Mail Order Bride - Westward Secrets: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 13) (27 page)

BOOK: Mail Order Bride - Westward Secrets: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 13)
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              Mayhem did not like that and nipped at Hamlet.

              “Yes, I am, Joe,” Rick said.

              Though Rick had been gone for a little over two months, Joe still remembered that threatening vibe that Rick put out and, for whatever reason, it seemed stronger.  “No, you’re not.”

              Rick gave him an irritated look as he moved Mayhem forward again.  “Ok.  I say I am; you say I’m not.  How about we make a bet?”

              “A bet?  What kind of bet?”

              “I’ll bet you five hundred dollars that I can get to your place before you,” Rick said.

              “On Mayhem?  He’s no match for Hamlet.”

              “You might be surprised,” Rick said.

              “I doubt it.  You might as well hand over the money now,” Joe said with a laugh.

              Rick smiled back.  “So is it a bet?”

              “Yes, sir, it’s a bet,” Joe said.


              Lightning fast, Rick pulled his gun and shot the ground in between Hamlet’s front and back hooves.  Hamlet spooked and began bucking.  Rick wasted no time in kicking Mayhem into a gallop.  He laughed as he heard Joe swearing a blue streak as he struggled to get Hamlet under control.

              The horse had heart and stamina if not speed and ran for all he was worth.  About two miles from the Dwyer estate, Rick heard hoof beats again.  Looking behind him, he saw Hamlet gaining on them.  Rick pulled his gun again and pointed it at Hamlet.  Joe saw and pulled the horse up and daylight expanded between the two horses.

              Upon reaching the house, Rick leaped off the tiring Mayhem and ran for the front door.  It was locked.  He rang the bell several times.  Randall quickly answered the door with an annoyed expression on his face.  His eyebrows almost reached his hairline as he saw Rick.

              “You’re back then,” Randall said.

              “Yep,” Rick responded as he pushed his way inside and closed the door behind him.  He locked the door and said, “Don’t open that.  Your boss is right behind me and he’s going to be very angry.  He doesn’t want me here.”

              Rick ran out to the sunroom and locked the doors there. 

Randall laughed softly and said, “I shall be conveniently busy and delay opening the door as long as possible.”

“Thanks,” Rick said.  He flashed Randall a grin and ran down the hall. 

He slowed as he turned the corner and walked to the sewing room.  He walked quietly and, as Gina came into his line of sight, his heart beat faster and swelled inside his chest.  She was even more beautiful than he remembered.  He stood for a few moments, just looking at her.  Then he stepped through the doorway, shut the door, and locked it.

Gina was startled and froze upon seeing him.  The breath left her body and her stomach dropped.  Her gaze ran over him from head to toe.  Rick was wearing his battered hat and duster.  She looked into his light brown eyes that glowed with happiness.  They were clear and the haunted look was gone from his face.  He looked healthy, his face slightly ruddy from the cold wind outside.

“Hi, Lovely.  Y’all are just as purty as ever,” he drawled.

His smile made her heart thud against her chest.  She couldn’t speak.  He’d caught her so off guard that she felt paralyzed.  She closed her eyes and told herself that she was imagining things, that he wasn’t really standing before her.

She knew when she heard a chair slide over near her that she was not dreaming him.  He took her hands in his and squeezed them a little.

“Gina, open your eyes, sweetheart.  Please look at me.”

His voice stirred emotions that she’d worked so hard to lock away.  She didn’t want to feel them, didn’t want to go through the pain again.  Rick shook her hands slightly and his touch created havoc within her.

Finally, she opened her eyes and looked directly into his.  Still, she couldn’t speak.  It was as though her vocal cords had given out.

Rick gave her time to get over her shock.  While he waited, his eyes traveled over her, familiarizing himself with the shining dark hair, pretty face with the full lips that were so soft, and her womanly curves that he longed to hold again.  Her deep, dark eyes were luminous with unshed tears.

“Say something. Anything, Gina.  Scream, yell, hit me.  I don’t care.  Just say something,” Rick said.

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

“If you don’t say something I’m going to kiss you. I have missed kissing those soft lips of yours,” he said.

His words had the desired effect on her.  “No!” she said and drew her hands away.

He smiled, not at all perturbed.  “I know it’s a shock to see me after all this time.  I’m so sorry that I hurt you.  There was no other way, though, Gina.  I was becoming more violent and, with the blackouts, I was too dangerous to be around.”

“Yes.  That’s what your letter said.”  Her voice was cool.  She kept a tight rein on her emotions.  She didn’t want to give him any encouragement.

“Right.  Do you understand?”

“Yes.  Completely.”

Rick said, “Do you want to know where I’ve been?”  He didn’t wait for an answer.  “I went back to the house we lived in when I was a kid.  It’s outside of Prince George in British Columbia.  That’s why it took me so long.  It’s quite the journey.  Anyway, I went back there to face it all again.  I had to remember everything so I could get past it.  I needed to remember all of it, not just some.

“It was so painful, so scary, but I did it, Gina.  I’ve never done anything so exhausting.  But I kept pushing and pushing through all of the defenses I’d put up until I reached the heart of the problem.  I remembered everything, Gina.  I saw the most horrible parts of it and let myself experience it all again.  It faded and I realized that I was all right, that nothing bad had happened to me.  Randall was right.  I had to go back so I could move forward.  I owe that man.  I haven’t had to drink but only the one time after that.  I hope it doesn’t come back again, but right now, I don’t need anything.  I’m finally free of it, Gina.”

Gina cleared her throat.  “I’m happy for you, Rick.  I really am.  You certainly look better and I hope it stays away, too.”

Rick said, “Me, too.”  He decided to push ahead.  “Gina, I found your ring, but I’m not accepting that answer.”

Gina stiffened.  “You’ll have to because that’s what I decided.  I was willing to stand by you and you refused to let me do that.  We’re getting back to normal and I am not doing anything to disrupt our lives again, especially for the children’s sake.  You broke our hearts and I’m not going to let you do it again, Rick.  I’m glad that you’re well, but we are through.”

Rick smiled sadly.  “I know and I don’t blame you for feeling that way.  I have been so worried about all of you.  But I needed to do this, not only for myself, but for all of you.  If you give me another chance, I will prove to you every day that I am reliable and trustworthy and I will never leave you again.  I still love all of you more than I can say.  I want to make a life with you and grow old with you.

“I want to walk Chloe down the aisle when she gets married and teach Ryan all kinds of things.  I want to be a father to them, Gina.  I’ll be someone you can all depend on now that my mind is so much clearer.”

Rick got down on both knees and gazed up into her eyes.  “Please, Gina.  I’ll stay here on my knees and beg all night if I have to.  All of my egos will beg right along with me.  I have a new ego named Mostly Sane Man and he’ll beg right along with the others.  The deputy says if you marry all of them, it’s ok with him.”

Gina tried to resist smiling and failed.  “Rick, you say all this now, but what if things get bad for you again?  What then?  I can’t keep putting my children in that kind of situation, putting us through that kind of pain.  How can I trust you again?”

“I swear that I will never do this again, no matter what.  I will never put you or our children through anything like this again.  And to prove it, I plan on putting your name on the deed to our house and I want to adopt Ryan and Chloe, if you and they are agreeable to it.  That way you know that I am bound to all of you.  Very, very, willing bound to you,” Rick said and waited.


Randall finally let Joe in the front door and faced a very angry man.

“Where the hell were you?” he demanded.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I was unavoidably detained, if you must know,” Randall said coolly. 

“Fine.  Where’s Rick?  I’m gonna kill him,” Joe said and started walking towards the parlor.

Randall followed him and said, “Sir, please come sit down.”

“Not now.  I gotta get to him right now before Gina makes the biggest mistake of her life,” Joe said.

“I said, sit down, Joseph!” Randall commanded in a steely tone.

Joe was so astonished by Randall’s behavior, that he obeyed the older man.

“Thank you.  You know that I very rarely interfere in the lives of others unless asked for help.  However, in this case, I have made an exception.  You will not disturb them.  Rick is not the same man who left Dawson.  I saw it and sensed it immediately.  He has faced down his demons, it would appear, and it is up to Gina if she will have him back or not.  You are a good friend to her, sir, but you do not speak for her.  This is a decision that she and she alone must make.  Do you understand?”

Joe looked into Randall’s eyes and saw that the man was deadly serious.  He couldn’t ever remember a time when Randall had spoken to him like this. 

“Sir, I am waiting for a response.”

Joe got a cunning look on his face and said, “I’ll leave them alone if you tell me who your special lady is.”

Randall sighed.  Gina’s happiness meant a great deal to Randall and he knew Joe well enough that the man wouldn’t quit.  “Very well, but if I tell you, you must be happy for Gina if she takes Rick back and not interfere in their relationship.  Do we have a deal?”

Joe thought about it.  “Yes, sir.  We have a deal.”

“This goes no further than you and I.  Promise me.”

“I promise,” Joe said immediately.

“The lady I have been seeing is Beth Parker,” Randall said.

Joe’s brow furrowed.  “You don’t mean the coach driver, do you?”

“The very same, sir,” Randall said with a smile at Joe’s incredulous expression.

“Naw.  Y’all are jokin’.  Aren’t you?” Joe said as he sat up straighter.

Randall said, “No.  I am not joking.  She and I have been seeing each other for quite some time and we wish to keep things as they are.  I am relying on your discretion.  Do not say anything to her about this or I will be in scalding hot water.”

Randall’s dead serious expression convinced Joe.  “How the heck did you get tangled up with her?  I love Beth, but I just can’t see the two of you together.  I mean, you’re so … and she’s so… You know what I mean?”

“Strangely enough, I do,” Randall said with a chuckle.  “Opposites do often attract as the saying goes.  She and I met in Wolfe Point the one day and I invited her to lunch.  And that, my good man, was that.”

Joe began laughing and continued laughing for a couple of minutes.  “I’m so sorry, Randy, but I just can’t believe it.  She’s sort of a wild thing, ain’t she?”

Randall’s eyes suddenly twinkled.  “You have no idea, sir.  No idea.”

Joe let out a snort of laughter and choked.  He coughed a few times and then said, “I’m happy for you, Randy.  You’re a good man and you deserve to be happy.  I promise not to tell anyone.  Well, can I at least tell Lacey?  You know she won’t say anything.”

“Yes.  You may tell Lacey, but that is it.  If I hear it from anyone else, I will resign, sir.  That is how serious I am about this,” Randall warned Joe.

“I swear to you on Mama’s life that I will never tell anyone but Lacey,” Joe said.

“Very well.  Now I have things to do.  I will see you for dinner, sir,” Randall said, rising.

“All right, Randy.”  Joe shook his head once he was alone and said, “I still can’t see it.”


Gina looked down at the man she still loved and who was waiting for an answer.  She was torn more than she had ever been in her life.  Her heart said to forgive him and take him back, but her brain screamed at her to turn him down and protect herself from more misery. 

“You want to put my name on the deed?” she asked.

“Yes.”  Hope began to bloom inside of Rick.  She was asking questions.  This was a good sign.

“And you want to adopt Ryan and Chloe, giving them your last name?”


“And you promise to never, ever leave again?”


“And if something goes wrong again, you’ll let me help you?”


“And you still love me?”

“More than ever.”

“Do you have the ring with you?”


“Will you put it back on me?”


Rick pulled out the ring box and removed the ring from within it.  “Gina, you mean the world to me and I will keep each and every one of the promises I just made to you.  I love you so much.  Will you please marry me?”

BOOK: Mail Order Bride - Westward Secrets: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 13)
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