Maggie Mine (19 page)

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Authors: Starla Kaye

BOOK: Maggie Mine
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Maggie snorted.
“I bet she did just that! No matter what they might have said.”

Exactly what he’d been thinking.
“While I can’t do anything about
missives, I will send out new inquiries. And
alone will read the responses, which I have informed her.”

“’Tis probably why she looked
o angry when I came in and found ye two together.”
drew in a breath. “Can ye no’ lock her in a tower somewhere? Have her help in the stables? Use her in the sword practice?”

Nicholas couldn’t resist laughing. “She is a guest, of sorts. Locking her in a tower wouldn’t be considered very hospitable. And my stable master would quit, which I cannot have.” He chuckled once more. “I’m afraid she has cross-threaded with too many of my men to have her anywhere near their sword practice. She’d make too tempting a target.”

Maggie smiled in mischief. “I thought as much.”

“Minx.” He gave her a quick kiss and stepped safely back again before he was tempted to
forget where they were, take her to the floor right here
. “Until an arrangement is made, I expect you to behave around Mary. You are the lady of Middleham. As such you must behave in a proper manner, make me proud of your maturity and ability to deal with the staff…and with our temporary guest.”

“What about
? ‘Tisn’t fair that I’m the only one expected to behave

she grouched.

“You’re not and I will say as much to Lady Stanhope. I’ve been avoiding it, but I might have to give her a
bottom warming
if she continues to cause problems.”

Maggie’s eyes danced with delight.

“No doubt if I’m forced to turn her over my knee for a walloping,
will be experiencing much the same.” Unfortunately, he had a strong feeling that such a situation would not be long in coming.




“You’d best go deal with your women,” Richard said several hours later, walking up next to Nicholas in the paddocks. He’d gone into the keep with several of the men for a short rest and to down some ale.

Nicholas had been called out to the paddocks about a problem with his horse. Now he wanted nothing more than to mount up and ride far away from here. From Richard’s pinched expression, Nicholas was sure he wouldn’t like hearing the latest situation. Yet he had to ask.

“What are they up to now?” Maggie was his wife, his woman. He didn’t like to consider Mary as his woman as well. But, in a way, she was for now. At least she was his to watch over until other arrangements were made. New messages were going out first thing tomorrow!

“There’s a fair amount of scratching and clawing going on. Much like a cat fight. And a lot of name calling.” He blew out a frustrated breath. “The men are hurrying inside, eager to watch.”

Nicholas turned on his heel and stormed toward the keep.


Maggie dodged a bunched fist thrown at her face and snarled, “Ye hateful old coo!”

Mary’s eyes narrowed. “Did you just call me a cow?”

“Aye. An old one.” Maggie wasn’t quite sure how the fight had started, but she had more than a few bruises already. A lightly bleeding scratch on her cheek, too. And pieces from the rushes clung to her disheveled hair from when they’d rolled about on the floor.

She glanced away and felt distressed at finding nearly all of her husband’s men and most of her staff gathered nearby. There was much snickering and chuckling from the men. Her staff was wringing their hands and looking horrified, worried. She’d never let her temper get hold of her so fiercely before. But Mary had shredded her last nerve when she’d walked into the great hall where several of the maids were preparing for the sup meal. Mary had demanded they stop what they were doing and help her with a bath. Maggie happened to be walking down the stairs and overheard. She’d countered the demand, of course.

Mary’s fist connected with Maggie’s chin and, knocked off balance, she fell to the floor. “Ye fight dirty.” Annoyed, Maggie thrust out a foot and tripped Mary.

Mary landed on her bottom on the floor, sputtering and hissing in fury.

That’s when Nicholas burst into the keep and sped toward them growling, “Stop it this instant!”

To Maggie’s amazement, Mary burst into tears and sobbed out, “She started it. She’s horrid to me all of the time. I…I’m not used to such treatment. I had to defend myself,

Maggie’s mouth nearly fell open to her chin.
Started it!
Watching Nicholas scowl from one of them to the other, she knew his earlier threat would soon be proven fact.
t was so unfair. She hadn’t started this fight, but she’d certainly held her own. She tasted blood on her lip.
Her brothers would have been proud of her; her father…well, not so much.

“She’s lying, husband.” She would be spanked for disgracing him with such behavior
; it was there in his expression
. At least she was fairly certain Mary would suffer a spanking, too.

He reached down a hand to pull her to her feet. “At this point, I’m not interested in
started the fight or
is lying.” He gently dabbed at the blood on
lip, frowned at the bruising on her chin, the trickle of blood on her cheek.

He turned to Mary, pulled her up as well
, although not as gently. He
gritted out, “You will wait for me in the solar.” When she started to object, he snapped, “Do not disobey me on this, Lady Stanhope!”

Her face flamed and she spun away to stride briskly toward the stairs.

Nicholas faced the room full of people. “Go about your business. The
is over.”

Then he glowered down at Maggie and her stomach quivered with anticipation. “Upstairs, right?” she asked in an irritated whisper.

He nodded. “I will calm down a bit first, and then deal with Mary. But you will wait for me in our chamber.”




Maggie paced around the bedchamber, dreading what was to come. She accepted that she’d earned whatever her husband decided to do. She was the lady of the castle now. She needed to learn to keep her temper in check, even around such a vile woman as Mary.

Mary cried out again from the solar down the hall. Maggie had heard the steady thwacking sounds of a good
. She hadn’t thought Nicholas would deal so sternly with the other woman, but she must have angered him. She had a way of doing that. Still, Maggie’s buttocks clenched at each loud Thwack! Lady Stanhope would sleep on her stomach this night, as

The solar’s door opened and she heard Mary’s loud sobbing. In turn Nicholas snapped, “’Tis clear you’ve not felt a paddle often enough with the way you are carrying on. Pull yourself together and go to your chamber.”

His heavy footsteps headed in Maggie’s direction. She stood frozen beside the window, watching him walk into the room and shut the door. He held the worn paddle in one hand. She had hoped for a hand spanking, but wasn’t surprised it would not be so. “I will not even ask for an explanation. You know your behavior was wrong.”

“I suppose she put all of the blame on me.” Maggie rubbed at the tingling nerves in her stomach and tried not to stare at the paddle.

“Aye, but the blame lies with both of you. And both of you will go to bed tonight with sore bottoms.” He motioned her toward the trunk nearby. “Lift your skirts, wife, and lean over the trunk.”

She hesitated for a second and then walked to the battered trunk that held her gowns. Her face heating, she turned away from him and lifted her skirt and chemise. She tucked them beneath her stomach as she leaned over the trunk.
Her bare bottom quivered as she waited for his attention. She braced her arms, her stomach knotting.

He moved to her side, put a hand on her lower back, and placed the paddle against her cool cheeks. “
I suppose you can still feel the heat from Mary’s paddling. She suffered much.”

Spitefully, Maggie grumbled, “I should hope so.”

“She needs a strong husband to bring her in hand.” A hard swat landed, sending her forward with a yelp.
“Fortunately you, Maggie, have just such a husband.”

“She canna leave her soon enough, in my opinion.” Maggie settled down again, gritted her teeth.

Another swat landed just below the first. “I am very disappointed in you, Lady Middleham.” Another swat. “Hitting and clawing, brawling in the rushes.”

She sucked in a
saw again everything that he’d said. She’d never behaved like that before. “
I just couldna help myself.”

Two more solid swats landed and she danced up on her toes, hissing.

think long and hard next time Lady Stanhope or anyone else challenges you.” He sent a sizzling smack to her lower bottom. “
are the lady of this castle.
must show a certain behavior. Or….”

He held the paddle against her throbbing bottom as he waited for her answer. She swallowed the sob that threatened and said, “Or else you will burn my bottom.”

“Exactly.” One more breath-stealing swat landed and she arched backward. “Have you learned your lesson, wife?”

“Aye!” She heard him toss the paddle to the floor. It hadn’t been a long paddling, but he’d
done it well. Every inch of her poor bottom felt on fire. “Can I get up now?” she asked, wanting to go stretch out on the bed and let the blaze die down.

To her surprise, he put a hand to her back and held her down. “Nay.”

She turned her head to look back at him, confused. “Ye wish to spank me now?”

He shook his head and his other hand went to his braies. “Nay,” his voice was husky, his eyes
heated and filled with desire. “I need you, wife.

“I…I’m verra sore,” she countered.

He shifted his hand from her back to between her legs. At the barest touch of his fingers, she eased her legs farther apart. He stroked her along her pulsing lower lips. She watched as he did it, trembled all over. The pain was still there, but now she felt an even more intense one.

“The soreness doesna matter, I’m thinking. I need you, too, my husband.”

He breathed a sigh of relief, clearly he hadn’t wanted to force her, but he had a strong need for her. She watched as he shoved down his braies, saw his hardened shaft appear. She felt warm inside, moist and ready.

He shifted directly behind her, placed his hands on the sides of her hips, and ordered, “Spread your cheeks for me.”

“Aye,” she panted.
Obediently she reached back and put her hands on her hot buttocks and pulled them apart. She
her forehead
the trunk,

“Such a biddable wife.” He put his head to her opening, teased
his shaft
in a bare inch.

Frustrated with that nonsense, Maggie thrust her bottom back at him and forced him deeper. “Biddable? Hardly!”

He chuckled and held still, torturing her for a second.
“How does it feel having my body rubbing against your very hot bottom?” He gave a little push deeper, a little more rub.

“It hurts a fair bit.” She wriggled and shoved back at the same time. “As long as I have yer rod inside me, I dunna care.”

He put his hands to the sides of her hips, barely touching the tender areas. “I must tell you, the redness of your bottom entices me. The feel of your hot ass even more.” He began moving slowly in and out.

“’Tis glad I am to please ye
. T
hough I would prefer no’ to get paddled ag
in for awhile.” She sighed at the mounting desire, the aching clawing at her. “Now focus, husband. I have a fierce need of ye.”

No more words were said. Maggie clung to the trunk, pushed back to meet his firm thrusts. He pounded into her until they were both grunting, both straining, both desperate. And finally she screamed in wondrous pleasure.

He roared out a second later and filled her with his seed.

As soon as they were both breathing more calmly, he pulled out. He gave her bottom a firm smack with his hand. “
Remember my lessoning well, Maggie. Now you may get up.”

She straightened, wincing as the clothing fell over her tender bottom. She dared to glower at him in annoyance for the quick spank. “’Twas unnecessary, that.”

He grinned, the odious man. “Mayhap.” Then he pulled her into his embrace, cupped her aching bottom and kissed her soundly.

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