempt to gang up on her. “Your father is rolling over in his grave. Why didn’t you do something fun with that money? Take a trip around the world? Go skydiving? Anything but buy an old broken down piece of property.”

“Or buy a Harley?
And almost kill myself like you did? What do you think Dad thinks of

Iris mumbled,
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

They stood shoulder to shoulder
to shoulder looking at the building. The structure was solid. It needed a new door and front windows and a coat of paint and a few more things. The outside had a small area enclosed by a white picket fence. Lily imagined tall hollyhocks, spider flowers and clematis growing in the front, catching the customers’ attention. This building was run down but next door was a cute gift store and the Misty Valley Museum was farther down the street. Lupine Lane had many historical homes which added to the charm.

Iris sighed. “Show me the inside.”

Lily knew she was over the hurdle. The shock was over now. She did a little happy dance. The sweat and hard work could start.

It didn’t take long to get the place cleaned up and painted. The new glass front door and big bay windows looked great. The finishing touch was hanging the sign. Lily, Iris, and Daisy stood on the sidewalk admiring the n
ew Beautiful Blooms Flower Shop sign. The bell jingled when Lily opened the front door. “Come on in. I’m open for business.”

Chapter 2


Lily couldn’t help
but take a second look and then a third look out the kitchen window of her house. She wondered,
When did that guy move in?
Who is he?
She couldn’t stop looking at his shirtless torso as he lounged on his back porch sipping his morning coffee. Lily banged the door. He didn’t look up. Rosie whined at her side.

“Come on, Rosie. I’ll take you for a quick walk before my morning
appointment.” Rosie danced around Lily’s feet. “Stand still for two seconds so I can get your leash clipped. Okay, let’s go.”

Lily and Rosie took a brisk walk down
Sugarbush Lane and turned onto Main Street. It was fairly quiet as they made the loop around town. Judy was in the downward facing dog yoga position as Lily passed the town green. Rosie barked a greeting and Lily waved. Rounding the next corner, Lily almost crashed into Billy Owen as he crossed the street to open the Misty Valley Market.

“Hi, Lily. I hear there’s a big wedding soon. Are you doing the flowers?”
Billy put the stack of newspapers next to the market door.

Lily frowned.
“Yup, and I’m sure you know how Mrs. Biotchi is.”

Billy looked confused.
“What do you mean?”

Lily swept her hand in a
circle. “She practically owns the town and expects everything to be perfect.”

“Yeah. Good luck with that. She’s never satisfied.”

“By the way, do you know who the new guy is that moved in next to me?”

Billy thought for a minute.
“New guy? Haven’t heard anything yet. I’ll let you know if I hear some good gossip. You’d better get going. Rosie looks like she has something more interesting to do than listen to our conversation.” Billy patted Rosie’s head, gave her a dog treat and unlocked the market door.

Lily and Rosie continued on their walk.
One more turn and they were back on the other end of Sugarbush Lane.

Lily unhooked Rosie’s leash
when she reached her driveway. Rosie dashed to the backyard and right up to the back porch of the new neighbor’s house.

opened her car door to grab her appointment book. Rushing to get Rosie, she slammed the door, turned and fell on her face. Her skirt was caught in the car door.

Lily heard a deep voice talking.
“Hello there. Who are you?”


A deep voice responded. “A talking dog. How interesting.”

“No. Over here. I could use a little help.”

Lily looked up at her handsome, smiling, shirtless neighbor, holding Rosie by the collar. “Oh. You were asking the dog’s name. That’s Rosie. She’s friendly.”

The handsome guy patted Ros
ie. “Nice to meet you.” He looked down at Lily stuck in the car door. “Nice to meet you, too. What kind of help do you need?”

“My skirt seems to be stuck in the door, and it’s locked. Could you open the driver’s door and reach over to unlock this door?”
Lily asked sweetly.

“I think I can manage that. My specialty is aiding ladies in distress.” He
winked at Lily and walked around the car.

Lily watched his six-foot frame slowly
move away. “My name is Lily,” she said to his back in case he hadn’t heard the first time.

He turned and smiled. “I know.”

Lily’s face was burning with embarrassment. “How do you know? Who are you?”

He reached across the inside of the car and opened the door, releasing Lily from her awkward position. He walked back
around the car as Lily was brushing off her skirt and trying to pull herself together.

Extending his hand, he said
, “My name is Ryan Steele. Nice to meet you. By the way, there is a leash law in Misty Valley. Were you aware of that?”

Lily dug her toe in the dirt.
“Yes. I’m sorry if Rosie bothered you.”

“I’ll let it slip this time. Anything else you need help with?”

Holding Rosie’s collar, Lily answered. “I think I’m all set. Thanks.”

“Okay then.
” Ryan turned and walked into his house.

What just happened?
How does he know who I am?
Lily looked at her watch. “Oh no, Rosie. I have to get you in the house and get me off to the shop. Looks like I’ll be a little late for my meeting with Mrs. Biotchi.”


Lily pulled into the narrow driveway next to her flower shop. Mrs. Biotchi was pacing out front, glancing at her watch every two seconds.

Lily grabbed her appointment book,
tote, and keys and hurried to unlock Beautiful Blooms.

“Well, Lily, t
his is no way to run a business,” Mrs. Biotchi scolded.

“I’m so sorry. I
had a mishap with my car.” Lily crossed her fingers and thought,
That’s not exactly a lie, I did have a mishap when I got stuck in the car door.

Opening the door to Beautiful Blooms, Lilly ushered Mrs. Biotchi into the small appointment room decorated with gorgeous flower arrangements. “Have a seat and we’ll go over the final details of your daughter’s wedding.”
I’ve heard these details a million times already. I really have better things to be doing right now.

Mrs. Biotchi lowered herself into a comfy chair, looking disapprovingly at the flowers surrounding her.
Her ample body overflowed through the arms of the chair. “I hope you’ll be more creative with Melinda’s flowers.”

“More creative?”
What is she thinking? I showed her samples of what I’ll be putting together.

Waving her hand around the room, she said,
“I don’t like all these sunflowers and carnations. You know I want—” She looked aghast. “Is there an animal in here?”

“That’s my kitty. Sweet Pea. She’s harmless.”

Sweet Pea sauntered in like she owned the place and jumped into Mrs. Biotchi’s lap.

“Please remove this animal from my lap immediately.” Mrs. Biotchi held her hands above her head so they couldn’t come in contact with Sweet Pea who was stretching up trying to get some rubs.

“Come on, Sweet Pea. You need to stay in the work room for now.”
Geesh, everyone likes Sweet Pea.

Mrs. Biotchi regained her composure and continued.
“As I was saying, I want unusual flowers. And you are buying from my Geoffrey, aren’t you?”

“Of course, Mrs. Biotchi. We’ve gone over these details many times already.”
My face is hurting with this fake smile plastered on my face.

“I want to be sure you don’t forget anything. I want this to be the perfect day for my Melinda.” Mr
s. Biotchi handed a list to Lily.

“What’s this?”
Another list? Really? I have a notebook full of her lists.

“Just a list of the last-minute details and the color swatches of the dresses. You ordered the ri
ght colors didn’t you, Lily? Lily, you seem a bit distracted. Are you paying attention to me?”

“Yes, Mrs. Biotchi. I’ve ordered the white lisianthus with a splash of pink and the royal blue delphinium to make everything pop.”
I wonder who that guy is that moved in next to me.

Mrs. Biotchi reached down to grab her purse
“Okay then. You can set up everything at the Misty Valley Country Club Friday night. The tent will be set up on the knoll field. The view of the mountains is beautiful.” She lowered her voice conspiratorially. “Don’t tell Melinda but I’m a little disappointed that I can’t attend the hospital charity event in the event room at the country club. Someone planned it for the same day as Melinda’s wedding. It’s almost like they did it on purpose so I couldn’t be there.”

Mrs. Biotchi rose from the chair, turning to leave, just as the door flew open and Iris Bloom charged into the shop.

Tamara Biotchi’s jaw dropped at the sight of Iris Bloom. “What are you wearing on your head?”

Iris pulled the helmet off. “My motorcycle helmet, of course. It does make a mess of my hair though
, doesn’t it?” Iris fluffed up her gray curls that were flattened by the helmet.

Tamara faced Iris
and grimaced. “When are you going to start acting your age?”

Iris settled into the chair next to Lily. “I know. It’s so embarrassing that Lily made me promise to stop riding my Harley after that silly accident. This Vespa makes me look old, don’t you think? The Harley was much more age appropriate for me.”

Lily shook her head. “Mom, you were racing with that teenager when you skidded around the corner on the sand. You’re lucky you didn’t kill yourself.”

“I had to teach him a lesson. He thought he could beat me.”

Lily crossed her arms. “Well, guess what? He did.”

Mrs. Biotchi looked at Lily
, shaking her head. “I’ll be by again tomorrow morning. Make sure you are here on time for a change.”

Iris patted Lily’s knee. “Loosen up
, Tamara. Lily has a lot to juggle.”

Tamara had one hand on the door knob.
“It’s no way to run a business. You can’t be late for important appointments.” The door slammed behind her as she left the shop.

“That’s one uptight woman.”
Iris shook her head as she watched Tamara leave. “How’s the big wedding event coming along?”

Lily paced around the room.
“She’s driving me crazy. I thought this would be profitable for me, but I have to buy all the flowers from her son so she’ll know exactly what my markup is. It’s turning into a nightmare with all her constant demands. She thinks she’s my only customer.”

“Tamara thinks her money makes her an important person, but she can’t buy happiness.
” Changing the subject, Iris asked, “Honey, who’s that handsome guy who moved in next to you?”

Lily eyed Iris quizzically.
“How do you know about him?”

“I have my sources. So fill me in.”

Lily got busy moving flowers out of the cooler. “I don’t know much. His name is Ryan Steele. I had an embarrassing encounter with him this morning. What have you heard?”

Iris perked up.
“Embarrassing? What happened?”

“I shut my skirt in the car door, tripped and fell. He had to climb in and unlock the door for me. Plus, Rosie ran onto his porch. He asked me if I was aware of the leash law. Who cares about that around here?”

The shop bell jingled. Lily and Iris looked up to see the handsome Mr. Steele entering. With Rosie happily following on a leash.

“What?” Lily sputtered.

“You really need to be more careful about closing your door, Ms. Bloom. I found Rosie on my porch again after you left. She was carrying this wallet in her mouth.” Ryan passed a soggy black leather wallet to Lily. “Do you know where this came from?”

Lily glanced at the wallet.
“Not a clue. I’ve never seen it before.” She dropped it into her tote. “Are you sure you didn’t let her out to get me in trouble?”

Ryan’s eyebrows shot up. “Why would I do that?”

Iris stepped forward. “Maybe you needed an excuse to visit my daughter.”

Blushing and sputtering, Ryan said, “And you are?”

“Like I said, I’m Lily’s mom.” She coyly added, “I know I don’t look old enough to be her mom, but I am. My name is Iris Bloom. Did you see my Vespa parked outside? Lily won’t let me ride my Harley.”

“As a matter of fact, I did see your Vespa. It’s parked in a no-parking spot. Does breaking the law run in the family?”

“Harrumph. No one has ever cared about where we park in Misty Valley. Why should you care?”

Ryan handed the leash to Lily.
“I guess word hasn’t gotten around yet. You’ll find out soon enough. Good day, ladies.” He left with the two women gawking at his back.

Iris turned to Lily. “That’s your new neighbor? He’s tall
, dark, and handsome but a little bothered about rules, don’t you think?”

Lily got busy working.
“Mom, can you walk Rosie home for me? I have to get started on these flowers for the wedding. I promised to get the edible flowers to Candy for the cake decorations by this afternoon.”

“Make sure that rule
stickler doesn’t cart my Vespa off.”

Lily walked out with Rosie and handed the leash to Iris. “Go in the back door. It’s unlocked.”

Lily took a deep breath.
What else is going to go wrong today? Daisy isn’t here yet. I wonder what she was up to last night.”

minutes later, Iris rushed into the shop with Rosie. Out of breath. Face pale as a ghost. She leaned on the counter to catch her breath.

dashed over, worried. “What’s wrong?”

Iris looked at Lily. “Clifton
… Harris … is … dead … in … your … kitchen.”

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