magic and mayhem 01 - switching hour (20 page)

Read magic and mayhem 01 - switching hour Online

Authors: robyn peterman

Tags: #Werewolves, #Fantasy Romance, #Paranormal Romance, #Witches

BOOK: magic and mayhem 01 - switching hour
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Fire engines were turning into the quarter mile long drive from the main road to the secluded facility as Brandi jogged back to the driver’s seat. “The techs we talked to on the way are already headed home. I let them go because they were grieving your alleged death, but the guard recognized you, Dr. Jones. He was a loose end and would have given people way too much to talk about later if he had lived.”


“Did you have to kill him? What if the man had a family?” Ariel demanded, biting her lip as Brandi swerved and drove down a side road she said would take them out a rarely used entrance.


“I don’t think Frank had a family. He was too good a customer at the place where I worked,” Heidi declared.


Ariel rolled her eyes. Seconds later a loud explosion rocked the air behind them. Black smoke filled the sky above a blazing Feldspar Research building.


Brandi kept driving calmly forward like buildings exploding around her happened every day. Ariel suddenly decided she wanted to know why—and why killing the guard hadn’t caused her any remorse.


“You both know I worked for Crane, and I think we have a pretty good idea what Heidi did for a living. What’s your story, Brandi?”


Brandi shrugged. “I was a federal agent who was investigating Feldspar’s unauthorized use of Alaskan wolves for experiments they refused to explain to the National Wildlife Foundation. Before that I was special forces in the military. This NWF investigation was supposed to be a break from this kind of traumatic shit for me.”


Ariel nodded. “Reed—the black wolf up there—talks to me in my head. He’s the one they used to turn us into werewolves. Head to Wasilla, which is just a short distance from Anchorage. Reed said to look for someone named Matt. We need to get him to some sort of veterinarian too before he gets any sicker.”


Look for Matthew Gray Wolf. His pack healer will be able to help me—if it’s not already too late.


Ariel nodded, even though Heidi looked at her strangely. “Reed says we’re looking for a Matthew Gray Wolf. A werewolf named Wolf. Gee, who’s not going to figure that one out? This is some crazy shit ‘B’ movie we woke up in.”


Brandi chuckled. “Whatever they put in your shots must have been better stuff than what I got. You’re a lot sassier than the stoic scientist who kept asking all those serious questions yesterday. If I hadn’t been strapped down, I’d have stuffed something into your mouth to shut you up. I really didn’t want to hear what was happening to us. I wanted my death and I wanted it done quickly. They took me down with a tranquilizer gun when they caught me. I’m still too pissed to talk about it.”


Ariel sighed. “My default setting is to gather information. I suppose what they did to me could have affected my personality as well as my molecular structure. Killing those two men didn’t even begin to satisfy the urges I had about doing stuff to them. My entire being is on fire every second now. My wolf is there at the edge of the fire just waiting to be let loose.”


“I don’t want to fight anyone, but I would definitely like to spend time with two or three men. I woke up incredibly horny, and it’s as bad in human form as it was in the wolf,” Heidi declared.


“I feel a burning need for sex too,” Ariel said. Her gaze went to their driver. “How about you, Brandi?”


“I’d jump on anything with two legs and a big Johnson. And I don’t even like sex. This isn’t normal arousal. This shit is going to drive me crazy soon if I don’t get some. I have never had this problem in my entire life.”


Ariel nodded and sighed. “The urgent need to have sex is probably part of our change. Our hormones must be running high. When Reed comes back around, I’ll ask him about it. In the meantime, it shouldn’t be too hard to get the fire put out where we’re going. Until I do some research though, make sure the guy uses a condom and don’t kiss him. We can’t afford to exchange fluids and give away our nanos. That’s what was in the first shot we got. If you think the change to wolf and back hurts now, I bet it’s nothing compared to trying it without the nanos fixing you each time it happens.”


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About Robyn Peterman



Robyn Peterman writes because the people inside her head won’t leave her alone until she gives them life on paper.


Her addictions include laughing really hard with friends, shoes (the expensive kind), Target, Coke Zero Cherry with extra ice in a Styrofoam cup, bejeweled reading glasses, her kids, her super-hot hubby and collecting stray animals.


A former professional actress with Broadway, film and T.V. credits, she now lives in the South with her family and too many animals to count.


Writing gives her peace and makes her whole, plus having a job where you can work in your underpants works really well for her. You can leave Robyn a message via the Contact Page and she’ll get back to you as soon as her bizarre life permits! She loves to hear from her fans!


for more information.


Book Lists (in correct reading order)




Fashionably Dead


Fashionably Dead Down Under


Hell on Heels


Fashionably Dead in Diapers


Fashionably Hotter Than Hell




Ready to Were


Some Were in Time




Switching Hour


Witch Glitch




How Hard Can it Be?


Size Matters


Cop a Feel


If after reading all the above you are still wanting more adventure and zany fun, read
Pirate Dave and His Randy Adventures
, the romance novel budding novelist Rena was helping wicked Evangeline write in
How Hard Can It Be


: Pirate Dave Contains Romance Satire, Spoofing, and Pirates with Two Pork Swords.


Table of Contents

Title Page

Edition License Notes



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14


Excerpt from Witch Glitch

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Excerpt from Ariel: Nano Wolves 1

Book Description

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

About Robyn Peterman

Book Lists (in correct reading order)

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