Magic Resistant (10 page)

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Authors: Veronica Del Rosa

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #magic, #demons, #fae

BOOK: Magic Resistant
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Ignoring the delicious distraction of his
body, she launched into reasons why she needed to go. Ticking off
each point with her fingers, she said “First, you have no idea
where the spot is. Second, you don’t have the key to open the
locker. Third, it would look less suspicious with a couple being
lovey-dovey than either of us showing up alone. There’s a ton of
security cameras at Union Station, so we’ll blend in easier as a
couple. Plus, I’m as competent as you are and I don’t like you
implying that I’m a liability.”

Combing his hair, he laughed. “I already know
how dangerous you are in battle. There’s no one else I’d rather
have next to me. And I now know it’s at Union Station.”

When she started to protest, he lifted a hand
and continued. “But you’re right about the rest. Lovey-dovey, eh?
Think you can pull that off?”

He winked at her and she refrained from
sticking her tongue out at him.

When Jackson acted cute, she found him nigh
irresistible. While the weeks had been a strain, they were slowly
becoming comfortable with each other, their natural guard falling.
Spending every day with another person guaranteed one of two
things: they either hated each other or they learned to enjoy the

Julia enjoyed his companionship. He was
quick-witted, well-read and interesting to talk to. It helped he
was damn good-looking, all lean muscle and strong bone structure.
His profile could easily have graced a Roman coin and his thick
hair begged her to run her fingers through it.

He also didn’t spend unnecessary time arguing
with her. How refreshing, being treated as an equal. The other Mage
Enforcers rarely trusted fledgling Enforcers to make competent
decisions, believing it’d be another twenty or thirty years before
she had something useful to contribute. She found herself talked
down to, patronized and sometimes outright ignored.

Markus was the only one who treated her with
respect but even he treated her like a subordinate at times. After
so many years of training her, he still looked at her as his
responsibility and not as a skilled Enforcer.

“Let me freshen up then we can go. I’ve put
everything on a USB key and I’ve created a file that explains what
we’re dealing with.” Julia purposefully left Nathan’s name out of
the conversation. She didn’t want anything tied to him. Trust was
blossoming between her and Jackson, but she wasn’t willing to
involve her friends directly in this mess yet.

Turning her back to him, Julia rooted through
the shopping bags stacked near the couch. The day after her
kidnapping, Jackson handed her some pre-paid Visa cards and told
her to go nuts. Ah, technology, it made life on the run so much
easier. She bought an entire wardrobe from several different sites
and had them delivered to the front desk. In a moment of blind
trust, Jackson had given her the address to the hostel.

He then spent some time online ordering
“disguises” and she scoffed when she saw her outfit. She tossed a
baseball cap to Jackson so he could hide his hair and some of his
features. Sunglasses also helped, though he jeered at using both at
the same time.

“Damn, I might as well wear socks and sandals
too.” He complained as he placed the glasses on the bill of his
ball cap.

“Oh, don’t be such a baby. I have a stupid
floppy hat to wear and massive sunglasses. Do you hate me? You do
have great taste in tank tops and shorts for me though.” She looked
down at the tight tank top leaving nothing to the imagination and
the shorts showing off her curvy, muscle-toned legs. The final
touch was her utility belt, specially designed for a mage and their
needs. Leaving home without it was not possible. The components
were too valuable to her spell casting.

He leered at her and chuckled. “It’s July.
You’d look silly wearing a long sleeve and pants. Now, you blend

“Well, I guess people would be too busy
staring at my chest to notice my face, huh?”

“You have a face? I didn’t notice.” Nimble,
he danced out of range from the punch she aimed at him, snickering
as he did so. “Alright, my lovely lady, it’s time to drop this off
for your mysterious friend.”

He walked over to the door, holding it open
for her. Brushing past him, she gasped in shock as he patted her

“Sorry, just getting into character. My guy
is the kind who’d pat his woman’s ass.” He said, completely

Arching an eyebrow, she drawled out, “Oh

Gathering up a small amount of energy, she
sashayed over to Jackson and trailed her hand down his arm. The
heat in his gaze nearly undid her. Releasing the energy in the form
of harmless static electricity, a larger jolt than normal, she
giggled when his hand jerked away.

“And maybe my character is the kind who
retaliates.” With a wink, she strode to the elevator, feeling
distinctly smug.

Glancing over her shoulder, she blew him a
kiss, the stunned look giving her a boost of confidence. Now he’d
know she wasn’t a pushover.

She leaned against the elevator wall, waiting
as he checked the wards. It wouldn’t do for someone to find their
hiding spot although she was apprehensive about leaving the
security of the room. She wasn’t ready yet for others to find them.
Too many questions clamoured for answers.

Chapter Six

decided it best to walk to Union Station, a short trip of two
kilometers. They didn’t want to get trapped on the bus and the city
towed his car a few days after he abandoned it. Following the fast
flow of other pedestrians, the walk went by quick. As they neared
Union Station, and heavier foot traffic, Jackson slipped into the
role of a besotted boyfriend. Sliding his hand into hers, he drew
her closer to him and matched his stride to hers.

Chatting about inconsequential things, his
eyes roamed the crowd, looking for anyone out of place. He sized up
the normal humans walking through the main doors, a lone werewolf
standing near one of the pillars and a Fae trying to pass as human.
None of them seemed threatening, but he kept watch, just in

Even though he’d been to Union Station many
times, usually on his way from the subway to the trains, he
appreciated the majestic artistry. The tall windowed arch above the
main doors combined with the Greek styled columns helped to prepare
travelers for the beauty of the station. The gorgeous, high
ceilings made of Gustavino tiles paired with Tennessee marble
floors made for a striking combination.

Leaning over, he whispered in her ear, “Where
to now, darling?”

Werewolves had exceptional hearing along with
their sense of smell. He didn’t want to bring any kind of scrutiny
to them. While the werewolf wasn’t currently paying attention to
them, they were still fugitives and there was a sizable bounty on
his head. In the past few months, he’d experienced a few close
calls. He didn’t want to chance anything with Julia around.

A faint shudder from Julia, one that had
nothing to do with the cold. July in Toronto was sweltering,
especially with so many bodies around. A knowing smile curved his
lips. He’d seen the heat in her eyes, felt the caress of her gaze
when she thought he wasn’t looking. While ungentlemanly of him, he
enjoyed pushing her buttons, slowly seducing her and lowering those
barriers she’d erected between them.

Perhaps a spy for Markus, that didn’t mean
she was entirely off-limits.

Resisting the urge to nibble on her earlobe,
he waited for her reply.

“Lockers. Via Rail ones. Let’s go.” She
tugged on his hand, encouraging him to move.

They threaded their way through the crowd,
bumping and jostling as they went. Nearing 5 P.M., the peak of rush
hour, everyone was impatient to get home. Jackson led the way as
they passed between more pillars, down the gently sloping walkway
and through another arching door. He glanced at Julia then swept
his arm wide with a flourish and a cocky grin.

“After you, my dear.” He leaned down to kiss
the top of her head, thinking he could get used to this. A near
silent sigh slipped from Julia, the warm air brushing against his
throat. Tramping down on his almost uncontrollable need for her, he
stepped away, fists clenched to stop from holding her close to him.
If he gave into the urge, he’d find himself teleporting them to the
hostel, stripping her naked and exploring every delectable

Neither of which was possible. Using a large
amount of power like teleporting could give the Enforcers a fix on
their location. And he wanted her total surrender when he indulged
in his fantasies starring this luscious mage.

Watching her walk to the row of lockers, he
admired her graceful, fluid prowl. No one would mistake her for
harmless. She held her body in a state of readiness and each
flowing movement reminded him of a dangerous predator, waiting to
pounce. He wanted to tame that dark, dangerous side of her in

Or have her completely ravish him.

Either worked for him.

She pulled out a key and opened one of the
lockers in the middle. Placing a padded envelope in it, she then
went over to the nearest garbage can and stuck the USB key to the
side facing the wall. Julia had explained the process before they
reached Union Station. The padded envelope was there to either fool
those breaking into the locker or to give Nathan a reason to walk
to the trash can and grab the key.

“Okay, we’re good.... darling.” She said with
a light, flirtatious smile. “Let’s go home.”

To his surprise, she sidled up to him and
slipped in under his arm, a hand resting on his chest. It felt
right, having her next to him, the loose strands of her hair
brushing against his arm. Her personal scent of vanilla and
cinnamon teased his senses. He wanted to lose himself in it.

For days now, it had tantalized him. Both
dreading and anticipating her showers, her scent lingered in the
bathroom. He tortured himself with images of her naked, soaping her
enticing body and had to restrain himself several times from
joining her. Instead he took to teasing her, walking around in just
a towel to see if she would react. A few times he thought he’d seen
lust shining in her eyes, yet he wasn’t absolutely certain. Some
part of him spurred him on, made him push the boundaries.

Not that he had much to offer her. He was a
fugitive, had no job and a limited amount of cash. Several of his
friends kept giving him pre-paid Visa cards, but he tried to use
them sparingly. He also kept track so he could pay them back if
this nightmare ever ended.

Lost in thought he broke the first rule of
Enforcers - Always Pay Attention. After leaving Union Station, they
turned down an alley to use as a shortcut. Most alleys downtown
were relatively safe due to the amount of foot traffic.

Becoming complacent though was a rookie
mistake and it cost lives. He hoped Julia wouldn’t pay the price
for his preoccupation.

The lack of sound was his first clue
something was wrong. The second clue: the werewolf detaching
himself from the wall. Brown from his hair to his clothes to his
skin and ordinary looking, he reminded Jackson of the massasauga
rattlesnake. Harmless in appearance and deadly to the

The smile he flashed was anything but
friendly. While he wasn’t in wolf form, currently wearing his human
shape, Jackson could tell by the feel of his essence as to his
race. Mage Enforcers learned early how to distinguish between the
races by the personal signature each had, almost like a scent only
more intangible.

Jackson had spent many hours a week
blindfolded identifying different races. It was tedious work and
one he didn't wish away. The knowledge of what he faced saved his
life many times over years. It also whispered a secret to him.

Another werewolf was sneaking up behind

Whirling around, he faced the other one,
slightly surprised to see a woman. Her bleached blond hair cut
short, the pixie look would’ve been cute on a softer woman. On her,
it emphasized the strong bone structure of her face. The wiry build
of her body suggested many hours of working out and a certain
comfort level in breaking bones.

He sized up the tall, muscular woman,
trusting Julia to handle the man. Should he make the first move or
let her? Sometimes it was easier to judge your opponent with their
opening, if they were more offensive or defensive. Of course, he
could end up at a disadvantage if she was strong with her
offensive. She’d be harder to take her down if he was too busy
dodging hits. Studying her paid off when he saw she adjusted her
weight to attack first.

Trying to get him off guard, she threw out a
fast punch. Ducking the swing aimed for his head, he rapidly jabbed
her in the kidney when her body turned with the momentum of her
punch. With a soundless grunt, she shifted her weight to one foot
and swept the other foot at him, catching him across the ankles.
Losing his balance, Jackson staggered backwards and tried to steady
himself. Her next punch scarcely connected with his jaw though with
enough contact to whip his head around.

His teeth snapped together and he promptly
remembered werewolves were a bitch to fight physically. Meaner,
nastier, and they healed quicker. And their human form was just as
scary as their wolf form. He needed to level the playing field. He
needed to keep her off-balance, but when he tried to cast a spell,
no sound came from his mouth.

Horror dawned on him. He hadn’t heard a
single noise during their fight. Not a rustle of clothing or
footstep penetrated the encompassing silence.

Shocked, he looked at the female werewolf
while she smirked at him. A mage was working with them, one
impossible see or sense nearby. The spell either activated before
they entered the alley or else their presence triggered it.

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