Read Magical Menages 1: Shifters' Captive Online

Authors: Bonnie Dee

Tags: #mmf

Magical Menages 1: Shifters' Captive (11 page)

BOOK: Magical Menages 1: Shifters' Captive
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“Stop fighting,” she yelled. “This isn’t helping.”

The wolf crawled from beneath Perron’s body and staggered to his feet, whining and shaking his head. One ear was bent and bleeding. The panther backed off, still hissing, before turning to lick his wounded flank.

“We have to work together to get out of here. Stop acting like idiots.” She felt like the idiot, talking to a pair of animals as if they’d understand her. She wondered how much of their intellect was functioning.

Moving closer, she held out a hand toward each beast, palms open. She touched John’s muzzle, the top of Grant’s head, and stroked both soothingly. Soft fur caressed her palms and, once again, an electric charge entered her from contact with the two shifters. Lust, power, strength and awareness flowed through her.

Almost simultaneously, the two beasts began to change to human form. She felt the vibration, the twisting beneath her hands, and pulled away to watch while skin replaced fur and animal features became human once more.

Given their situation, she shouldn’t have had a lustful thought to spare at the sight of their nude bodies, yet her body seemed to have a will of its own. One glimpse of John’s dark-haired chest and groin and his semi-rigid cock made her stomach flutter. He bent his head to examine the clawed flesh on his side, and she longed to kiss his wound better. Grant looked just as sexy with his rumpled blond hair, one hand rubbing a band of tooth marks around his throat. An image of the pair of them locked together, not in combat, but in a sweaty sexual clinch, flashed in her mind. Liquid heat bloomed between her legs.

“Are you two quite finished?” she demanded, using anger to distract her from the mounting urgency of her desire. She threw a pair of jeans at Grant, and he caught them, but didn’t put them on. They dangled from his hand as he stood like a glorious statue and examined their rocky prison.

“Maybe we could boost you up,” John said. “You could find your way back to the Blazer and drive to town for help.”

Sherrie stared at the imposing height. “I think we’re pretty well trapped.” She had a growing sense this was playing out exactly as it must and they’d find it impossible to escape their cage even if she was able to reach the top of the rock. They were trapped here together for a reason. Deep inside, she felt something was about to happen between her and these two men—a union that couldn’t be stopped. It both frightened and excited her, but it was undeniable. Only together could they free themselves and overcome their enemy.

Chapter Six

Grant was near panic, although he’d never let the others know it. He hated being caged with a fiery passion. His palms were slick with sweat, and his breathing was shallow, but damned if he’d have a panic attack in front of Walker. He’d turned his fear into rage and directed it at the wolf. Rolling around on the ground biting and scratching had been better than falling apart. Now he scanned the top of the cliff wall and the morning sky overhead. Somewhere up there was the asshole who was playing with them like marionettes.

“Hey.” Sherrie was suddenly beside him, offering a bottle of water from the knapsack. “You look really pale. Sit down and rest.” She pressed her hand on his shoulder, and the warm contact distracted him from his apprehension. In two seconds flat, he went from near panic at the idea of being trapped to wanting her with a bone-shaking desire. His libido always ran hot, but his instant reaction to this woman was abnormal. More magic like the dream travel.

Grant stared down into her light green eyes then at her plump lower lip that beckoned him to kiss it.

Obeying his instinct, he dipped his head to cover her soft mouth with his. Potent energy passed between them. He closed his eyes and drank it in—until a hard hand thumped his shoulder, pushing him away.

“Hey!” Walker stood between them, fists clenched.

Sherrie grabbed his arm. “It’s all right.” She put her hand on his cheek, drawing his attention to her face, and repeated softly, “It’s all right.”

Rising on her toes, she kissed the wolf, a light peck at first that soon became a deep, searching kiss.

Grant’s already hard cock stiffened even more. He palmed his erection, squeezing lightly as he watched the hungry mashing of lips and tongue. Then he put a hand on Sherrie’s hip, completing the joining, and once again a powerful jolt crackled through all three of them, their energies entwining as well as their bodies.

Grant accepted the sensation with a satisfied grunt, but the wolf broke away, his eyes wide and worried. “Damn!”

“This is supposed to happen, the three of us together.” Sherrie sounded confident, almost serene.

“Can’t you feel it, John? Don’t fear it or fight it.” She took his hand and pulled him back to her, planting another searing kiss on his lips.

Grant agreed. There was something about the proximity of their bodies that built up a crazy, static charge. He wasn’t inexperienced with three or moresomes, but this was something completely different. He moved behind Sherrie, pressed against her and slid one of his hands around her smooth, naked stomach beneath her shirt. His other hand rested on the sharp blade of Walker’s hip. Surprisingly, the wolf didn’t push it away. Maybe he didn’t notice, as caught up as he was in kissing Sherrie.

Grant had no problem playing back up to their lovemaking, at least until the wolf took the stick out of his ass and opened up to the possibilities in a ménage. Then he might seek a more active role. But sharing partners of either sex wasn’t foreign to a panther. He loved the pleasure of several bodies tumbling together, the stroking hands, roaming mouths and whispered demands; the growing sense of union when you no longer knew exactly who was licking or touching you. Rubbing his cock against Sherrie’s denim-covered ass, he lapped her warm nape, tasting salt and dust.

As Walker kissed Sherrie’s mouth, he glanced at Grant over her shoulder with eyes more lust-filled than peeved for once. The magic of their joining was stronger than his ingrained need to claim a mate for himself alone.

Grant slid his hand farther up Sherrie’s belly to cup her breast through her bra. His hand was trapped between their two bodies, Walker’s hard chest against the back, Sherrie’s soft tit filling his palm. Grant continued to nuzzle her neck and the bite mark on her shoulder and waited to see what Walker would do next.

After a few moments, the wolf pulled away from her mouth. He gazed into Sherrie’s eyes and Grant’s, a silent message of agreement to do this thing, then he pulled her jacket off her arms. He reached for the hem of her long-sleeved T-shirt and lifted it. Grant took his hand from her breast to unfasten her bra in back while Walker peeled the shirt over her head. In seconds she was as bare-chested as they, her pink-tipped breasts rising and falling with her unsteady breathing.

Grant slid his arm back around her and cupped one soft mound, rolling the taut point between his finger and thumb. Walker bent his head and took the other nipple in his mouth. Sherrie moaned and thrust her chest. The hungry sound and arching of her body sent a renewed wave of lust through him. His hard-on was starting to be painful as it pressed into the cleft of her ass. Too much denim there. He needed to feel her bare bottom cradling his shaft.

Leaving Walker to tend to her tits, he felt for the button on the fly of her jeans. After loosening it, he unzipped and pulled the jeans and underwear down her legs. He knelt, unlaced her hiking boots and helped her out of them and her jeans.

Grant rose to his feet to gaze at Sherrie’s round and inviting ass, the muscles clenched tight. He held a cheek in each hand and squeezed. Pulling the globes gently apart, he slid his erection into the groove between. Heat surrounded him, the pleasure magnified by the growing energy filling them all.

Their joining was stirring up powerful things in the ether. It made Grant’s hair rise. If he was in cat form, his fur would be snapping with static electricity. But he was temporarily human, and the only thing sparking here was the friction of his cock rubbing against Sherrie’s ass. He’d love nothing more than to shove inside that sweet, tight hole he was gliding over, but the time wasn’t right for that—not yet anyway.

This time, he’d simply hold her and maybe jack off against her backside while Walker filled her pussy and brought her to climax.

Just watching could be greatly pleasurable too.

Having Perron hold Sherrie while he fucked her wasn’t exactly how John had envisioned their next sexual encounter, but he was surprised to find it didn’t upset or annoy him as much as it might have. In fact, he had to admit he was turned on by Grant playing a supporting role and watching.

The aura of power shimmering around them was overwhelming, and John felt if he didn’t get inside her soon, he’d explode. But as eager as he was to be in her, he wanted to make sure Sherrie was as ready as he was. He bent and suckled her breasts, plucking one nipple while he licked and sucked the other. The warm weight of her breast in his hand and filling his mouth sent an aching heaviness through his cock. The need to possess her, to claim her, was irresistible.

Sherrie moaned softly and again pushed her chest toward his mouth. John glanced up to see her heavy-lidded eyes and Grant’s both watching him, which was an amazing turn-on. The panther had pulled her jeans off and, from the movement of his body, he was thrusting against her ass.

John couldn’t restrain himself from nipping. He loved to bite during sex, and his wolf partners loved it too. Even though he was gentler with Sherrie, he still elicited a gasp from her as his teeth dug into her sensitive nipple. Meanwhile, he slid his hand down her belly, touching Perron’s fingers gripping her waist in passing. That light brush sent sparks through him. The foreignness of sharing a mate with another male was shockingly arousing.

John dipped his fingers between the plump folds of her cunt. She was so incredibly wet and, as he thrust them into her entrance, impossibly hot. His cock throbbed, aching to replace his fingers inside her, but first he knelt to lick her pussy and bring her right to the edge of coming. Spreading her labia wide, he delicately flicked his tongue along her seam, tasting her musky juices.

Sherrie thrust her hips, grinding her pussy against his mouth. Her feminine moan was a counterpoint to Perron’s quiet groan, and the mingled sound of their pleasure tightened the bowstring of John’s lust even tauter. His body was one raw, vibrating nerve, and his groan combined with theirs. Feeling the bud of her clit with the tip of his tongue, he lapped over it with steady strokes. He loved her taste and the feeling of her body responding to his touch. Her inner muscles clenched around his fingers, and she thrust her pussy toward him with louder whimpers.

John breathed in her scent as he brought her closer and closer to climax. When he judged she was almost there, he rose and moved in close, guiding his cock to her pussy. Behind Sherrie, Perron lifted her body and rocked his hips against her, rubbing his cock in the groove of her ass. John met his gaze as he pushed inside her, sandwiching her between them.

Sherrie slid her arms around him, pulling him to her and driving her body onto his erection. John lowered his face to her mouth, taking her lips in a possessive kiss as he filled her. He couldn’t ignore the other shifter, but he could show him whose woman Sherrie really was. He pulled out and entered her again, grunting at the strength of his thrust.

The heat of her body against his, the slide of skin against skin and the heavenly wetness of her pussy combined to bring him to the brink of orgasm after only a few thrusts.
, his mind claimed as he filled her again and again.
, Perron’s voice sounded in his head.

John glanced up at him sharply, and Perron grinned as he bent and sucked on the bite mark on Sherrie’s neck.

John growled and thrust harder, laying claim to his mate.

Sherrie felt she was melting between the two hot bodies cradling her. John had worked her to the very edge of coming before pulling away. Now that he’d entered her and was growling near her ear, it took only a few thrusts before she came hard. She clung to his sweaty shoulders and gasped at the force of her climax. She’d never experienced anything like the pleasure of two men making her the center of their attention. Not two men, but two paranormal beings who’d unleashed an incredible power inside her.

Sherrie plunged her hands into John’s shaggy hair and pulled him to her for a deep, sucking kiss. His body bucked against hers, and Grant supported the weight of them both, cradling Sherrie and purring—yes, actually purring. She could feel the vibration against her back.

Shimmering waves of pleasure continued to wash through her while John pounded into her faster and harder, his body slapping against hers. She could tell by his increasing grunts he was close to coming. The primitive sound incited a new rise of excitement in her and…Good Christ, she was going to come again!

As John growled against her shoulder and his hips pumped, a series of firecrackers snapped through her nervous system—pop, pop, pop. She jerked as if she’d been hit by voltage from a defibrillator and her eyes rolled back in her head. Power surged through her and the wolfman in her arms howled as he came.

Sherrie panted as she came down from her high. Her hair clung to her sweating face. Both she and John were drenched in sweat as they melded together. Even as she gathered her fragmented senses and slowed her breathing, Grant let them know he was no longer content to be a bit player.

Reaching around Sherrie’s body, he pushed John off her and turned her to face him. She looked up into the taller man’s face. His golden eyes shone like an animal’s caught in headlights. He lifted Sherrie in his arms as if she weighed nothing and settled her onto his cock. Her pussy was still pulsing from her orgasm and tender from John’s hard ramming. Slippery and soft, it shaped around Grant’s probing girth and enveloped him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on as he bounced her up and down on his shaft. Her bobbing breasts rubbed against his lightly furred chest, tickling her sensitive nipples.

Over Grant’s shoulder, she saw John watching with narrowed eyes. She wasn’t sure if his expression was annoyed or aroused. She smiled at him and reached out a hand, welcoming him to come close. He sidled over, standing beside her and Grant, and slipped his hand around her waist above where Grant clutched her buttocks. Instantly Sherrie felt the connection again, the strange enhancement of her senses that happened whenever the three of them touched simultaneously.

BOOK: Magical Menages 1: Shifters' Captive
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