Mail Order Match Maker (7 page)

Read Mail Order Match Maker Online

Authors: Kirsten Osbourne

BOOK: Mail Order Match Maker
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Harriett nodded.  “My leg wasn’t going to heal correctly without the surgery.  I’m sorry the scars are so ugly.”  She wished she could hide the leg from him forever, but she knew it wouldn’t be possible.

He shook his head.  “I’m sorry you went through that kind of pain.”  He knelt beside her, his lips kissing a trail along the scar on the side of her leg.  “I’m glad they were able to make it so you could walk.”

She couldn’t believe anyone would be willing to kiss her ugly scars and just stared down at him.  “You don’t have to do that.”  She tried to move her leg away from him, embarrassed.

“Your scars are a part of you, so I love them.”  He stood beside the bed and removed his pants.  As soon as she realized what he was doing, she turned her head away modestly so she wouldn’t see him.  Arthur hadn’t wanted her to ever see him there.

He climbed back into bed beside her, his erection pressing against her thigh.  He cupped her breast in his hand, raining kisses down her cheek and across her shoulder.
“I love you, Harriett,” he whispered.

She tried to respond, but choked on the words.  Would he hate her for not being able to say it back?  She did love him, but she was so afraid.  What if he turned into a monster like Arthur had?  Instead of speaking, she pulled his
head down to hers and kissed him with everything she felt for him.  Would he understand what she was trying to tell him?

He rolled between her legs, pushing them apart with his thighs.  “Are you ready for me?” he asked, his voice gruff with passion.

She nodded, her eyes meeting his for the first time since he’d fully undressed them both.  Her eyes were locked with his as he pushed inside her and for a moment she flinched.  It had been a long time since her marriage, and it hurt when he entered her.

He stopped and held still.  “I’m sorry.  I don’t want to hurt you,” he mumbled.
  He rested his forehead against hers, taking gulping breaths while he waited for her to adjust to him.

She shook her head.  “It’s okay.”  Her arms wrapped around him and she lifted her hips to his, inviting him to continue.

He moved slowly in and out of her, obviously worried that he was going to hurt her more.  After a moment, she grew used to his movements and began to move with him.  Her lips were against his ear as she whispered, “This feels good.”  And surprisingly, it did. 

He groaned at her words and began moving faster, his lips crushing down on hers.  Her fingers dug i
nto his shoulders as she held him, feeling something build inside her.  She had never felt this way with Arthur.   With him there had only been pain. 

She moaned and arched up toward him, wondering what was happening to her.  Just when she felt as if she was going to die if something didn’t happen, she felt herself tightening as if something were exploding inside her.  She lifted her hips off the bed and into him and collapsed onto her back, closing her eyes. 

He thrust a few more times and arched into her, letting out a loud groan.  His hands never stopped stroking her cheeks and her hair.   He pressed kisses to her forehead and finally rolled to his side, pulling her against him and holding her tightly.

Harriett lay beside him
her head pillowed on his shoulder, and stared at his chin.  What on earth had happened to her?  How could he have made her feel that way?  Her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep in his arms, content.




They spent the rest of the day alone in the big house.  She fixed him a cold dinner of bread with butter.  She had never been much of a cook, never having needed to learn how.  He didn’t seem to mind as he clung to her hand throughout the meal.

“Thank you for waiting for me,” she told him.

He smiled.  “How could I have married anyone else?  You’re the one meant for me.”  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it as he looked deep into her eyes.


Chapter Four



When Harriett woke the following morning, she was a bit stunned by the things she’d done with Max.  How had he made her make those sounds?  How could she ever face him again?

He woke to find her staring at him from her pillow and reached out a hand to stroke her cheek.  “Good morning, wife.”

She smiled at him, pleased he was making it easy for her to talk to him.  “Good morning.”  She moved across the bed toward him, snuggling into his arms.  She felt so right against hi
m.  As soon as she touched him she remembered she was sleeping without her nightgown.  She’d tried to get up to get it the night before, but he’d stopped her.  She made sure the covers were around her neck, so he wouldn’t see her in the morning light.

His hands stroked along her back and down to her bottom, pulling her against him.  Her eyes widened as she felt him hard and pressing against her stomach.  “Again?” 

His eyes were only half open as he nodded, his mouth dropping to hers.  “I’ve waited so long for you.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, feeling the now-familiar tingling start throughout her body.  Being married to Max wasn’t going to be a hardship at all.




She dressed quietly, leaving Max sleeping in bed.  She was ravenous
, having eaten only a small amount the night before and having gotten a lot more exercise than she was used to.  She blushed as she thought about just what type of exercise it had been.  Max had reached for her time and again during the night, each time his hands and mouth insistent and loving. 

It was strange to her to be married to a man like Max.  Arthur had taken her every Saturday night.  They hadn’t made love.  He’d simply rolled atop her, seen to his needs, and left her to go back to his room and sleep alone. 
She’d dreaded Saturday nights.

Max couldn’t be more different
from her first husband and she was thankful.  Everything about Max made her smile.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she saw Higgins sitting in a chair, obviously waiting for her.  “Good morning, Higgins,” she said, half embarrassed to see the man who was so like a father to her.

Higgins stood looking down at her.  “You’re okay?  He didn’t hurt you?”  Higgins’s eyes searched her face as if he was looking for the bruises he’d seen on it so many times before.

Harriett blushed but shook her head.  “No, he was very gentle.  He’s nothing like Arthur.” 
She met his eyes so he could see she was speaking the truth, knowing he would continue to worry about her.

Higgins nodded.  “I’m happy to hear that.”  He patted her awkwardly on the shoulder, the only way he ever showed affection for her. 




Max stood in his study down the hall from Harriett and Higgins listening to every word.  What was it with the two of them?  He’d thought Higgins was no more than a butler, but watching him with Harriett made him very nervous.  Harriett said he was just like a father to her, but how could that be true when they’d only known one another for ten years?  What had happened
to make them so close?  Harriett didn’t seem the type to become bosom buddies with a servant.  He didn’t know many women who were.

And what did she mean t
hat Max was nothing like Arthur?  Arthur had been her first husband, and Max had always assumed she wasn’t ready to marry because she was still in love with him.  Was that not the case?  Had something bad happened that he didn’t know about?

He watched as Harriett wandered off toward the kitchen to get the breakfast she claimed she was starving for and confronted Higgins in the hallway.  “What happened?”
  Max heard how gruff and threatening his own voice sounded, but he didn’t know how to change it.

Higgins focused his gaze off down the hall over Max’s shoulder.  “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, Mr. Farmer.”  The butler’s back was rigid as he refused to meet Max’s eyes.

“Tell me about her first husband,” Max demanded.

Higgins’s eyes met Max’s for the first time.  “I believe that’s something you should be asking Mrs. Farmer about, not me.” 
Higgins’s face was hard and unmoving.  It was obvious to Max he’d get no information from the man.

Max shook his head, obviously angry at the butler’s refusal to answer his questions.  “I need to know what’s happened between you and my wife.”

“Your wife is my employer, sir.  She is a good woman who inspires loyalty in those who work for her.  If you need to know more than that, I suggest you ask her, not me.”  Higgins turned his back on Max and stalked off down the hall as if angry.

Max clenched his fist at his side.  What right did Higgins have to be angry when Max was the one who was being kept in the dark?
  Did the man not realize he was a servant in his home?




Max had arranged for his partner to manage the lumber mill for the first few days after his wedding.  He’d wanted to be able to show Harriett around Seattle and enjoy their time together.  That first day after the wedding, he took her sailing.  Even with as close as she’d lived to the ocean all her life, she’d never been on a sailboat.  She was enchanted by the waves and the sail’s rigging.  They sailed to one of the islands across the bay and had a picnic lunch there. 

“I never thought I’d be able to leave the East, but it’s beautiful here,” she told him honestly.

“I love the area.  You just have to get used to the rain.”

“Does it rain a lot?”  She realized then she knew very little about her new home.  She hadn’t cared where she was going as long as she was marrying a good man.

He nodded.  “It rains all the time here.”  He reached out and took her sandwich from her, taking a big bite of it.  He’d already finished the two he’d had the cook pack for him.  “I need to keep my energy up for later,” he explained.

She frowned.  “What happens later?” 

He wiggled his brows in a way that left her in no doubt as to what he was thinking.  Sure enough as soon as she’d finished eating and packed up the picnic basket, he took her hand and pulled her toward a copse of trees.  She followed behind him laughing.

They had seen no one since they’d gotten to the island, but she was still wary.  “We can’t do this outside!” she protested as he kissed her.

He laughed.  “Sure we can.  Let me show you how.”  He pulled her down to the ground and onto his lap, kissing her passionately.

“Not here!”  She couldn’t bear the idea of someone seeing them.

He sighed.  “Are you really going to make me wait until we get home?”  He took her hand and pressed it against his erection.  “What about this?”

She pulled her hand away as if she’d been burned.  “As far as I can tell, that’s the state you’re always in.”  She knew it was a cheeky thing to say and watched him to see if he was angry.

He laughed.  “Only when you’re around.”  His lips pressed against her throat. 

She pulled back, shaking her head.  “Can we please wait until we get home?”  She was half-afraid to deny him, but even more worried about being discovered.

He nodded
, a sad look on his face.  “I guess so, but only if you’re willing to go straight to bed when we get home.”

She blushed.  “But what about the servants?”
  How would she ever be able to face Higgins again?

“We’ll tell them I kept you up all night making love to you and you desperately need a nap?”

She shook her head emphatically.  “I don’t think so.”  She did her best to keep her straight face and not giggle at his suggestion.

“We’ll tell them that I’m completely and hopelessly head over heels in love with my wife and can’t stop ravishing her?”

She giggled but shook her head again.

“We’ll tell them that the morning on the water wore us out and we need a nap?”

She smiled, kissing him on the cheek.  “That would work.”  She wished she wasn’t so shy about everyone knowing what they were doing, but she wasn’t sure how she could help it.

He pushed her off his lap and stood up, reaching down to help her to her feet.  “What are we waiting for then?”  He immediately started tugging her toward the sailboat. 

“You’re not in a hurry, are you?” she asked impishly. 

He laughed.  “Not at all.”  He helped her into the boat and climbed in after her.  “Hurry up now.”

She blushed and giggled when he pulled her straight back to their bedroom as soon as they arrived home.  What would the servants think?




One afternoon they spent the day at the park, watching the children play.  She knew her yearning for children was in her eyes as she stared at them swinging on the swings and playing with their balls. 

“You never conceived with your first husband?” he asked.
  He could obviously see the longing in her eyes as she watched the children play.

She looked down at her hands.  “I was five months pregnant when I fell down the stairs.  I lo
st the baby at the same time I hurt my leg.”  She couldn’t explain more than that, because she wasn’t ready to explain about her first marriage yet.

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