Make Me Yours (7 page)

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Authors: Marie Medina

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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Getting him out of bed seemed like far too intimate of a scenario. Why was he in bed so early?

The door flew open, and Susan jumped. David jumped as well and stumbled back. He wore sweat pants and an old t-shirt.

“Sorry,” she said.

“You okay? I heard something out here but wasn’t sure what it was.”

“Just me.”

He gave her a weak smile. “Not going out tonight?”

“No. Dinner tomorrow night. He had a meeting tonight, so he’s probably just heading home.”

David nodded. “Well, good night.”

She didn’t let him close the door. “David?”


“Can we finish our talk? From this afternoon?”

He hesitated, but then he nodded. “Of course we can.” He stood aside as if to invite her in, but then he seemed to change his mind. “Let’s head downstairs.”

They sat on opposite ends of the couch and looked at each other.

David broke the silence. “I like him, Susan. I didn’t mean to imply that I didn’t.”

“I know. I was just wondering about something you said.”


“You said we all get confused. You being protective of me…do you find that confusing?”

He laughed nervously. “What? No. It makes perfect sense I should care about my friend and be a little protective now and then.”

“That’s not what I mean, David.”

He stopped smiling and looked into her eyes. “Then what do you mean?”

She tried to find the right words, thinking about their conversation the week before. “You said that second chances were great things. You were happy I was going to go out with Erik.”

“I was, Susan. I am. I want you to be happy.”

“I know you do. But you also said you couldn’t imagine dating a stranger. I know you were talking about Erik. You said I’d feel safe with him because he was already a friend. It just set me thinking about us, about how maybe
had been thinking about us.”

“Susan, you’re with Erik. I’m sorry if I’ve said or done anything that’s bothered you, but—”

“David, stop talking about Erik! Just be honest with me!”

He crossed his arms over his chest and let out an exasperated breath. “I don’t feel like fighting.” He turned to look away from her.

“We aren’t fighting.”

He turned back. “Okay then, I’ll be honest. I was thinking about it. We’re really great together. I didn’t want to risk our friendship. Erik sends you a text out of the blue, and I got excited for you. You always had a thing for him. He’s someone we trust. He could make you happy.” He took her hand. “That’s what I want. I want you to be happy.”


He let go of her hand. “Then I just started thinking about it. I like the three of us here together. I feel so much happier than I did a few months ago. I thought about you and Erik, thought about you leaving. I got a bit depressed about it. That led to me getting a bit worried. I expressed myself in the wrong way. I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry. I do wish you’d said something earlier.”

“But you don’t feel that way about me. You think I’m good looking and all, but we’re friends. You would’ve said no.”

“Probably. It’s hard to say at this point.”

He hesitated as if considering that, but eventually he nodded. “I know.”

“Thank you for being honest. You’re one of my best friends, and that will never change.”

“I’m glad. I do regret not trying, but don’t worry about me. I can admit I like you more than I should, but I think you’re right about Erik. He probably is in love with you.”

“I really do think so. And I think I could love him.”

“Then that’s what’s important. I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. You were confused. I’m glad we cleared this up.”

He smiled faintly. “I don’t have Erik’s way with women, but I will date again. One day. Not that I ever dated much before.”

“Maybe you’re gay. You should ask Jeremiah out.”

To her delight, he burst out laughing. “Oh god, no. I am not
confused about things. Trust me, I’d have noticed by now if I were gay.”

She giggled. “Just wanted to give you a push so you don’t miss any other opportunities.”

“Let’s work on that. Maybe you could step into the other room or something when there’s a pretty girl in the shop. See how that goes.”

“Okay, baby steps.”

“Yeah, baby steps.” He stood up, but then he pointed his finger at her. “Don’t you dare move out until the store is up and running.”

She placed her hand on her heart. “I promise.”

They said good night, and he headed upstairs. She stretched out on the couch and watched the oscillating fan turn slowly over her head. She sighed with relief. So was Erik in love with her? If he was, would he tell her soon? Or would he wait? What was he going to think about the conversation she’d had with David? She wanted to talk to him right then, but part of her was glad she had time to think about what she needed to tell him.

* * * *

Erik smiled when he heard Susan’s voice on the other end of the phone. “Hello, beautiful.”

“Hi. How was your meeting?”

“Very good. How was your day?”

“A wee bit eventful.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“Good. I need to tell you about it.”

He lay across his bed and folded his pillow under his head. “I’m listening.”

“It’s David. He said something else I didn’t understand, so I finally decided to sit him down so we could talk about it.”

She’d said the news was good, but he wondered if he would agree with her. “And what happened?”

“You were right. After his wife died, he did start to wonder about us. He admitted he’s been lonely and confused.”

“And he admitted he likes you?”

“Yes, but he made it clear he knows we’re together and doesn’t want to interfere with that. He didn’t want to risk our friendship before, and now he doesn’t want to risk my happiness.”

So, was David sincere or was he taking the high road to make himself look good in case things didn’t work out? Erik had no intention of letting that happen, but he didn’t like the idea of David waiting in the wings for something to go wrong.

“If you feel good about this, then I’m fine. You know him better than I do. He’s really fine with you dating, even now that you know how he feels? You don’t think he’s only pretending to be okay with it?”

“Yes, I believe he’ll be fine. He misses his wife, and he’s not very good at dating and relationships. I seemed like a safe alternative.”

Erik started to argue with her, but he wanted to get off the subject of David. “Well, sorry for being macho and jealous. You have to admit I was right though.”

“Yes, I can admit that.” She giggled. “I kind of like you jealous. Just a wee tiny bit. It’s flattering.”

“Well, if that’s the way you feel, I won’t suppress such feelings in the future.”

“Okay. I can live with that. So do you feel better now? About David, I mean?”

“Of course I do. I can’t help wishing I’d been completely wrong, but you seem quite smitten with me so I’m not worried about him stealing you away.” That was true. That didn’t mean he was one hundred percent convinced David wouldn’t try, but he didn’t want to spoil the mood by saying so.

“No, I don’t think anyone will be doing that.”

He thought about waking up with her in his arms the day before. “My bed feels big and empty. I wish you were here.”

“Perhaps that’s good. If you miss me, you won’t take me for granted.”

“I have no intention of ever doing that again. The dismal weather was not the worst thing about Michigan.”

“And what was the worst part?”

“Your absence. Whenever I heard a joke I thought you’d like or read a book I thought you’d enjoy, I wanted to contact you. Honestly, I didn’t trust myself not to try to get close to you again. I wanted to respect your marriage.”

“That was probably the best choice. I did miss you, but as I got older it might’ve confused me.”

“Hopefully I’m not confusing you now. I think I’ve made my intentions clear enough.”

“You have. I had a hard time sleeping last night. Did you?”

“Yes, I did. I kept thinking about you. I wanted to touch you.” He thought about how she tasted, and his cock began to harden. “So…if I might ask…what are you wearing?”

She laughed loudly, but eventually she said, “Blue and white striped pajama bottoms and a black sports bra.”

“And underneath?”

She hesitated, and he wondered if she was checking. He pictured her doing so and had to suppress a groan of desire.

“Black panties.”

“Sounds adorable.” He took a deep breath and ran his hand over his cock. “Can you guess what I’m going to ask next?”

She hesitated again, and when she did answer she definitely sounded aroused. “I have a few ideas.”

He unbuttoned the slit on his boxers and freed his cock. He stroked it several times. “Touch yourself.”

She giggled. “Is that what you’re doing?”


He heard her gasp, and the sound reminded him of how she looked as he entered her. “Please, Susan. I want to hear you come.”

“I can’t be too loud,” she whispered.

“Slide your hand into your panties.”

Her breathing became heavier, and after a few moments she moaned.

“Imagine me touching you. My mouth is on your breasts, but then I move down lower.”

She moaned again. “To where?”

“My lips are on your thigh. Then I move my mouth to your pussy, licking and teasing you until you start to writhe beneath me.”


“But that’s not enough. I flip you onto your stomach and enter you from behind.” His cock jerked in his hand, but he didn’t let himself come. He stopped so he could listen to her. Her breath came in gasps, and her moans nearly drove him over the edge. “I fill you over and over again. Then you shatter beneath me as I bury my cock deep inside you, pounding into the mattress as you tremble and cry out.”

She cried out then, but the sound was soon muffled as if she had buried her face in her pillow. That was enough for him though. He stroked himself as he listened to her soft, satisfied moans and then he came as well. He wiped his hand on the sheets as he caught his breath.

“Mmmm, I enjoyed that,” he said softly. “Maybe we can do this the nights you aren’t here.”

“Maybe,” she said, sounding small and shy.

“You aren’t embarrassed, are you?”

“Oh no. I’ve just never done anything like that before.”

“So I’m a bad influence, am I?”

“Maybe a little. I don’t mind.”

“Good. So was today painting or book cataloging?”

“Painting. We did the bathroom in an olive color we mixed from cream and a dark green. The trim is cream. We have towels to match, and I’m going to go get a soap dispenser and some other things tomorrow. Can you still come Saturday to paint the rest of the store?”

“Yes. I’m looking forward to it. It’ll give your two friends a real chance to check me out.”

“I will, and by the way, David has no idea we’ve discussed
about him, so please keep it that way. He’ll act normal now that he and I have talked.”

I hope so.
“All of your secrets are safe with me.”

“There’s only one. It would make him feel worse. He was confused enough already. He’ll be fine in a few days.”

She sounded like she felt sorry for him, and that was natural. He counted to five before responding. “Of course he will be. Once I’m around all the time he’ll see we’re happy, and then being happy for you will overcome everything else.”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I think.”

Erik bit his tongue. Why had he said that? He didn’t consider that line of thought naïve, but it did seem a bit too optimistic. If he didn’t get off the phone, he’d get himself worked up.

“Well, my dear, I need to clean up here and get myself to bed. I want to look my very best for our date.”

She laughed. “Okay. I’ll let you go. Good night, Erik.”

“Good night, beautiful.”

Erik sighed and put his phone down. “Great. Now I’m a jerk if I so much as imply David’s feeling for her might affect anything he does. He’s the good guy who’s been open and honest and bowed out. Supposedly.”

He got up and put his phone on the nightstand. He washed his hands and then began stripping the sheets. As he tossed the sheets in the hamper, he remembered Susan blushing and laughing one of the times he’d said he wouldn’t give up without a damned good fight. At that time, he hadn’t realized he might actually have to be prepared for one.

Chapter Six


Susan struggled with her purse as she heard a knock at the door. She’d managed, somehow, to close the zipper around the material on the side of her dress, and now she had no idea how to unzip it without both breaking the zipper and ripping her dress. Her purse was halfway closed. She moved the zipper forward and slowly eased it back, but it wouldn’t move past the place it had snagged her dress.

“I’ll get it,” Jeremiah said as he jumped up off the couch.

“What have you done?” David asked. He’d been unloading the dishwasher, but now he moved toward her. “What can I do?”

He held her purse and tugged on it.

“Don’t do that!”

“Well, what?” He pulled on the zipper. “It won’t budge.” He leaned over her, and she put her arm around his shoulder. She looked up as Erik walked toward them with his eyebrows raised.

She flushed a deep red. “I’m stuck.”

“I can see that. May I?”

David moved away. “Sure.”

Erik held the bag and put his hand inside it, feeling the underside of the zipper. He applied some pressure, and within ten seconds she was free.

“How did you do that?” she asked.

“I just forced the teeth to separate.” He held her purse up. “Just need to realign them now.” He ran the zipper back and forth repeatedly. It snagged and jerked a few times, but then it began to glide easily. “Okay, there you go.”

She examined it for herself, and then she looked at her dress. “Is it torn? I can’t really see.”

David moved forward, but Erik stepped between them and touched the material. “It’s fine. Just a wrinkle.” He smoothed the dress material and came very close to caressing the curve of her breast. “No harm done.”

Susan looked at David briefly, but his expression was blank. “Then we can get going?”

“Where are you two off to?” David asked as he began stacking plates on the counter again.

“It’s a surprise,” Erik said before grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the door. “And we don’t want to be late. Don’t wait up.”

As he rushed her out the door, she said a hurried good night to David and Jeremiah.

“You did that on purpose,” she whispered as his arm went around her.

“Got your purse stuck to your dress? How could I have done such a thing?”

“You purposely rushed me out of there. And touched me the way you did.” She hit him playfully and added, “You naughty man.”

“Maybe I went insane with jealousy when I saw you in David’s arms.”

“I don’t think that qualifies as being in his arms.”

He opened the car door for her. “Really?”

“Really. It’s a bit of a stretch.”

He closed her door and walked around to the driver’s side. After he put his seatbelt on, he said, “That’s a shame. I was going to punish you for making me jealous.”

“And what was that going to entail?”

He leaned over and stroked her cheek. Kissing her softly, he said, “I planned on spending a good portion of the night making sure you know you’re mine.”

“How would you do that?”

“It would involve tying you to something very sturdy.”

“Well, that’s too bad then. I might have enjoyed that. Maybe next—”

He stopped her with a long, passionate kiss.

“I just wanted you all to myself. Forty-eight hours is far too long to be without you.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

He kissed her one more time. “We better get going before I get carried away. We don’t want to be late.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Really? Come on.”

“It is. I didn’t just make that up.” He patted her knee as they moved onto the main road. “Be patient.”

She knew she could be patient for dinner, but she wasn’t sure she would make it through dinner now that she was imagining him tying her up.

* * * *

Susan and Erik twirled around the hotel’s dance floor slowly, and she sighed with contentment. Dinner had been wonderful, the music was perfect, and Erik was an amazing dancer. She wasn’t clumsy, but neither was she light on her feet. He’d adjusted to this quickly, and now they floated around the floor as if they’d been dancing together for years.

“You look like you enjoyed your surprise.”

“It’s lovely, Erik.” She looked up at the mural of ornate flowers on the ceiling again. “The restoration is beautiful.”

“This is exactly how it looked in the 1890s. I think they did a fine job.”

The music stopped, and they returned to their table. “Are you ready to go up?”

She smiled. “Erik. I thought you were joking! This place is too expensive. We should go back to your place.”

“I don’t have to be in until noon. Do you have any plans?”

“Well, no, but—”

“But nothing. Come on.” He pulled her to her feet and whisked her to the elevator.

“I don’t get a say in this?”

He shook his head firmly. “No, this is part of your surprise.”

The room turned out to be equally breathtaking. The entire room was done in cream and gold, and every surface was plush and luxurious. She sat down on the loveseat across from the bed. “Erik, it’s gorgeous.”

He sat beside her and took both of her hands. “I’m glad you like it.” He paused and rubbed her hands. “I want tonight to be special.”

If he proposes, I’m going to scream. I’ll most likely be screaming “yes!” but it will still be a scream.

“I want to tell you something. I want to be honest.”

Often when men said they wanted to be honest, something horrible followed. Luke had said exactly that the night he told her he was gay. “Okay.”

“Susan, if I act jealous or possessive, I want you to know that I have my reasons. That certainly doesn’t make it right, or even excuse it, but I hope you can be patient with me.”

She nodded.

“I promised myself I wouldn’t do this so soon, but it feels right to me.”

She nodded again, as she had no idea what else to do.

“Susan, I’m in love with you. It is far, far too soon to tell you, but I don’t care. I’ve been promising myself every five minutes for the past week not to tell you, but I can’t do it. I’m tired of being scared and hesitant. I know you don’t feel the same way, but I hope one day you will. I was in love with you years ago, and I never thought I’d get a second chance with you. I want all my cards on the table. I want you to know exactly what you mean to me. I was going to wait, but after making love with you the other night, I knew it was right. I knew you suspected it.”

“I did.” She reached one of her hands up to touch his face, and she saw that her arm trembled. She touched his cheek, and he held her hand there, kissing the palm. “I could see it in your eyes.”

“I’m not surprised. Becoming one with you was beautiful. I’ve never felt that way before. It was like making love for the first time. Every past memory just faded and fell away.”

She put her arms around his neck and pulled him close. He kissed her with a hunger she hadn’t expected, and she melted in his arms. The kiss consumed her and set her heart racing. He reclined on the loveseat and pulled her on top of him. His erection pressed against her stomach, and she rubbed against him, enjoying the deep groan he gave in response. She ran her fingers into his hair while he massaged her ass. He pulled her skirt up and began teasing her by gently running his fingers over her thighs but never quite touching her pussy. She sat up and straddled him. Rubbing his cock through his pants, she smiled when he arched beneath her and became even harder. She moved down onto the floor and unzipped his pants. She tugged them down just enough to free his cock and then stroked him.

“You never let me finish doing this the other night,” she whispered.

He groaned again. “You’ll have to forgive me. I was far too impatient to have all of you.”

She took his cock into her mouth and slowly ran her tongue up and down the length of it. He pushed her hair out of her face and held it back. She turned her eyes upward to meet his gaze.

“Watching you is very erotic. I might let you finish this time,” he managed to say in a very husky voice.

She massaged his balls with one hand and moved her mouth up and down him in a steady rhythm. His right hand tightened in her hair, and she sucked harder. She took him to the back of her throat, and he said her name over and over again. He began to guide her, and she soon found the rhythm he liked, her tongue stroking the underside of his cock firmly as she sucked. Then he tried to move her away, but she stayed firmly latched on to him as he came. She slowed her pace and then gently pulled away, swallowing and wiping the sides of her mouth.

He drew her to him as he caught his breath. “You didn’t have to do that,” he said. He slid two fingers over her cheek.

“But I wanted to. I like having such a profound effect on you.”

“Oh, you have no idea the kind of effect you have on me.” He kissed her gently. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be taking your breath away here. You’re stealing my thunder, beautiful.”

“You are taking my breath away.” She kissed him back. “More and more every day.”

He kicked his shoes off and shed his pants and boxers. His jacket and shirt soon joined them on the floor before he grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head. He smoothed her hair and smiled. “I hope you’ll forgive my haste. What you just did to me was very inspiring.”

“I’m glad.”

He stood up and pulled her off her knees. Climbing onto the bed, he pulled her into his arms. They kissed for several long, luxurious minutes before he began running his hands up and down her body. He didn’t take her bra and panties off yet, and he definitely seemed to appreciate them.

“Something new?” he whispered as he ran his fingers over the waistband.

“Mmm hmmm.” She’d bought the cream-colored lace set on her way home Sunday. The panties and strapless bra were made entirely of lace and completely see through.

“You look perfect.” He ran his fingers over her thighs, and she giggled. “Ticklish, I see. You’re in trouble, my dear.”

His fingers traced circles over her stomach, and then his lips replaced them. His touch was so gentle, but it was driving her mad. Sucking his cock and making him come had gotten her wet and ready. She wanted him inside her, yet she was enjoying his sensual attention. Her conflicting desires created a delicious tension low in her belly. He ran one hand over her thigh again before placing his thumb directly over her clit. She gasped as he began rubbing it.

He kissed her lips, and she tried to deepen the kiss but he pulled back. His mouth settled in the hollow between her breasts. His hot lips made her arch, and when he grazed his teeth over the soft mounds she couldn’t take anymore. She undid the clasp of her bra and pulled it away. His mouth immediately locked on to one of her nipples, and she cried out in pleasure. He placed his entire hand over her pussy and massaged it, making her cry out again. She knew he could feel how wet she was. He moaned as he raked his fingers down her thigh. He kissed her long and hard as he pushed her panties down. She helped him get them off and then clung to him as his fingers began a fevered exploration. He pushed two fingers deep inside her and made her throb with need. His insistent probing brought her close.

“I need you, Erik.”

He quickly slid on a condom and moved back on top of her. He held her face between his hands as he entered her, staring deep into her eyes. His gaze never wavered as he stroked in and out of her. His lips hovered an inch above hers, and she struggled to breathe every time he filled her.

“Erik,” she whispered as she approached climax.

He gripped her fiercely. “Come for me, my love.”

His command was gentle and demanding at the same time, and she moaned as her orgasm began. The ripples of pleasure built slowly and then hit her like a jolt of electricity. His long, slow strokes into her turned into quick, almost frenzied thrusts deep inside her. She clenched and convulsed around his thick, hard cock, and the joy of her release overwhelmed her. All she could do was hold to him as every hot, hard inch of his cock pushed her higher and higher into bliss. She was so sensitive inside that his every movement sent another burst of pleasure over her body. Her pussy ached with the intensity of her release, and the sensation intoxicated her. Her breasts felt full and heavy, tingling as they rubbed against him. She grabbed him by his hair and pulled him into a hot kiss. He continued to thrust, and then she felt him tense and find release. He pulled out but refused to release her mouth. He ran his hands up and down her back, and then moved to roughly caress her breasts and stomach. He placed his hand over her pussy again and rubbed hard, sending one last wave of pleasure over her body.

She gasped for breath when he released her. “How did you ever get rid of any woman once you’d done that to her?”

She’d been joking, trying to make him laugh and to flatter him as well, but he looked down at her very seriously.

“Technique’s one thing, my dear. Love is another. I’ve never had such an intense desire to give any woman pleasure before.”

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