Magic's Design (32 page)

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Authors: Cat Adams

BOOK: Magic's Design
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Something closed around her breast, pulling a startled cry from her. She would have opened her eyes, but the light flicks against her nipple kept them locked closed.
As amazing as his silk shirt felt against her skin, it was getting in the way now. She wanted his skin against her. When she tugged it down off his shoulders he finished the job, never taking his mouth from where it was suckling her breast. Hot desire awakened inside her, curling and stretching as though rising from a long sleep.
With his arms freed of the cloth, they moved to the button of her jeans. The zipper came down moments later and then the warm moist air joined the sweat that was already clinging to her like a second skin. “My boots are still on. I’ll have to take them off.” She whispered, because she feared breaking the mood.
His hands moved up her bare thighs in a slow line from knees to hips, where the thin lace panties that matched the bra indeed felt very wet.
She took her hands off him long enough to reach back and unfasten her bra. Tal had to move his mouth away as her breasts spilled out of the cloth. His right hand was scant inches away from slipping between her legs but he paused to sweep his heated gaze over her bare body. It had been a long time since someone had looked at her like that—probably since high school, when she was thirty pounds thinner … and ten years younger. “I’ve wanted to do this from the moment I met you, and it makes no sense. I don’t even know you.”
The front of his briefs was tented out so tight it must be painful and the need to straddle him, to feel that thickness plunge inside her, was growing too strong to bear. Her hand reached down to cover it, to stroke and tease the swollen cock. It jumped under her touch and his hand clenched down on her breast so tight that she cried out at the same moment he did. “
doesn’t matter. Nothing matters right now, Tal.” Her voice was hoarse and needy and she struggled with every ounce of will not to wrap her legs around him and ride him to the floor where they stood. “I trust you, and that’s enough.”
His face went serious for a split second and he nodded, apparently unable to speak. Without another word, his hands grabbed her underwear and pulled them down. Then he reached down and picked her up before she could protest.
On the edge of the bath he set her down and began to untie her boots. The still hot water was strong with the scent of oranges as she breathed in. Her body was so swollen and tight that she wanted to scream … wanted some sort of release from the pressure. When she felt the last bit of cloth leave her skin she tried to sit up, reaching for him to pull him into a kiss. But he had a different plan and spread her legs, then lifted them until her knees rested on his shoulders. She was forced backward until her head rested on the wide marble platform surrounding the tub. The sensation of his lips and tongue on her sensitive folds was nearly more than she could bear. She cried out and scrambled for purchase on the slick stone as he spread the skin apart with his fingers and plunged his tongue inside her.
It was hot between her legs now, not merely warm, and she couldn’t decide whether he was using some sort of fire magic, or if it was just her. She dipped her hand into the bath, planning to cup some water and ease the sweat on her brow when a hissing filled her ears. She turned her head to see steam rising from her arm, drying the water the moment it touched her skin.
She would have thought more about it, tried to figure out what was happening, but Tal took that moment to close his lips around her swollen clit and pull it into his mouth sharply.
Too much, too much!
“Oh, God!” She cried out, felt her back arch as a powerful orgasm claimed her. It wasn’t waves of spasms like normal, but one great clenching inside her that felt like it would never end. Felt so good she didn’t
it to end.
She felt his fingers struggle to gain entrance through the tight, slick passage. He let out a growl that carried over into his voice. “Oh, I want some of that.”
He was suddenly on top of her and she felt warm, throbbing pressure between her legs. It panicked her for a moment, finally relieving the intensity of the climax. “I’m not on birth control, Tal.”
He nodded and leaned in to kiss her jaw. “Took care of that. It’s why I was talking privately to Jason earlier. He helped me out with the spare condom in his wallet. I’ve been busy while you’ve been enjoying yourself.”
No wonder Jason had chuckled as he was leaving. While it was slightly embarrassing to her mind, the need that still filled her body didn’t care whether he was sheathed or not. He rose up over her, his face slack with hunger. It took rocking slowly and raising her legs up for a different angle before he could work his way inside her still clenched muscles. “So tight,” he whispered with clenched teeth. “So hot.
His wiggling and pushing added to the desire that still rode her and her breath started to come in small gasps. “Tal, oh God. Ohmygod,

He began to plunge inside her, opening her wide and making her so wet that she could hear every stroke. Her entire body was aflame, the heat so intense it was almost painful. She wrapped her legs around his hips to increase the feeling and he responded by claiming her mouth with his. It was hard to keep her balance on the smooth stone, forcing her to grab onto the faucet to keep from falling into the tub. Tal helped by bracing one hand on the wall as he ate at her mouth. Again she heard a sizzling sound and opened one eye to see that water was indeed drying on Tal’s skin as she watched.
All the buildup had apparently taken him too far, because it wasn’t more than three strokes later that she felt his free hand slide down to tighten on her hip. With a muffled sound that wasn’t quite a word, he slammed inside her one more time and she felt him expand, opening her muscles just a little wider. It set off a chain reaction and another climax seized her, this time the more traditional series of frantic flutters that turned her mind to jelly. Her hips began to move of their own accord, seeking every bit of pleasure they could before she was spent.
She’d barely had a chance to catch her breath when Tal reached his hand between them to grasp the top of the condom and pull himself out. Then, without even taking his weight off her, he wrapped an arm around her right knee and swung her whole body around on the sweat-soaked marble. She dropped into the water with barely a splash, Tal riding her as she dipped below the surface to come up sputtering.
Steam rose with a violent hissing—the sound of forged metal being quenched. It made her look down both of their bodies frantically … searching for flames or charred skin. But Tal didn’t look at all concerned. In fact, he was smiling with a contented look.
“There’s nothing quite like a romp with another mage to get the blood boiling.” He stroked a hand along the curve of her waist. “You may never be a crafter, Mila, but you’re every inch a mage.”
The room was a sauna, and the tub water had dropped by half. “You mean this is

He nodded. “My mother once admitted that I was conceived in a forest fire. Theirs was a secret tryst, when magic was freely available and they were too love-blinded to remember to use precautions.” He dropped down beneath the water and came up again, pushing the water from his hair even as it steamed. “I thought it best that our first time be near a source of water, just in case one or the other of us burst into flame.” He let out a little laugh that was part amused but mostly post-coital possessive. “But don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy the fire we shared, for I’ll
you’re fibbing.”
She couldn’t deny it, because even now her body was tightening, heating—just from his nearness. She couldn’t remember the last time she wanted to have sex again ten minutes after she just had it.
It didn’t take long to wash off from their encounter with the last few inches of water. They emerged from the roiling steam of the bathroom into the hallway, touching each other languidly—without the heat that had driven them earlier. He led her across to what was obviously the guest room. There was no
to the room. It was nice, and tastefully decorated, but no one had claimed it and made it their own like the other two rooms.
Mila didn’t sleep naked. Not ever. She just
And yet she found herself crawling between snowy white sheets without a stitch on, and snuggling up against Tal. She curled around him, trying not to dwell too much on why it felt so …
so comfortable to be this intimate. Because it
intimate, not in the way of sweaty bodies and lustful hunger, but of comradery and comfort after a long day. She promised herself that it would just be a quick nap. But as his arms wrapped around her and she felt herself mold against him as perfectly as if they’d been made that way, she stopped caring about the eggs, and the Trees, and everything else. Soon there was only warm skin, contented breathing, and the taste of candy on her tongue.
don’t understand. Show me. Help me
. Tal’s eyes opened in the darkness as a thrumming of power filled his body. His hands touched something rough and cool. But there was softness underneath, and warmth grew the longer his hands were in contact. It was a comforting sensation, and he reached toward it almost eagerly now. Yes, it was important to hold that warmth, keep it close. He grasped, then tightened his hold but the warmth kept slipping away. It triggered something deep in his mind, a memory that he couldn’t quite place. While by itself, the warmth wasn’t frightening, he felt fear building in him nonetheless. He reached out to where Mila should be beside him, but she wasn’t in bed. The mattress was cool to the touch, the covers neat and smooth.
His eyes opened and he felt himself frown.
But didn’t I already open them?
Yet, now there was enough light to see, when before he’d felt blind. He threw off the covers and stood up, listening carefully at the door for sounds of movement before venturing out naked. Everything was still and quiet save for the chanting of a group of Children outside, far in the distance.
At least a block away
There was no answer. But the lamp on the desk next to the couch was burning and Tal was surprised to see the surface clear. The bottles of dye had been put away, the eggs were gone … and so was she.
Another sensation vibrated his chest and the panic returned. He didn’t know
this had something to do with Mila, but he was sure it did.
What are you up to
Could she have finished the eggs? All the clocks in the house had been removed, so he went back to the bathroom and fumbled through his clothing until he found the watch in his pants pocket. Ten o’clock. Had he really slept that long? But it was plenty of time to have finished her crafting.
Hurriedly he dressed and put on his cloak, his actions fueled by a growing concern. Surely he would have awakened if someone had broken in to abduct her, but wouldn’t she have awakened him if she’d decided to wander out into the city to find more supplies? Unless—
What if she’s gone to try to somehow put the eggs in the Tree by herself?
But why wouldn’t she tell him? They’d barely gotten her away last time. She would need help.
He flew down the stairs, trying desperately to remember the way to the Tree from here, since he wouldn’t be able to open Jason’s gate. Could Mila? Or was she wandering around the city, risking running into unsavory characters—and without magic to aid her?
he mused
, she did manage to hold off those characters earlier rather nicely
. It made him smile slightly as he crunched across the broken glass on his way out the door. The sun shone bright where there were patches of sky, but it was still eerily dark where he stood.
It took a moment to get his bearings. He knew a
direction, though, so he started off. But he hadn’t gone more than a block when he heard his name being called behind him. He skidded to a stop and turned, because even though it wasn’t Mila, he recognized the voices—one male and one female.
“Alexy? Kris?” He raced back to where he’d started and threw his arms around his sister. She laughed and gave him a tight squeeze. He reached out his arm toward Alexy and his friend clasped it firmly, and warmly.
“How did you get out, Alexy? I’d heard they captured you.”
He nodded, face filled with embarrassment and chagrin. “They did. I should have listened to you. The moment I stepped through the gate, I was in chains. I gotta tell you—I prefer the view of the palace from the
of the dungeon bars. Although I did get some information along with my bruises.”
He looked from one to the other, confused. “So how are you here now? Did you escape? Kris, did you—”
She pulled back in annoyed surprise, her slender arms crossing over the official burgundy cloak that marked her a palace guard. She dropped her chin down so far that her auburn hair turned into a curtain that she had to peer through. “I do
break prisoners out of jail, big brother. Alexy’s just lucky that I took copious notes of our earlier conversation. It took a few hours to figure out what happened after I wiped my memory, but once I did, I took the evidence over Sommersby’s head. Combined with King Mumbai’s call to His Highness, it was enough to—”

King Mumbai’s
call? So Dareen got through to him? You know about Vegre?”
She nodded, as did Alexy. “An entire squad is getting ready to capture Vegre as we speak.”
Alexy clapped a hand on his shoulder, nearly knocking him off balance. “Can’t thank you enough for telling Kris what
happened at the prison. You’ve been cleared as well, and the Commander’s been taken into custody. They found magical traces of his signature, as well as Sela’s, in Vegre’s cell, and his explanation was … less than satisfactory. We don’t know exactly how Vegre corrupted him and Sela, but it’s being investigated and Sela will be behind bars too as soon as we find them.”
“But what are you doing
” The sun came from behind a fluffy white cloud in a nearby patch of sky, making it easier to see the others. Alexy definitely looked the worse for wear, despite only being in jail for a day. But Tal wasn’t terribly surprised at the bruises on his face or the rips and spots of blood on his clothing. Plenty of the residents of the dungeon had good reason to seek him out and remind him they weren’t pleased to be there.
Kris looked surprised. “We came to collect you, of course. His Highness was very impressed with your tenacity under pressure. You’re being allowed to join us in the operation, when we capture Vegre and the others. But Blessed Tree, we need to get moving, so collect your gear and let’s go.”
Blessed Tree
. He shook his head and stepped back. “I can’t go. I have to stay here and find Mila.”
Alexy reared back, his mouth open in surprise. “Mila? Sela’s guildercent roommate? What in the name of the Tree would she be doing in Vril?” He glanced at Kris in explanation. “The one I told you about, from the Bakus mage line. Sweet girl, but a bit of an odd granny.”
Tal sighed because he doubted
believe his own explanation. “It’s a long story. But come with me. I might need your help in this.”
Kris looked at Alexy and then at him, and shrugged. “I suppose we could spare a few minutes to help a overworlder get back home. This is no place for anyone other than enforcers to be. Any idea where she might have gone?”
He nodded, smiling. Alexy shouldn’t have any problem opening Jason’s gate, which would speed up the process immensely. “Follow me.”
Kris was still growling about the gate minutes later when they exited a few blocks from Tree Park. “Jason has some explaining to do. I’ll see him stripped of his rank the moment he shows his sorry face.”
“Let it go, Kris.” Tal’s voice was a warning. While he didn’t disagree that Jason deserved some sort of punishment for his activities, now wasn’t the time.
“I will
let it go, Talos. I … what in the world is
” She was staring at the massive Tree, which was now glowing with a bright blue light.
Tal raced forward, not even caring if the others followed. “Mila!”
She was kneeling beneath one of the branches again, her hands deep within the bark. The thrumming in his chest began again, and the sensation nearly dropped him to his knees. He reached the park’s edge just as Mila started to tug her hands backward and it spurred him forward, heart pounding.
“I’ve got you!” Adrenaline raced through his system as he grasped her arms and yanked. Her hands popped free almost immediately and they both tumbled backward down the small incline. She’d apparently cleared a path through the offerings, so they didn’t land in rotten vegetables again.
He wrapped his arms around her frantically, one hand in her hair to pull her close. “You had me worried sick. What in the world were you thinking?”
She pulled slightly out of his grip until his hands were resting on her shoulders. He realized his hands were shaking and his stomach felt queasy. “I didn’t want to wake you. I finished the eggs and I was afraid that if I didn’t get them put in the Tree right away, Dareen would be in trouble during her meeting.”
Alexy and Kris caught up just then, while Kris walked over to the Tree, brows furrowed and Alexy tipped his head in greeting. “Bit strange to see you in this setting, Mila. But glad you’re okay. How’s your luscious friend Candy, then? Her niece better?”
Mila’s face lit up and she rose to her knees. “You’re out of jail! I’m so glad for you, Alexy. Or—” she added with a cautious look, “should I be worried that you’re out of jail?”
“Relieved,” Alexy said, his blue eyes twinkling. “You should be relieved. I was released, and Tal’s been likewise cleared.”
Mila turned from Alexy to look at him, with joy clear on her face. She threw her arms around his neck and let out a little squeal. “Yay! I’m so glad. I could tell that was bothering you.” Tal accepted the hug and held her tight, a little worried that her well wishes meant so much to him, but trying not to think about it too much.
Kris raised an eyebrow at their embrace and then went back to examining the Tree. She poked and prodded where Mila had been attached, and seemed to be examining the bark closely with an odd look on her face.
Mila gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as she moved back and then motioned to the Tree. “I’ve got three of four installed. One more and Dareen will be set for her meeting.”
“Actually, the meeting’s already happened.” He nodded his head toward Alexy. “That’s part of why Alexy was released. King Mumbai called King Kessrick. I don’t know if the Tree had anything to do with it. But how did you manage to install the eggs and get your hands out by yourself?”
“Gloves.” Kris’s voice was odd, and she was staring at Mila with an expression of concern that bordered on fear. “There are
buried in the bark of this Tree.”
Mila nodded and then winked. Speaking to Tal softly, so that neither Alexy nor Kris would hear she said, “I like to think I’m smarter than the average Tree. I did feel a little bad about sneaking in that shop to grab them, but the window was already broken out and they were just lying on the floor. I don’t mind paying for them. Do you use money down here?”
Tal got his feet under him and joined Kris under one of the branches. The wide ribbed cuffs of what were obviously men’s light cotton work gloves were sticking out of the bark as though they’d always been there. No wounds or cuts marred the surface. They were just … embedded, with no apparent harm to the Tree. It made perfect sense and a rush of admiration made him chuckle.
“The Tree grabbed the gloves but because they were so big, your hands slipped right out. Brilliant.” He turned and smiled at her and she preened.
“Yeah, it was, wasn’t it? And like I say, there’s only one left. Well actually,” she amended with a small grimace. “There are really
left. But I haven’t got a clue what the fifth egg should look like, and I couldn’t find instructions in the papers Baba gave me. But here
to be a fifth egg—the life egg, because it mentions there should be one
for each guild and our guild should be represented, wouldn’t you think? I’d imagine that would go in the trunk. But I couldn’t see it, so I wondered if maybe it’s in the roots or some such. Anyway, even if Dareen didn’t need it, I’ve noticed there’s more sky around the park so it’s having
effect. Did you see that when you arrived?”
“Who would do something like this to a
What’s happening to the world? If I weren’t a man of faith, I’d track ’em down and—” He didn’t complete the thought, but Alexy’s voice was shocked and outraged as he touched the bit of glove. Mila opened her mouth to reply, but he stopped her with a warning look and a frantic shake of his head. She looked confused but closed her mouth when she saw Alexy drop to his knees and put his hands reverently on the bark and begin to pray.
“Blessed Tree, maker of all things, forgive those who would violate the sanctity of your home.”
Now Mila looked taken aback, especially when Kris joined him on her knees and whispered similar words with eyes closed. They’d always been devout in their beliefs, and a part of Tal wanted to follow their lead. Mila had used her brain in putting on the gloves, but not her
It was the equivalent to Alexy and Kris as embedding a chunk of metal through a stained-glass window in an overworld church. Even if it didn’t harm the window, it was a violation of the spirit of the place. “Where’s the fourth egg?” he whispered while holding tight to her hand.
She motioned to the fluffy cloth they’d cleaned the dishes with, spread open at the base of the tree a few yards from where the others knelt.

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