Lyon on a Leash (32 page)

Read Lyon on a Leash Online

Authors: Erosa Knowles

Tags: #Interracial Romance, #bdsm, #mistresssubmissive, #ds, #female led relationships

BOOK: Lyon on a Leash
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His forehead rested on hers. “Most definitely. I could eat you up.”

“I know.” She ran her finger across his chin. “But you know what I need, right?” She held his gaze, ready to grab him beneath the loincloth to make her point.

“I plan to give you everything you need tonight.”

She nodded and placed a kiss on his lips. “Thank you. I feel like I’m going to explode.”

“Lay back; let me take care of you.” With a gentleness that brought tears to her eyes, he assisted her back on the bed. He moved the warm cloth down both legs, spending a little more time at the spots where the pins had entered her left leg. He dug into the plastic tub and rubbed a fair amount of shea butter into his palm, softening it from its natural form. Then he massaged her left leg, rubbing in the creamy substance to soften and heal her skin before moving to the right leg.

“Ummm, feels good,” she moaned beneath his strong hands.

Shivering at the strength in his touch, she exhaled noisily. Her hips rotated on the bed as his thumbs pushed into the flesh near the tops of her thighs. “Yes. Yes, that feels…so damn good.”

He blew a stream of air on her mound. The warmth sent chills across her body. Drops of liquid on her abdomen had her stiffening in surprise. She opened her eyes just as he squeezed the peeled orange again.

“Smells good,” she said, breathing in the extra fragrance.

With the flat of his tongue, he took long swipes, removing the juice from her belly, her mound, and from between her legs. Her hips writhed as she mewled in ecstasy under his assault. The man was merciless in his tasting of her. She realized he’d been taking it easy on her since her return from the hospital, but now that she no longer wore those casts, he took his time reminding her of how good sex had been between them before the accident.

When he came up for air, his eyes had the glazed look from those days when they’d first met and he’d watched her dance for him. Her heart raced in excitement.

“Tastes good.” His voice had taken on a guttural quality, signifying things were about to become hotter.

“Oh shit,” she whispered as he rose above her like an aroused god from another era.

His gaze ran down the length of her body. The loincloth lifted, along with his dick, which drew her attention like a neon light. She flicked her tongue over her dry lips.

He tracked her movement before swooping down and taking her in a powerful kiss. Strong arms clamped tight as their tongues played tag and then wrestled. The heat from his body scorched her. His cock poked her stomach, reminding her the main course hadn’t been served. A deep hunger filled her. Frantic for more, she touched him every place her hands could reach touching, squeezing, and reacquainting her to the man who held her heart.

It had been months since they could unleash their desires like this. Vera grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled it back. Seeing the muscles of his throat presented to her, she groaned and placed kisses up and down the strong column. When she reached the base of his neck, she paused and breathed in his natural scent.

The steady beat of his heart pulsed beneath his flesh. The rhythmic movement drew her and she licked the spot. Marcus’ moans spurred her next actions. With tiny nips along his collar bone, she found the place she’d given him a hickey when they’d first started this journey, and sucked. He jerked beneath her, moaning. When she finished, she decided he needed a matching set and pulled his hair the other way, baring the other side for her pleasure.

“Mistress…” Marcus breathed.

In the heat of passion, his submission was fuel to the fire already lit inside of her. The marks of her possession were vivid on his neck but it missed something.

“Where’s the collar?”

Without releasing her, he leaned back and plucked it from the cart. As she held it in her hand, she looked into his passion-filled eyes and moved off him.

“Kneel.” She took the key and unlocked the collar as he folded to his knees before her.

For a few moments, she stared down at him and her heart filled with love, pride, and gratitude. No, she wasn’t the same insecure woman he’d met almost a year ago and all but trained for the role she had in his life. She had grown, with his help. He was a strong, tough man, but he loved her enough to do this for her.

“Marcus,” she whispered, holding the ends of the collar in her shaking hands.

Although his eyes had darkened, they still held the peacefulness that first snared her at the auction. A cacophony of emotions raced to the surface, threatening to overwhelm her.

Unable to speak, she placed the collar around his neck and screwed it closed. Placing both palms on his face, she brushed a kiss against his lips before resting her forehead against his. “I love you so damn much. You…you are more than I ever dreamed. I’m honored you wear my collar.” Her breath hitched as his face leaned into her stomach. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

When his breathing sped up, she stroked his back and his hair. He squeezed her tighter, his face pressing into her abdomen with force. Concerned he was about to lose it, she did the one thing she knew would calm him.

She started singing “When a Man Loves a Woman”.

His head dropped and his shoulders shook. She hoped he was laughing. When his face rose to meet hers, his eyes were shiny but clear. “I love you, Mistress Vera.”

She smiled at his compromise on her title. “I know. Now lay on the bed.” Oral loving had its place but nothing took the place of a good dick.

Smile still on his face, he moved with grace and laid spread eagled in front of her. “Remove the pretty cloth.” Vera was afraid she’d tear the thing and she definitely wanted to see him in it again. “I like it. You should get a few more. That’d be nice for the dungeon next time, or the cage in the pool house.”

“Yes, ma’am.” With a few pulls, the scrap of material stopped hiding what she needed to see. Their gazes met. His darkened as she straddled and took hold of his hard dick. Without releasing his eyes, she used his pre-cum to ease the long strokes of her hand.

His tongue swiped across his lips and she cursed that she wasn’t as tall or flexible as him. It was impossible for her to reach his mouth and hold on to his stiffness. Hands down, right now her need for him to fill her overrode everything else.

Lifting her hips, she positioned her core over him and slid down, loving the burn of the stretch. Eyes closed, head tipped back, she took it slow and steady. She took a few inches and then rose. A few more and then rose, repeating the motions until she touched his skin.

With a smile, she swiped a bead of sweat from Marcus’ face. “You’re beneath me; I’ve collared you. Is there anything you want to say as we finish our ceremony?” she asked, panting against the need to move.

His lips twitched. “Yes. I just want to thank everyone for coming tonight. Mistress and I appreciate your presence at my marking, I mean collaring—”

“Brat,” she said as she lifted and slammed into him.

“Yesssssss,” he moaned, closing his eyes.

“Oh no. You look at me,” she commanded. “This….” She rolled her hips searching for her spot. “This is mine. You’re mine.” She continued rocking until her breath caught. Once she hit her spot, her focus changed. It was critical she scratch that damn itch. Her thrusts increased to make sure she bumped the damn thing. Her attention splintered. Marcus lifted and pulled her down faster.

She couldn’t catch her breath.

The swiftness of her eruption blindsided her. The tingling in her feet roared up her back and shook her into mindless pleasure. She screamed as her body shook and strong arms tethered her through the storm of ecstasy.

“Oh my…oh Lord…that was…” she stuttered as her body floated downward. She lay flat against his chest. Her fingertip brushed against his collar and she stopped at the alien feeling. Lifting slightly, she peered at the hickeys beneath his collar. The outline of the lion sat squarely in the middle and their names were on the sides.

She kissed the shiny lion.

Marcus trembled. His cock pulsed inside her.

She kissed the lion again. “My lion,” she murmured.

His body shuddered.

She leaned near his ear and whispered. “Love me, my lion.”

With supreme care, he rolled her over and kissed her. The energy in this kiss was different. She felt his need, but he seemed to hold that at bay as he explored her mouth, challenging her to play. It didn’t take much for her to enter the battle of thrusting tongues. It was then he started to thrust. He started with slow, long strokes that made her gasp at how good they felt.

She kissed his collar and ran the tip of her tongue beneath it, touching his flesh. For a second he stopped but then he slammed home. With a finesse born of lovers knowledgeable of one another, he reignited her flame and the rode the fire of their passion together. The gentleness had fled beneath her burning need.

Just as she’d marked him, he marked her as well, in the way he knew worked for her. He wrote his name inside the hallowed walls of her pussy, proclaiming it, and her, as his. That knowledge broke her and she flew free over the precipice of pleasure. His stiffening body and loud yell confirmed they flew together.


Chapter Twenty-One


Vera sat at the desk in her home office. There was a knock at her door. Marcus looked in at her. “You have company.”

She frowned. Marguerite and Drina had just left a couple of days ago. During their visit, Ahmed and Renita had come by to show off their baby and to check out the dungeon. They’d fallen in love with the pool house and the four of them were putting together a small party the next month.

“Who?” She glanced at the revisions for her manuscript and then back at him.

“Brinks and his new lady.” Marcus closed the door as she scrambled out of the chair. There had been some serious shake-ups at the office, at least according to Amy.

Vera moved down the hall, searching for Marcus to get more information.

“Here you are,” Brinks said, reaching for her as she rounded the corner into the great room off the kitchen.

She paused, searching his eyes for BS. Finding none, she allowed him to haul her in for a quick hug.

“That’s enough Brinks. Back up,” Marcus said, coming in with a tray with four glasses. Vera turned to meet the mystery woman.

“Vera, this is Tanya. Tanya, this is Vera. She’s the attorney I told you worked for the firm but left to become a famous author.”

Vera warmed beneath his praise as she accepted the outstretched hand of the statuesque, dark woman standing next to Brinks. Tanya was a bit of a surprise, although Vera had no real reason to feel that way. She’d only known two of the women he’d been involved with before. The only thing those two women had in common was height. Tanya was thick with a short, stylish hairstyle that fit her face perfectly. She was pretty, with two large dimples when she smiled.

“It’s nice to meet you. And thanks for not killing him last year. He told me how hard things had gotten between y’all while he tried to work things out with his situation. I told him he should just tell you, but he said you’d never go along with acting, so….” She shrugged as they dropped hands.

“Okay, Tanya, you know you have a jump on me. And you have to thank Marcus for not taking a piece out of Brinks. It was touch-and-go there, for a minute.” She took the seat next to Marcus and sipped the drink he handed her.

Tanya handed Brinks his glass and then took one for herself. “I know, Vera. Gerard hadn’t told anyone about us until recently. But we met a while back; the chemistry was off the chain. But I didn’t date married men and refused to go out with him. At first.”

Vera nodded as she watched Brinks stare at the woman as though manna had fallen from above, covering her, and he was afraid to miss his daily allotment. If Vera hadn’t seen it, she’d never believe he could care for anyone other than himself.

“He claimed they had an open marriage.” She said it in such a derisive tone, even Brinks laughed.

“Now, baby, just because it’s not for you doesn’t mean it’s bad.” He rubbed her shoulders. Vera glanced at Marcus, who winked at her. Her eyes fell to the lion on his collar and she snuggled closer to him. He rubbed her shoulder as she returned to the conversation.

“I’m not going to argue about that, as long as you understand I don’t buy into open relationships or open marriages.”

Brinks grinned sheepishly at Vera as he responded. “I know. We already agreed on that.”

“Amy said you got a divorce. What happened to Susan?”

Brinks looked at Vera and leaned back, taking Tanya in his arms. “I wish you would’ve returned to work. At least there’d be one person not aiming for my back.” He wiped his face with his palm. “I know Amy told you about Susan filing for divorce. Come to find out she’d fallen in love with the guy she’d been seeing. I think they moved to California. It’s been hard at the office but eventually it worked out. Horace is retiring and I’ll be seeking other partners.” His look held a question.

“Uh no…but thank you.” She squeezed Marcus’ thigh. “I’m doing what I love. Writing. I plan to keep it that way for a while.”

Tanya leaned forward. Her flawless complexion glowed as she smiled. “What kind of books do you write? Are you published? Can I find your books online?”

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