Made by Us: Giselle and Liam's Story (The Made Series Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Made by Us: Giselle and Liam's Story (The Made Series Book 3)
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Walking outside in the crisp cool air, the cab is already parked out front waiting for me. I open the back door and climb in giving him the address to
. The ride is short since there are hardly any cars on the road at this hour. I tip the driver generously and proceed out to get in my own vehicle. As I wait for it to warm up a little, I pull out my phone. I see an early morning text from Liam.

Thinking about you. Enjoy your morning run. Have a good day, baby.

His text brings tears to my eyes, I put the phone on the passenger seat and drive back to the apartment.

Darkness fills the apartment. I use the dimmer light switch in the foyer to find my way to my bedroom. I open the door preparing to change into something more comfortable since I’ve decided to skip my run this morning. The glow from the foyer reveals something laid out on my bed. I click on the tableside lamp sitting on the nightstand. It’s a shirt but how did it get here? A hand placed on my shoulder causing me to jump and scream. Marcia laughs hysterically.

“Marcia, what are you doing here? You scared the crap out of me.”

“Surprise, surprise, Giselle. So where exactly have you been? Where’s Liam?”

“What brings you back so early? Is everything okay with you and David?”

“It couldn’t be better between us, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. There’s an emergency David has to handle.” Her eyes glance over my messy appearance. Smirking she asks, “But the real question is…did you just do the walk of shame?”

I turn my back towards her and face the bed, it’s then I see the scripted writing on the shirt
I have sinned.
Boy have I, the tears can’t be contained any longer and I lose it. Marcia rushes to my side to comfort me. We sit down and after crying on her shoulder for a few minutes, I’m ready to talk. I tell her all about my run-ins with Ethan. Her face turns slack, mouth becomes slightly open and she’s wide-eyed.

“Say something!”

“My mind is blank. I’m shocked!”

“I’ve already decided I’m not seeing Ethan anymore. I know I have to eventually tell Liam what happened. It’s unfair to lie to him, especially when he’s never lied to me. At least, I can’t prove that he has. I’m just disappointed in myself for not having better control over things.”

Marcia frowns and asks, “What do you mean?”

I tell her about my last conversation with Liam and how it seems he may be sleeping with someone else.

“You can’t blame yourself, we’re only human and we all make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up over this, it’s not like you were sleeping with both of them.”

“I know, but still. I should’ve known better. I allowed my needs for sex to get the best of me and now I may lose Liam forever.”

“Girl, calm down. Don’t get yourself all worked up first thing in the morning.”

My phone rings and I jump. I whisper, “I don’t want to answer. What if it’s Ethan?”

“You’ll never know until you check and even then you don’t have to respond.”

She gets up and grabs my purse. I pull the phone out. The screen displays a new text from Ethan. I’m reluctant to open it as I don’t even want to know what it says.

Why did you run without saying goodbye, Little Rebel?

I hand Marcia the phone and she reads the message. Her eyebrows rise.

“Little Rebel? He definitely hit the nail on the head saying that.”

I snatch my phone from her.

“Now isn’t the time for jokes. I’m in the middle of a serious crisis.”

“I know. I’m trying to make you smile.”

I rub my head. “This is all my doing. Time to put on my big girl panties and deal with it. I’m sorry for snapping at you.”

“Go take a nice hot shower and I’ll treat you to breakfast?”

“That sounds like a plan, as long as you’re not cooking.”

“Of course I’m not! Are you crazy? Glad you haven’t lost your sense of humor. I’ll be in the kitchen whenever you’re ready.”

I take a shower. The warm water washes away all my earlier tears. I’m dressed and ready within twenty minutes. Marcia’s drinking juice at the bar when I walk into the kitchen.

“Where would you like to go? It’s my treat.”

“No, Marcia, you have done enough. It’s my treat.”

“Okay, you know I never argue when it comes to a free meal.”

I smile. We grab our bags and head to Waffle House. I’m in desperate need of some comfort food.

I spot two empty barstools upon our entrance. There’s no need for me to look at the menu because I want waffles and two scrambled eggs with Monterey jack cheese. Marcia orders a ham and cheese omelet.

“What am I going to do? How will I tell Liam, much less look him the eye?”

My eyes are starting to water again when my phone chimes again. I shake my head unable to check who the recent message is from. I hand Marcia the phone.

“It’s Ethan. He says he wants to talk to you.”

She hands me back the phone and I drop it in my purse.

“I can’t talk to him because that’s just it; he never wants to just talk. He seduces me and takes control of my deepest desires by just looking at me.”

“The solution’s easy then, you have to continue ignoring him. Eventually he’ll go away.”

“You’re absolutely right He’s only in town for two weeks. Then he’ll be headed back home to Los Angeles.”

“See? Problem solved, he has to go back to work.”

“Actually, he’s here for a photo shoot. He’s a worldwide fashion model.”

Marcia briefly closes her eyes and sighs. “Please don’t say your model is Ethan Thomas?

“That’s him. Now you can understand just how gorgeous he is. It seems like just yesterday he left me on our wedding day.”

“What? Wedding? When was this? Why is this the first time I’m hearing about this and him?”
     “I wasn’t trying to keep secrets, but it’s a painful subject. I just wanted to keep it in the past and pretend it never happened. But I guess the past has a way of catching up with you.”

Marcia nods her head. Of course she would understand with her past as being a famous gangsters daughter.

“I’m sorry he hurt you. I’m here for you whenever you’re ready to talk.”

“There’s no time like the present. According to Ethan, five years ago, him and my dad had a talk which made Ethan realize he would only bring me down if we were to get married. We have had no contact, until last week.”

“It’s all starting to make sense to me now. He’s your first love and you never had closure. I’m sure it’s hard not knowing why things didn’t work out, but now you know.”

“Exactly. He preyed on me at my weakest moment. I know you remember how horny I was on your wedding day. With Liam not giving me what I need, I agreed to meet up with Ethan. I had no intentions of sleeping with him, but it happened…twice.” I can feel the veins rise in my neck as I give Marcia the “eek” look.

“Shit happens, Giselle; sometimes it’s hard with an ex.” She places her hand on my shoulder as to say everything will be okay.

“I’m glad you’re back, if you weren’t here right now I don’t know what I would do. This has been weighing me down. Liam’s keeping in touch from Texas and it breaks my heart to hear him say he misses me.”

“Let’s eat and then I think you should take the day off from
We’ll have a girl’s day. It looks like your nails could use a touch up and my ass is ready for some new funky fall print.” 

“Okay, let me call Meagan to have her continue the remodeling project without me.”

“And I’ll call
Guilty Pleasure
to let them know I’ll be back in the office tomorrow.”

After making our calls, we enjoy our breakfast and then head back to the apartment to hang out before our two o’clock nail appointment. Marcia’s presence has helped in keeping me calm. Until Liam calls.

“Hello,” I say.

“Hey, baby, I just called the store and was told you aren’t going in today. Is everything okay?”

I sigh. My stomach’s in knots.

“Giselle, are you there? What’s wrong? Do I need to come home?”

“No, I’m fine. Marcia’s back from her honeymoon and we decided to have a girl’s day and catch up. We’re going to get our nails done later but right now she’s filling me in on what happened after the wedding.”

“I’m glad you’re having fun with Marcia, but I was concerned. We have meetings scheduled all day today, but my phone is on me if you need me. Enjoy your girl’s day and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I can’t wait to come back home to you, I miss seeing your beautiful face.”

My heart aches hearing this.

“I miss you too. You’ll be back soon though.”

No sooner than we hang up, Frank’s voice comes over the intercom.

“Good morning, Giselle, you have a delivery. Should I bring it up to you?”

“Thanks Frank that would be great.”

“I’ll be right up.”

Marcia sighs, “You remember the last package we got?” 

She’s referring to last year, when a severed head was delivered to our apartment. The head belonged to her former abusive boyfriend, talk about a way to end your weekend.   

“That’s something we’ll never forget. I’m sure it’s something that should have been delivered to
but was mistakenly sent here.”

The knock on the door makes both of us jump out of our skin. We giggle. I’m surprised to see a dozen yellow sunflowers in a clear chandelier decorative vase. The aroma from them is heavenly and clean.

Taking them from Frank, I say thank you as he turns to head back to the elevators.

“Who are those from?”

I take the card from the plastic holder. It says:

Thinking about you. These sunflowers remind me of all the brightness you’ve brought to my life. Love, Liam

“They’re from Liam.” I hand her the card so she can read it and I grab my phone to send him a text.

They’re beautiful. Thank you for making my day. ♥

The rest of the day flies by, it always does when you’re not working. Marcia and I enjoy the pampering done to our nails and order Chinese for dinner. We eat in the living room and watch the hilarious Kevin Hart. We laugh so hard and for that hour and a half, I have no issues to face.

I go to bed and have a nightmare about my mother.










Chapter Eight


I’m wearing a mid-drift top and black mini skirt. My hot pink bra’s showing through the sheer material and my garter belt can be seen holding up the fish net thigh-highs underneath my skirt. Makeup is caked all over my face and my purple lipstick is smeared.
What’s going on? Where am I?
I scan the room and there’s a mattress lying on the floor and next to it is a wooden night stand covered with condoms and needles. A man comes out of the bathroom and adjusts his pants.

“Giselle, as always you’re a great fuck and worth every penny.”

He throws cash on the bed and something else.

“Here’s a little something extra, baby. Enjoy your high.”

“What? I don’t do drugs and definitely didn’t sleep with you!”

He begins to laugh and then his laugh turns into a raspy one. Right before my eyes he becomes my mother.

“Hello, Giselle,” she says with a disturbing smile.

I can’t believe my eyes and yell, “You’re dead.”

“Yes, I’m dead, but you have resurrected me by becoming me.”

“That’s not true! You’re a liar!”

“Really? Look at you! You’re doing the same thing I did.” She points to my arms. I feel dizzy when I see track marks.

“This can’t be happening,” I state while taking a seat on the filthy mattress.

“I used to be young, full of life, beautiful and surrounded by people who loved me. Just like you, I still wasn’t satisfied. Your father was a good man and loved me more than life itself, but I wasn’t completely happy with our relationship and started to sleep around and get high. My actions caused me to mess up the best thing that would ever happen to me.”

“My father? He loved you?”

“Yes, he never knew about you. It’s a pity because you would have been his world.”

“You selfish bitch.” I quickly cover my mouth. Can’t believe I just cursed.

A wicked grin spreads across her face, “Little miss perfect cursing. See? You’re becoming more and more like me.”

I whisper, “I’m nothing like you.”

“Oh Giselle, that’s where you’re wrong. You’re in a perfect relationship with Liam but sleeping with Ethan.”

How does she know this?

In a cold hissing voice she states, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

There’s a knock and she opens the door. Another random guy appears. He walks over to me and starts unzipping his pants. I slide off the bed and drop to my knees.

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