Maggie Smith: A Biography (48 page)

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Authors: Michael Coveney

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Stephens, Toby

acting career

life in Canada

relationship with mother

Stevens, Dan

Stoppard, Tom

Night and Day

Storey, David,

Stott, Catherine

Stott, Judith

Stride, John

Strindberg, August

Miss Julie

Suddenly, Last Summer
(TV play)

Sullivan, Dan

Sullivan, Ed

Supremes, the

Sutherland, Donald

Swift, Jeremy

Syms, Sylvia

Tandy, Jessica

Taylor, Elizabeth

Taylor, Laurette

Taylor, Paul

Taylor, Rod

Te Kanawa, Kiri

Tea with Mussolini

Tearle, Godfrey

Tempest, Marie

Tennyson, Alfred Lord

Terry, Ellen

Terry, Fred


Thomas, Jonathan

Thomas, Sian

Thompson, Emma

Thorndike, Sybil

Thorne, Angela

Tigbourne Court

Till, Eric

Tinker, Jack

Todd, Richard

Tomlin, Lily

Tomlinson, David

Topolski, Feliks

Toynbee, Polly

Tracy, Spencer

Travels with my Aunt

Trevelyan, Hilda

Trevor, William

Trow, Thomas

Trump, Ivana

Tufts, Sonny

Tutin, Dorothy

Twain, Mark

Tynan, Kenneth

and National Theatre productions

profile of Maggie Smith

Tyzack, Margaret

United British Artists

Ure, Gudrun

Ustinov, Peter

The Love of Four Colonels

van Beers, Isabel

van Thal, Dennis

Variety Club awards

Vidal, Gore

Villiers, James

VIPs, The

Wadsworth, Andrew C.

Walker, Nancy

Wallace, Nellie

Wallach, Ira

Walliams, David

Walters, Julie

Walton, Tony

Waltz, Christoph

Wanamaker, Zoë

War Horse

Wardle, Irving

Warner, David

Warner, Deborah

Warnock, Mary

Washington Square
(TV film)

see also
The Heiress

Watson, Emma

Watson, Moray

Waugh, Evelyn

Wayne, John

Webb, Leonard

Welch, Raquel

Welch, Sandy

Weldon, Duncan

Welland, Colin

Welles, Orson

Wells, Rebecca

Wesker, Arnold

Weston, Jennifer

Wetherall, Jack

Wheeler, Hugh

White, Michael

Whitelaw, Billie

Whitemore, Hugh

The Best of Friends


Whiting, John

Wilde, Oscar

see also The Importance of Being Earnest

Wilder, Billy

Wilder, Thornton

Our Town

The Skin of Our Teeth

Wildman, Carl

Wilkinson, Tom

Williams, Finty

Williams, Kenneth

Williams, Michael

Williams, Robin

Williams, Tennessee

A Streetcar Named Desire

see also Suddenly, Last Summer

Wilson, Cecil

Wilson, Hugh

Wilson, Lambert

Wilson, Lou

Wilson, Ruth

Wilson, Sandy

Wilton, Penelope

Winchell, Walter

Windsor, Frank

Wizard of Oz, The

Wolf, Matt

Wolfit, Donald

Woman in Black, The

Wood, John

Wood, Peter

Woodvine, John

Woolf, Virginia

Worth, Irene

Wrede, Casper

Wright, Bonnie

Wycherley, William,
The Country Wife

Wyler, William

Wynter, Danny Lee

Yates, Peter

Yeats, W. B.

Young, B. A.

Young Cassidy

Zanuck, Daryl F.

Zeffirelli, Franco

Zeigfeld Follies

Also by
Michael Coveney

The Citz: 21 Years of the Glasgow Citizens Theatre

The Aisle is Full of Noises

The World According to Mike Leigh

Knight Errant: Memoirs of a Vagabond Actor
(with Robert Stephens) (1996)

Cats on a Chandelier: The Andrew Lloyd Webber Story

Ken Campbell: The Great Caper

About the Author


is one of Britain’s most respected theater critics and has written about theatre for over three decades, as editor of
Plays and Players
, and as staff critic on the
Financial Times, Observer
Daily Mail
. His books include a history of the Glasgow Citizens Theatre and biographies of Maggie Smith, Mike Leigh and Andrew Lloyd Webber. He regularly contributes to the
Independent, Guardian, Observer, New Statesman, Prospect
and BBC Radio’s Front Row. He lives in England. You can sign up for author updates


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Title Page

Copyright Notice


Preview: In the Company of a Secret Star

1 The Flight from Ilford

2 Schooling in Oxford Accents

3 Clown of Town and Gown

4 New Revue and Old Vic

5 West End Calling, Screen Testing

6 Surprises with Olivier at the National

7 Romance with the New Lunts

8 The Prime of Miss Maggie Smith

9 Prickly Pain in Private Lives

10 Canada Home and Dry

11 Salvation in Stratford, Stoppard and Virginia Woolf

12 Best of British Pork and Palin

13 Millamant, Poliakoff and Poppy Cocteau

14 A Toast to the Bard with Levin and Lettice

15 Alone without God

16 Tales of Ageing, Innocence and Experience

17 Secrets and Lies in Yorkshire and Italy

18 Onstage with Albee, Bennett and Hare

19 TV Specials for the Lady from Dubuque

20 Goodbye Hollywood, Hello British Comedy

21 Harry Potter and Downton Abbey

22 Late Flowering of Marigolds around the Van

Overview: In Old Glory and New Celebrity





Also by Michael Coveney

About the Author


Copyright © 2015 by Michael Coveney. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Coveney, Michael, 1948–

Maggie Smith : a biography / Michael Coveney.

    p. cm.

Includes index.

ISBN 978-1-250-08148-3 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-1-4668-9339-9 (e-book)

1. Smith, Maggie, 1934– 2. Actors—Great Britain—Biography. I. Title.

PN2598.S55C67 2015




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First published in Great Britain by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, an imprint of The Orion Publishing Group, an Hachette UK company

First U.S. Edition: December 2015

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