Lyon on a Leash (19 page)

Read Lyon on a Leash Online

Authors: Erosa Knowles

Tags: #Interracial Romance, #bdsm, #mistresssubmissive, #ds, #female led relationships

BOOK: Lyon on a Leash
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“That’d be nice.” She released a sigh. “I don’t want to go tomorrow.”

She thought about me all day. She doesn’t want to let me go
Does that mean it’s safe to share what’s in my heart with her?
His heart twisted in his chest. “Let’s skip it.”

She snorted. “I’m an honorary chairperson, remember?”

He hadn’t.

The euphoric bubble he’d tightened around him burst as reality clawed its way in. Suppressing a sigh, he spoke above her ear. “That means you have to show up. Why don’t you want to go?”

“Susan Brinks is also an honorary chairperson. No matter how nice I try to be, she just grates my nerves. She’s so insecure, she acts like she’s the only woman married to a good-looking black guy.”

He snorted. He’d never liked hearing her refer to that jerk as good-looking. At the auction, there’d been a few good-looking men. The Latino with the dark eyes from the recent auction came to mind. Brinks wasn’t even in that dude’s league.

“That’s her problem, not ours. Don’t allow her unhappiness to mess with your life like that. I’ll be there. Mistress Kay will be there with her guys. You don’t have to talk with anyone you don’t want to.” He squeezed her waist for emphasis.

Just as she didn’t want to let him go, he had no plans to let her go, either.


Chapter Eleven


Marcus and Vera stepped into the brightly decorated ballroom and looked around. He’d been informed they had a table set aside. Mistress Kay and her two men would be seated with them.

“It’s getting crowded in here,” she murmured.

He sensed her nervousness and wondered at it. “You okay?” he whispered near her ear, enjoying the subtle fragrance of her perfume.

She swallowed and looked around. “Yeah. I just don’t do well in crowded spaces.” Her hand tightened on his arm as she froze. “Get outta here,” she muttered in a surprised tone.


“That’s Renita Ferguson. Well, her last name’s something different now that she’s married, but that’s her, standing over there.” She tipped her chin and he looked in that direction. There were a few women standing around.

“Which one?”

“The one in the royal blue.”

He saw the obviously pregnant woman. “Okay. Who is she again?”

She sent him an annoyed look.

He grinned and winked.

“I told you. That’s the woman Brinks dumped to marry Susan.”

“Ah…okay.” He looked at the woman again. She was a pretty, mocha-toned woman. Her complexion glowed and she had a nice smile. The tall, older man standing next to her with his hand on her back seemed to agree with his opinion.

“Is that her husband, the top lawyer guy?” He looked at the man with the dusky complexion and jet-black hair. “Is he from India or someplace like that?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know where he’s from. But he’s been around a long time.”

“Where’s our table?” Marguerite asked from behind them.

He swung around and gazed at the older woman in appreciation. Next to his Mistress, she was the most beautiful woman at the ball. She wore a form-fitting black corset with a matching long, black satin skirt. Her thick, black hair was pinned in loose curls on the top of her head. Her moderate use of makeup emphasized the green of her eyes in her porcelain complexion.

“Have I told you how stunning you look tonight, ma’am?” Marcus asked Marguerite.

Her eyes twinkled. “Yes, but you can say it as many times as you please.”

“Our table is over here,” his Mistress said.

Marcus placed his hand over her hand on his arm and smiled down at her as they walked off. “I know I’ve told you how beautiful you are. The outfit is an extraordinary frame to an exquisite canvas.”

Banked laughter met his eyes. “Yes. You have and thank you. You clean up pretty good for someone who’s been working in the yard most of the day.” She yanked a few strands of his hair and brushed her lips across his. “Sweet.”

He licked his lips as they reached their table. Marcus looked around and waved over a waiter. “Are you working this table?”

The man shook his head. “There’s a team that handle these tables.” He looked around and motioned someone else over. “He’s a member of the team assigned to this table.”

“Thank you.” Marcus looked at Mistress Kay and everyone else. “Excuse me.” He stepped away to meet the young waiter before he reached their table.

Extending his hand, Marcus greeted the man. “Hi, I’m Marcus Lyon. Our party is sitting at this table. You’ll be serving us, is that correct?”

“Yes, sir.” The man nodded as well.

“Do you have any bottled water?”

The waiter frowned. “Bottled water? I don’t think so.”

“No problem, I have my own. My lady and I are basically vegetarians; do you have any large salads that we can substitute for our meal?”

“I don’t know, I’ll have to check.” He sounded hesitant.

Marcus clapped the man on his back. “Why don’t you show me the kitchen?” he said.

“Where’s Marcus going?” Marguerite asked Vera.

Vera turned to see him disappear into what she supposed was the kitchen. “I don’t know. He’ll be back soon.” She suspected he was going to find her a bottle of water or something along those lines.

“Reeves.” Marguerite signaled one of the men she traveled with at all times. Vera wasn’t sure exactly what his role was. He always seemed to be alert, and looking around.

“Yes, Mistress?” he asked as he stepped closer and bent next to her ear.

“I’m thirsty.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He turned and walked off.

“You look good,” Marguerite said, looking at her with a small smile.

Vera turned to face the woman sitting next to her. “Thank you.” She knew there would be more. Reeves had been sent off. She had no idea where Marguerite’s other man, James, was.

“That shade of brown looks really good on you, makes your light skin look like it’s glowing. It makes your hair appear redder.” She picked up one of Vera’s loose curls and let if fall back against her shoulder.

Vera looked past Marguerite to Renita again. Marguerite turned slightly, following her gaze. She smiled. “Oh. Ahmed and Renita made it. Good.”


Marguerite looked at Vera. “I told you I had some friends I wanted to invite, remember?”

Vera remembered.
That’s why she bought this table
. “I didn’t know you knew Renita and Ahmed. I didn’t even know his name was Ahmed.”

Marguerite leaned forward and whispered. “You should know them. They’re a power couple in your town.”

And how do I do that?
“Are they in the lifestyle?” she whispered.

Marguerite nodded.

Hell, was everybody living alternative lifestyles?

The couple was heading to their table. Vera wondered what Brinks’ reaction would be when he saw his ex-fiancée in the building. Thinking of her boss’ possible discomfort, she relaxed, fully prepared to like the smiling woman and her adoring husband.

“Marguerite, it’s good to see you again,” the man said as he brushed a kiss against her cheek.

? Vera watched, fascinated, although she shouldn’t have been. Her mentor knew people all over the world.

“Ahmed, it’s good to see you again. And is this your wife?”

“Yes, this is my Renita.” The pride in his voice was unmistakable.

Marguerite stood and took Renita’s hand in hers. “She’s more beautiful than your words described.”

“Thank you,” Renita said, looking radiant.

Marguerite tapped her hand. “You did good, Ahmed. You did good. You waited and got the best for you. I can tell the two of you make one another happy.”

He squeezed his wife around the shoulders. “Renita makes me a better man, Marguerite.” He placed a kiss on the woman’s forehead.

“I’d like you to meet my daughter,” Marguerite said, turning toward Vera.

The reaction that announcement generated never got old. It ranged from eyes widening, mouths dropping, to outright gasps of disbelief. At first, years ago, Vera had felt self-conscious being introduced by a white woman as her daughter. Now she took it all in stride. Smiling, she stood.

Marguerite took hold of her arm and pulled her forward. “This is Vera, Vera Knight. She’s an attorney working at Pelts and Brinks.”

If Renita had a problem hearing the name of her ex, she kept it well hidden. In fact, her eyes were filled with genuine warmth as she extended her hand.

“Nice to meet you, Vera.”

“Same here. When is your baby due?” She pointed at the woman’s expanding waistline.

“In about three months.” There was a wealth of pride in that announcement.

“That’s awesome,” Vera said. “Do you know what you’re having?”

“We are finally getting a princess to go with the two linebackers at home,” Ahmed said.

“You have three children?” Marguerite asked, looking from husband to wife.

“Yes, she’s our third.” Ahmed patted his wife’s stomach and then placed a kiss on her lips.

“Drina, my daughter, also has four with a new set of twins. Congratulations, Ahmed.” Marguerite turned. “Renita, congratulations.”

“Thank you.” He looked across the hall. “Honey, I see George. I need to speak to him.” He glanced at Marguerite and then at Vera. “Please excuse me, I’ll be right back.” He placed a kiss on his wife’s forehead and walked off.

“Please, have a seat,” Marguerite said, waving at the empty chairs at their table.

Reeves placed a glass in front of her. She nodded.

He stood a little farther from the table while the three women settled. Vera wondered where Marcus had gone off to, and looked around. She saw him speaking to a uniformed waiter and smiled.

“So how do you like working for P&B?” Renita asked, her smile curious and genuine.

“It’s okay. Some days better than others.” She glanced at Marguerite and wondered what her mentor had told the couple. As a co-chair, Vera knew Ahmed and his wife had not RSVP-ed for this event. The decision to attend the fund-raiser must have been recent.

Renita nodded. “I understand you graduated from Georgetown. I graduated from Howard. Atlanta’s good and all, but I miss D.C.”

Vera could relate. There was always something happening in the capital for aspiring attorneys. “Me, too. I don’t think I’d want to live there, but I do miss all the things you could do.”

Renita nodded. “The zoo, the cultural museums, the music….” She sighed with a whimsical look.

“Too many people in a small space for me,” Marguerite said, breaking the mood.

Startled by the abrupt comment and total lack of reverence for their college town, Vera and Renita looked at each other. After a moment, they laughed.

“You’re right,” Renita said. “I’d forgotten about that.”

“It was cramped, wasn’t it?” Vera laughed in remembrance.

“And damned expensive.” Renita leaned forward.

Vera noticed the looks they received from another table not too far from theirs. Susan and her mother’s eyes threw daggers at them.

“Oh,” Renita said, her hand cupping her tummy. “Now I’ve got to go to the bathroom.” She stood and Vera followed suit.

“I’ll go with you.”

Chapter Twelve


Marcus watched as his Mistress left the room with another woman, striding toward the hall. Immediately he finished his conversation and followed at a short distance. When he saw them walk into the bathroom, he released a breath and leaned against the wall to wait.

A tall gentleman walked up to him with a pensive look. “Are you following Renita or the other woman?”

Shocked by the boldness of the man, Marcus blinked. “Who’s Renita? Is she the woman with Vera?”

The man’s shoulders relaxed and a lazy smile flitted across his face. “Yes, she’s my wife.” He eyed Marcus for a moment. “You’re with Ms. Knight?”

Marcus nodded. His gaze swung to the bathroom door as two women he didn’t recognize walked out, laughing.

“I’m Ahmed.” The man extended his hand. “A friend of Marguerite’s. She invited my wife and me here tonight.”

Marcus looked at the guy more closely as he took his hand. “Marcus. Nice to meet you.”

They both turned as the bathroom door opened and their women exited. His Mistress’ smile widened when she saw him.

“Marcus, there you are.” She walked toward him and took his hand. Turning, she looked at the couple. “Renita, Ahmed, this is Marcus, my man.”

Marcus’ heart slammed into his chest at her proclamation. He had no idea how she’d introduce him, but damned if he wasn’t pleased. He nodded at the pretty black female and smiled. “Hello. Nice to meet you. I just met your husband. I think he thought I was stalking you.”

The man’s face pinkened as his wife looked up at him.

His Mistress looked at him and chuckled.

“Really, Ahmed?”

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