Making Babies With Mr White (BWWM Interracial Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Making Babies With Mr White (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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Okay this is getting really annoying,” Stacy said. “Is this some kind of inside joke I don’t get?” Natasha shook her head.

No, sweetie. What we have here is a case of Mona falling in love,” Natasha said. Mona stared daggers at her.

I most certainly am not!” Mona said.

Watch it, Pinocchio, your nose is getting a bit long there,” Rita said. Mona felt her whole face flush.

Wow, I thought it was a friend with benefits kind of thing,” Stacy said as she turned around to look at Mona.

Trust me, us too,” Rita said. “So, Mo, when did this happen?” she asked. Mona shrugged.

First off, you all need to chill with the stare contest. Man, if looks could kill,” Mona said tugging at the sides of her sweater as if the room had suddenly become cold.

If looks could kill, you’d be the skeleton in my closet,” Rita said, making Natasha and Stacy laugh.

Not funny,” Mona said wagging a warning finger at them. “Anyway, I don’t want to count my chickens or anything but there could be something real with Leo,” she added, blushing.

Awww, our hard hearted Mona is finally falling in love,” Natasha cooed. Mona threw a cushion at her.

We’re happy for you,” Rita said with a smile. “I haven’t known Leo for long but from the little I have come to know him I can say that he is a pretty decent man,” she said as she stretched her arms out. Natasha smiled and looked at her phone vibrating on the table. She giggled and typed frantically before putting it back down. “Really? You guys just spent an entire month together,” Rita said.

How do you know it’s Mitch I’m talking to?” Natasha asked.

Tasha, no one else can make you giggle the way he does,” Stacy said. Mona and Rita nodded as Mona gave Stacy a fist bump.

Word,” Mona said. Natasha rolled her eyes.

Well, we’re still newlyweds, so screw you!” she said.

Is the bathroom still in the same place or is that one of the rooms he knocked out to make room for your fuck pad?” Rita asked standing up. Natasha laughed.

Down the hall to the right,” she said as Rita walked off. “So, Mona, are you in town for long?” Mona shook her head.

Just for the week. I just had to take care of a few legal formalities for Leo. Comes with the new job and all,” Mona said.

Oh yeah, how’s that working out for you?” Stacy asked with a smile.

Couldn’t be better! This is the first job I have had that has a good medical plan. It even covers Dash!” Mona said excitedly, making Natasha laugh. “Beats working at a drive-thru any day,” she added.

Really happy for you, honey,” Natasha said with a smile. She was glad that things were working out so well for Mona. She was the one person who had gone through hell and could still stand up holding her head high. Natasha had always looked up to her for as long as she could remember for being so strong willed. Mona had stayed strong through a messy divorce, when her ex cleaned her out and when he bailed out on child support despite the fact that Mona had spent all of her savings to get him started on his business. Natasha always thought that if she had been in Mona’s shoes, she would have probably taken her own life by now or something else equally ridiculous. She looked up to see Rita walking back. There was a really concerned look on her face.

Tasha, is there something you want to tell me?” Rita asked as she sat down. Natasha looked at her in surprise.

Like what?” Natasha asked still looking at Rita.

OK, this family has way too many secrets,” Stacy said under her breath as she looked up at the newly unfolding drama.

Should you even be having that?” Rita asked, pointing at the glass of wine in Natasha’s hand. Natasha looked down at the drink and shrugged.

The wine?” Natasha asked, looking confused. “Why shouldn’t I be having wine? It’s not like I’m pregnant or anything,” she said before putting the glass on the floor beside her. Rita walked up to her and looked into her eyes.

Are you sure?” Rita asked. Mona and Stacy’s gazes were now shifting from Rita to Natasha questioningly.

I think I would know if I was pregnant,” Natasha said.

So the nursery is just for show?” Rita asked, looking at her. Natasha raised her eyebrow at her friend.

Say what? What nursery? What the heck are you talking about?” she asked looking confused. 

The one down the hall to the right? Guess you are yet to get used to your new house too,” Rita said as she held out her hand. “Come on,” she said taking Natasha’s hand. Stacy and Mona followed soon after even though they were not really part of the mini invite. As Natasha walked towards the said nursery, she felt a tightness in her throat. “Right here,” Rita said as she opened the door. Natasha gasped as she laid eyes on a full on nursery. She should have taken the damn tour last night when they got home. She looked around at the beautiful room, unsure of what she should feel. Happy, sad, or confused?

You didn’t know about this?” Stacy asked as she walked towards the crib. Natasha shook her head.

I was yet to take the tour of the whole house. We just got home last night,” Natasha said.

But this is good, right? You always wanted a little one of your own,” Mona said as she draped an arm around Natasha’s shoulders.

Yeah, this is what you always said you wanted. To be the mother your mother never was,” Rita said as she looked around.

Why are you even shocked? Wasn’t this your job?” Mona asked. Rita shook her head.

No, this was the one room I was not allowed to touch. I actually never went in. He must have wanted to be sure I wouldn’t blabber anything out to you,” Rita said.

Well, I am surprised. That’s for sure,” Natasha said. Stacy walked up to her and gave her a hug.

This is good. I’m so happy for you,” Stacy said with a smile.

Hey, I’m not pregnant yet. Don’t pop the champagne,” Natasha said, laughing. Though she was smiling, she was still trying hard to wrap her head around the whole idea of being a mom. Not that she didn’t want to become a mom. She just always thought she would have more time after being married. But maybe this was a good thing.

Well, been there done that and I can tell you, there is no greater feeling than knowing you are going to bring something beautiful to this world,” Mona said. Natasha smiled.

I have a feeling I will love the experience,” she said as they headed out of the room.

I have a feeling you will be a great mom,” Rita said with a smile. Natasha smiled and nodded. Somewhere inside of her, she knew Rita was right.

Chapter 2

When Mitchell got home later that evening, he was not sure whether Natasha was in or not. There was a deafening silence in the house and except for the lights in the porch, the house was completely dark. Mitchell thought that was a bit odd. Natasha would have called if she was heading out. He looked at his wrist watch. It was a quarter to ten. He steadied the pizza box in his hands and unlocked the door.

“Tasha, honey! Are you here?” he called from the door. Immediately after he said this, he felt a bit stupid. Of course she wasn’t home. There were telltale signs of her not being in the house, after all. This thought was maybe the reason he almost jumped out of his skin when he heard her voice call out from the living room.

“In here,” Tasha said. Mitchell flicked on the lights in the foyer before making his way to the living room. He walked towards the couch and placed the pizza box on the table before he sat down next to Natasha. He knew her well enough to tell that something was wrong. There was a warm fire crackling in the fireplace.

“Are you okay?” he asked, placing a hand on her knee. She nodded without looking at him. “Then why in God’s name are you sitting here in the dark?” he asked as he tucked a strand of her curly hair behind her ear. “Did I already do something wrong, so soon after our honeymoon?” he asked jokingly. Natasha turned around and the look on her face wiped the smile right off his own.

“Why didn’t you tell me about the nursery, Mitch?” she asked looking at him. “Why did you have to wait for me to find that out?” she asked again. He looked at her, defeated and disappointed.

“I was going to tell you. I was going to show you last night but we were tired and jetlagged,” he paused and looked into her eyes. “And if I remember correctly, at some point you couldn’t keep your hands off me,” he added with a smile. Natasha pulled away from him angrily.

“Oh, so now it’s my fault?” she asked, looking at him. He shook his head and took her hands in his.

“No, never,” he said looking at her. He did not understand why she was getting so worked up. “Tasha, I want kids and I want them with you,” he said. She looked at him and shrugged.

“I want kids too, but don’t you think it’s a bit too soon?” she asked. Mitchell pulled her close.

“Baby, I never said I want them tomorrow,” he said smiling. He wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss on the top of her head. “I am just saying that I am ready any time you are,” he added as he slowly ran a hand up and down her upper arm. She closed her eyes as she leaned on his chest. Mitchell had come from what he liked to call a loveless family. His parents were always too concerned with their careers to pay any attention to him. To make it worse, they shipped him off to boarding school in Europe to avoid feeling so guilty about missing so much of their son’s life. Life for Natasha had been a little different. Even though her mother walked out on them, she had all the love she ever needed from her dad and grandmother. Mitchell was never so lucky; after all, that’s what happens when your surname carries a billion bucks.

“Do you think we’re ready?” she asked. “Because people with kids say that being a parent is the most fulfilling sensation you could ever have. Even those who were not ready to have kids,” she added. He smiled and nodded.

“I’m sure it is,” he said.

“But Mitchell…” her words were quickly cut short as he brought his head down and claimed her lips in one long kiss. She looked up at him when he pulled away and smiled.

“I had the house remodeled for us, for our family. I told you once that I want to be the father to your kids,” he said. “What better way to start our lives together than like this?” he asked. She looked at him, speechless. She knew that he was right but she had no idea how she was supposed to react. She had always thought that this would be her choice, hers alone. But maybe he was right. Maybe it was about time she accepted that she was no longer in this world alone. That she could no longer make life changing decisions on her own. She looked at him and sighed.

“You could have told me this any time in the Caribbean,” she said sadly. Mitchell looked into her eyes and could have sworn there were tears threatening to flow down those flawless cheeks. He ran a finger along the side of her face.

“I wanted to,” he said softly. “But if this feels rushed then we can wait. I will wait for as long as you want me to,” Mitchell said with a smile. She leaned on his chest again and sighed.

“But what about work? What happens to my career?” she asked. Mitchell frowned.

“What do kids have to do with your career?” he asked.

“I always said that I don’t want to be one of those parents who leave their kids with nannies. That’s how my mother…that woman who bore me did. And that’s why she never had any second thoughts leaving me alone in the house with no one…” Mitchell gently squeezed her shoulders, cutting her off.

“You are not your mother,” he said in a whisper. “You will
be your mother,” he said again.

“I want to be a stay at home mom,” she suddenly said. Mitchell pulled away from her and looked down at her, surprised.

“Are you sure? Because I know that more than anything you love your career,” he said looking at her. She nodded.

“Some things are more important than work. My babies for instance…”

babies,” he interjected. She smiled at him.

“Our babies are more important than my career,” she said with a smile. “But I have to take you up on your offer, now,” she added, as a more serious look played on her face. Mitchell’s eyes lit up.

“Are you sure?” Mitchell asked with a smile. She smiled back at him and nodded. One year after working at Nolan Schmidt Communications Solutions, Mitchell had proposed that he would like to grant her a 20 percent share of the company. Natasha had brought in more business in twelve months than more people do in ten years. Her performance appraisal was glowing, especially since she was the only one who had managed to bring in $14 million in revenue in the first year alone. The NSCS board valued Natasha as an employee more than she thought she was worth. She turned the offer down the first time because she thought it would give the wrong impression of her involvement with the boss.

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