Lyric's Accidental Mate (Iron Wolves MC 1 ~ Bite of the Moon) (9 page)

BOOK: Lyric's Accidental Mate (Iron Wolves MC 1 ~ Bite of the Moon)
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Rowan chuckled like he knew, which he probably did with his heightened sense of smell.

He didn’t break the skin, but Lyric felt his teeth and was aware she’d have a visible mark and loved it. When he moved down to her upper breast and bit down again, she shivered. If he continued, she’d explode into a million little pieces. His stubbly chin scraped across her nipple, eliciting a moan and another streak of heat went straight to her core. Lyric was on the verge of begging him to bite her, mark her, and fuck her as he sucked the tip of her left breast into his mouth. She howled and was sure everyone in the compound heard her. Her back bowed off the bed; her nails raked down his back. He did the same to the right one, scraping across her nipple.

Lyric couldn’t handle any more. She rolled them, using her strength and his distraction to her advantage. “Can’t take anymore. Need you inside me, now.”

“Take what you need, darlin’. I’m all yours,” Rowan said, holding Lyric by the hips as she gripped his dick.

She guided the tip to her, taking him inside. God, he was so big. She pressed down, taking a little more, then lifted back up. Her hands on his chest, she rocked back and forth with his hands on her hips, helping to guide her.

“Too slow, Rowan. Help, me. I want all of you.” She was panting.

Sweat beaded on his brow. “Is this your first time, Lyric?”

Her teeth tugged on her lower lip. “Technically, yes. I mean I have BOB, but he doesn’t really count.”

Rowan nodded and flipped them, his cock sliding out of her. “It’s okay. Trust me.”

With her on her back and him looming over her, she saw how tightly he was holding himself in check. He braced one arm next to her head, the other he used to guide himself into her. Slowly he worked his way inside, his thumb flicking her clit with each pass, taking her close to the edge again. The man was a fucking god in bed. She flinched at the sting of pain which was quickly erased as Rowan worked his magic.

Once he’d worked his entire length in, Lyric stared into his dark eyes. “You feel so good inside me.” Her battery operated boyfriend was getting the boot when she got home. The pain was subsiding as her body adjusted to his size, making the need for more apparent.

His cock twitched. “My dick agrees. I don’t want to move.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I’d ask how you stayed a virgin so long, but I’m chauvinistic enough to be one happy motherfucker right now. Plus, I’ve met your brother.”

Panting, Lyric nipped his chin. “Let’s not speak of the devil.” She swiveled her hips. “Hmm, I kinda like having you right here, but I really need you to move.”

Rowan laughed. “Your wish is my command.”

Lyric thought she was ready for him to move, but nothing could’ve prepared her for the sensations he awoke as his dick moved in and out of her. His arms came down and wrapped around her shoulders, bringing them chest to chest. Her nipples lit up at the contact, making her pussy squeeze in counterpoint.

“Fuck, don’t do that. I won’t last,” Rowan growled.

Pulling his hips back, he set up a fast and furious pace she met with her own. She couldn’t hold back the orgasm that washed over her, any more than she could her teeth from coming out. Rowan’s eyes widened, and his own teeth appeared. She tried to tell him it was normal, that she had been told it happened during sex, but he growled a deep animalistic sound.

“Mine,” he said and then bit into her shoulder. Another orgasm, harder and even more intense, rolled through her.

“Yes.” Lyric agreed. Her own wolf yipped and struck into his exposed shoulder.

Rowan howled, his hips slamming into her, and he shouted as he came. They each licked the other’s wounds, their bodies shuddering in unison.

Lyric wasn’t sure what to say to him. How to explain they’d just marked each other and were forever mated. He didn’t understand the way of their kind. There were no divorces like humans. She’d just royally fucked up, and he was already growing hard again. Her body responded, wanting him again.

He rolled. “Ride me, this time. I want to see these bounce.” He tweaked her nipples.

She knew it was the coward’s way out, but they couldn’t undo it and he had bitten her first. Tomorrow she’d tell him what it meant and hope he forgave her. Everything always looked better with the sun shining.

“With pleasure.” She smiled wickedly, moving back and forth in a slow glide. Every movement made her more aware of the way he filled her so completely.

By the time they fell asleep in an exhausted heap, Lyric had it worked out in her mind what she would say to her mate when they woke up. She wouldn’t beat around the bush, she promised.

Lyric woke with a start, knowing instinctively something was wrong. She looked around the dark room for Rowan. The silence that greeted her had unease skating down her spine. She didn’t call out for him like a damsel in distress, knowing he was not in the suite.

Opening her senses, she half shifted to allow her wolf out in order to sort through the layers of smells and noises. The older couple were sleeping soundly, if the noises coming from the large apartment were any indication.

She dressed in her discarded clothes from the night before when there was no sign of her mate. He’d fucked her into the wee hours of the morning, yet he had the audacity to leave without a word? Her wolf wanted to rip his nuts off, but her human heart felt like it had been ripped out.

The door he’d wedged a barstool under was locked, but not secured like he’d left it the night before. Another pang hit her heart that he didn’t take measures to secure her like a mate would. She tried to tell herself he didn’t know all the rules of shifters, but the excuse was lame even to her own mind.

Rowan’s faint scent didn’t head back the way they’d come; his trail led toward the outer doors that were so heavily coded she was sure he’d be there since he didn’t have the access to get out. The lights flickered in the dimly lit hallway, an eerie sense that something was not right warned her to sound the alarm, and then the smell of Rowan’s blood hit her.

Her mate was in trouble. She tried reaching him through their bond, coming up blank. The thought that he was too injured to answer had her stumbling against the wall, then common sense made her reassess the situation. Rowan was still newly made and hadn’t fully bonded with his wolf. Taking a deep breath, she centered herself.

Kellen had strict rules when it came to pack. Her mate, new or not, was one of theirs. She took a moment to call out to Kellen, their link as strong as if he was right in front of her.

After ensuring the pack was made aware there was trouble at the MC, she looked out through the camera screen mounted on the wall, searching the empty parking lot for any sign of a disturbance. Seeing nothing, nor any indication of where Rowan had gone, she threw the door open, coming to a stop at the small drops of blood. Her mate had been injured outside the sanctuary. She kept her back to the door and squatted, seeing the clear imprints of several boot prints. The fact they were boots, and not paws, led her to believe it was men, not wolves.

Her alpha’s presence floated over her long before he actually stepped out the door.

“What the hell is going on, Lyric? Where’s your mate?” Kellen’s blue eyes flashed as he scanned the darkness. She’d never truly been scared of her brother’s best friend and the alpha of the Iron Wolves. Being eleven years older than her twenty-four years, he was like another big brother. Kellen was the alpha everyone feared. His six foot two frame had already began a partial shift, making him even larger. Black claws that could rip a person’s head from their body extended from the tips of his long fingers. His deep voice sent a chill that had nothing to do with the night air down to her toes.

Voice quavering, she answered. “I woke to find Rowan gone. When I followed his scent, it led me here.” She pointed to the blood and scuff marks.

The tunnel leading back up through the back entrance shouldn’t have been found by anyone, not even another shifter, unless someone from their pack had betrayed them.

“It doesn’t look like he shifted, but I can smell wolf other than your mate. I want you to go back inside and set the alarms. Do you understand me? That means everyone inside is to go on lockdown.” He touched her arm, the contact gentle, yet commanding.

Lyric wanted to protest that it was her duty to follow Rowan, that she’d brought him into the pack and mess, but Kellen’s grip tightened slightly as if anticipating her refusal. She nodded slightly, praying Rowan was safe. If anything happened to him, Lyric would never forgive herself.

* * * *

owan’s wolf was restless. Lying next to the woman he already knew owned him body and soul, he decided to stretch his legs and maybe let his wolf out. Knowing he was able to become a furry beast, and accepting the fact was becoming easier with each passing second.

He slid out of bed, admiring Lyric’s naked form. His body responded to the sight of her luscious curves. The thought of sliding between her thighs and waking his mate back up almost had him doing just that, but a feeling something wasn’t right made him dress in record time. Easing out into the hallway, he wished there was a way to bar the door, other than breaking the lock, but he didn’t want to prevent Lyric from getting out in case of an emergency.

His wolf scratched at his mind, wanting to be let out. Rowan allowed the beast to surface, just enough to help him navigate the halls he’d never been in. The dimly lit walkways inclined as if they were leading back toward the surface a bit. He came to a halt outside a huge steel door where another state-of-the-art keypad was located. The camera showed him several men in camo searching around the surface near the entrance. Rage threatened to consume him at the thought of them breaking into the safe house where he and his mate were sleeping.

He punched in the code Lyric had used to access the other door, unimpressed when the thick door’s bolts could be heard unlocking. His wolf’s hearing picked up the men above moving down the hidden entrance toward him. Making sure he locked the door behind him, Rowan let more of his beast out, preparing to meet them. He’d protect what was his, and the people behind him were his, especially Lyric, his mate.

“Hello, boys. Can I help you?” he asked, his voice more gravelly with the wolf half of him taking up residence.

Four men skidded to a halt on the wet leaves, their camo proving they’d planned to blend into the foliage.

“We only want to talk to the leader.” One of the men held a black nightstick, tapping it against his thigh.

Rowan grunted. “And you thought sneaking around in the dark would get you an audience with the alpha, much less would get you a sit down that didn’t include him beating your ass?” Rowan kept to the shadows, knowing they couldn’t see his face or the fact he’d partially shifted. He couldn’t scent shifter on any of them, not like he could when he’d first met Lyric’s pack.

“We were told if we proved ourselves, they’d allow us to become one of them.” A younger man said hesitantly.

The man with the long rod knocked it against his thigh, and a crackling sound reached Rowan’s ears. With speed, he struck the man closest to him in the throat, lifting him into his arms and launching him at the man with the nightstick. The youngest of the group saw what was clearly the leaders go down and reached for his own Taser. Hating to hurt the young man, Rowan backhanded him. He felt a shock hit him in the back and twisted to see the last man standing, a look of triumph on his face. Rowan ripped the prongs out of his back, pulling the man to him. The man began to struggle, jerking a knife from his belt faster than Rowan had expected.

“I thought this was supposed to be a...gathering intel mission,” he spat. “But, it’s you or me, asshole.” The knife swung in a wide arc, slicing into Rowan’s chest. The burn left in its wake was minimal, enraging more than anything.

“Ah, little man, they should’ve sent more than pups in after the big boys,” Rowan taunted, letting the man see his contorted face for the first time. “Now, you will take me to the men who sent you.”

The faint scent of urine hit Rowan’s nostrils. “What are you?”

Rowan grabbed the zip ties from the man’s belt, shaking his head at the absurdity, and tied him up. He then checked for a pulse on the two unconscious men and the youngest one who couldn’t be more than a teen.

“How did you get recruited?” Rowan asked.

When the only conscious one didn’t answer, he squatted down and looked him in the eyes, pulling his wolf back so he faced him as a man. “Listen, I didn’t know anything about shifters until I was attacked outside a bar a couple of nights ago. I think the men who sent you after me are the ones who did it. If we work together, maybe we can stop another from being hurt, or worse, killed.”

His voice shook. “You aren’t going to kill me?”

Rowan took a deep breath, wishing he didn’t have to smell the man’s piss, but no scent of lies permeated the air. He’d been good at telling if someone was lying before he’d been changed, now he had an added helper. “As long as you tell me the truth and don’t try to hurt those I care for? No.”

With a jerk of his head, the younger man nodded. Rowan slung two bodies over one shoulder, the other he dragged up the incline, shaking at the knowledge they’d come so close to where he’d been sleeping with Lyric.

At the top, he looked back and forth, waiting for the kid to indicate which way they’d left their vehicle.

“I can’t remember which way we came.”

His heightened senses smelled no untruth. The men shifted in his arms, and Rowan made a snap decision. He’d picked up their Tasers and shoved them into the waistband of his pants. Dropping them, he tasered first one and then the others, making sure none would wake up. Signs of the men’s trek were visible to him as he looked closer. Rowan wasn’t sure if they were amateurs or if it was all a setup. The men from the bar were much more organized and a lot tougher than the four he’d faced here. He looked at the kid again, a growl rising in his chest. “Boy, you’d better start being straight with me or I’ll rip your fucking throat out and shit down your neck.” His beast pushed to the front, needing to protect what was his.

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