Madness or Purpose (10 page)

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Authors: Megan Perry

BOOK: Madness or Purpose
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Slowly I run my hands down her shoulders along her mark. Zoe shivers and as my hands reach hers we lace them together. I lift them above her head and show her how to lock them behind my head. I then run my hands slowly up her sides and massage her breasts. I make sure to be gentle and slow. I really want this to work. She moans and whines softly as I expect her to rubbing against me making it very difficult to concentrate. Zoe knows what it does but she just can’t help herself. I trail my finger tips down the center of her torso and unsnap her jeans. I slowly slide our position to more of a reclining one. I slowly run my fingers across the top of her jeans and then just under the band. That’s when I realize she isn’t wearing any panties! Fuck! If I wasn’t hard before now I am. All day she was trying on those jean skirts and tight jeans without anything on! I try to focus and continue my slow decent between her legs. I slowly insert one finger and she moans. As I add a second she starts to push her hips up to meet my hand. I can’t wait any longer I want her and I want her now!

I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to her room. I gently drop her on the bed and pull her jeans all the way off. In a second I have undone my belt and let my own pants hit the floor. I crawl onto the bed over her. I lower myself so I am supported with my arms to be sure my upper body is not crushing her. Her lips find my shoulders and chest. Zoe nips and kisses everything she can get at. Every fiber of my being is telling me to take what is mine and make her one with me, but memories from early caution me to be careful. I catch her face with my hand and take her lips with mine.
“Slow down baby, unless you want me to be thrown against that wall again. You don’t want that do you? You want me to take you and make you all mine don’t you?”
“I can’t, I need you, I need all of you, I don’t want to hurt you.”
Zoe thinks frantically.
I command
. “You will not hurt me and you will let me have you. You are mine and you belong with me alone! Zoe. You will surrender control to me and you will do it now!”
I am not sure why I just spoke to her that way but her body stills. She is not scared of me. I did not frighten her. I think I just helped her. My half seems to be taking control. I feel like a new part of me is awakening. Her heart rate speeds up, but the rest of her seems more relaxed, confident, and in control.

I slowly go back to kissing her and running my hands all over her body. We fit perfectly together; we were made for this, for each other. “I love you Zoe.” I tell her. “I love you to Gavin, I always have.” She answers. While she is thinking about that I slowly slide into her all the way to the hilt, this time though her back arches and she gasps and moans against my lips, her body seems to accept me. Zoe’s hands slide down my back and pull me into her. She feels even better than I imagined.

All of a sudden I can see again and so can she. Well, she may not know she can see because her eyes are closed. “Open your eyes Zoe.” Quickly they flash open and the ecstasy in them drives me to thrust harder and her nails dig into my back. The whole room looks like it’s filled with multicolored strobes and all the electronics are flashing. I reach through the connection to her
“tell me, what now?”
“Don’t stop, just don’t stop.” “You got it.”

Zoe’s muscles are contracting and driving me crazy. I feel her body internally convulse and a warm wetness touches me and covers me, once, twice, on the third I join her and collapse on top of her. “Was I worth the wait?” She asks with a smirk on her face. “Let me think about it.” I respond which earns me a hand to the side of my head. I move off of her and cover us with the blanket. I look over a moment later and she is lightly snoring. I watch her sleep for a while and at some point my eyes close and I join her.

Zoe sleeps in my arms and our consciousness’ mingle and intertwine. We share our dreams and remember the past. At some point we must have moved apart and our connection severed. I woke to Zoe screaming my name at the top of her lungs in combination with the word fire!


Charred Mattresses, Candles, and Liquor

“Fire, Fire! Wake up Gavin you’re on FIRE!” I start beating him with a heavy quilt trying to snuff out the flames. I try to pull him off of the bed but the flames that cover his body are too hot for me to get a grip on him. He is absolutely unaware that he is on fire and that the bed has gone up in flames! Finally he startles awake, his eyes reflecting the flames. At first he does not register my presence then literally in one blink of his eyes his body extinguishes and it’s as though a huge bucket of water pours out of the ceiling and puts out the bed. “What the fuck is going on?” I scream. I can feel myself trembling all over from shear panic.

Gavin is staring straight into my eyes, but he is hollow. He is physically sitting upright, but it’s as if he is completely lost like nothing looks familiar to him. I want to move towards him, to hold him and calm the flames still dancing in his eyes, but I am afraid if I move he will shoot fire from his palms and I’ll end up as black as the wall across from my bed. My entire body is shaking and I can’t focus on his thoughts. I can’t even feel his aura, which has radically changed color to match my own sapphire and silver. Because I have no idea what else to do I slowly raise my hand, and hold it out to him. Did I mention we are both still butt naked from when we fell asleep? Yeah, I’m a bit terrified.

He doesn’t move at first. In a flash he cocks his head to one side and his eye brows pull together in what I guess to be confusion. I swallow hard and blink. “Please Gavin, come here. Let me make sure you are ok.” I barely manage to whisper. He nods and slides to the end of the bed, stands and places his hand in mine. The expression on his face tells me he trusts me, but he is not sure who I am. I walk him out into the living room and gesture for him to sit on the couch. He allows me to wrap a blanket around his shoulders to cover his naked body. I feel his hand touch my arm.
“Who are you and what happened to me?”
My eyes fill with tears as I turn to face him.
“Do you really not know who I am?”
I ask as tears roll down my cheeks. “
I feel like I should, but I don’t. Why are we naked?

Don’t get me wrong you are absolutely beautiful, but I am very confused.”
Gavin asks. I pull my hand out of his. His confusion is giving me a headache and I need to figure out what to do and fast!

I only actually know one person who knows anything about this kind of thing; well at least I hope she does! “Gavin,” I say. He raises his head and meets my gaze. Why won’t he speak, weird? “I am going to put on some clothes and call Natasha. She should be able to help.” I tell him. One eyebrow rises as if to ask who that is. Why me? I think. “Natasha is your close friend.” He shrugs. “Can you put something on? Your clothes are there.” I point to his small chest of drawers. Gavin just nods in response and gets up moving towards the drawers. While I pull on whatever clothes I can find in my room, I reach for my phone and I notice the message light is blinking. I flip it open and see that I have a text message.

*Happy 21
Zoe!* It’s from Natasha. Perfect she is awake. Why she would be up at 6am I have no idea but it will make this easier.

I select her number from my very small phone book; it’s so small it really can’t even be considered one. Ha. The phone starts to ring, once, twice, on the third she picks up. “Happy Birthday, you are calling really early.” “Hey, Natasha, I know we barely know each other and all, but uh, I need your help.” I ask timidly “Sure thing. What you need?” I can hear Gavin moving around the apartment and quickly leave my charred room for fear he might try to leave and that is that last thing I need right now. He is only in some jeans and is digging in the fridge, Relic sitting beside him wagging her tail ecstatically. “Zoe? Hello?

Are you there?” Natasha questions in a mildly panicked tone. “Yeah, sorry, um can you come over? Something happened and I don’t really know how to explain it, but Gavin is acting really strange.” I mumble in to the phone while I watch Gavin still rummaging through the fridge. “Is everything ok? Are either of you hurt?” she questions me. “I don’t think either of us is hurt, but he is I don’t even know. Do you have Dean’s number?” “I’m on my way Zoe. I’ll give Dean a buzz and we will be there in half hour.” She was in her car I could hear the traffic in the background. “Please hurry. Thank you. I’ll try to manage until you get here.” I quickly say as I flip the phone close and drop it on the floor.

Gavin is staring into his hands his eyes wide with fear. Somehow he has lit his hands on fire again and I am afraid he’ll burn the building down if he starts to panic. “Gavin, take a deep breath.” I say calmly. I turn on the faucet and point to the water. He immediately thrusts his hands under the stream of water and the flames sizzle out. Where the flames were, his skin is still slightly red. His eyes flash to mine and the flames still dance in them. Suddenly he pulls me into his chest and hugs me to his body. My entire body overflows with fear, confusion, and agonizing lust. I cannot physically over power him and he is holding me so tight I am not able to get enough air into my lungs. I close my eyes and picture his face.
“Let me go now! You’re hurting me!”
I force into his mind. His head shakes in my mind refusing to do as I command.
“If you kill me you will only go mad and eventually kill yourself.”
He fills my head full of flames. I can feel his skin begin to heat up and his torso ignite. As the flames lick my skin and his arms refuse to grant my lungs air I use my last ounce of air and consciousness to electrocute him. At least that is what I hope happens. I feel him let go and drop me to the floor. I am conscious until my head hits the floor and everything goes dark.

I am pinned in the corner of the kitchen by the large snarling dog. It bares its canines and stands over the body of the unconscious woman. Despite the fact that whatever she did to me left a throbbing pain in my temples I am glad she did so. I didn’t want to hurt her. I only grabbed her because before it had a calming effect. When the flames came it was like I was possessed. I was scared and it only seemed to make it worse. She felt so right in my arms, but who is she and why did I wake up naked in a bed that had been lit on fire? Did she do it or did I? The only person who knows I just burned and dropped on the floor. She said someone was coming over to help explain. I hope they get here soon, her body is lit up like the northern lights with some sort of pulsing blue and silver light and her strange markings are also dimly glowing.

I look down at my chest and arms. I have similar markings in fact they are so much alike it is kind of weird. The only difference between her markings and mine are the two symbols on either shoulder. Hers looks like a two headed hound stemming from one body and mine looks like three of them head to tail in a circle. The growling dog snaps me out of my thoughts. The woman moans and her body twitches on the floor. I realize the burn marks along her arms chest and face have almost entirely healed and her swollen lips are just barely puffy. I hear a thickly accented female voice calling out a name, her name. “Zoe. ZZ. Zoe, are you here? Gavin?”

Her voice is followed by a deep raspy male voice with an accent but one that appears to be more of a style and less of a character of vocal chords. “Gavin?

ZZ? I smell something burnt where are you kid?” Something about the man’s voice is commanding and it pricks something in the back of my mind. He is very familiar. The woman is too, but the connection isn’t as strong. The pair is coming down the hall. “Oh crap,” the male voice exclaims with a tinge of panic around the edges. The footsteps come faster and they round the corner of the breakfast bar.

Both of the strangers quickly flicker their gazes between the almost conscious woman on the floor and myself.

The man’s eyes lock onto mine and I can feel my temperature rise. He takes one step towards me and I can feel the fire just below the surface. The new woman pulls the delicate woman from the floor a few feet back and into her lap. She begins to gently slap her face and call out her name. “Zoe. Zoe wake up. Zoe, are you with me?” Worry fills her thick seductive accent. The snarling dog remains between the man and I. As he takes a step forward I look down and my hands light up in bright flames. The dog barks and I panic. My whole torso flames and my eyes dart between the man and the still running water. I want to stop I just don’t know how, she told me they would help. My eyes dart in her direction. She is awake and starring at me. Her eyes are wide with fear and tears are running down her cheeks. I want to reach out and wipe them away. I want to hold her and comfort her, but I can’t. I dive for the sink hoping the man will not attack me and the dog will not bite me if only because I am literally on fire. The moment my hands hit the stream of water it turns to steam and just like in the bedroom water seems to pour down on top of me like rain.

The one they are calling Zoe leaps from the floor and manages to skirt by both individuals and latches herself to my torso. Instead of fear, this time I feel a calming sensation, safety, compassion, maybe even love. It’s confusing and yet I welcome it.

Something about her touch is soothing and makes me feel whole. I don’t know who this being is, but I must hold onto her. “Are you ok?” She asks looking up into my eyes. I nod slowly and begin to look between her and the pair starring back at me with panicked expressions. “Everyone” she says. “Let’s go sit in the living room and get some things sorted out.” She seems to command us all as we being to move at once.

My entire body aches, no doubt from the two times he has lit me on fire this morning and knocked me unconscious. Relic lays at my feet with a wary eye on Gavin. He keeps his hand in mine and flashes moments from this morning constantly apologizing. “Stop apologizing Gavin. I need to be able to concentrate. I know you didn’t mean it and I forgive you ok!” He just nods. I haven’t heard his voice since last night. It’s almost as if he can’t speak.
“I can’t. My throat is on fire. The pain is worse if I make noise.”
His eyes brim with tears. He really is scared and has no idea what is going on. My heart aches for him, but I have done all I can by bringing these two here. “Sorry to interrupt, but Zoe, do you mind filling us in?” Dean asks with concern contorting his rough features.

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