Magical Mayhem (14 page)

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Authors: Amity Maree

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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Megan really liked Sophie, and it was nice to see that they had a lot in common, and it was fun to compare notes with the other woman when it came to having fathers and older brothers who were both policemen. It didn't take Montague long to realize that the two women would constantly be up to mischief if left to their own devices when he and Ralph went on their yearly fishing trip. It was already planned for late August, and it would be nice if the ladies could keep each other company then. Of course, Sophie would have to run the restaurant while Ralph was gone for a few days. When Montague finally suggested it was time to be leaving, both Sophie and Megan protested. They'd found a corner after dinner and talked nonstop. Megan did tell Ralph how much she enjoyed the food, and Ralph beamed proudly. Montague was pleased because he knew Megan well enough by now to know when she was merely being polite to someone, or if she was genuinely impressed. He was glad to know it was the latter.

She chatted amicably all the way back to the hotel, and then kissed him goodnight. He wanted to ask if her bottom felt better yet, but didn't want to risk making her angry again. He enjoyed her kiss, and held her a bit longer than he should have unless he wanted to take a very cold shower, which he didn't. She pulled away slightly and then looked at him wistfully before running up the steps to her bedroom.

Megan was in love with Montague and she knew it for a fact. If she could submit to a strapping from the man and still go out to dinner with him, and tell a perfect stranger about the incident while declaring her love for the man, then it had to be for real... and forever. She wanted to make love, but Montague had already made it clear that he thought it was too soon when she'd offered herself to him before. She couldn't live through that humiliation a second time, and, she had to admit, her poor bottom was too darn sore to contemplate such an intimate act. If he touched her there she just knew she would cry out in pain, and surely that would ruin everything.

* * *

The next few weeks passed quickly, and when they weren't rehearsing or performing, Montague and Megan spent time learning more about each other. They had a visit from two of his sisters, who thought to surprise him by simply appearing in the audience and sitting in the second row. Of course, he spotted them almost immediately and made them stand up so he could introduce them, and once the show was over they all went out for dinner. Megan could tell that he was happy to see them, and she found that she was a little jealous of the loving relationship they had. Her brothers both thought her a nuisance. She said as much to Montague the next morning after his sisters headed back to college, and he once again scolded her while privately deciding that he needed to have a long talk with Wally and Dave. Megan had been working as his assistant for nearly three months now, and while her parents had come to visit with her once, her brothers hadn't paid her any mind at all.

Megan was miffed at Montague's scolding. He didn't know her brothers as she did. They were now performing less than an hour's drive from where Wally lived. She'd sent him an email telling him where they'd be staying and letting him know the hours they performed, wondering if he would come to see her. So far there'd been no answer to the email and Wally hadn't bothered to put in an appearance. She was feeling blue when they went down to do the first show. Tonight was their last night here, and they would be traveling two states east to perform next.

She helped Montague make sure their props were all in place, and she straightened his tie, which had become a tradition between them. He gave her bottom a gentle pat, a smile in his dark eyes. "I love you, Megan Marley," he whispered, just as the curtain went up, not giving her a chance to reply. Megan was so focused on the show that she failed to notice the man sitting in the second row, staring at her intently, until their show was nearly over. It gave her a jolt to realize it was Wally, but when she looked at him, he shook his finger back and forth warning her not to let on. She'd noticed the beard, and his unkempt appearance, and suddenly realized he was working undercover. She felt like grinning at the thought of him taking the time out from working a case to come and see her and Montague perform, and she vowed she was going to try and spend a few moments with him somehow. At least it explained why he hadn't answered her email or called her.

Montague was immediately aware that something was going on with Megan. She was dancing about on the stage as if she were gliding on air. She was excited, and the bright smile on her face was wider than normal. Her green eyes were sparkling, and she was definitely looking out into the audience and focusing on one person. Montague followed her gaze and saw a scruffy looking man sitting there, but for the life of him, Montague couldn't imagine what appeal he held for the pretty redhead. He finished the show to applause and a standing ovation and held Megan's hand as they took their final bows. He hurried her off the stage and she whirled and said, "Did you see Wally? He was in the second row and I almost didn't recognize him because of the beard and the clothes he is wearing. He is working undercover... I'm sure of it! But, I'm going to try and see him for just a few minutes."

"You are not, Megan. If he is working undercover as you suspect, it could be dangerous for you to approach him in any way; not only for you, but for him as well."

"But, he is here...? Surely it can't be that dangerous...?" Megan looked up at him, her eyes pleading for a few moments with Wally. It had been several months since she'd seen him, and it meant a lot to her to have him come to a show.

"You don't know that, Megan. Unless he comes to you, leave him alone." The stage manager came to Montague then with a problem and he went with him to see what could be done, leaving Megan on her own. It never occurred to him that she would get into trouble, but he should have known. Megan didn't like to obey, and once he was out of sight, she hurried in the other direction to see if Wally was still in the house. He was. Without giving one thought to what Montague said, she hurried to say hello.

"Hi, you! Why didn't you let me know you were coming?" she said, her smile as big as could be. Anyone who saw them together would know they were related. His hair was the same shade of red as hers and their eyes the same shade of green.

Right now Wally's eyes were full of disbelief. He quickly looked around. "Get away from me, Meggie; I'm undercover, and it's not safe." The words were no sooner out of his mouth than two men came up on either side of Megan, taking her arms in theirs.

"I think you need to come with us, chica. The boss don't like it when one of his boys lies to him, and you've been making eyes with Gino all evening long."

"Don't be a fool, Perez. The girl thought I was someone else. It happens," Wally shrugged, wishing he could shake his baby sister. "Girl, I sure wish I was the man you thought I was, but I'm not... Best you get back to your magician friend before he misses you."

"You think I'm blind, Gino?" Perez demanded, then laughed. "I think we'll bring this chica with us and maybe she'll tell us all about who you really are... At least we'll enjoy asking her the questions, no?"

When they started to move forward with her between them, Megan dug in her heels and refused to budge. "I'm not going anywhere with you three goons," she announced.

"You ain't got no say in the matter."

"Yes I do, and I'm not going. Now release me this instant or I'm going to scream this place down!" Megan picked up her foot and ground the heel of her stiletto into Perez's foot. He yelled, and while he was yelling, Wally took a swing at the other man and pinned him down without much effort. To Megan's surprise, Montague threw himself between her and Perez when he pulled a knife and would have either taken her hostage or injured her. Megan was terrified he would be harmed, but Perez was no match for Montague.

Wally called for backup, and then looked at his sister. "Why in hell did you do that, Meggie? You were raised in a family of cops. I've a good mind to blister your fanny for you!"

"You wouldn't dare!" Megan was instantly angry.

"No, but I sure would!"


Chapter Ten

Montague was furious with Megan and making no attempt to hide the fact, and his concentration was focused on her and that was why he didn't see the fist that was coming at him until it was too late. In the next instant the world went black!

"Wally, what did you do?" Megan wailed, rushing to kneel beside the unconscious Montague. "Montague, are you all right?" she gently tried to wake him. "Oh, Montague, I am so sorry! Wally, do something!" she pleaded with her oldest brother.

"Do something...? I'm going to do something, all right! I'm taking you home to Dad and tell him to lock you in your bedroom! What are you doing with a guy who thinks he has the right to put a hand to you?"

"I love Montague, Wally!" she declared, unaware that Montague had regained consciousness and was listening. "I hope to marry him... Unless he fires me because I have a crazy brother!"

"I am not crazy; there is no way in hell I'm going to let some guy beat on my baby sister!" Wally yelled.

"He wasn't going to beat on me. Spank me, probably. I disobeyed him, Wally," she admitted. "Montague told me not to approach you if I thought you were undercover, and I didn't listen... And look what happened? I almost got you killed!" She started crying. "I'm so sorry, Wally. I was just so excited to see you... It's been so long..."

"That is my fault, Meggie," he said gently. "I've been undercover for two years on this case. I haven't seen much of Dave, either," he confessed. He flashed a grin at his little sister. "I should kiss you for ending this for me, Meggie. Now I can take a real vacation, spend some time with the folks and Dave and you, and pretend I'm a normal human being with a life. Now come here and give me a hug; your boyfriend has been awake for a while now." He grinned, wondering if Megan would lose it all over the magician.

"Oh, Montague, are you all right?" she turned her attention to him to ask with a worried look on her pretty face.

"I am fine, honey," Montague answered. "So, you love me, do you, Meggie?"

"Of course I do. I thought you knew that...? I let you know that weeks ago, at your parents' home, remember?" she shyly asked.

"I wasn't sure that you knew me well enough to be positive of your feelings," he admitted. "You were offering your love, and I thought I was being noble." She nodded. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, honey. I love you, too, and I have since I set eyes on you. Will you do me the honor of marrying me, Megan Jeannine Marley?"

"Oh, Montague! Yes! Yes! YES!" she said, laughing as she embraced him where he sat on the floor.

"You actually want to marry a guy who thinks he can smack you around?" Wally did not approve and it showed.

"Wally, right...?" Montague said quietly, hoping to appease the man before Megan lost her temper.

"Lieutenant Wallace B. Marley," Wally said with dignity as he looked down where the other man still sat on the floor.

Montague stood up, meeting the other man's gaze as he offered his hand, "Preston Hadley Montague the Sixth. Friends and family call me Six. Meggie is the only one who persists in calling me Montague."

Wally reluctantly shook hands. "I won't allow you to put a hand to Megan, Montague," he stated forcefully.

"Wally, you don't understand! It's the way his family is. They aren't abusive; not at all. They consider spanking an act of love. Montague would never hit me in the manner you are thinking. He isn't like that."

"Thank you, Megan, but I can speak for myself," Montague said with a smile for her, and then he turned his attention to her angry brother. "I wouldn't want any one of my sisters married to an abusive jerk, Wally. But, Meggie is right. My family does believe in discipline, and that discipline includes a spanking if and when needed. Megan knows exactly what she did wrong, and why I threatened to spank her, don't you, young lady?" The look he gave her let her know that he was still upset with her actions.

"I disobeyed you, Montague."

"Why in heck did you do that?" he demanded, clearly outraged. "Did you not realize that I had your safety and Wally's safety in mind?"

"I didn't think that it could be that dangerous or Wally wouldn't have come to see me," she whispered, her voice full of guilt. "I feel terrible that I put you in danger, Wally," she implored him to believe her.

"Me...? What about you, Meggie? I wasn't aware those idiots were following me until the last few minutes of your show when I heard Perez's cough behind me; I motioned for you not to notice me and I couldn't believe it when you waltzed right over to say 'hello'!" he scolded. He then grinned. "You did a fine number on him with those shoes," he added proudly. "You weren't half bad yourself, Montague, for a magician."

"I was so frightened when I saw he had a knife, but you were so brave, Montague," Megan told him, snuggling against him. "Thank you for saving me," she added.

"I wouldn't have had to save you if you'd done as you were told," Montague scolded, giving her bottom a meaningful swat. "Wally wouldn't have had his cover blown, either."

"It was already blown," Wally said matter-of-factly. "Those two were sent to follow me, and once I heard them behind me I knew it was over. We have enough to arrest the entire operation, though, and I need to get out of here and get to it. I expect an invitation to the wedding, baby sister," he added gruffly as he hugged her close.

"I'll invite you as long as you promise to get a haircut and shave off that tacky beard," she promised. "Wally, it means more than you'll ever know that you came tonight."

"I should have stayed away, for your own good; but I had to see you, Meggie. This is the longest you've held any job, and I have to admit that I was impressed tonight. You did a great job assisting Montague."

"Thank you!" She smiled happily as he kissed the top of her head.

"You'd better take good care of her, magician." The words were a clear warning, but instead of upsetting Montague, they let him know how much Meggie was loved. Wally left then, barking orders at a couple of the uniforms still hanging around.

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