Madam of Maple Court (17 page)

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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

BOOK: Madam of Maple Court
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"Do you specialize in making women like me feel uncomfortable?"

"Uncomfortably bad?"


"I've never met anyone exactly like you, but if I make you feel pleasantly uncomfortable, that's terrific. Slide over here."

She only needed to move a few inches and she wondered why he didn't slide toward her, then she realized that he wanted her to make the move. She made the decision and moved until she was thigh to thigh against him. He put his index finger under her chin and raised her gaze to his. Then he placed an almost chaste kiss on her lips. "More?" he asked.

Why the hell not? When she nodded, he placed his lips against hers and kissed her, his arms still not holding her. The kiss lingered, making her hungry for more. She placed her hands on his firm shoulders and deepened the kiss a little. Then she pulled away. "Nice," she purred.

"Very nice."

She took in a large breath and let it out slowly. "Okay, here's the most basic question." When he looked quizzical, she said, "Domestic or imported food for dinner?"

Chapter 11


As she stood in the shower a little while later, soaping herself to remove any trace of the lightly salted spa water, she thought about Rob Sherwood and his obvious interest in her. It had only been last evening that she'd been to bed with Gary. Now she was attracted to another man and aroused at the thought. What kind of woman did that make her?

Did she care? She was, after all, a mature, single woman, with needs and desires. She was free of any encumbrances and certainly old enough to make her own decisions. Gary didn't have any hold on her. They'd made no commitments. Why was she agonizing over having a little fun? She stepped out of the shower, dried off, and gazed at the clothes she'd worn earlier. As she picked up the bra, she considered, then opened her underwear drawer and found a lacier cream-colored one and a pair of matching bikini panties. Then she slipped on the slacks and shirt she'd taken off earlier.

She heard the shower in one of the guest bedrooms stop and pictured Rob getting out, naked, sexy, and aroused. She smiled.
I'm a fairly attractive woman and a man, no, two men, desire me
. She giggled.
. Now all she had to do was decide whether she was going to act on her desires.

When Rob had mentioned his love of Indian food, she'd suggested a tiny nearby restaurant. "I've never been there, but it always gets rave reviews in the local papers and had a great write-up several months ago in the
. It's small and very informal but the food's supposed to be the best in the area." Pam had always wanted to try it but Vin preferred his restaurants larger and glitzier, so they'd never eaten there.

They drove to the far edge of town in Rob's Jag. He had asked her whether she minded the top down and she'd said she loved convertibles, so she'd grabbed a scarf and fastened it over her hair for the ten-minute ride. They parked in the minuscule lot beside the restaurant, and as they walked to the door he wrapped his arm lightly around her waist.

The place was already filled, but the beautiful, dark-skinned hostess in traditional dress—who was also the waitress and the wife of the owner, she told them with pride—got a folding table from the kitchen and seated them in a corner. Vin would have been put off by the informality, but Rob took to it and even told the hostess how wonderful the aromas were. She beamed at him and Pam realized how easily he charmed women, and probably men, too. This was a man to be very careful of. She was sure women drowned in his easy, wide smile.

They ordered from a plastic-covered menu accompanied by a Xeroxed list of specials. Pam was amazed at the variety and complexity of many of the dishes offered. After reading the descriptions of the first few items she asked, "Do you know what's in these dishes? Except for the meat, most of the ingredients baffle me."

"Despite the many upscale Indian restaurants I've been to, many of these dishes baffle me as well, but I'm an experimenter and I've seldom had anything I didn't like. Should we just pick a few things? What do you like?"

"I like just about everything, too." When he caught her gaze and just stared, she realized what she'd said. "I mean everything edible." Totally embarrassed, she laughed. "I'm just making it worse."

His smile again showed his white teeth. "I think you're making it decidedly better, but let's talk first about dinner. Anything?"

She grinned, playing along with the teasing. "Anything."

"Okay, I'll take you at your word. What about heat?"

Heat! She was sizzling. "Light to medium," she said, answering Rob's question about the food. That answer was right for her sex life as well. So far.

He ordered two appetizers and then asked the waitress/ hostess for her suggestions for the main course. As the waitress mentioned a few dishes, Pam was amazed. Vin would never have asked for advice. He always knew what he wanted and indecisiveness made him crazy. Rob also ordered a bottle of cabernet. "This should be a big enough wine for any dish they can throw at us."

The conversation was filled with erotic innuendos and double entendres, and the sexual tension was so thick she thought everyone in the restaurant could easily discern what was going on. The food was as wonderful as she'd read, and, although she thought the sexuality of the evening should dampen her appetite, they both ate with gusto and obvious enjoyment.

After a dessert called orange kulfi and the last of the wine, Rob took her hand. "It's only a matter of time before I make love to you, you know."

She did know.

"I'd like to take you back to your house and show you how good things can be with us."

The moment of truth. "I think I'd like that."

His smile and obvious delight warmed her. Rob quickly paid the check and they drove back to Maple Court. As she punched the security code into the alarm system, she realized that this would be the first time she'd made love to anyone but Vin in this house. She paused a moment. Did that bother her? God, questions again. To hell with it all, she thought, she'd just roll with it all.

As they walked up the stairs, Rob said, "I think you'd probably prefer to use a guest room rather than your bedroom."

Her shoulders relaxed and she dipped her head. "You're very perceptive."

He turned her on the stairs and held her in his arms. His lips were soft and warm, asking rather than insisting. His hands stroked her silk-covered back, then slid into her hair. He was not too much taller than she was, and it was a unique feeling to be the same height as her partner. She let out a long breath and surrendered to his lips, sliding her hands up the front of his polo shirt and over his shoulders.

"You smell good," he said, nuzzling her neck.

"I don't usually wear perfume. It must be shampoo." She was making inane conversation, nervous, aroused, and barely able to think.

"Don't change it. It's sexy."

"I didn't know shampoo could be sexy." She was babbling but she was unable to stop.

"It's really not the shampoo, it's you. You're sexy, and desirable, and I want to tear your clothes off right here on the stairs."

She felt desired and suddenly daring. "So what's stopping you?"

He grinned, then picked her up and carried her to the bedroom he'd used earlier. She felt cosseted and cherished, yet, as her hip brushed the front of his slacks and felt the swelling there, wanted and needed. Her hunger grew, as did her boldness. In the short space of two days she'd gone from being an adjunct, a helpmate, to a sex object, and she relished it.

Rob set her down beside the bed, letting her body slowly slide down against his until her feet touched the floor. "Part of me is in a hurry, and part wants to savor every moment," he purred.

"Let's split the difference." She reached over and began to pull his shirt from the waistband of his slacks. He quickly unbuttoned her blouse and parted the sides. "Mmm," he purred. "Lovely. Soft and warm."

With one swift motion he pulled his shirt off over his head, then stood facing her. He slid his fingertips down through her cleavage, then out her collarbones, pushing her blouse from her shoulders. Everywhere he touched caressed her like a warm brand and she let her head fall backward. He stroked her ribs, then her neck as he nibbled her throat and ears.

She was awash with sensations, heat and electricity flowed into her from everywhere he touched. She locked her knees to keep them from buckling. Then he unfastened her bra and let it fall to the floor. "You have beautiful breasts," he said softly, "and your nipples show me how much you want me."

His lips found their erect tips and he mouthed her flesh. Then his teeth took tiny bites of her skin, moving ever closer to her swollen buds, then finally sucking until her vaginal muscles throbbed with need.

She dragged off his belt, unfastened his slacks, and pulled them down, along with his briefs. There was no doubt as to his desire for her. His erection was thick and pulsing and she felt it against her as he guided her to the bed. While she flipped off the spread he found a condom in his pants pocket and unrolled it over his shaft.

"I want you," he said as he stretched out beside her.

"I want you, too," she said, and he rolled on top of her and pressed his cock against her. Reflexively she wrapped her legs around his waist and welcomed him inside her.

He filled her, starting down the path toward the satisfaction she needed so much. His mouth found her mouth and his hands slipped beneath her, cradling her ass and pressing her more firmly against him. They were fused from genitals to lips, and for a second they didn't move.

Then he pulled out and slid back inside over and over, long slow strokes interspersed with quick jabs of his cock. Her body wanted to find a rhythm, but his lack of one kept her off balance. She wanted, needed. "Please," she moaned, but he took his time. "Please," she begged, "I need you so much."

"Oh, Pam," he cried, "you're so hot."

"You make me hot," she managed to say.

Finally, with a sound that was almost a growl, he thrust deeply several times and came. Then, before she could recover from his orgasm, he pulled out and slid down between her thighs.

His mouth found her clit and he sucked, licked, nibbled until she thought she'd explode. He rubbed his mustache against her, then hummed lightly, the buzzing further inflaming her until climax crashed over her, pleasure echoing through every nerve and muscle. Then he was beside her, crushing her in his arms. "God, that was amazing," he said.

"I was just about to say the same thing."

They lay together, somewhere between waking and sleeping for several minutes, then he slowly rose. "I wish I could stay, but it's almost midnight and I have to work tomorrow."

"I wish you could, too," she said. She wanted to ask when they'd be together again, but it didn't feel right to do so. He was a free spirit, as was she, and there were no strings.

"I'll call you," he said, "both to talk about specific arrangements for my party and to make plans for us to get together again." He chuckled and his eyes roamed her naked, sated body. "Actually I'd like to get together with you again right now, but then I'd never get home."

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